^kBl\txim %hnm(e. Rlesherton. Ont., Noveixiber l<3 1920 CEYLON Lust Week's Items Mr Knox of Swintun P»rk has been ecured iis teacher for ths Bchool on stouu'd Lino Ml placj of Miss MoKitnion, rlio hiis been forced to^resien owing to 11 hea'.th. Miss W.Ul.icB md Miss E. Wellwood of Jundalk visited Miaa EUu Wluitaker ast weels. Mrs P G Oolllnson and two children, rancis and Mari^arer, are visiting Owen iuund friends this week. Mr PattoQ and son of Duudidk are usy plasterinc; the church. Mr Robertson of Toronta spent the eiikend at Mr R Gibson's and was ccoinpanied home un Monday by Miss lober'.Bon, who has spent several weeks siting Mrs Gibson. Constable R Cook was at Dandalk on acurday. Mr and Mis Rjbc Vause and two hildren spent the past week with friends t Toronto and other points. Miss Myrtle Hemphill has returned to .'oroiito. Thi3 Week's Items Mr John Cummins ii holidaying at )shawa. Mr aud Mrs .1 Gfbson and Mr ifuhn Hu'r attended the funernl of Mrs Gib- on's falher iit Caledon last week. Mrs Joe Olivet is visitino with her elatives in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Dunn cf AlgonK were itsitors at Mr J Meila's last Week. Mr and Mrs E Embury and Mr C ^.evick (if Toronto visittd at R Ci'oU's asl wucK. Mrs F G Oollinscn and two children, vho have been visiiinn wlbh Oweu Suuiid frieiida, returned home on Monday sveiiinj;. Mr Stiinley White is epeudjng a' fow days in Toronto. The young men of thie vio!uity hove formed a club for auiusemoBt for the winter moinhs. PRICEVILLE List Week's Items AUh'iugh the weatiicr wm rather damp laiit week, yet largo ([uaniities of lurnips were harvested. John Pi'-rsou iiud son of Ej;remont had a nice monument of E;^yptian granite erecled in their plot in I ho new c»mel ery last week liy the Shelburno (jranite Worhs. George Patterson of fete 5th Line, Glenclg, and Alex Carson -ef the 3rd Con., Artemosia, each had a nine monu- nietit of stanstead granite placed in their ccpectivo plots in the new cemetery ii faw days aj{o by tliu Shelbucno Granite Works. -Sacramental Services were heJd in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning. The repairs to the steeploon the Pres* k^teriaii Church is nearing 'Completion. ;Lockie McArthur, E ist of iho village, has:tiuiBhad bis frill plowin<{.ua;a.l75 acre faun. Miss Edna Ferguson is ia Bhelburne this n«£k. L. MflTaggart has esliblished a fox ranch ou a lot at the rear of lM<i resi- dence. Some.uhuufl'eur ! Murray ean Dun.on two wheels and givj the other two a re«t. part of tfe« time, especially around the corners. HJurlle Hop will likely be the next feat. FEVERSHAM Last Week's Items Mrs John Hudson, sr., lias returned from the West whoiO ah« has been visit- ing her daughter, Mrs Geo Ilawliin, and other frii nds. Messrs Eru Biownridge .iiid David MeMullen have returned froni the West after two mouths' harves'ing and thrash- ing in that cnuutiy. They report only moderate crops where tliey wero and very bglu crops In some places. Mr R DCo'ciuelte cf Winnipeg visited hia parents here while reluming from u business trip in the Maratime Provinces. Emerson Osliorno le borau from Sask., where he spent the summei with his brcther. Mr Will Ney and sister, Vuia, and Mr and Mrs ^Will CoUiuette and babe of Put McNichol visited recenily with friends here. Mrs Jas Peloh and niece, Mias Edith Otlewell, of C'lllingwood, visited with Mrs Geo E'lis here. Mr Geo Sayers had the misfortune to gat. one of his ribs broken and will be ulf work for a lime. Mr Wm Hindle is slowly recovering from the effects of a fall from a scuH'old while ho was working in IS Gilln way's barn. He had several ribs brok\;U and other injuries. Robert McKee Dead Ml Rob.'rt James McKee, youngest son of the latn .John McKee, Flesherlop, died at the hoiue of his sister, Mrs. Jaremiah Thompson, Collingwood, on Tliursday, 11th inst , at, the age of 02 years. Mr. McKee, who had not been robust for some years, suffered a .stroke list n inter from which he only partially rnllied. His hrst wife was Miss Martha Thompson, who died twenty one years ago. About 8 years ago ho married Mrs Amy ; Hill Thompson, who died four years later, leaving a hitle daughter. Hazel. He leaves" f</ur sisters : Mrs Rehill and Mrd Hichard Pedlar, Winni- peg; Mrs