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Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1920, p. 1

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/lesh^irt^n Vel 41, No. 16 Fleslierton. Ont, Septernber J 3 1920 r 4 ! % -^ r Toronto Line North Mr. Delbert Alcox and bride vrero Eiven a miscellaneoua shower at the home of Mr Wm Alcox recently. Mr. Glen D&vis left on S>itur.ia7 to us;ain take up hishtudies in Toronto. Mr Harold Lever and sisters, Gertrude god Ida, took Id the Collingwood Fair last week. Mrs R Irwin visited with OraDgeville friends and attended the Fair. It^^^iu DaVis is TisitlDK her sons And d^iughrers in Toronto. Misa Battle CoU is visiting her sister and father here before leavint; to spend the winter in Florida. Mr Wilfred Lever visited Toronto frieiida a. id took in the Exhibition. Miss Amanda &te^'iii't visited Toronto and Caledonia friends recently. Miss Lillian Lsver left to lake charge of a school at Moorefield, Mrs R Smith i>f Markdale spent the piiat week with friends here. T Sled and .1 A Lever with their wives attended CoUinawuod Fair on Thursday last. Artemesia Council Ci'uncil niKt at the Town Hill on the JSth. The members were ull pieseat, the Keeve in he chiir. Minutes of lae*. meetiBC were read and approved. Com- munications as f jUoos worn read : From city clerk of Toronto re Bell Teiephoiie Co., chief clerk of Dopatiment of Hige- ways stating that tbu govarnment had assumed tb* Toronto line through this t>>wD8hip as a provincial highway from Sept. 1, 1920 ; tha Beev« and Mr. Math- eiTsnn's rep.irj on buildiru; Hri'ijjo on Ciruham's deviation ; Mr, vlathewHon's repor» of expsuditure of §59. 2o in his division. Bylaws 10, toj appoint co!- ItfClors, and 17, to levy rates for 1920., were read a ihird time and dually parsed, Tho following accounts were otJoiod to be paid : Th» Rtsve S26, and Mr. Rl-ithewson f32, for ecrvice.s re Graham briuije ; H L DoutjUs, $l<i for sheep killed by dog^< ; era»el ac':ouut.5, Allan McLean ?2 DO. VV J McMillan 7.50, D Symes 3.00, Jauies Oliser 2.10, J Caraon 9.nL), B WiGkens '2 20, Moore 4.30 F D C.iirns (1,88, U Akilt 3 SO, C iS'»well lO.oO, L Fibber 1 20, G Biunio 10 00, J js Wataou li 30, W G Jinuioson^l2.i")(l ; E K-iUer, tongue fur grader, 82 50. Cameron â€" Batchelor â€" That thia Coun- cil hereby re<iuc8ts the Provinuirl CJov- eininsnt to apply to the Doniiuiou iiail- way Bnsrd for a postponement- -of the heariui; ef tho application of tho Boll Te'ephoue C^inpany foe incrv^se of its iittes^uutil tho niutiici pal i lies with the I'ravincial GovernniBril make arianjjf- luoiits for the exiiropnation of the system in Oatario. â€" Cai..od, Tho Council adjourned. Dock For the Grey City Oweu Scund, Sept. IS - Werk will bn Hlarted almost imuiudiately upon the new dock on the east side ot the (.>wcu Sound harbor. It was uuchurizeal about a year a^o, and in appropriatir>n of $80,700 has been made for it. It will be of couci'ele, and will be nearly 1000 f«et l()Uj<. The contract; has been let to_a Peterbcro tirui, and work skould start m once. Whea completed all the water front owned by the Govai'Bment will faitTe coiicieta dockage. Miss Rita Irwin leaves on .Moniay liexl for Toronto, where iu company with three utbet' cuneert ladies will forai a party known as the "Toronto Ladies' Qusrtette " and will tiur the West lor live months Their liisc ennaKuaient i* in Manitoba on Saturday, 25tb Sfptstn- ber, one jiundred and twenty miles wtat of Wiunipei;. We wish her a