mmm mim â- mn i«iAUU. â- â- «.|.IJ ^^m Ik&l^txion Vol 41, No. 17 Flesherton, Ont., Septerpber 30 1920 \ 1' I C Ik â- m PORTLAW Mr W A MDrloD recaired tka lad news of the death of bia aister, Mra Orr. in Tuiooto. The ramaioa ir*re brought up on Monday for iDteraieBl ia Mount Zioo ceaietery . Mr and Mri Boberl Fisher's little daughter, Marguerita, is aomewhat im- proved . Miss Lillian Mcfieozle i« also a liUla batUr. Uias Aleta Jaraiaaon aid friend of Toronto Tisited with frieoda here. Mr W G Jamieaon eoaa to Owen Soand th'a weak Co attend Coart as a Jucor. Mr and Mrs F Cairna <-f Fleshertoa were viaitors with their friends here last weak. Threahing ia now the order of the day. Old Durham Road Tba aun baa agaiu craaaed the equator â- ad aiaitad on iia long journey south. To aome this niaana short days and loot; eTenin|[9 ; to others lon^ days aiiJ short araniofa. To wkicli alass do we belong? We are pleased le sas Mr and Mrs Dare UacDonald hack to tteir old home kare, aftar apandioi; the aunimec months is the ricini'.ies of Ohatawortb and Owen Sound. We un<(erstaad the change haa gieatly iQ)proT>>d Mr Mac Donald a health. The H. S. stadeiits from Fleahercon spent the week cud at their respectire hemes . Mr Jiramia Olifer is at present confin- ed to his bad with sn attack uf typhoid fe»er We hope for a spsaJy reeovery. Mr Archis Ourry is an the sick liat at prea«iit. Uev Berry called on old acquaiotacces in our TJcioity laa^ week. Mr Wm Meads spent Suaday at Swintua Park. DUNDALK PRICEVILLE The very w.irui weather of the pant week was a surprise to everyone. The grain crops are abundant thi^i aeaHon. Colin McLean's big thre.shing outfit has been several days threshing (or village farmers :ind is now in the country wast of th« town. 6n tha 16th a telegram announced that Jamas Watson of Walters Falls, formerly of Priceville, had passed away suddenly that morning. Deceased was 63 years of age, but was atfaoted for some months with heart trouble. The funeral to(;k place on Moaday, 8ept. 20, to Owen Sound and then by G T R and Michigan Central to Cheboygnn, Mich., where his first wife and eldest daujihter are laid in a private vault in the public cemetery. Two brothers, Robert J. and Alfred W. of Toronto, also Mrs W Watson of Durham, also Mr and Mrs T. A. Far^juson, the latter a sister, motored up OD Sunday and ramiined until Mon- day evening. A brother, Geo Watsou. of Walters Falls, undertaker, had charge of the funeral. Two sisters of deceased reside at Cheboygan, and his two mar- ried daughters of detroit met the funeral at Cheljoy^an. The Methodist pastor, assisted by I he Rev Mr Henry, church of England pastor, conducted service at the residence on Sunday evening previ- ous. Mr McDonald of Gait, a Hydro fore- man, was in town during week. We are hopicj for tine weather for our fall fair on Oct 7 and 8 There will be s:)me live foxes, both old and young ones. Bring the cliilUren in to see them on the af'ernoon ai" the Sth. SHELBURNE The frame dwelling occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carson, on ihe Gravel K^id, i;ear Melancthni Station was conip'.eteiy destroyed by fire late on Saturday evening last together wi'.h the entire contents. The tire was not dis- covered until the whole interior was a mtss of rtimes. Mr, and Mrs. Carson were in ShrlbuiBj at the time, and owln< ta the chilly evening, remained in town over nijh', artd were not aware of their loss until Sunday moruiog. The hou<e was owned by Geo. Shoalf of Andrew streer, and waa insured for §350, while Mr. Cirson carried 8450 on the contents. Shelburne will shortly twasl of a tri- wiek'y picture show. Mark Lear of VVesbyteriati Church was d.tni,'»sai l.y \ Thnrnbuiy and Clarksburg wjs arnnted fire Sunday nurBiag while the ownars j the use of t^e town hall for this purpose ware in Church attendiag the service by the town council at its meeting on Theeujkioas aad uphoUlarinj of tha Friday evening list. The rental to be front seit were badly burned bat luckily | chirgcd will be 820 t->er m(aith. tha 