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Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1920, p. 1

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i l-W"';.*'-^ .' ,P â- Â«.i.-«r I- â- Â»"7" ^ r J •"^ \i If- I â- I r Li- /k0t)^rt0n Vol 41, No. 18 Flesberton, Ont., CctOber 7 1920 ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs Stanley G»mey of Toronto, visited the pa&t week with Mr and Mrs R Hoy. Mr and Mrs Thos Batts visited reeent- ]y with friends at Clarksburg. Born- On Ootobet lat, to Mr and Mrs Jim D&rgavei, a dau$ihter. Mrs S Phillips of Toronto i=pent the past week with her brother, R Clark, and other friends here. Mr Jas Park returned on Monday to his home in Owen Sound afrer heinff employed for the paHt few m-'Othg with the D. F. Co. here. Mr and Mrs Ned Croft visited recently with friends at Feveraham. Quite a number from here attended Feversham Fair last week. Mrs T Julian visited recently wiih her daughter, Mra Lewis Pedlar. Old Durham Road The people in our vicinity ave busy digging their potatoes. Some potstoe* are slightly diaessed with the rot. Mr Frank Williamson has returned to the city to attend Uni»ersity. Born â€" To Mr and Mrs Roht McNal'y, on Sept 22nd, a son. Congratulations. Mrs Will Williamson and children have returned home after spendimi a month with her parent* at Mount Eaijle \»lley. VVe understand her father is in poor health. Mr Will White and little nephew have leturned from the West and are visitinc; his ptrenta here Miss Edna Nio'jol visited recently at Mr Bob Parslow's. Mr and Mrs Will Utid auJ friends motored to Cieemore last Sunday. Our beef ring has come to a close aftor sixteen weeks of good fresh meat. NVc all hope it will continue next year. DUNDALK CEYLON Miss Jean Collinson, who has spent the summer months in Calgary and other points, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs James Radley and two little sons, Krnie and Donnie,cif Toronto, motored up the week end with her sister, Mra Bi>uUon. Mr and Mrs J. Cuiumios, who for several weeks have been visiting with friends at Toronto and Osbawa, returned home last week. Mrs Ross Leslie and babe, who have b-ien visatin,* wiih her parents, Mr and Mrs .\rchie McMuUen, returned to To- ronto Saturday. Mr and Mrs Collinson of ChiUiwack, B.C , spent the past week visiting with Mrs G. Collinson and other relatives. Mrs Archie Sinclair and two children were in Owen Sound a few days last week while the chiidren'were-'operated on and had their tonsils removed. Mr -â- v. Muir spent the first of the week wilb Toronto friends. Mrs. Bryant and little granddaughter, of Toronto, visited her brother, Mr N. Archibald, lant week. Mr Charles ChisletC 2\eSt Monday to take a position at Niagara FalU. •J. C. McLachlan also returned Mon- day to his positior.. Mrs Kilgour, an aged ladyof Toronte, who is liaiting her cousin. Mrs J. Gii- chria', had the misfortune while gwing upstairs, to luies btr footing, fnlliDg lo the bottom of the itairs. Medical aid was iiuickly secured. Fortunately ii" bones were brokan. but she was very sevdrely shaken up. Her husband and a Durss arrived from Toronto Thursday, and will roiuaiu until the patient is able to return home. Herb CLubolt of Clovevbrue ITarm, Proton Station, delnered to F. G. McBride of Me. Forest, 25 head cf choice feeding steers this week. R. J. Cornetfc has sold hia farm in Melancthon consisting of lot 41, con. 3, NET and S Road, to Walter Croft of Ai'temesia. Hugh G. Crosbf, who h.»s been assist- ing the Uector during the summer in the service of the Anglican parish, left for his home in Highgate on Monday where he will spend a week before oiitering again uu his theological studies at Huron college at London. As » tip to pipe smokers who drive cirs the Herald should mention that the new Chovrslet au-o that was dain:i:;ed by tire while parked on the street was a pipe victim. The owner had left his pipe on the seat and the upholslerina took tire from the burning tobacco whicb fell from is. Luckily for him the fire ws noticed in time to save the car. James Johnston of this place showe* the Herald a potato grown in his garden which for size and smoothness wns a beauty. It is i»o freak with half a