i«ii^viaH« i^fl mm^ mmmmm w^ September !6 1920 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Wheat Certificates *TpHIS Bank has special facili- -•- ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel al authorized by the Wheat Board. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAJDA MS Capital. SarplM aad CbAtUW PnA«> FLESHERTON BRANCH Geo. MITCHELL - Manager â- y; ANADIAN : C. p. R. Time Table. IraiBB leave Fleshercon Station as oUows : Goin? South 7.52 a. in. 4.27 p.m. The mallfi are follows : For the 7 p.m. ; and the 3.40 o'clock. Fo mail close at 9 p. Going North 12.1)5 D.in. 9.30p. m. esed at Fle!»herton si north at 10.40 a. in. and afternoou mail south at r morning train south m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Flesherton fall fair and horse r»ces Sept. 24ih. Mrs. George McTavish is visiting friends at Oshawa this week. The Women's Institute has arranged for a monster fowl supper on Oct. 22. Ladies, call and see my fall millinery displayâ€" Mrs. W. L. Writht. Hurry Bennett and ci)inp«ny have bef n secured for the f»ir concert ou Sept. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Will lUonrR are holiday- ins} this week down on the Niagara pe- ninsula and acrcsM the Xe* York border, I F. Muthewsou is running the bus line. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and family cf | Gait and Mrs. Cripps and dauohter of CoUingwood visited the past week with Mr. Jas. Gnnse. Mr. James Oliver, South Lino.brought tiB a stalk of sweet clover wh'ch measured 10 ftet 2 inches from ijiouni' to top nf stalk. He IS Bi'dt>rbrushini: about s.?ven acres like this this week. When Premier Drury broHnht in his peMsioD bill U»t session he explained, in order t» naiet jppositi»n, that bt woul I be paii by the civil servants thuniselves •n the asaessraent p!an. The seijaei wag. SBUoauced last we^k when the whole civil service wa granted big salary raise*, ia s«ib« instances amounting to 91900 ' Tke PensioH Bi'l comprises a Hack chapter in an otherwise g*od rec.iid, and the pablic kuow it bow. The bea»y cleolrio atorim of S»t«rday night and Sanday Bisruiug worked b«»«8 ia soue places. .\ small b:ira beloni;in|; ts Mr. Frsd Jaaiiesoa 8tk line, waa •truck and kurntd Sunday morning. The kuildiiie contMnei aboat ten tons of hay and a aew Vinier A cycloae passeJ over Mr. Bert Ma^ee '« bush and mowed a swath ab«at three rods wide and fprty rods long, 0»tteuiBg everything growing rijihs to the grwunJ. This included laruo trees, one of whic!> was live feet m diameter. Fortunately no buildings were in the p-*th of this " critt-or," or they would have been utterly destroyed. It is 'arely a cycloiw hits this country, but such visitations are none ta» rare. Railway rates went up on Monday to the luae of 20 per cent, on passenger • rofhc and 40 per cent, on freight. The poor G. P. K. needed it lo keep its stock holders in a slate of bubbling conteni- iBk'nt and happiness. It looks as though the Railway 0\iHimissiou were trying to force the country into building radials for the benelit of cities and lame towas. Well, the bfgger the t iwns become the more costly it will W to live in them, and manufactured articles will continue to climb in prioe to meet the c.wt of living. "Bben in rime, if the^a couditimis cin- tinue, there will Iw n'> t>iie prodacing, all will move to the cities where big wages are p^id, and all the farms will bo deserted. Then what will theio be to eat ? Fancy such a condition. ..\nd we are fast drifting in that direction. It is time a chock was put on the growth of metropolitan lift" instead rf wateriiii: and fertilizing it, as the tendency of our gOTernmentk is today. Good purses are being oSored for the horse rices at Flesherton fair, Sept. 24. Mrs S. Sample of town wa.i taken to Owen Sound hospital last week where she was successfully operated on for appendicitis. Born â€" In St. Andrew's Hospital, Midland, on Sept. 5th, 1920, to Mr and Mrs. vV. R. Colijuette, Port McNicoll, a daugliter. Rev. W. A. Sinclair, wife and son, of LeinoDville, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sinclair, for a faw days recently. Satisfaction is what yon get iuHobher- lin Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LeGard's Gents' Furnish, iags, Flesherton. The Eugenia Memorial Committee have called a meeting of citizens in the ' pavilion on Friday evenine of this week to give a report on finances and make arrangements fur a fowl supper. All Eueenia citizens are rejucsted to attend. Daubney â€" Gasceyne â€" At the Metho- dist parsonage, Flesherton, by Rev. C. A. Belfry, on Sept. 10, Henry Daubney, to Miss Mary Gascoyne, both of Flesh, erton and lately of England. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis, KimberUy, announce the engagement of their eldest dauehter. Lulu May Elfleda, to Mr. Itobert Chard of F.esherton, marriage to take place September 22. Special by Wm. Rennie Seed Store for Flesherton Fall Fairâ€" For the best collection of vegetables grown from Rennie's Seeds, Ist 83 worth of seeds, 2nd ^2 worth of seeds, 3rd il worth of seeds from Rennie's 1921 catalogue. One day recently two rash young women, both about 80 years of age, drove over from Diomore t'j visit friends in tnwn. (Jne was Mrs. Henry Tucket if Dromore and the other Mrs. Joseph LeGard of Toronto, These giddy young things are both quite expert drivers â€" considering their you'hfalness What ia the difference between a Canadian match and a Pennsylvania coal miner i Well, about 90 per cent, of the coal miners want to strike all the time, while the match â€" about 30 per cent, of them have a diametrically opposite view of the eternal titness o: things and abaelutely refuse to strike under ary provocation. Some difference, eh :' Mr. Cox and Mr. Cable, well known in Flesherton. have formed a company to drill for oil or aas, or anything they can get, near Craigleith. The only thing they got while drilling here was suckers, but it is alleged that they did not go down far enough to yet anyrhina else. The new cninpany will be called the Blue Mountain Gas. Oil Co. Shelburne is aaain getting excited over she coal question. It is said that a company will drill several holes around the town in search of a coal seam. It would be funny if they struck Mr. Finch's " lake of oil " in their drilling operations. The shores (f that elusive lake are still beiow the horizon, and everybody has yet an et^ual chance of discovering the bonanza. It used to be said that heavy penalties in liquor cases would defeat their object â€" th<t public sentiment would lie with the defendaut and ctiBvictioas could not b« made. This old bugaboo has been smashed along with the trathc, acl now about 90 per cent, of the people say •' serTO him right ' when the nfl'ender gets lauded and soaked a thousand. Public seatiment has evidently changed very iNaterially in the matter ot tines. Mrs. Elizaheth Thompson, wife o Mr. {Samuel Theaipaon, died at her home in UrangeviUe on Satur- day last at the age of ()9, years, Tha renaius were brouicht to Fleshertrtu by. Bi»tor hearse »n SuneUy and interred ia tbo ceaieteiy here. The decetnad lady was a daughter of Wm. Kuttedge, a pioneer of this district. There are twe sisters and ene bf«ther jtill living â€" Mrs. Gserga Lawrence ot Kiaiberley ; Mrs. Noble Lawrence of Saskatehswau and Wai. liutledge of Algoma. The Annual Camp Meeting of the Gospel Workers (D. V.) will be held at Clarksburg from Friday, September 17th, to Sunday, September 2fith, 1920. Four 'erviees will be held each day at 9.00 and 10.30 a. in. and 2.30 and 7.3* p. m. A good staff of preachers and evangelists will be present and assist in the services. All are invited to attend and enjoy the meetings. For further particulars apply to Rev. F. D. Getr. Drawer 5, Clarks- burg. TTie accideat which b^fel one of mir oldest citizens, Mr. R.J. Sprcule, last week, wusmuch more serious thin at first was thought. Mr. Sproulo was leading a horse when the accident occur- ed. The animal became frightened and jerked Mr. Sproule ilfhis feet. He fell backward he*vily on the sidewilk and was picked up and carried to his rooms. Wednesday morning he was taken to Owen Sound hospital where an X ray examinati.'H revealed a fwcture in the hip boiic. Owing to thti suiTerer's age, ho tieing well on t.