f^ i( 'i^m â€" '^^^r-^-~^w~-,â€"'fr 1 ^ September 30 UM TH£ FLBSHAJtItN ADVANGE Table of Payments" WiMym't 75c lOlh p'm'l 75c_ I lih p'm'l 75c \id payrn'i 25c 4iK p«ym*l 25c 7lh peym'i 50c 8th ptym'i 50c in p m I 75c 1 Vh fi'm'i $1.00 Mih p'm'l $1.00 15th t'm'i $1.00 ICfh p'm't $1_.00 I 7ih p'm'l $1.10 t9iS p'm'l Sl.lO iOh p'm't $1.10 I To r*m*i ,^/»>d p'm'l $1.20 ^^^d p'm'l $1.20 24rh p'm'l $1.20 2 Vh p'm'l $1.30 26iK p'm'l $1.30 29th p'm'l $ 1.40 iOih p'm'l $1.40 Hi p'm'l )2nd p*m'| $1.40 il.50 54ih p'ti'i $1.50 Mihp'mi $L >6lKo YOU CAN STILL JOIN But Memberships are Going Rapidly IN THE White Progressive Club You need pay only 25 cents to join and the balance in Easy Payments. A new White will be delivered to your home when you enroll as a member. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Special Prices Are offered club member» ^)a\y h limited iiuml)er of While tSewiDv Machioet will be told on tbi^ pUo. lOc Cash Discounts can be saved by you on erery final | ayineiit you make hefore h \» due. No Interest to Pay Anenl'» ComiiilssioiiH »re left out of our Special Ciili Prices. PAYMENTS ARE SMALL Don't Miss This Opportunity W. A. ARMSTROT^JG, Flesherton, : : Ontario Come tu niir store TO-DAY "Do You Collect Sale Notes? Notice to Creditors \ff "The Brink of Toronto is alway.<5 glad to handle {armurs' ncjlcs, and makes a fcaturti of this business. "There arc thr^ ways in which .. â- commonl/ dual with sale iiotos: â€" "We collect thona wl»|n du^ , .! - jjosilingthe proceeds to your account. "We discount them for cash, ad- vancing th.ir value, in whole or in p;irc, as circum.-.tanccs may require. *'0r we Iio?d them in the b::nk for ;afc-kcepLng until due." If you expect to hold a snl-j this Fall call and arranyi; wi-ih our nearest Manager to handU: it for you. TH â- BANK' Assets over $100,000,000 111 the matter of the estnto of Domilil KpiiMxly. l,t,. ,f ,],„ T.nvi.Kliip ..I ArteiiieHm, in tlie County of Ort-y, Karmur, deceiiMeJ. Nqticn is fioi'oby Hiven, pmsuiinf. to "Till-" Trust OB Act" and â- iineiuliiieiits thereto that all cieditur.s and otheis haviiii; claiciiK nmiiist trie Ohtnlo of the said Uoiiald Koimudy, who died mi or ahoiitthe 24ihday ifJft|^'A. I). I'J.'d. arc re.jiiiivd on <ir Ueforu I lio 2'Jrid itny Octoliei, A. U. 1920, to se„d l.v v'^' p^repaid ii- .Mivt-r to Donald Cimphell, Piicevilli., OiiiHiio, or Al.^xunder Stewart, Pr.ceville, Otilari.,, the Kxecutom of die laul Will and Testaiiient r.f tli.« -^Hil decHani-d, their Clinntiau and .Surnaiiiof,, addres-ie.s and rt«sciiptions, the full pii-- ticiilars of tluii- cluiins, the stattmifii' of than- acoBHrtts, and the naluiaof iho sfCuiitiHs^if uny, held by iIumii. And further take notice that after such last ineiitmned d.it.i the said Exwutoi« will |iiocH*(l to dislnliuto lh(' a.ss.sts of the d 'ueaMed aiiiang ilie puties entitled theirtlo, liiivini! it.:;iird only lo the ^claims of wliirh they .shall then ha-e notice, and thai the said KxeciUoi-s I will not ho liable for tho snid aHaets or any part thereof to .my poraoii or per>ion'^ I of wh')Se ol iiiii notice shall not have heen j reeeuvd tiy thuni at iho time of Hneli (ilistrihution. , Diled this --'Drh day of SuptemhiT, JA. U. ]!I20. ' I WKK.HT, TKf,F()llD.t lURNLI::, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitors for the ahove named Kxtculors ^* i Flesherton Garaj^e * Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars § Mr. Ford Owner WE HAVE INSTALLED THE SUN RE-CHARGER FOR FORD MAGNETOS A Car With a weak magneto is^;-' .,v costs more to run. ^^©' '• > V r 'i '; - . Wo will ro cliaryo your Ford Ma^noto lik^'mimi^^mim-.-J; •' >o^ :x_ .- ^-.-: l while you wair. All work K'Hiiianteod. Call and let us exphtin. Wo test yonr Ciir tico Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. ^ ^^^ 1^^ ^^^â- '^^^ ' H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors Married Twice in a Week ActuD Free Preif : A rather precipi- tate iiisrriaire took pUce lait week when a youog man employed >o town secated a liceosa and waa inarrind \>j a local elergynaan to a inaid ^nly inher sizlesBth year. The amorous groom made tiro serious miHtikes. Ha failed to secure ihe conaeul of eitknr of the parents to marriai(e lo iheir fifteen year o.d daugh- ter, and he toek the sfHdaTit required upon the issutnce uf a licesnt as lo the