September IH l*.)20 TIIK KI ESIIERTON ADVANCK Prompt Returns From Shipments When you ship Grain, Butter, Cheese or Fruit, put through The Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer. This is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement. It saves time and possible loss. TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1884* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, - HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tultiihu' Sliarplcs Scpar.itors JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. B III â- ^1 i Flesherton Tri Shop 'siim-^ 1 have just pl;u;eil on ilio shelves a full line <♦( Tinware, Nickelwarc and A^^'ateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eaveti'oughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds ()r(jnipLly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Furnaces. Agent for Clare Uros. a McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. I m i I \$ \$ i I tm^^mrA'^M-^^P ! <m clS\ ' 2^^^^^^m^^ % Necessaries For Fall Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Yarn in all shades. Coating, Coats, Flannelette, Grey and Red Flannel, Canton Flannel, Wool Underwear, Kimona Cloth, Flannel Shirts for men, Comforters, Wool Blankets, Art Sateen to make comforters, Batton, Rugs in all siz>es, Wool Carpet by the yard. Scrim and Marc|uisette for curtains. New Fall Dress Goods, Silks, Shoes and Gloves. â- â- â- â- â- nnxamasaoiaiBaain F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario A little Nou of R'>)Hirt Wntsoii (if A'ljitlH, wliu WHH in u NWui'i chivtr field \%hvli liiM fntlier wita cuttiiii; witli • iiioMTor, hud lioth leijH oit oil niiovu tlm ankle and died as a ruKuli. A Toronto man, driviut; • Urge Mc- Liuiililiii ear, caiud tj xrief on ilia Ht>k Line, Melanclhon, un litbor U/iy, While triivflling :it hii excosKive rale of spted, siiiiiu fresh )rravel diverted hi« c lursB fruiii tliu iiiaiii rimd uii>l tliu cwr and cictiupHiilfi crussed the ditch, and ci'itshud h«ad on with a hydro pole, cutiiiij,' ir in two cldne to the ground. Wli'tt hap|<ent)d lo the cnr is helter nut t lid. At pruKent It in ri'poHin^ in n local Karai'e, wlit-re it is laid up for much needed rep»irs. Thi occupiints eHcapwd seriuuH injury. â€" Shelbunio Kcmiomist. Bull ForjService I'ure bred Shirthorn Bull of the V'llliiae Kaniily^f ir tiorvice on lot 10, con. 10, Oaprey. reims 82.00 for i>r*doK. §5 for pure bredn. .Inly 15 -Mori. Snyers, Prop. For Service O-ie |iure IneJ Shorthorn hull on Lut 28 and 2!), Conci'ssinn 8, Arleinesia. Termj â€" SI. 50 for uradee if paid inside of 9 in^nthe â€" if not 82. Pure brcds 83.00. loct â€" HOHKIIT OSBORNK. For Service One pure nrt-d ^<lioi'(iiorii ISiill un lot 36, con, 9, ArtomeHia. Term* $1.50 (or j»railu3. btj pnicJ within 9J inotiths from diiti) of Hervicu. t9..J.iii.9 -R. O.TURNKP-. Boar tor Service The inidor.signed llll.'^ a Ihoniuyh.ited York.i-hire Bmufor service on lot U, con. 8. Oaprey. Ter ins 81.50. KRED SfOFFARD IH[iIil[lS vjaroliilly Corrected Each Week I'.iitUir IS t.) 4H Kai.'.s o.S -o I) .")« U lie;it 2 20 to 2 2.'