-â- ^. /lesti^rt0n %ii^mu. Vel 41, N«. 20 Flesherton, Ont., CctOber 2B 1920 i \ Car Stolen, Thief Caught A rathar remarkable evicience of the •fficiency of oar provincial constabulary occurred last <veek. A Ford car belong- iag to Mr.D. Muir, Ceylon, was stoUa at Priceville on the evening of Wednesday last duriug the pro^rega of the big concer' beid in the Presbyterian church there. When 'be owner came out ut the conceit his car was missing and there was noth- I ins( to show where it had gone. The chief uf poliea at Taronto was imnadiately communicated with sad a description of the car giren. Next moro- ing 4 Prieeville lady said she saw a man take the cat and described his dress. The 0. P. R. train staff said they h,»d pat a man answerio; the description off the train a few Miles west of PriceTiUs that aftarnooo. Cards ware printed and sent broadcasi giving an excellent de- scription of the stolen car. Thurad'ty afternoon, about twenty h«ura after the theft, a madsa^a came over the wire etatiof; that ear and chief had been captured at Millbrook, 15 miles north of Poit Hops, and about 186 miles distant ftom Priceville. The tank wad full o^ gasoline whea it was «t«len, which gave the thief a loag rua before he had to replenish the supply. At Millhrook ha tried to dispose of the car, alio of an overcoat . Arousing sus- picions, the eoBstable there arrested the young man, whnse name la Harry Turner and wired Toronto police department, which iuitructed biin to hold Turner and a man would be afcar the car. Constable Cook and CUreace Uuir went ciown to Millbrook. Turner was remanded to Cobouu^ jail, where he now is. Turner denied having stolen (he car and said he had never been up here, lie i» unaware thafi a Priceville lady saw him take the car and can describe hia clothes. Ue claimed to have bought the car id Toron- to for 1250. Turner's mother is a widow and ^oes out wa^biUK for a livini;. Her â- on had hsen away from home fur a eoaple of years and she had noc heard frow him until he sailed home with the stelen car. Mr. Clarence Mair returned home with the cat this week. Getting in Touch With the Best Edward Everett Hale umd to counsel young people to cmverae every day with sums one older, better and wiser th<iu themselves. We cannot all do that, but we can do the next best Chin([ : we can get in t'>uch with them through the printed page and enjuy the fiuits of their wisdom and experietice. Probably no publioatioa contains ao much from the writings of men and woraeo distinguished in nsauy ways aa The Youth's Compauiun. A constant reading of the paper is a liberal education of mind and heart. The Compaoi'iu nan n? a^e limit. Profesnienal men, busineaa men au i busy woman prise it as highly »s the yaung folks. The o3 issues of I91I will be crowded with serial stories, short aturies, euituri- alt, poetry, facta an?( fan, Sabacriba now and receive â€" 1 Ttia Tauth's Cempanion â€" 02 issues far 1921, S All the remaining issues of 1920. 3 The Ceaipanion Home Calendar for 19i(l. All the above far 12.50. 4 McCall'a Magazine for 1921. The nsenthly authority on fashions, 9L5U a year. Both publications enly $3 50. THK YOUTH'S COMPANION, Coiauonwaklth Ave. A St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New aubicriptiona received at this office. Chased By Wildcat Tha alarm which is being felt by real- dents in certain seatioas of Brant Town ahip ovar the appaarauce of a huge wild- cat aavaral times < uriax tha summer, was somewhat increased when it became kn*wn that John Wang'.er, of Jnhoston's Oorner, wm foraad to make a desperate ran for hia life as a result of an aacoualer y with tha animal while ha was fetching '' tha cows from a pastura 6eld aarly on Thursday morning. Tha only thing that saved Mr. Wansler from being torn to pieoes was tha fact that he was on bcrse- baak. The animal chased the horse and man rigbttto the barnyatd and seraral tines during the chase tried to grab hold of Waoirler to p'jll him otf the horaa. Mr. Wangler's dog was killed a few nights ago by the wildcat and also several doi(s in the neighborhood during the summer - Port KIgin Times. PRICEVILLE Too Lata Last Week A large amounC of