pUtsanb trip. â€" Review. PROTON A motor parly consisting of Mr and Mrs J D Ryder and sons and Mrs Napier I of Windsor visited last week at the honia of the former's uncle, Mr J C Wright. Mr Ryder, whoso boyhood was spent ia tb s village, says that on all his journey from Detroit by way of Kincardine, the roads around Proton Station were the worst he had travelled and we happen to know that the loads he motored over are not by any means the roughest in the vicinity. Why are the townlines so neulected by the Township fathers! Mr S Wright and son of Kincardine joined the Detroit friends last week at his bniiher's aere. Mr and Mrs Ed Stinoon ana Mr H Copeland ..nd son, Bob'sy, attended the Orangeville Fair, g Mr H G Becker returned last Monday from his mo-or trip to North Bay, bring- ing with him Mrs Becker and little nod. Jack, wh) have bee\ visiting there for the past month. A number from here at«eiidod the very successful anniversary services at Bethel. Victoria Corners Mr Laiiilaw, who wiis helping Mr A Stinsou put up the wire fence in front of tiis place last Monday, met with a piiinful accident when the sire'cher lu-.^ke and hurt both his h tnds and one kn^e <|uite badly. But they are better. Mrs Robinson of Betiijl and son, .Tohn, of J.irvis, \i.siied at Mrs Milton lUnnon's last week. Stela Aohesou, Dot Stevens, v Vera Jloore ai;d Sunanna Ludlow have return- ed to F.t'shorton H. S. L«WMHi L .ckliatt met with what mi:;ht have provvd .a serious accident last week, but for which he is fortunately not mucii the worsr. In faatenimj iho trip rope to !hi- bvjndle thf rope became wrapped around his wrist and he was taken up just iiaugijig by his wrist to within about nix I'eet of the top of the bara^ Ivan, a younger brother, driviiij; tho horses, ajd W.1S unable to stop iho horses un'il the bun>,;e tripped. Thoy let him down easily aiid a sore wriec is the worst result. George Ludlow and Mil'on B«unoii went to AytoM on Tuesiiay f jr the thresh- ing outfit and straw cutter, which about 20 of the neighbors have purchased. They rutunied ou Frid.iy. Mr Doium, from whom they purchased it, returned with theui. Tbey thre.shod on Monday at George Ludlo*'s and are well plea sed wiih ihe purchase. I'h'Ui,', wri'e or call for a prize list ot Fleiheruiti fair, Sepi. 23 and 24-. \V. A. Hawkeu, Secretary. Avery Oil Tractor Sales We hitve for immediai,* delivery several Sit) Avery Kanweiie Trastors that must be sold below cost. D-jn't uiiss ihose bargain.--, Wriie and get our prices and Otttaloi^UO. 0. SMITH & SONS, Durham. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Kstate of Dirncan Muir, late of the Township of .-Vrie- iiiesia in the Ci>unty of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is heicbv jiven, puisiiant to "Tho Trustee Act,'' and amendments thereto that all creditors and others ha^'iiii! cliiins against the estate of ths 9!iid Diiuoan Muir.who died ou or aboor the tenth day ot July, 1920, ari> recjuired CEYLON Mr. McIlharKy, manatfer of the Mer- chants Bank hers, has been transferred to the bank at Kimberley and Rocklyn. He made many ftieads here who are .sorry to see him go, but wish bloi success where ho has gone. We also extend a welcome to his successor, Mr. Aulph, of the Fle^herLon bank. Mrs J. Hazard and son, Harry, of Pnceville, spent the first of ihe week at Mr H. Stone's. Mrs A . Stewart of tJwen Si und spent the first of ihe week with Mrs Archie Sinclair Mr McLean spent the week end with Maikdale friends and was accompanied home by Mrs McLean, who his been vi.siiiig with fiiends there. Mrs W. Hislop of Eu«eniii, viaiied her sisters. Misses J. and B. McKeozie. Mis. Olivtr «f Toronto is vlsitinj^ her cousin, Mrs. Wilson McMullen. Mr Ross Leslie left last week to vi.sii hi.'