> Pl>hh 1 40 to 1 .")0 Oats i)0 to 00 li.irley 1 40 to 1 4r> Fall Fairs KLKSh'KRTi )N Sopi 2:5-24 Chesley S,'pt 30-Uct.ober 1 l'..lliH!i»-ood .Sept 14 â€" 17 l)uMd»lk .Sjpt ."il)-();t 1 I )iiih.iin Sept .'SO â€" Ojt 1 l''eversli»iu Supt 28 -29 I Uuiver .Sept 2;{â€" 24 .VlarkdHie Oct aâ€" 6 MuHlur,! Sapt ;)()â€" Ojt 1 MiniK furt-s' 'Sep^ l.">â€" 16 t)i4Mvii)»i|lB .Sepi 14 â€" 15 IVicevilla Sept . '10â€" Oct 1 â- SliBlb-jrue Sopt 21â€"52 Small Ads. FOR SKLK Kor Sale â€" Gonil youn'.^ fox Imund. W, I. Kenor., Maxwell. ABOUT SICK_ POULTRY A Study of Bacterial Diseases cf Chickens. T Clorsr Hoiiuy Knr Sale.â€" 6. \V. (ira- hiiu, I'Ui/euii. i Call I'or .Sail- Three jfiun olil pii»l, kuilnlilii fur driierâ€" .lulm >Vrij;lit, Fle.^h- • itoH. tor.Ssle â€" Olio i<e(ieral purpose Iwy li MM! I yis old and ONU brown {(ewiinil piupuii* luAru :! yr.< ol.l .\pply to Jiikues O'lvnr, rri:e»ille. Phone 21 r 22. K«i 8»U -Nice Irivrtr aiit ruljlier tired 1 «;<y wnh "IS • i'ho kmrMO*)". .\p(ily u I UnH otlice. J.i yll Slii«^ Ie< -Oarlo-id XXX •.^uitliiy l: . 0. Red (Jedar. OrdwH IIKW t ilvrli. W A. .» riMHtr Miir, Klf's'iert III. DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 1 tlnd tliat. with eliiuiitin^' the iiiidiiit'iiicii'.s prcfit I iim .ihlti to n'lyit I In? piioplo of KNisiii'itoii utnl vicinity clicjiiicr Itrfail. 'riiorofoit! on ami alli-r Si'iiKiinlicr all lirc'iul will lie .sold a! the iJakcry for H.'ic. pv.r loaf. Any ciKstoiiicr desiring liicad di'livcicd l.'<ic. jut loal. MV MOTTO IS(\\SI| AM) CAKKV FRED PINDER, Flesherton Kdriiliz«r- I am <ti;iHU lorUuiiii'M Sure Crop KBriiliziiis, t!u' heat on ilie lu.irk.M, oiul Mu iii«w lukinit oiderH f.r full delivery at I'Mtidhurlon Station, Semi in ordpri by mail i,or No 21 r 2 ."t. W. J. .Miiid.4, I'ricoville P. O. 1 die MiaCKLLANEOU.S aud fli^'iMt iiriot (oi- hu Ornhain Rrcs. Eusenia e«ijH 111 .lunti 2(> Try Kev.ii-HiiB.n Pulry li'lour, the lient or vour iscvik. All Oiiimio wli.».it Losiâ€" On Sui)t. !»ih, a lindlo, bet we. n Vlcsherton nod K.«i;eiiin. h'^nder p'eafe lone Hi Th ! Advineu OHiee. Listâ€" UoweiMi Fleahiirfon fund Kini- berluy, a finkll brown Niiit ime roniinn- iii« l»iby clothesâ€" MrH. Kred Sium-t, I' Imheilop, Diagnosing Tuberculosis, Ciiolera, Typtioid and Wliite Diurrlioeti of fowl â€" How to KiHjp These Tiou- liles From 8|>re«diiiK â€" Railicui '1'rea.tment Suggested. (Contributed by Ontarto Department ol Airriculture, Toronto.) UBERCULOSISâ€" Judging by the number of tubercular bird.s sent to us for exam- inatioa from different places wo conclude that tuberculosis of do- i.ieBtlc poultry is widely spread in Ontario. In live fowl It is difficult to detect the disease In its early stages. As tlie dl.sease ad'Vancea, however, the following symptoms are liable to develop. 1. Emaciation â€" Notwithstanding the fact that the affected bird's appe- tite keeps good, the bird will fru- quontly get thin until eventually R becomes little more than skin and bone. This symptom, however, docs not always occur; some birds will remain fat even in the advanced stages of the disease, but such birds will bo very mopy ami inactive. , 2. Paleness. â€" The iinfeathered pari:! of the head, arniuul eyes and mouth, the comb and waltle.s, become pale and dull, and though the ':yca usually remain bright and, they lack life and fire and are often clostd. The feathers become dry and lack the lustre of health. 