at<e uf the bride, addlag three or four years to her real age. As suen as the mother of the i(irl heard of 'the marital event the iuturviewed the Pslice Magis- trate Aud urgi-d that the law he put into force. Tearful entreaties on the part of the bride si.d humble cvertures for for- t^iveiiesR by the grooiti softened the mother heart. Next day, accompaniied by tbu newly married juveniles, the Police Magistrate waH asain visited, abd thle time he wss loformed that both the father and mother had consented to the marriage if Ihfy could be legally married. The ii'.aijiHlr lie ga»e the young fellow whoUtnome advice respecting the matter of athdavi.s and thf party tken left his otiice, It, is DU(v reported that the marrage ceremony was performed the second lime with the conBent of the pHrcnts, and that cverythini; is now on a KaCi.sfactqry basis. Boar For Service Ki-ijititered Cheitei: White hoe kt service atUock Mills. The faiiitf won tirtit at Chicane Fair. Tenns $1.50. dcOl'J â€" T. SvnTH Poup. GROOMING YOUR HORSE Why and How to Give the Animal a Rub Down. It Keeps the Skin and Coat Clean and Improves tlie .^piR'arance â€" lUieil- liui-y White Diarrhoea of Chicks. (Contributed by Ontario Department oi Agriculture. Toronto.) HOUSES are groomed for the purpose of keeping the skin and coat clean, and incidon',.- ally improving the general appearance. Tho skin consists of two parts, viz., the dermis or ooriuiu which forms tho deep layer, which ic plentifully supplied with both blood vessels and nerves, and the epiilennio or cuticle whicYi is external and has neither blood nor nerve supply; hence Is nonvascular and insensitive and Kerve.s as a protective coverint; for the dermis. It consists of a layer of agglutinated cells which are formed on the surface of the dermis. In the tissue immediately under- natith thederniis are large numbers of .â- sudoriferous or sweat glands, each of which is surrounded by a quantity of fat. These glands are round bodies, each of which consists of one or more small lubes colled into a ball; the free end of (he tube opens on the sur- face by a funnel-shaped orifice. The skin of the horso ia character- ized by its great sensitiveness, which is still further promoted by good grooming. Few animals. If any,'pers- pire as freely as the horse. As stated, the cells of the epidermis are formed by the deriuiM. This foi^ mation of cell.s is eoniiniious. iis is also the exfoliation of the cells of the external surface of the epidemis. The hair prevents tho free escape of these scales, hence there is- a tendency to accumulation; the coat alfo Rathors dust, etc., from the surroundinss, and if th« animal is not groomed the coat soon becomes filled with the accumu- lation, which becomes damp when the animal poisplres. It is claimed that this has a tendency to occlude the openings of the sweat glands, hence interfere witlAfree perspiiation. Whe- ther or not there is much force to this contention, it Ih an undisputed fact that the horse that is roRularly and well groomed looks better, feels better and gives more satisfactory .service than his mate under the same conditions le.^s the grooming. The object of groominK Is to remove tho scales, dust, dried perspiration and other foreign substances regularly. In order to do this a curry eoHib of some nature must bo used, that .when b<*lng worked by the hand, both with and against tho grain of the hair, will agitate the hair to its exit from the Skin, thereby loosening all foreign substances. The comb sho*i4d not have teeth sufncientl>y sharp to scar- ify or irritate (ho akin. Then a stiff brush should be used to remove all foreign ma((er (hot has not escaped during tho uso of tho cofnb. When (ho coat is qtUto short tho use of the comb Is fiot •necessaiT, the stiff brush being sufficient. A finer briish, the bearing surface of which consists of bristles should now be used to re- move anything that still remains, after which (ho whole surface of the body should be well rhbbed with a clean linen doth. The (ail and mane should be well brushed with tho stiff brush and then combed with combs designed for (he purpose. I( is well, under ordinary condl- (ions, to groom a horse well twice daily. U a, horse has perspired freely It is good pracdco lo rwb hini well with cloths unlil he becomes dry. If (his be neglec(ed he should be ciooni- ed to remove the diifd perspiration and o(her acrumnlndona before he Is fixed for the nigh(, as under such cen« ditions he doubtless res(s beKer. â€" Dr. J. H. Keed, O. A: College, C.uelph. ESTABU^HED IB77. ' \^ rs iig! r,n?,r'^:rri iSlEAO OPFICe < HAMILTON Some people have forcnnes left them. Most people have %o make theirs. Everything mast have a commencement. A sav- ings aocouDt in the Bank of Hamilton may be the commence- ment of your fortune. It is certain that if you never start, you never get very far. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDAUIBRANCH-A. M. Car|hew, Mana^or SIJB-BK^NCU PROTON -C. J. Forster. Sub-Uaaai<r Vktrpl&XVb Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and witJiout expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT BUSINESSCARDS ^ ""'<' daughter of Wm Freeaian'Satf ' VVaBii»a l>e;ioh was scuim by a bee on liec fiDa;er and the "Vkoriiiicr spread to hat face, which tiecama purple. When a physician arrived ho pronounced it a very unc.jinmDii occurance and niighb have proved fatal. It stem.s that a nerve had been struck by the stiiii; and the little u'iil sua'ered terribly, but i:> all right now. SOCIKTIES CKINCK ,\UTUUK L'JUOK, No. ;«a,A.I'.A ^- K M, uieets to tin. Mttsouic liaU. .Aitu s lona'x Biocx l-'l«sliertou. every Friday on or before tho loU aioco. T. Clajtou, NV. .M.. A. E. BoUaiiiv, ScLroiKry Di ENTISTKV Ur- e. C MURRAY b. D. S , dental 9uri;ur)ii ln-uorgraduato of Torun&D Ubiveraity au-l 'u-yii! ^;oilec« of Dont&l SurijooiiH of Ontario, Sad admipluieterecl for teeth eXtractioD Slue at residence Toronto Street, i'leenertou. Medical 13 r W. J. rienrj , W. Jl.. praHoatoof Facnitv of Medioii.i'. Toronto Ur ivcitiity. Oltk'O Dr. i.ittltt'B late rotiileiice. Ftetiheltoii. I V OTTKWELL ' Veterinary flnrgoon Sradiiftte of Ontario Vetertuary I'olle^u itxideuoe â€" Becond door Boutb weat>a Ibary street. Tbla street raoa outb Presbytarian Obnrofa. For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull on lot 30, con, 9, Arteiiiesia. Terms §1.00 for yradoH. Must be paid within 0; months from datii of service. 19.J»n.9 -K.O.TURNER. Leual I UfAH, ft hKNKY-Hanlaters. riolici'.ors, i "-" eic.â€" I. H. l.ucax, K. f.: W. 1). H.iury, \ Ii. A. Udicoii, Markdale Linoas block, I'boue i\. 'uaiji'b olllete at Ouiidalk and Uurba r. Boar tor Service j The utidorsigned his a thoruu«hji.ed ' Yorkshire Bnarfor service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Ter ins 81.51). FllEO SPOFFARD \J KIQHT. ti TKLl'OhU.llarriRter, Sollci. " tors, Ac. OUiceb. tiiov i hniL'u Block, Owen Souud. Staiulurd Hank cl ."Klesbtr- toa, (Saturdayi). W, B. Wrigbt. W. P, a'slloru Jr. Business Cards VATM. KAlTTlNtJ, Icaimed Auotlcueer (r« '' the couuiif'B of Ciroy and Hiinco«. •'arm and Stock sales a B|>eoiiiItv. Tonus noderate. eatiafactioD guarautted. ArraQgn- u^uta for datttB nriay bu inadeab tbe Adraiice >llice, or Central telertioiie otJioe tevershaui ir by addreaaiun me at Peverabaoi, Ont. DMcl'HAlI', rjleenswl Auctioned for tbe • County of Orey. Temis moderate and tiatis hptiou guaruDteiHl. Tbe arraogeuumts *nd datoe of salt^ ohm >'*> ixiede atThR ADVAiice '(Qce. Kesiduuce and 'T.O-. t'eyloil. Teleiijionci omiueeMoti. Ubo. C, 70 Fall Fairs KLESK ERTON Sept 23â€"24 Che!*ley Sept 80-C)ctober 1 CoUiiKWood Sept 14 â€" 17 Dundalk Sept .W -Oct 1 Durham Sept ;!0â€" Oct 1 Kevarshara Sept 28â€" 21) Hanover Sept 23â€"24 Markdale Oct 5 â€" 6 Meaford Sept .W-Oct I I'ric.viile Sept:iO-Octl Shollijrne Sept 21â€"22 Mount Forest Sept 15â€" 16 Oranneville Sspt 14 â€" 15 Try us for your next job printing. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST fJood Paint cannot be made lo mi-el a piico if the makers wish to remain in business any length of time. A good article is always worth a fair price and the inin whrt buys tho best wiihoub being extravajjaiit ii the man who practices the rioht kind of economy. Shcrwin Williams Paints may cost more than some other paints on the market, but you may rest as-sured that ycu get your money's worth every time you buy, as Bvery can 18 ({uaranteed Pure While Lead and Oil and wdl cover more surface than other paints. Ask us about your patnt proposi- tU'UK. A Paint or Varnish for every purpose â€" inside of (utside. F, W. DUNCAN nardwarc and Paints Phone 30 r U Flesherton, Ontario