> four score, the iojui) is considered quite spri'ius, and will confine him to his bed f ir a long time. A great deal of sympathy is expressed fur the old gentleman in his »illtction. Dundalk band will supply the music at F/e«hert<in Fail Fair, Sept. 24th. We are agents for the Toronto dailies Leave your orders at The Advance office Plums for saleâ€" different varieties â€" will sell cheap. E A G'ah.im, Clarks- burg. S1400 in liquor fines was collected in one day in the 0»-en Sound Police Court. Friday, September 24'.h, the last day of Ea«t Grey Fall Fair, will be observed as " Tag Day " for the needy and de- pendent children of this county.' This 18 the only day in the year when you a'e asked for a subscription to aid the children so we hope the response will be hearty and generous. " It ia wiser and less expeasive to save children than to punish criminals. ' Rev. Mr. Eagle of Holland Centre returned on Friday last from a three weeks' visit at the Sault. Mr. and Mrs. Eagle left Flesherton by motor on a Monday forenoon and arrived at the Sault on Wednesday following,a diatance eovared of 520 miles, by way of North Biy, Sudbuiy, Blind River, Tnessalon, etc. The trip up mist have been with- out incident or delay to make the time they did. More time was taken on the return trip, as the roads were in bad condition owing to rains. Gents' Furnishings The Small S'ore with Bi:iVilues Fall riillinery Opening Friday and Saturday, September 17th and 18th We are pleased to announce our Fall Opening and cordially invite a visit from you. BOYS' SCHOOL CLOTHING Holidays are over and with the reopening of school comes the need of suitable .school clothing. Our range of Boys' Suiig is very complete and includes some very choice patterns, made up in good nobby styles. Boys' Suits with Bloomers, sizes 27 to 3.5, from $7.50 to $22.50. Boys' Suits with Long Trou.sers, sizes 33 to 38, from 815 to $38.50. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS Good substantial Footwear, suitable for school, but made up on up-to-date lasts and well finished, black or brown leathers, medium and light styles' all sizes from I to 5^, prices from $2.79 to $6..50. FLESHERTON, LADIES' FALL COATS Our first shipment of Fall Coats will arrive this week and we shall be pleased to Q' have you come in and see them. You will find a very nice selection, all reasonably S priced, raiiLrin^ ivonx ^29.50 to"$55.00. ' l* F. H. W. HICKLING ONTARIO Agen's for Hobherlin made-to-measure Suits and Overcoats. P:inam« and Straw Hats, Summer Underwear, Bathing Suits and Boys' Jerseys reduced 20 per cent. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. "THE ELDRIDGE" H. J. LEGARD Dependable Sewing Machines Flesherton, Ontario ''' ^^^^'^'"^"^ ^''''^'- ENTER ANY DAY SOLD BY W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERlPlANOS PHONG- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments ,M^M AT WWW H.iwk3u'3 Pho'.o Gallery and. '.Music Stor FLESHERTON ^^mpr/f£^/y/7j; y^ ^ ARMSTRONG (cA^^^^y^^<M^^^'^''^ F LESHERTON-. "Vr. ( )wen Sound, Ont. Individutl Instruction. Siaff of Specialists. Adoing. Book keeping Macbine?. Calculators, D caphonas, etc. Only School with « practical departineBt. SLUOTT Yosge and Ctiarlee Streets, Toroato Catal- Kajeys an excellent reputation for hish grade work. It is no wonder tha de- mand fer our graduates is five times ear C. A. FLK.MING. F.JC. A., Principal gj^ply Enter any time. Cataloeue G. D. FLE.MING. Seere.uiy. f^^g Mention ibis paper when writing) , y^r j ELLIOTT. PMXt'iPAi, Griiiuates assisted to positions, oiiiie Free. Canada Can â€" Reduce Her Taxes â€"Pay Her War Debts â€" Keep Workers Busy â€" Make Farmers Prosperous By Selling Her Surplus Grciin, Fruits, Dciiry Produce, Manufactures To the Nations of The British Empire The Key to the market is Cargoes Grocery SPSCIAL â€" While they Itist we will give 3 bars of Polar Whica Soap for -oc. fc" T«n Mant gaod, clean, fresh Groceries or Caafectionary ijive iM a call. We cairy nothiae but the best. We have also a full Line of all the leading To(>acces. All kiads of Fruits iu 3e«s«a . Come in aud visit our ic* eream parlor. We banJU Neilscn'i ice cream . "Bty a tin of EMsborn GLeeae tor yutir nest piottic. We have S difiereut darors. Highest pricDS paid for all kindi of PECtiue*. Phone in voiw •r^er. We \rtll d*tiv»r it ta aor put o/ tha W. E. CARGOE. PbDRe 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONf. 1 BOOTS & SHOES Ships â€" Canadian Ships The Navy League of Canada In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO 9^ ^ .•••••t«*'*'*t? •"^••^••••^^••l •••••••••w*7*7'^ ••47^T*'^7777*««*«ff ••)•••• •7T'i^nr*£7