Madill, Sault Sle Marie; and Mrs J Thompson, Collingwood ; also two brothers, Patrick, of Nottawa and John of Port; Arthur. Interment cook place in Floshurtoii coir>etery on Sabbath last, service being conducted in tho Presliy. terian oliurch, of which deceased had been a life long member, by tho p.istor. Rev. b. G. Fowler. Service at the grave was conducted by tho 4th Lino Oianue Lodge, of which Mr. McKoo had been a member since early mtubood. In Metnoriam III liiving iiienioy of Mrs. D. W. Jami'isoii, who passed aw.iy Nov. ITlll, 1!I15. Wh watched her sutl' r day l.y day. It caused us bitter grief To see her slowly .pine away. And could not tiive lelief. But some sweet day we'll meat again Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each other's hand oiicu iiioie In Heaven, that ."-.appy lifii. â€" The Family Notice toCreditors Eugenia Pttesbyterian W.MJS. The Annual Tkankofferion Mentiof; of the the W. M.S. of the Presbyterian Church, Eugenia, v&a held on October ^lat. A good attendance of mombera of the society, wiik fri«ndri of Fleshertoa Auxiliary and athent were present Readings by Mrs. Kdgar Bettg, Misa Ellis and Miss Mary McKee, a soln V->y Mrs. Fowler and an address by Uov. persons entitled thereto having regaid , ;»».,„.(;..„ ..^j only to the claims of which he shall then Fowler constituted an iaterestiuK and iristruelire missionary proxram. A Thankoffuring for the day aiuountinK to $22.00 WM received. Scriptural readings were conducted by tho President and devotional exorcises by Rev, Fowler, after which lunch was served. The society gra'^efully ackoowledtte the in- terest and »w(«t»iice of their yi«.itii>g friends. In tho matter of the Estate of Hugh McFayderi. late of the Village of VVallowa in tho State of Origoii, oiio of the United Stales of Aiiierioa, Farm- r, de- ceased . Notice is hciebv given that all peisnna having any claims or demands against the Intfl Hugh McFayden, who died on or ahoiir. tho 17tli lay of November A. !>., 1902, at the Village of Wallowa in tho State of Oregon one of the ITiiitW Sr.Htos of America, are recjuired to send by registered post prepaid or deliver to tlio undersigned Solicitor herein for Neil McFayden, Administrator of the said Estate, their names and adiresses and full particulars in writing under natli of their ol«im.-<, and statements of Iheir accounts Mid the nature of the securitiea, if any, held by tKein. And lake notice that after the 20th day of November, 1020, tho said Neil McFayden will jjroceed to distribute the assets. >f the said deceased .imong the only have had notice, and that tho said Neil McFayden will not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any persona of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Now Liskeard this 28th day of October A. D. 1920 M. F. PL'MAVILLE. I'uiou Bank Building, New Liskeard, Ont . Solicilors for tho tnid Neil McFayden. EAST MOUNTAIN Last Week's Items The bleak November days have come. The eaddest of tho year, With chilling raiii" anrt weeping windu, With naked woods and :neiidows bro-m and sere . Mr John McKee n,id daughtei of Port Arthur are on a short vuvic with the former's neice, Mrs Alex Ciirnithers. We learn that MiKs Annie Hall and Miss Winelta MoMullen have had their tonsils removed. Dr Butt of Owen Sound, assisted by Dr McKee of Heath- coto perfoimed the optrations. Both patients are doing well. ED. O'BRIEN DEAD '• Tho yonrg may die ilio old must " was truly said when auiitlu T of our old citinens in the peraou of Sir Ed O'Brien was called to the Groat Beyond on Monday morning, October 2Dth. Mr O' Brien was 82 years of age and lived wiih his broMier, Will, on the 14lh or Euphrasia tot many yea's. About a month ago ha became prttty feeble and was removed to tlio liome c^f his .sister, Mrs Wm Humberstone, who patiently and kindly attended him until the lact. Tho funeral took place im Wednesday morning tj the Glenolg Roman Catholic cemetery, where Father McGoey ctin- duc ed the funeral ceremony. Tho pall bearers were : Messrs J Bolaiid J and G Warling, R Mt.