dozen growth atlachmenta but was sne welt formed tubar weighing two pounds and twelve ounces â€" H«r»ld. PRICEVILLE Sno* fell all day Friday of laat week, and sii inches of soft, wet onow covered everything. We notice a number of shade trees wish limbs broken down. Some of the uieinbdr" of the commiUee on Soldi,-rh' Memoiia! startei? ih^ excv vation for the foundation, but voluntury labur seemed to be a scarce article. We noticed W. J, Mends working al! one day with pick a.ii shovel, alone. The hydro gang will likely have all the poles erected ty the middle of the week. Rev. C. S. Jones exchanged pulpi's with Rev. J. A. Matheewu I'f Mono Mills last Sunday, and the remnant <>f Gaelic speaking peuple in the Presbyler- itn Ciingrega'ion wi'uld no dtubt enj.iy a service in the aforesaid langu-ige Ust Sunday rporuing. A certain Highlander once tried to ai<sure us that it was with this Soft, sliik dialect that the devil g^t the better of Eve, while under the shade of the apple tree on the banks of the Euphrates. Mrs. J. Watson of Wallers Falls in Mturning from the funeral of her lute husbar.d, James Watson, to Cheboysran, Mien , after calling' on h'jr sHter and other friends- in Toronto, spent over the Week end in Priciville. Mrs. D. Muir of Pc rt Arthur arrived in town on the evening train Saturday of last week. John Beaton has removed his house- hold eiTects to the residence that he purchased in Durham. Mr and Mrs H. Falkingham, acccm- pinied by .\ngui and Don McLean, motored over fiom Durhim on Sunday. A'hst's the matter with our vet. l\telj I Did " Saliy .\nn " refuse him 1 Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. 4'.h Cla.s.1â€" E BrtDtUuu, E Ferris, W Carriiigt.m. T Wilson, E McMullen, T McDonald. B Stewart. E Thomson, F White, R Sinitb, J Colgan. 8r 3â€" L Boyd, L L«ver, H Riehard- 8 111, V Thistlithwai'e, M Patton, C Belts, G Pinder. Jr 3â€" J Nubn, M Sied, E McCallum, M Teeter. 2nd Class â€" J O*rgo.e. M Stuart and J Stuart e 111 »1, E Kenwick, H Welton, U Heard, E McKee aud F White equal, L Carriugton . Sr 1-G Teeter, L Ferris, B Pattou, H Chapman. Jr 1-A H»ard, G Sled, B Phillip-?. E Fonwiok, W Co'gan. For Sale The property kno'au as the Ashdown re.sfflenoe at Ceylon, an eight roouitd dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc ; about an acre of land ; would make a good home for a retired aentlenran. Fo"! terms aui furth«r particulars apply to â€" W. .1. BELLAMY, Flesherton Sep2820 Notice to Creditors EAST MOUNTAIN Held Over Last Week Mi^a Nicholson of Flfsherton visited at Mr T. Lewis' the first of the week. Threshing has commenced in our vicinity. We extenil our sympathy to Mr. .-Vlbtrl E.lis. who was bereaved of his brother Tilfurd, on Friday 'ast. Mc. Ellis attended ti-<e funeisl at Powa.^aaQ. We are sorry to report Mr. T. Lew s in a cnt slate of health, but hnpe for a spaady ieco»ery. Mr. Humberstoue and son. Carrtd have tinished their contract of •idirgaud paruiog the achool here. They also have erected a new- school belfry. The school now has an A 1 appearance. Little Miss Dorothy Genoe. who has been atteudiog school at Eoi:eijia, is home now owin^ to the illness of her aunt, ft'.ss Kale Jauitsou, who has a sevtra attack of i^uinsy which followed t..nsilitis. Mrs #. Genoe has been aid- ing at her si.iter's bedside. We hi"p-> ihat Miss JainioKon will .â- *oon t)e abia to be among hsr frieiids u);ain. AlfrctS Genoe of Eugenia, wh<i has b«uD kelpiiig C. Mjiitn ihe pas' week, left tn spen.l a few Hnys with his sitter. Mrs Win B'lyce of Kitchenar Mr. Jan. Siiiiont of Duucat. rpeui a few days in our Ticiuity. Miss Viola Lewis, teiicher of Wodt- hous* school, >pent the wtek en.l at her parental hnuic. VANDELEUR A very heavy saow storm passed rver this p«l OB October 1st doiui; aousider- able damage lo fruit and other trees, »nd corn and clover. Miss Lilhan Buchahan cfN. B. C-., Oweo Sound, spent the week end at her home here. Mr and Mrs Wm ButreH of Sli^o visited with (he latter 'smother, Mrs R Genoe, recently. Mr Grant Blair of Toronto is speudiug some tiroa with friends here. Mr S H Buchanan is apending a few days with friaads 'm Oweu Sound* Miss Wilson of Owen Sound visited with her friend. Miss LiltTan Bnchanau, recently. Mr J I Graham scted'as jud^e at the Fcvefsham Fair last Tuesday . For Service (>ne^>ure nred Shorthorn Bull an tot 96, «en. 9, .