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Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1920, p. 4

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â- ^mmmp*mmi^^fvmm^f9immm "^^rn^T^ .^pteinber 'I 19*20 THE FI.IiSHEUTON ADVANCE A BanK Account For Your Wife More and more, are the wives of today running their homes on a business basis â€" systematically and efficiently. Many wives have a monthly allowance for household expenses. This, they do])osit in a Savings Account in The Merchants Bank â€" settle bills by cheque â€" and thus have an accurate record of bills paid. Such a business-like method also gives a woman the feeling of happy independence in having a bank account of her own. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1 864, CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, Manager. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiiluiliir Slrii'pies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLSMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tn Shop*.=.^««*^*^^^ I have jiist placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and A^Mtcwaro for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- P ings. Repairing ot'all kiinls proiiiplly aUeuvled to. Pipefilting, including pump work. Kurnaces installed. Agent for Clare l>ros. Furnaces. a McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK I II! m 1 1 II i^^i mill lis B IB II FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. I I i Fresh Fruit Coming Today Crawford Free Stone Beaches $ 1 .25 a basket Yellow Egg Plums 75c. a basket Green Gage Plums 75c. a basket Tomatoes 65c. a basket Five Rose Flour $7.45 a bag. H S W IH V 10 tw Ju taKB cB cK IV M iB iH W V F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario % DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING I find that with eliniatii'-g the middlemen's prcfit I am a'lle to givi; tlio peoplt) of inpsheiton ami vicinity clieapei- hread. 'rinM-oiorc on and after .Sepicmlter 1st all liread will he sold ,it the l>akery for 'jric. ])er loaf. Any cMstomer <lcsiriug l) delivereil 'Jttc. per loaf. MY MOTTO IS CASH ANIJ (AliUV FRED PINDER, Flesherton The Patriotic Fund At ihe re(|ucst of Il-v. J. li. Kinicr M. ]> , Sec Trrai'iriT of ilia I'atri'itic Fund fur ilie County of Orey, *e aie ){litJ to nunounC'i tlmt iIjO biduncnif ll>u KunJ Htill rotnuninK in he'um used for " r.iKt Disclmrge llulief '' of dependci ti of (lincliHi'ced Holdiri'H in npecUlly iitcco siioiis ciiiidilions tliiou;{li neri'iUH Hccidont ilhuHs, doiiili 01' other exciptionjl C!i- ouiiiHtune^i (Milium for fxperjdiluie bayoiid ttiv soldkn's nienii!). Till- fun ! i.- now bt'injj rtdtninisieicd for Iho wholo ccuiiity fr mi lUe (Jwun Sound oflicu, KU) '_'nd Avo Kift. Any cuniinuniciiiioDH from local sccrcttrios or otliuii) to tliit uddrcBS, k'^''"R certified inforumlion of ctues in need of relief, will bo deult witli synyslbctioiillv ace irdinR to the reuulations of I he fund' Local «ecrelHries may be addressed at Meiiford, Markdale, Flesherton, Durham and Hinovor. Chsi-h nenrer Owen Hound should be referred to Dr. Frnsor Fall Fairs FLESHERTON Sepi 23-24 Chesley St-pl 30-Octob«r 1 ("iiUiniiwooJ Sept 14 â€" 17 iJundalk S'pt :50-Oct 1 Durham Sept 28 - 2!) Fevershiini Sept 2!» -.'50 Hanover Sept 2.!