^tullen, Thompson -\llen and John We'ner. Friend after friend departs â€" Who hath not lost a friend ? There is no union hero of lieaits That (indd not, hero an end. We extend iiur sympathy to the be- reaved ones. Mrs Geo Allen has i,ono tj Toronto for treatment. Mrs Allen has been ill for some tinio. DUNDALK Messrs. Oliver and Ilufsell in the girage business have dissolved partner- ship. Mr. W.J. Russell pure '-ised the iaterestj of his partner and wii. enniinuo injbusiucss. ( John Moore passed away on Monday at his home near Kiverview at the age of 62 yeais. At ft meeting of Dunda'k Cooucil on Monday evening Percy Neithercut was eiiatiged to till the position of coi.s table and utility man to succeed Chas. Abbot, who lesigued. I 1 SBpti-nilier The Herald leoeivud roaes grown in tho garden of D. t'aiiip- bell. Thtfii in October W. J. Symingtiin's girden provided some roses for iho editor's desk. November garden ruses were left in the olliou oy Mrs. T'uMnas U.iU the other day. Mrs. Hall tells us that she piuk»d in her garden roiuntlya (juart of raspberries, also soiuo blari; caps and a few strawberries. Geo. Stocks, implement agfiti. has purchased from S D (>'Connor tho ute of tho former McDowell it Uuss;ll liud- waro store on Proton Street and nl-'t the adj.dning building formerly a barber shop and dwelling above. W« uiider- .stand Mr. S ock.i will Iniild on the vacant property. Tlios Robinson of the Gi.ivel Road puichased tiio residence of A. C. McDonell.â€" Herald. In Memoriam Pariiaiiifnt â€" In fon«l and lovio'' mem- ory of »ur dear smi an! brother, I'le-. l{ . Stanley Parltumenr, 1)1)3278, 24'h Balial. ion, who was kit cd in action on Is 'Ve«i- b r «th. 1017. MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TKNDKliW a<l>lr««M(l i„ the PoatiiiaBter Oenoral will be r»««iT« I at Ottawa until noon on FW<Ibt, the KItli of De«eml)nr, 1920, for tke conYnyance of His Maje-oty's Mails, on * propoied Contract for fcrtJT yearn, six limes per week on tho route KUGKNIV K. R. No. 1, via Feversliam from the 1st of April, ltt21, next., Piinted notioes containing fmtlier hiforiin- tion an to sonditions of prnposed contract may bo seen anil blank forms of Tender inny be o'otaineil at the I'oM Oftircs »( Ktigeiii-. Fev«i»ham .and at the office of tha Post.Office lni>l>«ctor, Toronto. A. SPTHKRL.^Nl). Post Ortlao In9|)tctor Post OUce Inopoctor't Office, T)ron»o, Octolwr l!Hth, li(2<J. FINE JEWELERVBatesBurialCo. BCSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come ill ami seo our tine largo stock , Lmbaimers of Jewelry. Watches, Clocks, etc, phoHC HillCteSt 268 and wlieu yoti Imve Been tliem jon , will be sure to buy. Watch re- j 124 AvenUC Road, pairing a specialty. . ,,,,,. ^ Torcmto, Ont. A full lino :i F.';olographic supplies' Includiub' developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all'j_ ^^ Bates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kotJacks and liiins. I o -j .. n/f President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ONT Yorkshires, Tamworths I Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. BOS OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O. Potatoes and Oats We are now 0:1 the market to buy your Potatoes and Oa s. Please give us a phone call as we expect to be loading a car of Potatoes on October ! 4th and 1 5th. Flour and Feed FEED â€" Oats, Oat and Barley Chop,, Wheat, Barley and Ontario Bran. FLOUR â€" Perfection and Snow Flake Pastry Bring your produce to the store of quality and take home Groceries that satisfy. Special attention given to phone order.s. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys, Mitts- and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest_prices. Give us a call and see|for yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ^^'-SKKSSga ENTKR .\NY DAY Owen Sound, Ont. Individutl Instmc'icin, Siiiff of Spccinlitits. .^dJing, Bonk keeping Michini'(>, CalculRtntK, D ic^aplinnos, etc Only School with n practical dopartinoiit. Giaduftlcs assisted to peaitiotiH. Catal- u)(ue Kiee. C A FLEMING, F.IC A., Piincipa 0. D. FLEMING, Seoro'ary. MentiuD this p»por wheu'writinij) FleaJhtep-ton #^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Givo Btitlro SiUiNfaot^ I LAUN.DRYâ€" Basket cIosbh Monday night, delivery Fnaity ov CLEANING and DYEING- Wear i Hgonts for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clulbw i cleaned and dyotU feathers ro^iiveriHtacI T FISHeR - -PROPRIETOB