\rtetneaia. Terms |L5d for grades. Must be paid within t>^' months fvom date of service. W.lio.ft -». O.TURNER. DON'T FORGET THE SALE O?" Scotch Shorthorn Cattle October 7th, 1920 Markdalo House Stables, Markdale, Ont. Auto Thief Caught The ihief who raided autos here on the night of our fall fair has been caught in Coluugwood. The pohce there rounded him up as a vagrant, and he acknowled;:- ed to having stolen the autu hn drove and which he abandoned on thn beaoh road below Collinywood. He drove ihe machine into the water and claimed he could not get it out. The thief gave the name of Morgan and s:iid he had stoUn the oir near Pricevilln. As i matter of fact the niachiue, * Maxwell, was stolen AC Chatham Enquiry here elicited the fact that Morgin had been in Piiceville on Fair Day and left there about (i p. in., came over lo Flrsherton and laid for the night crowd of cars which he went thi.jugb to the extent of three tnSes, two robes, some toolj and half a box of a ctrrridges from Dr. Murray's car ; and a costly buiialo robe, new spare tire, tube and carrier and new i.vercoat from We.s. Smith. Others claimed to have losr gasoline, and the same uighr lh« liKk of S. Osborue's gas tank at .Vlaxwull w»s broken and gasoline taken. When- ihn cir was recovered at Colli ngwond all this stuff was found in it except the casoiiiie. Morgan (his correct name is Titf) whs taken lo Chatham whern he will be tried fur theft of the car. Ha ia.only a hoy, 16 years of aue, and is said to be of a respectiible family, but a derelict. On Sunday Dr. Murray and Mr. Smith motored over to CoUingwood and secured all of the loot that was stolen here, which in Mr. Smith's case aaiounied lo nearly a hundred dollars. Osprey Fall Fair Osprey fall fair was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week ami was very .successful, noiwiths"anding the fact that the secood day was not: a 1 that c 'uld be desiied, the nftemcon being siraewhat showery. The exhibits were fully up to any former year and in .-iDiiie lespects much belter. Stock wa» about the same as for other years. Rmts, grain, fruit and dairy produce were excellent and there was a big eN' 'bit in ladies' work. Aliogcther the • '.'libit was an ixcel eot one and iho a'.!ei.a'i:ce was cheering to the directors under 'he eircunistincei. The only thing we iniss- ol W'js ihe presence of politician.", «ho uted lo attend this lair in bunches but are now evidently .ibnut ,\t extinct a- the graat auk. And The Advacce was ti'.e oa!y newspiper representative present. F'T 315 ye.irs we have beea attending 'he Osprey fair and watched i: grow very small proportions without a detiuiCe home to its present condition as one cf the bci-l purely auricultuial ahf ws in tlio C'>unty, We were in a retrosoectiv,, tuood and thought of ihe several .sterlnis; men who brought the fair into being and who worked for Its welfire in the ea-ly jjys â€" Me.ssts. Burke. Cli'\i"n, Uudsi ii, Gainey and othersâ€" who have parsed from their labois here while others cai ry on the work that ihey began. The o man always took an intense interest in their fiir and made Its succe8.i postihle. Dundalk baud supplied music for ihe day. hi the tnatter of the Estate 6f Duncan Muir, Nte of the Township of Arte- mesia in the County of Grey, Farmer, diSceased. Notice is hciebv given, pursuant to "The Trnstee Act,'' and amendments thereto that all creditors and others having claims agaiiist the estate of the ssid'Diiiican Muir.who died on »r about the tenth d.ay of July. 1920, are te<iuircd on or before the 22nd day of October. 1920, to sernl by past prepaid or deliver to Daaiel Muir, Ceylon P.