3. â€" Affected birds gradually lose their vigor and l)(»coine li.slless and inactive, being inclinod to tnope around and lie down when not feeding. 4. Lameness. â€" When the disease attacks the bones and joints lameness occurs. 5. Egg laying is frequently reduc- ed to a luininmm. After death it the bird is opened up tubercles will be fotmd which ap- year as white or cream colored spots or lumps on liver, spleen, intestines, and may also occur in lungs, bones and other tissues. These tMbereles ate masses of dead tissue which have been produced by the action of ihe poison given off jjy the tiibercl.^ lac teriuni which gets lodged in the li.s- s'ue wherever a tubercle develops. The droppings from affected birds have large numbers of these tubercle bacteria In them so that healthy birds scratching and feeding with tulior- cular birds soon contract the disease from these contaminated dropping.:;. When once the di.sease gets eslaii- lishod in a flock it is dilllctilt to era- dicate e«ce4)l by tlie most drasiic measures. The quickest and most o!- fectivo method is to kill off all dis- eased Ijirds and those that have r.ssn- clat :(l v.ith them and then thorou;.'liiy clean np and disinfect the promi.'-'s iuid start again witn new healtJiy slo«k. Fowl Cholera. â€" Generally the first symptoms of this disease is diarrhoea In which the droppinKs will ho tliin and bright yellow i?iixed with brli,-lit i-'racn. The feathers get ron;':heiv.'ii or stand on end, the wings drooi', liif ifead is drawn dowa towards the body. The bird rapidly becomes weak and drowsy. Thi> crop is usually liis- tcnded with fuoil and apparently paraly7.e<l. The bird hecon^s very th-irsty. In acute cases of the diSMis" the bird dies In from one to two days; in other cases ileatli does not occur for a week or *). Rxatninalion of tlie dead ki-rd shows inllanimalion of lh« difeetivt- organs, kijnffys and mesenteries. Ilfeuioi-rhage.s ure fcnjud in th« heaii; bJtMKl ve.sai.'Ui (Of Ihe liver are'eon- gested. The lueters appear yellow froiu»the, yellow-colored urates which ttiey contain. Tti« distsiwe is D^oelly Bi)r«iid by itnportjUion of aSfecte*! bird«, birds returniac from poultry shows, etc Oifai»i««nlly a spontaBf-ous oxikrciik wilUuccur where no new birds .iie intriidiKiod lu a Uofk. In such »aKi^ it_ is * that the caMsuI or- r»i»i*i«i"waii prifsek'' the iHHi«liH.s uf-'mt appa-i»ully healthy Ui.iii iluU was lesistniil lo Ike dii«as««Uat lli.-il BlUer bkds in the flock not Ueiing r»- sist*nt picked up the serms from the droppings of Ihn-affeeted bud and thus .coirtraoled tii« diseiw^p. Krery bird showing luarked nymp- ftmuti of tha diaeuse slioiild be killed at auce.aud burnffd, car* baiug taken th*,none of the blood gets scattered around as the bacteria that cause the will be uunicrous in (he blood. 4|k. Fowl Typhoid. â€" This di^^easc !« of- te<i ciimfHisgd with fowl uktdera wliieh it soiufwhat rcsemtdcli. DiarrhoBa, howfvcr. In tliis dist>ase is very-rare. The head of the biril becomes p;tlc, there is a rise in tempernlure of about three degrees, the bird bwomes drowsy and wwik and usiuvlly, dies iu from two to ten ckiys. Occasionally a recovery is nuule. Post mortem examination shows liver enlarged anil couKosted and tiprlnkled wiih siiiall gray sp(ils;\in- luHllnes pale, contents normal in con- sistency: heart pale with lod spots; lungs noriiial; blood pale. This disease is consi<lered lo be a hllh (liHeinse. Prevention Is the Only known treatment. The maintenance of good .sanitary conditions is Ihe best provelTlive. â€" U. H. Jones, O. A. Col- lego, liuelph. Men Wantedâ€" Steady employment f.T b I'h men niid leniiiii for work <m roart, Jit Til per d^v ; team and K W'm CnHWi]\, Kli«|ii.rloii. I'rivii,. fun is i.i ii.,ii „„ nul ,.