'^'^'i^'^^'i^mmmmmmmwKf'ir Fv^wT'-rmw August 26 1920 THE FLESHKKTON ADVANCE t t SAVING. -The foundation of almost every successful business venture is built on Savings. The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great assist- ance in Helping you to de- velop your business. **» THE STANDARD BANK I OF CANADA I FLHSHERTON BRANCH I GEO. MITCHELL Manassk ^ ANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshevcon Station as allows : Going South Going North 7.B2 a. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.S0p. m. The m.kila are osed at Flesherton as foliowB : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. We are agents for the Toronto dailies Leave your orders at The Advance office Mrs. (Dr.) C. Ottewell and young lady friend, of Toronto, spent the past week with friendi here' Mr. Friuk Thuiston of Toronto spent most of the past week at the parental home here. Miss Florence Caswell, trained nurse, of Detroit, is holidaying at her parental home here. Bornâ€" At the Park House, Flesherton, on Thursday, August IDh. lo Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dykes, a son. The marriaije is announced of Lulu £. Brsdley of Rflgini, S;isk , and formerly of flesherton, to James D. .Sled, on Wednesd:»y, August 11. Mr. Joe .-Vrmslrong of the Dominion Rtgalia Company, Toronto, i« with bit family in their cottage here spending a few weeks' holidays. ; Miss Lulu Mitchell, kindergarten teacher, hss been euasged to teach at the Oauadian Sault after holidays. For the past year she has taught at WellanJ. Rev. and Mrs. Holmes of Singhampion visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Down on Fri- daylast on their re'.urn from a pleasaut holiday at St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Ldhman (nee Allie Williams), of Kenora, and Misses Neih and Hilda Williams of Toronto, spent a day withrelativea here last week. We would draw the attention of the authorities to the fact that illegal duck shooting is going on at the Eugenia hydro pond, including Sunday shooting. Church of England ser.'ice will be held in the Town liall, Flesherton, every Sunday at 7 p. m. Rev. J. Blackwe'.l, pastor. All welcome. Master Will C:urington go» a nasty tumble off a horse one day last week, with the result that he is tiursiusj â- » badly sprained arm. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. C. Norsworthy and son, Oer.^Ul, and Miss Addomau, of Alvinst-jn, and Miss Emma Nightingale, were all guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morsworthy during ^he past week. Il is now â- t.'Ued that Arnel Love, the self confessed murderer of his mother, is STiiie. He h<» heon carefully observed for some weeks and it is tke opinion of the doctor witching him that ha is sine and that the confession he made is genuine The Flesherton baseball c^ub attendid the gardeu party at Kimlerley on Thins- day last and played a same of baseball igiinst a packed tetm from Meaford, Thornbury, UorVlyn and Kimberl.y. The boys went down to play Kiinberley, hut on arrival found they were up against a picked team, and in spite cf the fact that they had live juniors ou their Une up, they weft at it to show tba Valley- ites how the game Is played. It was agreed that Hoven iuniiiits would bs played, but at the »'«d of this period the score atood o to 5 and it was then a^rc<d to play nine inning!), with the result that our boys" came out victorious, lh» final score biting 7 to 6. Mrs. (Dr.) LittI* and son sf logsrsoll are visiting relatives here. Mi«« Add I Wright of Toronto is visit- ing her Dsrental home. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto Is visiting her home here. Mr. Fred UeClocklia of Toronto is fisiticg with friends here. Mrs. U. J. White and son, QordoB, of Toronto, are viaiiing the tormsr's daughter, Mrs. Herb LeGard. Mrs. (Rev. ;G. C. Raymer of Qusenston Heights is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Hurray. * Miss Ethel Oilchilat left on Monday for a fortnight's holidays with friends at Mono Road sod Orangevitle. ^ Mr. and Sirs. W. Cronia and five children of Toronto visited Mrs. Wm. Larer, East BaekLine, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sloan and son, E4. uf Kimberley, left on Tuesday for their new home in Culifornla. Billie, the little son of Mr. C. Hanley, 8'.h line, fell and had his leg broken between the knee and ankla. About twenty of the W. L members visited the Vandeleu» Branch at the home of Mrs. Fred Boland on Thursday, All report a good time. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and daughter, Aleda, leave today, (Thursday), for a visit with iba former's daughter, Mrs. Goldsborough, at Iroquois Falls. Satisfaction is what yon get iuHobber lin Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LcGard's Gents' Furnish- logs, Flesherton. Hr. J. A. Keinahan of Feversham has a levan acre tield 'of oats which averaged 8 feet t> iochsi iu height. This £eld was levelled by the wind and rain of Saturday. Mr. Kernahan says he does not know how he will sive it. Ur. Woods of Corbetton preached very acceptably in the Methodist chnrch on Sabbath last. It is expec'ed that Mr. Belfry will be la his own pulpic next Sabbath. Married â€" In Toronto, o», Saturday .\ugu8t 14, Dr. Fred Murray to Miss EdnaEvansoB. Dr. and Mrs. Murray visited the former's brother. Dr. E. C. Murray, over ihe week end. A heavy thunder, wind and rain storm Saturday evening did a great deal of damage by levelling the grain fields, many of which were nearly ready to cul. This will entail a grast amount of extra labor in order to save the crop, which is yery hssvy in straw. Remember Grey County Wemen's Institute Convention in the Town Hall, Meaford, on August 24. Afternoon and evening sessions. The chief speaker is Dr Waugh, of Toronto, Chief Inspector of Public and Separate Schools of Ontario. AH should he.ir him. The regular monthly meeting and tta of the W. I. will be held at the home i f Mrs. Hlcklirg on Wednesday, -Aug 1. at 8. 3 J. "Some things that make life wirth while," by Mrs Olinton ; " Success frtm different standpoints, " by Mrs. W. A. Armstrong* B.aking Com. â€" Mrs .Akins, Mrs Crossley, Mrs McTavish asd Mis A. Stewart. Kev. Simon V. R. PeMland. wife, son and daughter, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. W. I. Henry. Mr. Pintland ts stationed at Brigden, Sarnia Dis'rict, in the London Conference. He preached in the Presbyterian chuvch in the after- noon, and in the Methodist church iu the evening, where the family sang a p!ea'!ing quartette. Tbo Mission tiand of the Methodist ohurch will celebrate its silver anniver- sary on Tuesday next, Augnst 31 .An address will be given by Mrs. H E. W. Kemp, Torouto, Cor.Sio. of Mission Btnd^ also by Mrs J. H. Rutherford, Owen Sound, District ^Supotinteudeut. L intern views will be given of our work from H,difax to Vaucouver, also of Japsn and China. .Sessions will be held at 3 and t$ p. m. Tea will be served at the close of the afternoon session. Tiis happened right here in town. Two young nen, bo'h returned soldiers â€" one I'uited ^Staces, the other Can- aditn â€" were chatting amicably to* geiher, when the .American started to use French is the coaver- action. He was halted and asked lo â- peak British. " Ob, ' he said, " all the .Amoricsns leained French while over there. ' " Well," said the Canadian liieutonaut, " we Canadians had no time to study the language." No, there was uo international mixup, though conver- sa'irn languished. The doss was bitter but it was swallowed. Mr. Alex. Unrgott of Proton Station had a peculiar accident with his car at Milne's corner, Collingwood gravel, one night ta't week. In company with a friend he was driving hia oar, and en teppim; a rise he ran into a cow that w^io lying on the road. Owing to the rise he was unable to see the animal until right on it. Two wheel.a and the windshield were smashcJ but liotb occupants of the lar ca-na out of the mixup uninjured. We have not learned what damage wi a done to l,he cow. In: piesuivf that her ruuning gear' w-is damaged anJ an air pump would be loiiuirei to teinHats her. Wrong Again, C W. The Markdale &iaudard of laat week says : "Of the 16 publishers in Gr.