-24 MarUdalo Ocr 5â€"6 Meaford Hipt 30-Ojt 1 Mounc Fores'. Sept 13â€" 10 Oninijevillu ' Sept 14 â€" 15 Priceville Sept 30 -Oct 1 Shelbjrno Sept 21-22 CHA5. DOUPE Dynamite IJlaster. Hock :ind Stump Blasting. Phone 32 r 14. Proton Station P. O. Farm For Sale 200 acres clay lt)-im at Shrigley, 7 miles Eist (jf Dund.ilk, 120 acres clearid and baltiico in valuable soft timbey. Novi r fiilint; Bpriuir creek across corner of f.irm within 200 feet of luildinij". Hank burn 44x70 with good Bt^bling, driving house, 8 roomed brick dwellins!, ph'i!ie and mail. Will sell firm wi li ('r n ithnu". s'lick mid implemenlp. For fiirtlu'r pirticuUrs apply t') owner, A. E. HAN LEY. Dundalk, One. Small Ads. FOR SALE V un^ pii>s for ."iale â€" ready Aug. 27- Ben. AlcEtinzie, Ceylon. Car (if shingles just arrived â€" I. C. Wrigh', Proton S'ation. For Sile â€" Nicti drivrr and rulibi-r tir 'd I Mg'^y wi li top, a'so h'iii.ieBP. Apply at thin olliee. .lu'ylt Shioglcbâ€" Carload XXX Quality D. C. Km Oednr. On'er.s now liken. W. A. A rinatronif, Fles'u-rton. For Sale â€" A number of puro bicd Vorksliiro pigs, both .suxcs, five weeks old. Apply to J. K. CoUmson, Ceylon. Phono 81 r 14. Sheep For S»leâ€" Two owes, 2 ewo lambs and ono thoroughbred Leicester nun iwo years old. C. H. Martin, Eugenia. Ferlilizei- -I am igoiil forOuun'n Sure I'rop Feiulrzers, the boston the maikel, and mil now taking orders for fall delivery III Flisherton Stition. Siind iu oideis by imd or jhine No 21 r 2 3. W. .1 . .Meads, Priceville P.. O. 1 due U.S. White cxiieots to be in Fle.iher- loirby September lliu lit and will hcll about live tons of furnace coil, a few cords of wood and some housiilield furni- Inieasgood «s new, by private s.ile. lospecti.Jii iif sauio si any time. PliPiie 40. MISCKLLANEOl'S li'.i'i!<i p'ic ! for buM.ei and eugi at Ornhani Hr<;H. Kutfiinlu. June 2(> Try b'uvi'rahft.n Paiti-y 1>'Ii>ih-, tho biwt or ynir riHik, All l>iit«rii) w^miac Privato fun Ih to loin on rB»l oatate si'c'urity at reaRonablo rate nf iii'oreat. Apply tc R. J. Sproulo, FJtjilierlon sept 2317 (chopping ovary Siturd»y onlyâ€" Qra ham Itros., Eugenia. 8tr»ytdâ€" Came to my promise'), lot 4, con. lO.O.sprey, ono jearling heifer. Oiviier pleiis.' e MiiMuiiiioa'i! with" didin I'oole, Kiigrnia P. ( >. STItAVKl) -ITrom lot 21, con. 8, t)sproy, on An.;. 17, ono dar'i bay horse, about 1200 lbs, with 2 white hind feet. Ilishal'.r on aid a boiird dripptd III .nod his neik. Kinder pluiso notify leniy Osborno, U. II 'J, .Sn. Jiimpton. Phone Fevertham. ELLIOTT ^ Yoiige anJ Cliariea StreetB, Toronto Eiij.-ys an excellent reputation for high grade work. It in no woi.dor the de> maiid for uur graduates is live liuiea uiir supply. Enter any tiuio, Catklogue free. W. J. KLLIOTT. PRiNfii-AL BOAR for SERVICE Pttiebred 'Jum worth Boir for service on lot 1(57, S W T and 8 E., ArleiiioHia,. Terms -|1 .50. Feb 15 -T. J. STINSON, Prop Farm For Sale ZUL'Ah 159, 160, 2nJ Rmge, W T and S I{, ArtemoHia, lOO acres, good outbuild- iigs, fr.ime house, well watered, orchard, f iirly good bush and vsell fenced. Small P'iymeiit down. - MARK STEWART, .\ug25tf R R 3, Proton Station P P CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug, 28-Sep. 2 1 "The Greatest AhhulJ. Event on Earth" Where tke Nation ihowa its best fir»isfaed product of th» Mine, Fisheries, Foi««t, lictory, Studio and Laboratury for E*liibifion. Cornparsion. Inslructionand Encouragement Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts, Applied and Graphic Arts International Photographic Salon. Demonstrations daily by Northwest Mounted Police Two days of scnsafiona! automobile racing. Mile-a-tniniite motor boats and water (ports. Electric (how. America's beat Live .Stock Poultry, Tractor and Farm Maclilm.ry Display Cuvernnient Exliibits and Demoiititrations. And a Kore of other Special Attr.