potatoes were hstvastad during tha fine ^warm weather of last weak. A few cars of potatoes were shipped from thia atatioii the end of last weak. Tha public acbaol was clsaed un Thursday and Friday of last week while the teachers mat in convention at Barrie. G. A. WatsoD & Sons have bean making axkamivs repairs ta the milldam while tha water of tha Saugean was low and ara now again buay chopping. Several families ara 'aking advantage sf the fiaa weather for moving thair furnitura. J. G. Beaton! moved to Durham. Mrs Win Wstioa and son, W. G, move to tha briek hauae they pur- obaa<d frosi Beaton, and thia weak Farquhar McKinooo and fan^ily naova to the aaug, coBveniaafe house they par- ohasad fram tha Wataona. At Haraaa McLean's new residence lathing (aad plastering is in progress inside, while tfaingle stain and paiat is being liberally applied on outside weed work, makiLg a fiaa appearance od the sornai of Darham and Princess streets- Misa Margaret Tryon spent the Thanksgiviag beliday with her fatber> George Tryon. Mrs H. Falkingham and Don McL.aan, Durham, ara spsndinij a few days with their laother, Mri S. McLean. M. Swaatz, Mrs Ecclss and family, Fordwich, inotured up Sunday to spend Thanksgiving with their siater, Mrs R. J. McCarten, ai the parsonage. J. G. Beaton was visiting town friends last Week. R<v. U. Berry attended anniversary ssrvices at Berkeley last Sunday. Mies V.olet Wanon, Stratford Normal, is holidaying at h»r home here. Miss Evelyn Burnett arrived home Saturday night for a short visit. The W. I. will hold iheir next meeting at the home of Mrs L. McArthur, £«st UiU, on Sfiiv. 4th. All the ladies are cordially invited to come. This Week's Items Some experts from Hanover have been til lust week erectini; scaffolding around the tower and spire of the Presbyterian â- :hurch that was damaged by lighiuing Hevoral weeks ago. Ha critical operation was performed on Miss Lizzie ^Mather at her homo here last week, and two large tumors extract- ed. Ten years ;igo last week this young lady was thrown from her buggy by a C. P. R. freight train ac the dangerous crossing east of the village where the overhead bridge is uow erected. The accident then made it necessary to amputate one of her limbs, and it is likely that internal injuries at that time rendered the recent operation necessary. F. P. Reiley ie cribbing a new wel[ with large cement tile. K»ch section, we understand, weighs 750 lbs. Thia will leave aoaple room to work inside if repairs Hie necessary in the future. Rev. O. A. Belfry, pastor of Flesher- Ion Methodiat church, took the work on the Priceville circuit, and preached a tine sermon last Sunday morning in the Methodist church here, that the coagre- ;iaiion seenind to pay special attention to. A. J. Corbett of Mt. Forest last week erected a hue four piece granite monu- ment in the new cemetery here for Angus McDougall and Son of Sackett's Corners, Egremont townshir. Casolineis Dangerous PORTLAW Anniversary services at Mount /ion church a week ago Suoday were very successful. Rev. Cbas. Patterson preached both morning and evening services and the pastor took the sei vice vi^ry acceptably in the afternoon. The afternoon and evening sirvices were held in the new aasenibly hall. There was a large congregation present at each service. Mt. and â- Mr'j. W. Buchanan treated the Epworih League lo a very interest- ing exhibition of lantern views. Misa Yiola Cornfield and brothers Elbert and IVurrry of Toronto visited for a few days at home. Mr. F. F. Thompson is recovering from a severe attack of lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jamieson and two sans, and Mr. Edward Jamiesci and SOQ Lewis of Toronto, visited at W. G. Jamieson's. Mr. Andrew Carr is very poorly at present. Mr Wm. Finley has sold hia farm of 200 acres to Mr David Blakey. Misa Hazel Shunk of Toronto visited with friends here over the holiday season. Mr Roderick McKenzie, Orange Valley, visited his brother here luiit week. Mr and Mrs E. White and daughter of CoUingwood visited at W. H Blakey's. D L. Davidson of Toronto visitaa at T. R. McKenzie's last week. Mr and Mrs Win. CouJIe and Mr and Mrs Fern of Toronto spent a week