^y County forty years ago, C. W. Ruiledge of the Markdale Standard is the only sue now io business." This IS incorrset, as The Advance man was also in baainms in this c junty forty years ago. We wiil wager, \oo, a bottle of hair restorer that we have mors bairs on ths top of our head than Bro, Rut ledge has. Woman Injured By a Cow Mrs. Wm. J. McLean cf Walters Falls had a miraculous escape from dsath on Monday moraintr of last week, She and the children went out to the Qeld to bring in a young calf. When Mrs. McLean attempted to goto the calf the oow became enraged and rushed at her, tossing her into the air, and after she fell to the ground the cow proceeded to trample her. Other eows in the field becams attracted md started over the fi«Id . This apparently caused the mad sow to stop her work and sba started towards the cows, thinking they were goi' g ts mclcst the young calf. This gave the unfortunate woman a chance to crawl 10 the fence where the children were helplessly 1 oking on. With great diifioulty Mia. McLean made her way to the bouse with the children. Later Dr. McCuUcugh of Waiters Fails was called and found that her wrist was broken and her whole body in a badly bruised condition. Ac the time of the accident Mr. McLean was away from boose. Latest report is that the injured woman is doing very well â€" Chatswoith News. Men's Panama Hats Reduced 25 Per Cent. 'All our Men's Genaine Toyo Panamas, aU this season's goods, stvlisk shapes, including several styles of sailors. Also young men's shapes in Fedoras, some plain, some fancy bands, all sizes from 6J to 7f , all less 25 per cent. Farm For Sale 2O1J acres clay losm at Shrigley, 7 miles Eist of Ound.ilk, 120 acres cleared and balance in valuable soft timber. Never filling spring creek across corner of farm withiu 200 feet of buildings. Bank barn 44x70 with good stabling, driving house, 8 roomed brick dwelling, phone and rural mail. Will sell farm wiib or without stock and implements. For further particulars apply to owner, A E H.ANLEY, Dundalk, Ont. Gents' Furnishings Thie Small Store with Biu' Values .Agon's for Hobbcrlin made-to measure clothing. Wo have just received the UobUer- lin Fall and Winter Catalo^ua wHh excellent lines it) Men's Suitiugs and Overcoats. Call at ouce and get the first choice. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 at the t)wen Sound, Ont. The only Canadian Schcol with a practi- cal depart nit nt. Open all year. Catalogue Free. C A FLEMINO. F. C. A., Principal G. D. FLEMING, Seora'ary. Men' ion this pjiper when writing) ROAD CLOSING Notice i.< l-.ereby given that the Coun- cil of the T'Wiiahip of .\rtemesia will, after one MiJiith fioin the tirst publica- tion here 'f m 'I'be Flesherton .\dvanco, the date of which first publication is the 12ih d.iv i>f .August, H'il', proceed to p.sss a Bylaw to close up and disposing of the urderuientioned orininal all.'wauce f jr ro.ul, being iu the Township of .Arte - luesia, viz , That part of oriitiual allow- ance for road lying between :»ls loO ;ind I.tI, in I he third ranite S W 1" A S R. commenc'ng at a vioiut in the S W limii for load bt'lwevn the 2iul and 3ril raii'.;cs S W of the T and S Road, thence S W seven chains and fifty linka. uioie or less, to the iN E limit c'f deviation road over said lot bO All persons iutercs'ed are keruby re- ipiired to take notice and Rovern thoM selves accordingly. - W. J. BELLAMY Dated August 12, 1920. Every Requisite For Preserving ranulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. Jem Jarsâ€" half gallons, quarts and pints. Perfect Seal Jars â€" quarts and pints. Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles, big range of sizes, Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, Cullenders, Long Spoons, Fruit Presses. Measures, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO SHELBURNE Small Ads. FOR SALE Ycuna piws for sale â€" re^tdy Aug. 27â€" Ben. McKenzie, Ceylon. Car of shingles just arrivedâ€" J. C. Wright, Proton Station. I For Saleâ€" Nice driver and rubber I red buggy with top, a'so harnes?. Apply at this olfice. Ju;yltf Shinglesâ€" Carload X.XX (Quality B. C. Red Cedar. Orders now taken. W. A. Armstronsi, Flesherton. For Saleâ€" A number of pure bred Yoikshlra pigs, both sexes, five weeks old. Apply to J. F. Colhoson, Ceyloo. Phone SI r 14. ri. S. White eipecti tJ be in Fleohor- ton^by September ttie 1st and will Sell about five tons cf furnace coal, a"~"few cords of wood sad some househeld furni- ture as good as new, by private sale. In.spection of same at any time. Phono 40. VV. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" ^f^: I MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and j ^ I PLAYERlPlANOS. PHONO- jl pll GRAPHS and RECORDS, and *! SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade iustmnients M^m^ AT wm^^^' HiTke;i'3 Piioio Gillery aad ;Masic Stor FLESH ERTON -*^^,,,jp MISCELLANEOUS fiiih-jsc psioj foe batter and eugs at Graham Brcs. Euaenia. June 26 Wanted â€" Roomefs, students preferred â€"Mrs. 51. Thistlelhwaite, Flesherton. Try Fevecsha.u PasU-y Klour, tlie best or jour co>k, .All Outwio wheat Private funds to loan uii real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. .Apply tc R, J. Sproule, Fleiherton sept 2317 Chopping every Saturdiy ooly â€" Ora liain Bros., Eugenia. Red and white hound strayed from home last Friday. Information Ihauk- fuUv received by Chas. Stewart, Flesherton. Strayedâ€" Came to uiy premises, lot 4, con. 10, Osprey, one yearling heifer. Owner please coinmuuicate with" John Poole, Eugen'a P. O. S' rayedâ€" From lot IU, con. 14, Osprey, on Friday, July 30, a dark brown driving mare. .Anyone knowing whereabouts please p'.ione or write Andrew Fawcett, ' Fcvershaui . Lost â€" Between Flesherton and Rock ^ Mills, two dry goods parcels on Tuesday of last week, about the noon hour. Finder please leave at this ortice*or with Waller .Vkitt, Flesherton, Ont. STRAYEDâ€" From lot 21, eon. 8, Osprey, on .Aug. 17, one dark bay horse, about 1200 lbs, with 2 white hind fott. • Has halter on and .t board strapped around his neck. Finder p'ea.se notify Henry C)8borue, R. R 2, Singhampton. Phoue Feversham. | Cargoes Grocery SPECIALâ€" While they last we will give 3 bars of Polar White Soap for 'loQ. If you Maat good, clean, fresh Grooaries or CouAsoiionery give us a call. We carry uoihiug btu 6h« best. We have also a full line of all the leading; Tsbacces. All kinds of Fruits in seasou . Come iu and visit out ice cream parlor. We bandl« Neilson's ice cream. Try a tin of Elkhorn Cheese for your nest picnic. We Lave 8 different flavors. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produoe. Phoue in vour order. We will deliver it to any part of the village. W. E. CARGOE. Pbose 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT, . a«aSSSs »a.«.«.«i*^! •,* «ik« •••l«.!iiiii.i.^.«iii^«« Sfr« i L-j «.«.* t«i t ^«j«.C ^ i.*' I BOOTS & SHOES •••• ••• â- ••• •••• In Ladies' Vt'ear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. Farm For Sale Lot lj."> and Idij, lon. 2, W.T. \s«.K , Artemcsia, oonti-nina aW'ut 110 acrf.-', over 90 !«cres cleaied, g>od buildin([<, small (Tchard, well w.tered. Api>)y to ••; ROD. STEWART. Ji>4 Protou K. R. o, THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO • •• • •• • •• • ••