- parems at Wnlkerton. Mr Daley, who has been visiting Mrs .A. Rutledge, returned to his home at Lethbriage. Mr and Mrs J. .J. Pattison, who have been visiiingthe f â- riner's. paiei)'.s her>\ have returned to Ihe city. D.- und Mrs Futerson, Mr and Mrs Lfslie Marshall and a friend, motored from Toronto Saturday and t-pent the week end with Mr ,ir,d Mrs D. McLeod and Mr and Mrs Wi!.o,,n McMulltn. Mr snd .Mrs Norman Archibald spint the weak end wilh Hanover friends. Mr aod Mrs James Paitis.n attended the fair iit Colliuawood last week. Born â€" To Mr ant! .Mrs Banks 14, a sou. Coiigratulutions A Fishing Catastrophe A magistrate's oase which attracted a ,jraat deal of attention was tried before James McMullen, J. P,, id the town hah on Saturday evening, when two of our oitiz.M.s. Medsrs. W', W. Trimble and H. Carringtou, were charKed wiih fishing ou". at ihe hydro dam on Sundry. Three or four weeks ego these gentlemen went out to the 8'h line on a Saturday even- ing to fist), aud this trial wa^ the resulta Both gentlemen swore that they did not tish after 12 o'clock, but a man named Duranc swore that he eaw Trimbles line in tho water at 3 a. m Mr. Duranc must have remarkably keen eyes in his head â€" sort ui ni«ht glasses. A line cin- pot be seen in the water after dark, accurdinif to our experience. The ex- planation of why'thry w^re there at that earlyjiour wiis a >,er es <if mishaps, iu- cludinii a lust tjshinj; pule, a broken buggy snd explouing lantern. .\a there was uo eviden':e that Mr. Carrinston was lishiug hi.s case was disinisneJ, but Macistralo McVldlien accepted the evidence of the man Dunnit ah »./Hiiisl tli»i;of Postmaster Trimble, and recorded aconvictien. W. H Wright, who acted for the defendants, imnisdialdy gave notice of appeal. Co. Crowu Attorney Dyre prosecuted. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. h Come in and see onr fine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave seen them }ou will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A fall line n Pliotograpbic snppIieB InelutJing developing powders, printing frames, A&rk lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and Sims. j BUSINESS AS USCAL I Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, ! Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES s, on bept Six Counlv Poli icemen The ab:jli-ion of the ccuuly cons-ablo's fse systcai and the substitution of an arrang, luent under which p.lice proteu- lion would be provided by a stall' of KaUri^d me.,, is on,, of th^ recommeuda- tinus that will probably be trade by the Commi.-s:on appointed by the Drury Governniont to investigate the judc iry of Ontario, .says the Owen Sound Sun- Tim ss. According to E A. Focock of London, one of the commissi.. ner?, the fee f-ysteiii is the root of many evils that wust be ck-cked. He has under advise.nent a plan w.iuld provide a paid .statl' for the whole Province under . chief i-titicn. fd io Toromo. Each coonty would have 9.x regular paid constables linder a chief m th>. county u,wn. These men be mounted on h"rscs or motor and would be awianed to patrol beats oo which they would attend to motor speed- ers R.s a side line. Mr. IVoek proposes •that police |.:itrf)l b, ses, with teI«pboHo f.