visit ing uncles and auuts of this part. VANDELEUR EAST MOUNTAIN Mr sud Mrs Donaldi^on and three children of Toronto are visitors at Mr Henry Williams'. Misa Ena McKenzie of Duncan fp^nt a few days with her friend, Mrs Charles Martin. A number from this pnrt attended the fowl supper at Eugenia un Tniiuksgiving evening rdrand Mrs Adam Genoe and daugh- ter, Mabelle, of Me>forJ, visited his brother David here recently. Mr and Mrs David Genoe attended the funeral of the former's aunt, Mrs Thomas Bradbury, at Thorn bury on Wednesday of last week. We extend our sympathy to those bereft. Mrs Thos Lewis inteuds holding au auction sale of farm slock and implements ou Nov. 3. Mr. Ed O'Bi-ieii is still in pour health. Later- Mr O'Brien has passed peace- fully awny. Miss Winetta McMuUen is ou the sick list owing to the removal of tonsils. We hope Wiuettii will soon tie better. Bornâ€" On Oct. 10, to Mr rind Mrs. Ed. Fawcett. a son. Born â€" On Oct. 10, to Mr and Mis Thos. Fawcett, a son. To both we offer congratulations. Searching tor Coal Gasoliua fumes eama in contact with a lighted Isntxrn. Tan buildings destroy- ed, loss f 150,000. Gasoline is dangerous. It 14 one of the mosc rapidly volatilizing fljids. One pink of gasoline will impregoata 200 fast of air and make it explosive. Many serious (ires have been started from the careless use of gaaoliua* Gasoline should anly be used in the open air, and clothes, after being olasaed with it, should be hung ouitide to allow it to evaporate. It should always be kept 111 iii(htly etosed raetal cana, never in glaas bottles or ja[.<i. The latter are liaole to breakage and the cunsetiuant freeing of the dangerous fumes when open tlama may ignite them and cnuse a serious lire. Mrs Will Buchanan is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr aud Mrs Porter Beard and family of Spiinghill visited with Mr and Mrs David Graham one Juy recently. Mias Maybee of Fleshertoii spent a dty with Mr and Mrs Joe Buchanan and family. Mrs Geo Walker of U. S. A. and Miss Isabel of Riverdalu visiied with Mr and Mrs Roht Grah.iiii one day re- cently. Mr and Mrs Sam Gilbert spent a day with the litter's brother nt Priceville. Mr Coleman of Toronto visited with hi."! daughter Mrs vViil Buchanan a short time ago. Misa Minnie Graham is home afier spending some time with friends in Toronto, M'aa Julia Davis had the miRfortune to fall anH sprain her knee and ankle one day last week- Mr Dave Graham has erected a new drivina ahed. Mr Burriit of Kimbnrley did the framing. Mr McCartney of the Priceville circuit occupied the pulpit in the church here on Sunday last in the abeeace of the pastor Mr Belfry who conducted aniM versary services in Priceville and Salem- Mr and Mrs Wm. Reed and two child- ren returned 1.0 their home in Canton, Whio, after an extended visit with friends here. Congratulations are extended tn Mr Otto Baker who was married recently to Miss M. Ferguson of Kimberley. The young couple are ou au extended honey- moon to Powassan and other points. The Fanners' Club will meet on Mon. Nov. 1 at the hsll. Mr Leeson, M L A, will be present and will give an address. Ladies are welcome. The W, I. held their monthly meeting at the home of Misa Tillie Bucbauan < n Thursday of list week. A paper was given by Mi.ss M. Freeman on '" H(}spi- laliiy," also a reading by Mrs t". R. Boland which was enjoyed by »li. A dainty, lunch was served Mr and Mrs F. R. Boland visited wiih friends in Priceville recently. Try us for your job printing. next On Tuesday, Mr. H. A. Chamberlain, who IS at the head of the Syndicate carrying on the coal hunt here, infnrined Tha Economist that the search for coal in psyiog qaaatit^ies will be continued. FroBi now un a double shift of iii«n will bs at work sinkias the shaft on the Lyon farm, which was down twenty feet on Tuesday, and tt which a diamond drdl will ba put at work once the nck is tiachsd. The diamond arill is expected khs and of this week. A second diamond drill is being secured, aud will be put at work on another farm. Mr. Chamberlain, head of the Syndi- eata, Mr. Greenwood, the Syndicate engineer, w be is % practical coal miner from England, aud Mr. Chas. Engabril