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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1920, p. 1

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/leshertxrn %imme* Vol 41, No. 23 Flestierton. Ont, November '^V> 19'20 FEVERSHAM Las', Week's Terns Tho'weacbei' U fair and culd with not enoujfh snow fur sleighin)/ yet. &lrs A Stewirt of Fltsherton cpcnt $ with her p>ienlfi, Mr and Mrs Ira Perigo herii. Mta J A Kernuhan ia visiting wili\ her d\ught<;r, Mrs Jam s Legatt, at Gibralter. Mr and Mrs liarold Oiborne spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lea PojIc, on the 10th line. Mrs W R ColqueUe »nd Ijibi? huve returned tmheir home in Port McNicoli, after spending two weeks wi'.h friendo here aud in Tuionto. Miss Francid Alexander visited lust week with friends ia Flesherton and Dundalk . Ruby and Blanche Henderirn have returned home ifter ao extended visit with their uccle in Meaford. mad fco report that Mi^s Lena Moore is reco%'ering from a severe aitack if appendicitis. Miss Annie Weldrick hda taken a position iu Mr Ei Robm&uu's store. Mr Samuel Hawton has purchased i firm on tho Sixth Line of Nottawasaga having sold his farm here to Mr Howard Short. Mr S Udell has been repairint; the house on the farm on the 10i.h~ Lino he lately purci^^sHed from John Earle. Mr Henry Osborne had a very suocess- ful sale on Monday last. Uer.ry has hid to quit farming on account of ill healili, hi having been passed in France in the war. Our teacher?. Miss .lolly and Mr Mortis have started the practice for the Aui.uul School Concert on Dtc 22. Keep thit date open. DUNDALK -Game is plentiful out aioutid Swiiiton Park. Recautly Wilfred Black ami Howard Watson each got a fox. George Haw captured some nice coon, one hav- ing a he«!thy growth cf iiuill tooth picks. Mr. A W Rowe returned on Saturday from Kuoxville, Teunesee, whore he visited for a month with his daughter, IVrs U W Dynes, in her new home. Mr Dynes is on the staff of the State Uni- versity in the Agricultural College at Knoiville, a position which he assumed early in the Fall. Thos McLeod met with a nasty acci- dent at his farm just west of the village on Monday while grooniii»g a horse. Toiu, in a crouchimj position, los' his balance an 1 fell in the stall. This fricibtened ; lie animal aud it trampled on him. A broken nose and some other severe bruises were the result. He feels he got off lucky even at that.â€" Hirald. .Mbert agi^ lou of R. J Ball. M P., of HanoveJ^fias sued Constable Uesmish of Hanover for S50OO damages for a severe kicking in the lower exiremitits, which he claims the cttio« gave hlui during a scutHn THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Good Paint cannot be made to a price if the makers wi.-ih to remain in business any lengi.h if lime. A good article is always worth a fair price and the man who buys the beat without being exiravagaiit ii the utan who practices the right kind of economy. Sherwin Williams Paints may cost more than some other paints on the market, but you in»y rest assured that ycu get your money's worth every time you buy, as every can ia guaranteed Pare White Lead and Oil and will cover more surface than other paints. Ask us about your paint proposi- tions. A Patnt or Varnish fi>r eveiy purpose â€" ioaide or cutside. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario VAJSTDELEUR List Week's Itema Mr and Mrs McNally of Traver- stoii visited over the weekend wi?h Mr and Mrs John Warlii,g. M. John ShiMir.on of Vancouver h's returned home after a couple of months' visit with friends here. Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan and Mrs Ji'S Buchanan visited with friends at Curbetton recently. Mr nnd Mis Lundy Johnston, Miss Julia ai.d Mr Frank Davis yad Mr Will Ratcl.rte spent a few d;iys with frii-nds at Paisley. .Mrs Sid Gilbert and two children of Colpuys Bay are vi«itinj' with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs John Warling. Mr J I Gram-im is ill at present with an abscess on his face. Mr Reid of Aberdeen, Scotland, is hired with Mr Will Hutchinsjn foe the wintei. y -ite a number of the nei^h'oors and friend.s gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs r R Boland on Tuesday evening, N..vember 2ud, aed paesented Mr Will Ralciitfj with a large number of house- hold ariie'es. The evening was spent in music, games, etc. The i>ovember Meeting of ihe Van- deleur Far,Tier's Club, which was held in the hall on Mono'ay eveuini;, November 1st. was very largely attonded and enthusiastic throughout. Messrs Geo M Leeson, M. L. A., U. F. O. member for South Grey ; T H Binnie, County Direc, tor ; Mr Cooper, Agricultural Represen- titivo fur Grey, and John Shannon of Vuicouver wero present and delivered addresses. Mr Lec^Mii explained many of I he bills p.issed at the last session of the Legislature and also stated Ihe Gover-.iiucnt's position on the Hydro i|Uestion Mr Binnie dealt largely with the tariff Mr Hairy Shaw also addrefs eil the meeting. A large number of laditB were present and served an cxc llent lunch at the cb se of the speaking. A st^ecial meeting of the Fanner's Olub was h-ild on Monday evening, Nov. 8th, when the following officers weie elected : Pres., C B Boland ; Vice Pres , Elmer Warliug : Sec Trers , Wilford Graham ; Directors, Ed Biker, E Bn.die, J J McGee, Alf Dunlop, W A Weber and H I Graham ; Auditors, W S'launnn and S H Bui.haU'Hi ; Meuib-r of Shipping Association, \V A Weber ; Delegates to Prnvinciiil Convention in Toronto, Alfred L^uulop aud Wilfitd Graham. This Week's lt:-:uj. Mrs. Ed Baker is visiting friends in Kimberley Mr. S. U. Buchvnan spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mrs. Smith of Marxdale was the >:uest of Mr and Mrs George Warling for a few days. Tlij Sund.ny school have decided to hold au anniversary Iho week before Chris' mas The Epw.iith League met at the home of Mrs Uichardson last Sunday evening. The W. I. held an open meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jos. Buchanan last evening A sp'endid program of readinL:.'< lUid music was rendered, also an address by Rev. C. A. Belfry. Lunch was served. A large number of gentlemen were present and the meeting was enjoyed by all. Rod and Gun T.> the hunter or fisherman lookiug for new places to hunt and lish, Rod auJ Gun in Canada for December will prove Invaluable. In a splendidly illustrated a-iiole, W L Edmonds, the well ^koown writer, graphically picture* the wild life of the DominioD, including tke North West Turritoties. ^Bonnycaatle Dale ttkes his readers with him on a gicse shooting trip after the big Csnadas. !â-  a reminiscent style Judge Kraleck "de- I sciil>«s the good old days in an interest- . ing s'.ory ot the Wayside Inn. The dog I that IS growing in favor every day is the ; Airedale terrier and in addition to the aplendid cover painting by F V Wilhams he has » slory entitled ' Pluck " tliat will appeal to everyone. The various depar'iuent.', Guns and Aiuujunitiou ; Fishing ; Conservation ; TtAp L ne acd Ki-niK*! arc up to their u^uil high st»nd» a d. Rod and Oun in Canada m C*ir\\.'.m is published m.>nthlj by W. J. X»jJor, L inited, Woodstock, Oot. EUGENIA L^rt Week's Items Miss Ellis, Mi«s Lily Campbell, Ur Cardwell Graham and Mr Harry Foester were visitors to the Queen City during the past week. Mr T Berry of ihe Power House and Mr P 51unshaw, who are on their annual hunting trip, report fairly aoid luck so fir. Player Meeting was held at the hoaie of 51r Thus MoKee on Wednesday of last week and the service held in the Methodist CLurcb Sunday morning on account of the furnace being overhauled aud not in running order as yet. A number from here aiteuaed the funeral of the Ute Robt McKee in Fiesherlon on Sunday last. Mr<n Ruchanau if Flesheit.u spent the week end with his friend, Mr Gerald Large. Mr and Mrs Wellington Graham visit- •d friends at Duncan for a few days kst week. Mrs McMoUen is visiting ht-r daught- ers at Kimberley at present We are glad to report Miss Kate Janiieson on the nirnd after an operation on her throat, which was performed Usi week by Drs Guy of Maxwell and Burt of Owen Sound. Miss CLira Latimer of O'ven Sound is visitii.g the parental home. Mrs (Rev) Cau.pbel! of Maple has bem renewing old aciiu.iiutances la and arou.jd Eugenia the p** t week. Mrs Hillock of Maxwell has been visit- ing with her faiher, Mr Jamieson, fttr a few days. Mrs R Hoy receivid word 'asc week of the death t~i her brother, Mr S Sirr, at Morris. Minn. Mrs V\ I'son has been visitica her sons, John and Gordon, at Kimberley. 