|uipment, could be pl.^^d ^t certain p.>ifs from which Ihe public conld send eaiergency or ol her palls, and tho stiff would be kept in ron.-lan' touch with headquarters. VU^ „„„ ^„„,j ,^.^^^ ,^^ r«HUired to ,nia!ify in first aid work. The function of this new force, .said Mr. Pocock, woula be to keep men out "f krouWe, in contrast wiih Ihe enierpr's- iiig fB« work»rs whoNS ambition is said to bo to get iron inlo it. The ultimate result would ho a saring to the commun- ity and im^itoved police protection fo» the people, ks claimed. Mr. roeock said thai ihf. eiiiiiuii.«8leners Hre gir- iBu' consideration to tho proposals for the establishment »f jureniie courts in cities. would cycles on or before the 22nd day of October, „„.- ..h.,uf An i,., "a ti ,rt.,i, ,1 - , were .loofcir 4U i>y tO, lt)e.*e wero ahon 1020, lo send by post prepaid or -- , , ,. ' ^-.e »no .loou deliver to Daniel Mail-. Ceylon P.O , '•"«»*!'"â- '"*>â-  ""d 45 lovls of grain i, DON'T KORGKT THE SAl.K OF Scotch Shorthorn Cattle October 7th, 1920 Markdale House Stables, Markdale, Ont. WaiTK ro F. J. CrUUY, Markdale, for Catalogue. W. .1. B»W'ES, V. BOWKS, and K. J. Cl'KIiY, Pioprietois. and .lohn Stewart, Kla»heri"ii P. O., .Administrators of tho estate of thi- saiil deceased, their Chrisiiau and Surn- ames, addresses and descriptions, the full particubir.'t of their claims, the statement of their accounts and thtt natute of khe .secuiities, if any, held by them. And lako notice that after such last mentioned dale the said Administrators will i.rocoed to disiribuio the assets if the said deceased amcAig tho parties entitled thereto having regaid only to the claims of which they shall then have no' ice. and the said .Administrator will not be li.ible for Ihe saiel assets or any part bhereof^tfi ' any person or persoiis of wliose claim n«tice .-ihall not have beew received by th^m at tho ti'ne of such diylribution. Dated the 2<5th day of September, A. 1), 1120 WBIOHT TKLFORD & BlIJNIK. Owen Sound, Ontario Solicitun for the Administrator. Benjamin Elder of Elsitiore had two barns burned by liohtiiing. Both barns t II 'hum and ihes» weie aUo burned. The stock was relea led aud driven out.. Tho buildings rrere we4l covered by insur an«n. ROCK MILLS Mr JrtS Park visited over tho weekend with his brother at .Allan Park. Mr Herb Betts returned hi'ino Sunday af'er spending a fortnight witli friends iu ToroBio. Mr and Mrs Sam Croft and family visited with relatives at Mclntyre. ' Messrs Levi Xawoll and Frank Bdts and Mrs C Newell visited over the week end with n-latii'ts in Duthara. James Daruavel, wife and s<>n, visited recently wiih the former'-s parents at Dornoch. Our school openec last week with Miss Moore again in charge, Misa VVrillinr of Markdale aud >!.sll Weliar of .Vluxwell visited a day t â-  nast week with Mi utid Mrs Juhn Has . . ive. 5Ir aud llis Cecil Mouahan auc. i ,il e visited recently w,;h Mr and Mrs John Port ecus. Up-to Date Farming Fall work on the Jaud will not. be interrupied on Hand Brof. farm near Stanton, at least not by uumun us c ills to attend threshines. Their crop t,s8 been threshed as it was hauled in, A. tractor and a 2yi28 separator did the trick. Five men hauled the grain fr. m the fields aud threshed it, putting the giain in the aianary as fast as the fame men could have hnuled lu and mowed back the shi'ave", .