of thetirm of biokeis who arc finding tha money for tha search for the hear produc- ing dusky diamonds, atrured The Econo- mist Tuesday afternoon that they thought the outlook quite promising. Anglican Church, Flesherton I Holy Couimvnion will be celebr.ited the first Sundoy in the month, Nov. 7th, in the Town Hall, Fleaherton. As this is our first Communion Service it is hoped that every member will be piosent. I Rev. W. 0. BIrtckwell will t*ke the I service. Service uext Sunday as u^ual. PROTON J. C. Wright spent the week end with friends at Kincardine. Bruce Cade left Monday of last week to attend business collage ^'n Toronto. Mr and Mrs W. Wyville spent Sunday with the former's brother here. Mr and Mrs Waucholie and Mr ami Mrs Bates v.sited with friends in Chatswortn . .Anniversary services were condvcfeii in the Aaulicaii church on Sunday. The choir rendered special music. Cont'i- liution.s for afternoon and eveim a amounted to S40. Mr and Mrs R. G. Acheson visited friends at Kimberley. Miss Gertie VVyville is holidaying with her sisteis in Toronto. W^u are sorry to leport Miss Lena Park on the sick list. Mrs Brown, Mt Forest, visited with her daughter, Mrs Still. Bob Scott of Hanover made his annual visit to the .Anglican anniversary. Mr and Mrs Wodehouse and Chrishie are moving to their new home at Dur- ham. Mr and Mrs H G Becker visited with friends in Toronto. Miss Beamish, Dundilk, is the guest of her si.Ater Mrs Bates, We under&rand Mr. Bob Carson has resigned his mail route. The mill will n»w be carried by Mi' Dave Bradley. Dr and Mrs Becker of Toronto visited with their brother in town. Misses Marjorie and Ada Acheson sundayed wiih friends at Harkaway. FINE JEWELERY Bates BurialCo. BUSliS'ESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stock I Ennbalnier* of Jewelry, WatcLe., Clocks, etc. p^^jj^ HlilcreSt 268 and wlieu you Lave seen them }uu will be sure to buy. Watch re- ' 1 24 AvcnUC Road, pairing a specialty. .,,,,. _, . , ,. i Toronto, Ont. A full line 3 Pliotographie snpphes 1 Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all'j_ ^^ gates, R. Maddocks. sizes of kodacks and trims. 1 r» • i mm I President, manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE UCENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG;'"'t:t:i:P:^... Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W . ROB ONT OspreyTel. system MaxweD P. O. Potatoes and Oats We are now on the market to buy yo u Potatoes and Oats. Please give us a pho r call as we expect to be loading a car o Potatoes on October 14th and 15th. Flour and Feed FEED â€" Oats, Oat and Barley Chop,, Wheat, Barley and Ontario Bran. FLOUR â€" Perfection and Snow Flake Pastry Bring your produce to the store of quality and take home Groceries that satisfy. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 I J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Property For Sale Lots 36 and ;i6, con. 10, Arroraeaia C'>ntaininK 140 acreii mare or lees. 20 acres under cultivaiion, 100 .teres pasture, And balance hard and aofb wood bush. .Aluoti acres north uf tlie Presbyterian Church, EufieDin, in good state of culti- vation ; J acre in front of the Methodist Church cnntaiuine i;ood barn and orchard ; and ',\k acres norf h of the river, cuntaiuin^ i(ood frame hou^e aud stable and other oulbuildinfis. THOS. GENOE, Eugenia. Autumn is here and winter is coming and w^e are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys, Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest_prices. Give us a call and secffor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ENTER ANY DAY Uwen Sound, Ont. Individual Instruction, Staff of Specialists. Aduing. Bonk keeping Michinea, Calculators, DicapboneR, etc. Only School with a practical d»partmtnt. Graduates assisted to petitioos. Catal- ogue If'ree. C. A. FLEMING. F.ICA.. Priiicipa G. D. FLEMING, Seorstary. Mention Ibis paper when'writmi;) *l^ Tonsoriaf "^ Partors We Aim to Oive Botbre »«tiafeettoo LAUNDRYâ€" Basket ckisee Moodikj iMRbt, delivery FmiHty ev CLEANING and DYKIJ«G- tVg ar •gents for Parkers Dye Woriw- Clothe* cleaned and dyed, feathers .reiuveivated T nSHER - -PROPRIETOR f