-ictionj 42nd Consecutive y,ar.|, 201.000 Visitors in 1919. JOHN G. KENT, General Manager^ Farm For Sale 100 acrce, 70 undar 'cultivation ; bush has dome good timber. Good ;<toul\ or grain farm, «>dl witered. lart'e brick li 'USX, friiiie lmtn.><. IVsseasion Mnrili Ul, l!t21 Apply to ISAAC SINCLAIR, F.oshir on <ii Rev. W. A.Siuelaii, L'lii. nvillK, 22O.-120 Oi.t. For Service Ono pure t>red Shorthorn I'nill on lot :U>, con, y, Aitemosia. Terms $1.50 l«t grades. Munt be paiii within t>2 nionti g from date of sorvico. 10..]aii.i> -H.O.TURNER. FAI.l. TWUM OPENS siEPrEMUKU 1 at tho Owen Sound, Ont, The only Canadian School with a {radi- cal dopirtinnit. Open all year. Catiloftue Fne. C. A. m.KMUNi:. F.fC, A , IMneip 1 a. 1). Fl.EMINC., SecriUry. Mention this paper when writing) IfTMrnn vhirehiUy Corrected Kaoh Week »n»»«»r 4(i to 41! h^ijH t) 58 v> .*8 W boat 2 2(Mo 2 2."> Paas 1 40 to I 50 Oat^ !H) to 90 IWrley 1 40 to 1 45 Bull For Service Pure bre I Sli irtliorn ftull of tie Villas? Family sorvico on lot 10, con. 10, Ospiey. Teiins ?2.r)0 for uMde.i, $5 for pure bred<. .tnly 15 Molt. S ivi'is. Prop. For Service Ono pure breil Shorlhnin bull on L t 28 and 21', Oonoossien S, Arteineaia, Termsâ€" #1., 10 for Lridos if raid iniido of months -if not $2. I'uro breds f;!.00. loct ROBERT OSBOUNK. ^m Vict^XVI^ Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a â-  Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT r. .u . - â- -y^ •tl>'''.. O SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1000 Gi-avitv Wcisher.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For ^ 1900 Gravity wa.shers and wringers ^ tlectiic and gasoline' power washers. ALSO for McCor/uick Binders. Mowei.s, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaderp, Driilc, Culiivntor, Plows, Steel SisUs, Harrows. Gas -.line Engines, Uraiuford 1^ dnubte uearcd and auto oiled airmotor Wind MtiU, Boatty Hay Cart-iors, Hay Forks, Sliugs, Manure Carriers, Water Ho'.vl-;, \V,i-erTtLiVg, Pir.ip :iid Pipinj. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS Diu' tliini mori' ivoo 1 a'.v. wall siino poiver vviion tiued with n.y patent. S= HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Wheat Participation Certificates The Wheat Board has announc- ed an initial payment of Thirty Cents Per Bushel on participation Certificates. Bring in your certificates and we will collect the amount for you. Our facilities are always at your disposal. "lANMORONTO DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetritl and Optical Specialist lluruiitaiio Street, iieiu- Tb rd Street. Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : â€" Piii'yâ€" • a. m. to 6 p. ni Evfiiini;* and Holidays Arran;;ed.' TeU-ihiue tJllW. Box llHIO 1 JlvLH) NOTICE Boar For Service Pure bied \K«^ murea V i! >! r* Boa for K.TVici' â€" \L«x»'»]l .lack '>:'( BSâ€" on lot It;;, s w. T. >t S. R., Ar'iawia. I'erniH $1 iO. ; 10.4.19 T.J. 8TIN*JN. I .As it ift Cream Separator sdasou and you want the bc^t and most r«li.>ble Separator on I lie niarkot teinenib«« tha ' Dd Laval was tho first invented and stil tha leadiu; separator. More a them in usa than all other niaedinef. Sold by HIGH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale.Oitt, Boar For Service lti»;i»tered Cliostor Whito h >!< for siviee ailv>ok.UilLi Tho father won. tirsi at ChicAj;o Fair. T.rnia 91. M). doc 619 -4. SMITH Prop.

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