< ••eouritjr III rule of lii'ei' Apply 10 U, .r. Sproule. Kie.l.orion sept 2317 lilvo Stock t'lmt. Calves of nil kinds requite plenty of shade. The horses at hard work will ap- preciate the run of a paddock where they will bo able to pick jv bit of grass. A rest of a few weeks for the brood iitarc after foaling will benetll both* muro and colt. T»ie bull will give lietter service if allowed Foiu« exercise lu a paddock every day. ♦ •: V]atfiAXnt Dancing at your own home, any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have aj Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT r . i;t°^^ SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s ."Supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washeisaui I wringers dllectric and gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCoimiick Binders, Mowers, Hay Hakes, Hrv LfiJiders, Drills, Cultivator, I'lows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engmes, BraiUfnrd douhl«i cearcd usd auto eiled «irn>otor Wmd Millie, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hiiy Ferk«, SHucs, Manure Carriers, \V,\ter liotk'ls, Wiitor T.jnlis, Purup .md Pipini;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One thini more wood eul with uhuio power when tiaud with niv patent. S. HEMPHIL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont- i^nnmsBBP Jii'PsrrjrjtC^JZ^JZrAr-.^-^^Z'^^-i-.yL^'^^^ , .1 â- I Wi i'.'i , V • n Find Out About The Samson The Samson tractor is stronger than several teams of horses â€" it never needs a rest Working expenses on any farm are cut to the minimum by a Samson. It is a common sense method of hauling â€" costs you little when it works and nothing at all when it is idle. The Samson has the same reputation for unfailing service as the Chevrolet car. Comje in some time soon and let us tell you why the Samson is proving such a good buy for the farmer. D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO 4»y^^^yj:^^j!^::^<;;^^i^^^^i^^^^ DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialiat Hutuutario Street, near Tliird Street. Oollingwood, < )iitnriii .\ppoiiitiiii"iit8 : â€" l)»ily • II. n^. U> 6 p. m. EvpiiingH and Holidays arranged. Tclciihciue (ill \V. »ox 1(H?6 1 .llvi;i) Boar For Service Pure bted U<'j;i«iorra Y-irksliire T5o.» for m-rvicu Maxwell .I>ck •!200:i--o'i lilt 1(>7. S W.T. * !S. U., .\rtemo»i». 'I'erins f 1.50. 10,4,19 T.J. ST1N8JN. NOTICE As it in Ct«am Separator stiasrvn aiid ymi want the bivst and mo!<t rvliable i<o(iHrator on iho inarkut lemcnibw the Dd Laval wa« the tirst invented and atil the li>.idini> Hoparatar. More o jthem in us^ thait , all other inaohinei. I Sold by HUGH KNOTT, Agent. Markdale.Ont, Boar For Service Kiaiati-riU ('hector \Vhil» hit; for srvicB at Kiick Mills The far.hor won, tirat at Chic.'V^o Fair. TermH fUTiO. dec &19 - I. SMITH Prop. • • I '