8th IJne, Osprey Last Week's Items The weather has been rather di.sagree- able this last Couple <f weeks. We hope the weather mm will .-joon favor us with somethine better. Wo are glad to see Johnnie C>jb(rue h'lme from the hos-pi^al. We all hope to sec him out again soon. We are glad to report that Mr John McDonald, who was recently kicked ly a horse, is able t > be out .again. A few of the friends ind rtlaiives gathered at the home of Mr aud Mrs John Parsons one evening list week t... celebrate tiieir «tdding anniversary. After a 6uiiipiuou5 dinner the evening was spent in music and games. Bornâ€" (.)ii Wednesday, October 2il, to Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Alagee, adauuh er. Miss M Alcheson c^jent iho wotk end with Miss Marjory Parks at Eugeni-*. We are sorry to report that Mrs Sam Hawkins, who has been very ill, is no better. Miss Annie Gallon ay !-[^eDt a few lUys the tirst of the week with Miss Vaiy Julian, Fevershaui. Mrs W Heslip returned to her home on Weduetdiy afier spending a few weeks with her daughter, M s Wilfied Magee . Earl Browti, a lad in Ids leen--, son of Mr. James Brovn, of the ou'iuibs, met with an accident last TrairsJay while assisting to take up the tracks at the sink hole works, ly wliich he had his left leg broken below the knee. Mark- dale Standard. : MAIL CONTRACT SEALKU TENOKlto! aildresKil to the Postiii.aster Geuaral wilt Iw r««eivei at Ottawa until noon on Fridar, the lOth of lVoeBib»r, 1930, fur the coD\-«y«nce of Hi* Maj«>ty'8 Mails, on a pro|Hi>ieH.i Contract for four y«<kts, six time« per week on the niu»e j Kl'GKNlX K. K. Xo. 1, viaVevershatu 1 from the 1st of .\pril, Ul'Jl, nex*. Printe»l notices containing further mfonua- tioaaa ti> conditioni I'f protnuwil ci^ntract may be seen and blauk forms of T«niler ni.vv b« obtaineil at the Pom t^ftie*** of Kuj^oit, Fevauiham and at the oftice of th« l'i'«t,t.>(Bc» ln»|)««tor, Toronto. A. ?H'THERLANr>. I'l'St 0(t;«e Ins|.HCti>r Poet Oiice Inspector's C>tBcf, ' I ronto, 0<?tolWi8tb, WW. PRICE VILLE The recent fall of soft snow has brought out sleighs and cutters on the roads in preference to wheels, but lomj autos are still runnini;. A number of fields of turnips are still under a few inches of i^now, and a Urge' number of farmers are dtill iva titg pati- ently the Cluing if ihi threshing machine. Mrs H R McLean, a mile north of the village, who underwent an operation a few weeks ago, is said to be improving nicely. At the end of last week the scalf >!ding .Around the steeple of the Presbyterian church wa-s 'oeiog taken down. Lightning ro^s have beeu placed on .-tceple and roof of church as a piotiction. The t^;tal cft of repairs will likely reach near 8CU0. Aichie McLean his sjld his village house .and lot on Coll injwocd si reef to Wm Fraok, lately of the 19th cm. of Proton Mrs Steele, who has been rvsiairii; m Chic'.gi for some time, died suddeoly | there Ian week IJer iem*ius wtre brought back to the viliagu List Saturday evening uud interment took place in the village cemetery on Monday aiiernoon- where hsr husband was buiieil some time ago. DeceiLsed was a drtUi;h'er -'f the late Donald McLean, commoaiy knonu as 'â-  Carpenter.' The old homestead is known as the "Highland Hills." The Sunday scanol anuiyfcr.sary iri the Presbyterian cliurch will he held ou the 22ad of December next. FINE JEWELERYBatesB-orialCo. Come in and see oar fine iarge i^teek of Jewelry, WarcLes, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave eecu tLtmjuii will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A fail line n Fjiciographic scpplies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanteins, all sizes of kodacks and Slims. BC.-JlNE.SS ^S USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Fhoxne Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMEEMT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President Manager PORT LAW Last Week 8 Items Mrs (Rev.) Campbell of Toronto vi>it- er wiih her uuineroui fr enls here recently. Mr M Cocrou ef the Toronto Police Force, wiih his wife and son, returned to their home afer visiting re'.itives in this psit. Mr J VV Hutchinson, Reev â-  .if Thotu- bury, made a business tniJ i.