>ow the bam is fill of clean dry straw and the grain rtaiiy for. market or feiding Th«re is lo further wo;ry ovt r the 1920 harvest. A lujny firnitrs in Dufl'eriii Co. look with sk«piica! evts on power farm- ing. This skepticism arises largely frnm a lack of knowledge ao to what a poiier outfit can do on an ordinary farm. Hand Bros, use their trac'or to jjood advantn;ic on the and ami at all kinds of belt work. The sinull sepiiraior would ea«ilv handle the crops ot three or focr noighbort. It waa a [ileasuie to see it handle the heavy ztieATMS of whvat and oats as fast »s a man waated to fork oil his load onto the self feeder. The t'actor is now bcinu used to dsublo disc Ihe stubble and soi n will be pullinir the filuughs. Then ai.->t> it. will b« hftched to the cutting ho.x to tjll the big silo with corn â€" Sho!bui..« Free Press, 1 HarvestThanksgiving Service Fleshertoo An?licait church, '^nvn Uall, Flesherton, Sunday, Se;>t. 2(i-b. 1920, 7 pm. Hymn â€" Come, ye faithful people.como Ps»in).< - US, lod ;',^- Nuno DIniittia -Lord, now leltest, etc. HyniE - We plough tho fields, and scatter. Sermon â€" 5p«ciai Harvest. Offertoryâ€" T. O. Goldsmith. Closing hymn â€" Naiionsl anthem. Rev. W. a. Bisckwell, Rector. Kev. U. Gtosby, Curate. A fanner's wife reaiarked : >Vl:o mya sui^ar i.^ up > I formerly e.xohanged a dozen (ggs for a pound of sugar, but n-^w I get tw9 pounds «f sngir fsr tu« do;i3ii. S'lno level head. In a lire which broke out early en Saturday nioruing last Shalburne's pump- ing station a: the well up on tho hill was completely destriyed by fire, together with tho nasohnc engine, motor ai.d a^out 9S0 worth of tools and aecessnries helonging to Constable Whitehead, The Are was mt di.xcovered until the whole building was ahlar.n. The upritrht frame suarounding tho stand pipe beneath the supply lank \\an t«ok tite but was soon extinguished. The tir« ia said to have been caused by fticlion thrnngh the pnlley slipping on th» rubber belt. No iusuraiiw was carried- Free Press. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - Ycrkshirss Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. HOSS, ONT 0.-it3ri^y Tel. system Muswel! P. <>, Frujt and Vegetable Season is coming m fast. P{ with us for your Fruits for preserving â€" Pears, i'^Iums, Tomatoes. II ace your order etc- Peaches and in this way hei ) us to obtain the lowest prices po. sibie for you. We also have a full line of Groceries and Confe -tionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf iMeal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. TWINEâ€" Brantford. . Special attention iiiven to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario t^- or -T- 'v^ â- T ^ â-  ^ -,m -^-- *>iii a-i a.^. .^fcf^ Ingle wood Bread for sale at 25c. a large loaf. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton r- r t - > > L â-º > > â-  !:« > i. - ! ^^;^^i: s^^ ^^ - ^;^.^^^^^ : ^^^ • Faim For Sale FlesHei^tion, 1 JO, lots 17, 18 and 19, 3nd con. ' jj^ * OIT50r f i; I S. D. 11, .\rteine«s, over KlO acres j ^/~ Â¥^Stv\e\f il,-ared, l.balaiioe timbered. Two no>er[ •"^driOiS fai-flnj; well.s, new brick house, larte;^® â- ^'"'. '* ®'*e Etitiru Satiabicti - brti.k barn with stables uuderncith. Bew , /'•â- ^'- ^ DRYâ€" Basket closes Mond . driving shed. This farm is nearly aK t"^'"' '^^''^''^V Fiuiay ev seeded down and will be sold with a , _• " snull pvymcnt down- Appy on the' ^"^-^NING and DYEINGâ€" VSip a .. premises to - Wn>. PATCWi '*®°'' ^"'" *''"'« "s Dy^ WoAsâ€" Clot I i'hoBe R R ;5, Priceville '''*"'"^^ â- ""' ^'^<^'- ^ reju-ena- i%tf TFISHBR. -PROPRIETOK

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