0!ize was noticed by a passerby in There are nine 'wins atlenJirg schnjl IB Duuda'k at present. Will DaltoB is hnma from Toronto. Ud hid the misfartune »t letlinx the ends of two tingdrs cut eft's few we-^ka ago in a uaoar cutting machine in the faetory w^here he was employed in the city. A new Chevrolet auto parked near the tinia to save the car from destruction. Joseph Coullur, well knawii farmer of the 14tk Con., Proton, was suddeu'y stricken with paralysis an Susday night shortly after arriving home from the Muivarsary aervices at Bethel Church. He h«d bean ia Dnadalk en Saturday •iial W.1S in hia niual geo4 health. His •oadltioH is aaid tc be aerious. Leslie Cf peman, for some years ia the amploy of the late iW. T. Ruudle, h^s purchased tha businats and will continue •â- in the old staad. Wn trust the •â- terprisa ef tha new proprietor will be rawardad with a geod naeasure uf succe*a. â€" Herald. An iinportsul business deal was trans- acted in Shalburno I.\st week whereby Mes,»r9. Hnmiltou & Co. disposed of their roller mills en Main street east tn yes>rs. Wm. Stewart md Sam. Phoeoix of this town. The property aiso includes an up-to date dwelling immediately west thereof. Mr. Hamilton has been connect- ed with the mills fur more than 16 years. â€" free Press. Notice to Creditors DURHAM While a) the Owen Souad Fair last week, Mi and |Mrs Kobt CampheLl of Durham yieldad to perauaaian and enter, •d tkeir baby boy, Donald, in the Baty Show, held ia connecti'<n with the big annual evens in the N<.rthern City. While we have au idea that the fond father has all alone entertained the â- btian that ha was the d uldy of about tha prattiast baby in thia part «( the country, his alaima were wall suatained | last wtsk whan the judges awarded his < offayriug the red ticket ia tha ooatest. Mc Mark Wilsan of Flssharluii, forui- •rly uf Daroam, was in tewn the first of the week making arr*ngeniei'tt for apen- ing a butcher shop in town. U« hat ranted quarters in the McNaliy building juat aorlh of Tha Chronicle utKce, which ho will fi^. up, and expects to be ready for batinasa in :be course of a couple of wnaks. Sirs Wilson and young sou accoiapanied him here aud will laove to town when a residence can be procured. â€" Chri'uiele. In tho matter of the Estate of Duncan IMuir, late of the Township of .\rte- mesia in the County of Grey, Farmer, decv ised. Notice is heiebv given, pursuant to "The Trustee -Act,' and amendments thereto that all creditors and others ha*iiii{ cltiuis Huaiiist the estate of the said Duncan Muir.who died on or about the tenth day of July, 19:^0, are required on or before tlie 22nd d^y of October, 1920, to send by poai prepaid or deliver to Daniel Muir, Ceyhm I'.O., and .lohn Stewart, Flasheriiii P. O., .\dmini>trators of the e.state of the saiit deceased, their Chrisiisn and Surn- ames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the st:4tement of their accounts aud tho natuio of the securities, if any, held by them. .\nd tako notiee that after such last iiiinilioned date the said .Administrators will proceed to distribute the a.ssei? of the said deceased among tha parties entitled thereto having regiid only to the claims It which they ahall then have nonce, aud t!ie said .Administrator will nut be liable for the said a«.sets or any part thereofjto any person or persons of whose claiic notice shall not have beci. receivetl by them a' the time of .«ueh dittribution . Dated the 20th day <A September, A. D. li>20 WEUgilT TKLFORD A BIRNIE. Owen Sound. Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. VANDELEUR (I.ast Week's Items) Mr Sam Buchanan of Owen Sound is spending a few weeks at the parental home here, Mr and Mrs F R Boland vinited friends at Portlaw recently. Mr Geo Warliaa attended the Metho- dist District Meeting aC Owen Sound one day last week. Mr and Mrs Bert Parker (formerly Miss £va Blair) are visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J I Graham and family. Miss Edna Love of Toronto is visiting with Mr and Mrs J H Holley. Mr George Buchanan has gone to Guelph to attend the Ontario Agricul- tural College. Mr and Mrs Samuel Gilbert are spend- ing a few weeks with friend.s in Toronto Mr and Mrs J H Holley and Mias Edna Li>ve visited with friends at Port- law recently. While building sheaves in the mow a short time ago. Mr Arnold Harbottle hid the misfortune to fall to the barn floor, breaking one arm and receiving a severe shaking up. The Epworth League had a magic Unterii lecture at their meeting last Sunday evening. (This Week s Items) M r and Mrs McDevitt of Schomberg spent a few days with Mr and Mrs .J H Holley and other friends. Mr G Large of Eugenia spent the weekend with his friend, Mr Albert Buchanan Mr and Mrs Gordon Wilay and Ella Buskin of Wodeliouse visited wiih Mr aud Mrs L Johnston one day recently. Mr John Shannon of Vancouver !% renewing old acquaintasces here after an absence of several years. Mrs Hutchinson and children and Miss Emily Culbs of Markdale spent a day with Mr and Mrs Will Hulchiiison recently. Mr and Mrs Porter Beard and fiimily of Spriughill visited with Mr and Mrs Rott Graham. Mi^s .Annie Burritl of Kimberley spent a week with her sister, Mrs David Graham. The Women'i Instiute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Will Hill last Thursday. Mr and Mrs Will Hbtchinson of Toron. to are visiting with tha former a father. Mr Geo Hutchinson, and other friends. Mrs Win Reed, who has been visiting her parents here lo': some time, is very ill at present. Miss Cora Hu'cliinson of Swinton Park spent the weekend with friends hert;. The Epworth League had a corn rca^t at David Graham's on Thursday of last week. .A very enjeyable time waa ?pent by all present. The newspipers I'f the Ciiited States and Canada consume 2,1511,000 tuns uf newsprint annually. Staled in this way, it probably conveys litile iuformatiou lo you respecting the effect upon our forests. Vou will better appreciate th« situHti< n waen [ say that it represents the denuda- tion of the mature trees on an area of 1,000 square miles of forett Isud each and every year. This will give you au idea of the enormous inroads that news- print manufacturer is making upon tLe forests of North America. DON'T FORGET THE SALE OF Scotch Shorthorn Cattle October 7th, 1920 Markdale Housj Stables, Markdale, Ont. East Grey Fall Fair FleshertoD Fall Fair has once iBore come and gooe and this time it was blessed with the choices' of weather and a large crowd . The various departments were fairly well filled, the inside exhibit being quite up to former years, taken all round. Uurside 'he stock was on the slim side, although soma fine animals were shown. The poultry exhibit was good, a splMndii variety of choice breeds being on exhibition. Que of the largest exhibitors in this line was Mr. Barber of Honeywood, Reeve of Mulmur town- ship, who is a great poultry fancier and handles a number of varieties. He and another gentleman brought up two car lo»ds of fowl. There waa a hamper .house at the concert in the high school. The talent was new here and en the whole was well up to the standard of fall fair concerts. â- Phe horse rscing waa rather slow. There were dve horses here, but the animals had raced in Shelburae un Wednesday and were driven up here on Thursday, and were quite frigged. The Palmer horse of Duiiaaik, which was to have been here, developed lameness Thursday after racing at Shelburne, aud his raciag for this fall is over. Following are the results ot the various even&s : TH E HOUSE RACE.S Frae For All | Lady Medium 12 1lj (J. V. Keating, Corbettou I M.insiield 2 1 2 2 | R. Overland, Oran ^eviile Albert McRlnuey ..333 d R. Overland, Orangeville Time 232, 234, 234i, 233^ 2 30 Class Pr nee M 2 1 1 J. Matthews, Sheiburuu Paddy 5JcKinley 12 2 J . Matthews, Shelburne Albert McKinney .'1 3 3 R. Overland, Oratigevilie Time231i. 231J, 231] â€"Starter. W. Hull The concert receipts amounted to §207.60 ami the gate receipts a;';itoxi- mately 8275. County Constable McCaffrey w i.s on the ground and put a crimp in a cuple nf fake concerns before they even began operations. A new feature was a display of i)otb Fordson and Samson tractors. The tractor is the coming power for the f.'rtn. The merchants of the town closed their places of business for two hours during th^ afternuoo. giving alt hands a chance to atc^nd. There is evidence of reviving interest in this fair, and the directors are determined to foster this by adding to the prize list and altracti^ ns next year. If this is done «nd all pull t.igether there is no reason why the Flesherton fair could nob be made > ue of the very best in this di^rrict. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Come m and see our fine large stcok BLSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs l'::::^â„¢^:!^"'^â„¢::; Phone HlUcrest 26$ wiUbestBre to buy. Watch re-. 124 AvcnUC Road, pairing a apeciaJty . \ A fnU line â- > FliotographK anpflies Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, IVIOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all i lar o . d n^f jj i ?, J , ' c, J. W. Batea, K Maddocks, sizes of kodacka and Sims. i r. i »« President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Yorkshires TamwGrths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. K0S6, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. ©. WRITK TO F. J. ClliRV, Markdale, for Catalogue. W. J. BOWKS, V. BOWKS, and K. J. Cl'KRV, Proprietiirs. ROCK MILLS Miss Moore visited over the weekmd with her frietd, Ei'ith Betts. Mrs Edzar B-'tts and Miss Annie Betts spsnt a week wi'h frisnds and to<k in the Fair at Shelburne. Mr and Mrs Sam Croft and children visited wi:h the foriacr's mo'her on the 4;h line. Mr Richard Hoy re'uri.ed home on Saturday after spentiing the past ixo mouths with bis sons in the West. Mr and Mrj Chas McE-iclinie '.I'd children spent a day recently with -Mr and Mrs Chas Best, Toronto Gravel. I We are snrry to report Walter Ruf-si II â- nner the docror's care, but h»pe for a • pecdy recovery. Maiall B«lta tisited tecently wi>.h friends at Culliat{Woud. MrS«ni Osb.iriie aud fiiemi. Miss Beattie, visited with the farmer's sister, Mrs Walter Russell. Wilt Newell is spending a few days in DarktBi. Ml aud Mrs Gee Rib«rt8'>ii of Toronto are T.sititifj tho former's bro'her, Mr J Roberweu, For Sale The property kno::ii as »he Ashdown residence at Ceylou, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, ete ; about au acre of land ; would make a i(Ood home for a retired i^eutleuao. For terms and further particulars apply to â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Fleshert ;m Sep2S20 Avery Oil Tractor Sales \\ e have f«r iinmiTctiate delivery several 8-le .\very Kerosene Tractors that musk be sold below cost. Dou't miss tiieiie bargains. Write and (jet ourpricAaad catalonue. C. SMITH & SONS, Durham. Fruit and Vegetable Season is coming in fast. Place your order with US for you:' Fruits for preserving â€" Peaches, Pears, ?lums. Tomatoes, etc. â€" and in this way he.p us to obtain the lowest prices pcssible for you. We also have a ful' line of Groceries and Confectionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 1 00 lb. bags. TWINEâ€" Brantford. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys. Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest prices. Give us a call and seqifor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton i: U. K* ®!, L- s I [ ?J ^^!l^^J5^ <S ^!^S^^ ^}^^^^ ! ^^^}^^JJt?J5S^ . ESTER ANY DAY Owen Sound, Ont. l'ic'ividu»l Instruction. Staff of Specialists. Aduing. Book keepini; Michini"!". Calculator", Dic'aphi'nos, etc Only Schoil with a prictica' department. Graduates assisted to pesitions. Cstal- oi|(ue Vree. C. A FLEMINCr, F.|C, A . Princita G. D. KLEMIXe, Scoratary. Mention ibis paper whfln^writin?) F 1 e sH e r t oxi ^^ Tonsork: Parlors We Aim to Give Eiillre i$atisfe«ti •> LAITNDRYâ€" Basket closes Bloiid.. niflifat, delivery FtMMy ev CLK.VNING and DYEINGâ€" V«» a- . •genu for Pasker's Dy« Wodrs-Olath - cJe«Tiod aud dy«d. feathers reiu7e»i»». T FISHER- -PROPRIETOC 1^^^ ^