^re, and Cilled on your scribe. Mr and Mrs Robert Tiylor of Toronto motored up aud visited wiih the forniei'S mother at " The Maples. ' There is still considerable thr shing to do iu this part yet. Our teacher. Miss Xesbir, [.ul on a very unique haiiowe'en eutertainu.ent m tbe school hou-^e lately The piigram conaisted if luirih-provoking choiuses by the pupils' and numen us coLtests in which the audience participated. Pump- kin pie and other tasty eatables wereii fitting tinale to an ei joyable evein.i;. The death of Mr Utbert JicKee, which took place recently in Collii>i;wood has cast a over this coiniiiiinity where dece.ited spent many year.- . f his life and where he waj held ii' high estfcui by a wide circle of relativ. .s and friends. Althousth not residing I ere for some years he retained his membership in the (McKe^'s) Fourth Line t'>raoge Lodge. The sympathy ot this ci iiimuni- ty goes out to the bereaved relitivis. Notice to Creditors III the matter of the Estate o? Hu'„'h Mcb'aydeo, Kte of the Village of VN allowa in the State i>f Ori-gon, one rf Ihe United Sta'es of America, Farm.'r, de- ceased . Notice is lieiebv yiven that nil p.TSi'iis haviiiK any ilaims or demands aujiisi the Isto tliitlh McKayden, who died on or abootthe ITtii l.iy of November .\. D., 1!HV2, at 'he NilUge of Wallowa in the StHte of Oregon one of the Unite 1 Stutes of .'\merica, are reiioired to send by reuisteivd po--t prepaid or deliver to the nndeisianed Solicitor herein for Neil MoFayden, .Xdmiuist ator of Iho said Estate, their names and addressew and full particulars in writing under oath ..f their claims, and statements of their accounts and the natuio of the securities, if any, heid by them. And take notice that after the 20th day of November, 192tt, the said Neil McFaydenwill utoceed lo disiribme the assets of the said deco*«cd among ihe j^>er»ons entitled thereto, having reeud only to the claims of which he shall theu hav(> nonce, and thit tho said Neil MeFnydeii will not bo liable for the f.<id assets or any part thereof to any persons of whose claim he shall not then havo received notice. Dated at New Liskeard this 2!<th day ' of tV-tober A. D. 19?0. M. F. PVrviAVlLLE. I'nioL. Bank Building, New L'bkearJ, Ont. Solicitor* (or the said Neil McFayden. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES v i l- t l Yorkshires. Tamwonhs W. A. ARMSTRONG "'"""l""'' '" "'' For Breeding rurposes Jeweler, ^^^^^ ^^ write-GEO. W. KOS FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system MaxwenP. O. Potatoes and Oats We are now en the market to buy your Potatoes and Oc.'cs. Please give us a phone call as we expect to be loading a car of Potatoes on October 14th and 15th. Flour and Feed FEEDâ€" Oats, Oat and Barley Chop,, Wheat, Barley and Ontario Bran. FLOUR â€" Perfection and Snow Flake Pastry Bring your produce to the store of quality and take home Groceries that satisfy. Special attention given to phone onlers. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys, Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest^prices. Give us a call and seejjfor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produ ce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton 57y> ^'^>::j^%^;3 y;^^Sg^s^^^ n.T:^^ ENTER ANY DAY r> (>iTen Sound, Oat, Individuil Instructii-n. SiafiF of '. Specialists. .â- Vddintr. Biwk keeping Machine*, Calculatora, D c^sphones. etc. (^nly School with a practical dapartmtnt. ' Oiaduales assisted to ;<«sitioiis. Catal- ' , o^ne Ftce. |C .A. FLE.VlING, F. C, A.. FmiciiJa , 0. D. FLKMING, Secr^U^ry. MeutioDlhis p.iper whon'writini;)i> #^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sat-isfao^o LACNDUY â€" Basket closes Mond&y nijfht, deUvery Finlay ev CLK.VNINO and m'ElNt^- "V^'e ar kgeuts for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes cleancil aud dyed, feathers re;u7enat«d T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR

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