(V, and John Stewart, Flaaherfnn P. O., Administrators of the estrfte of the sai«f deceased, their Christian »nd Sum- ainiM, addresses ainl descriptioss, the full parlicubMTs of their claims, the stit'Ciiient ol their accaaals aaid th« natute uf tlie seearitiM, if any, held by thoM. At\A lake natiee that after lueh last •enlioiMd data the said Adaiimstrabars wi4 proceed to diew(|>tM* fcho assets of the said deceased aaiong the parMei entttlecT thereto havieg eegaid only to the elaiins i "^ •f which lixiy Shall tli.u have «,iice. an4 \ seres under eultivalion, 100 acres pasture, ' khe »»id ArfiBini<»tr»t'<»r will aot Via lia>>le I and balance hard and boU wsod bush. ! for hk« said a«»tt.s or ai^ part tltnwerjte ] Also 6 acres north , of the Presbyt«iaa I aay person »r (teMans ef whose olaim (<|,„,,„ Kuijenw, in good state of culli- netiee sh»H a«t bare beeu received l»f , , , « .w « n, j , A.m av ih* tea^ ef such iW^wA.^ti»7. vatton ; 1 a.» in front of the Methodist Dated t.he 2Ulli day ef Septwnl.en, Chorch cwitawinu good barn and I A. D. l^'Jt. . . orchard ; aad '"V neres iwrfh trf the river, WRIGHT 'n.n,I«.)a^ & BIKM*;, j c.«taioiug gMod fr.ime Iwu-e and stable Ow^w 8ou»ul. ftntawo I ^^^({ other nuibuiKUudi-. Selit^tors for »h«» Administrator. 1 TIK'S. G>ftKOE. Eugenia. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seniple of Flesher- ton wish to thank their friends and neighbors f. r thnir many acts of kin''>tss and .sympathy duriug iho illness ef Mi!-. S.iBp'.e. ^ FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. I BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see onr tine large stock of Jewelry, WatcLes, Clocks, etc, and when you have seen tliem } un will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty . A full line 3 F.hotograpliic supplies Including developing powders. MOTOR printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES EmbeJmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, p^^^^^ ^^ writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS. FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system MaxweH P. O. Fruit and Vegetable Season is coming in fast. Place your order with us for your Fruits for preserving â€" Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes, etc. â€" and in this way helo us to obtain the lowest prices pcrsible for you. We also tiave a ful! line of Groceries and Confe ctionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal. Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. TWINEâ€" Brantford. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario wmTK TO F. J. CUliKY, Mtirkdile, for Ciktalogue. \V. J. liOVVKS. V. BOWES, .nul F. J. CUURY, Pritprieiors. Property For Sale Lots So HBd IW. con. W. .\rietnesia MBkkiainf; MO acr*« mere ur lee-s. 2(0 Riceutly Mr. Georue Kirktown. of Holl;uid C:oi tre, missed a yearlinu i-lter from his premi'os, and thinkiiii,' purbh] s tnat the aniaan! hid wandered «i'ii e diis'anceaway. ha pUntfd au advertise- ment in l.'i.'t waek'n News. Oa Tiiesdny mrtitiins;, hoWBver. Mr. Krk'own, was iiifotuifU ty one <•{ Wis neiiihtors that lb« steer had met its deiith l>y dtowniog in » river wh.cli runs Ihri'Ugh the biicK of the owner's properly. Tbe steer, it appears, by foiae means i;ot i»to the w.tei- mid WIS uiuii'Ie to ^ot ou., o«lai{ t.» tbe prcsei c* of untimber of tloatiug logs. The »uim:»l, »li»< with sevsr*! o!her young cattle, was bold to i\ drsver abour three weeU-i »fo (or $60.â€" Obata- worth News. ^ For Service One V)ur<< bred Sliorthorn bull on Lot 28 »ad 29. Concession *<. .-Vrtemesis . Tei'UMâ€" #1. JO for Kriides if paid inmdo of 9 ni :nths - if nor $2. Pure breds ?.'>.C(>. 1 loc^ -R0BJ;RT OSlH)RNK. â€"1 *-* 4*-...^4^' Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys. Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Niackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest prices. Give us a call and see|for yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fleeherton â- PS! Owen Sound, Ont. Flesl<&ertoxx vT^ Tonsorfaf Pariers lnaivid,.»l I"7r!"*""- B„.4,^'»rf.„i«"i^'» ^"^ '" «*^« Entire Sivtisfactton Mu-hineB, CalcnlBtwi. lV«,"»ph«ne». e(«. li.*t' "?«*> KTt â€" flasket chosss Monday •nly Echoul tndli « praoticsl dep«rtmtjit. j ni||bt, deliv'eVT Fnoiiy.ev fitaduaice a»8iM-e«i to position."!. C»tal- â€" . onue free. • SLE.VNrSO and DYET>iW;_ V«e ar» C. A. FLEMlMU, F.|C. .v.. Prit.c*; n !»g«m»8 for Parker's Dye Wucks-Cjodhes . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. cloaoed ind dgred. featfvors rejavanated . Mention iMs paper wh^n'.writns) T FISH BR - -PROPRftTOB t y\ *.•.:»/% * ' j^Mt^

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