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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jul 1920, p. 8

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'M. July 29 193« THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE Wheat Participation Certificates The Wheat Board has announc-' ed an initial payment of Thirty Cents Per Bushel on participation Certificates. Bring in your certificates and we will collect the amount for you. Our facilities are always at your disposal. "IMMORONTO BUSINESSCARDS Socnfim DBINOB ABTHUK WJDOB, No. ffl«,A.R.4 (^ A M, meet* lu tht Mftsontobftll. Arm • ronii'8 Ulook Fl<wU«ftoD. e»ery Friday op or hefor* the «ull luoon. T. Claytou, W. M., A. B. Ballauiy, Beomtary. DBNT18TBY (\r B. C MURRAY U D. 8, (IUJl»l«2;y««J| licyal OollodB of Dental Bnnjaoni ofOntwlo, Oai admlilDiaUred (Of tMM «XM#H* Uiou at reaiduuo* Torooto ttlreei. »iiwuerW>D. Medical Dr \V J. Henry, M; li., graluatoot Kacult) of Medicine, Toronto Univeinlty, OfUce -Dr. l^lttle'B late reeidanoe, Klenharton. r OTTUWULL Vetorinary RargMB of Ontario Ve irailuato of Ontario Veterinary Colleg* â- erldauco â€" seooud door aoutb wen.OD Vxkry etreet. This itreet rani onlb "reHbytarlan Ohnrob, I Legal I UCAB, A liBNRYâ€" HarrlBtcra. BollcitorB, 1-' eio.â€" 1. B. Luoafl, K. C. ; W. D. Hoiiry, II. A. UtUcea, Markdale Lucm lilock, Piiona DA, UiancliOlIlciB at Ouudalk and Diirlja i . WKIOHT, * TELFOKD, liarriBtor, Sollci. torn, ic. OIHoob. Oroy t Urucu Hlnck. Owon Sound. Standard Hank â-  cK^Kleeber- ton, (8aturd»yB). W. H. Wrlgbt, W. P. I'elford Ji. Farm For Sale Lot 15r> »nd 150, en. 2, W.T, &S.R , Art«mo«ia, ci^nlHininu iibout I HI acrec, over UO acres clfsrid, yond biiildiiiKH, email orchaid, wrll^watt-red. App'y to UOD. STKWART. J 24 I'rotoii R. n. 3; For Service Oae'pure Dri'd Shorlliurii Hull on lot 3G, eon, '9, Arteinusia. Term.s SI .'lO fgrades. Munt bti paid withiu 9 montliH from date of service. 19.Ja...« -K. O.TURNKR. Farm For Sale 101 acrri', 70 undn- 'cultivation ; husli liiiH Hoiiie Kui)d limber. Good stock or graici farm, well witored, lari/e brick house, fruuio burnt-'. Possession March IhI, 1921. A))|.ly t.' l!5.\AJbISCL.^IU, Kle.sheiton I Ol Rl'V. W. a. Siuclaii, LeiiiuiivilU', |220cl20 Out. BOAR for SERVICE Purttl»r«d Ttuji worth Hwii for Bi*rvice on lot 107. S W T and S E., ArlomwiiH,. Termsâ€" il. 50. Foh 15 -T. J. ST1N80N, Prcip j Business Cards i UfM. KAITTINU, icwiHod AuctJcoe- r ftot I '' tlie couniies of tiray and Mmcoo. "'arm aud Stock â- ales a Bpecialtr. T&rmB I imderate. tatififacUon guaranUed- Arrau^^- I ut^utH for datod may be made at the Advance { ifllco. or Ceutrul tolerlione oOlco i<ovcr8baju i >^ hvaddraBBiac uie at Feverehatu. Oct. I ^ _ DUoFriAU'. Liceused Auctlouee for tlit ' County of Groy. TerniB modorare ain nttiis urtU'D Kueiaiiteed. The arratiRemfiit atid dates of Bales can be made at Ths Advauui offlce. HuF^irleiiceatid P.O" C'oyluu, Telephotx f!ctrui«<:(tion. Dno. 5. 7( FALL TKR VI OPENS AUGUST 10th j Yongc and Charles BtrcetH, Toronto The s»larie8 offored our (jradu/i'i'S during the Itat two years havu been ^leuter tliin ever before. It is no I rouble for our graduttes to Kit pourtioi s bicuuu they are properly trained. VViiio for OntiloKUo, ' W. .J. ELLIOTT. Pkincii-ai, FALL TKRM OPENS sjEPTfiMlJER 1 at tho I y . • '////X-^U {6U{-(/r> y "THE ELDRIDGE" Owen Sound, Onf. Till' only Ciinidian School with a pr.»i;ti- cnl depirtinuit. Op.-n nil year. Cataloxuu free. C. A FLEMlNCi, F. C. A , Principal (i. D. FLEMING, Sooraiary. AL-mion this p:iper wh"n »rilin») De£X5n(hil)le Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESUEUTON, (♦Nl". El > fr-i j Ki- .( FARM LABORERS WAMTED "Fare Going "-$15 to WINNIPEG. H cent per mile Winnipeg to destination. "Fare Returning"- $20 from WINNIPEG. \^ cent per ir.iie starting paint to Winnipeg. GOING DATES AUGUST 0, and AUGUST 16. TERRITORY ^Frntn Stutlons in Ontario. Smith's Falls to and including Torooto on Lake Ontario Shore LiiM ond Havclock-Pctrrtjoro Line. From f^tattons Kingston to Renfrew Junrlion, inclusive. From Stations on Toronto-Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sonnd inclusive. From Stations Pranoel to Port McNiroIl and Burkston, to Bobcaygeon, Inclusive, AUGUST 11. f From Stations South and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. ^^^ J From Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham. Elora, LIstowel, Qodericb» St. Macy'a. , _â- "" «n 1 Port Burwell. and St. Thomas Branches. AUUUST I 8. I Prom Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. SPeCIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. ^lOWARD, District Passenger Agent, ToroatOw YI iil Flcshcrton Garage Agents for Ford, Briscoe, Gray Dort and Dodge Cars * ' •â-  - Expert Repairing A Specialty We have installed ^a complete acetyline welding plant and can do the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. Oui large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances'and we solicit your patronage. / /»\/ 'Af "'V'V '*V^V'"^'*V"i/"*V H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors PARTURIEJI1[ PARESIS liifcase .Hore Commonly Known as Milk Fever. yniptoms Descrlbetl nnd Treatment .SiiKKfKted â€" NoUiiiig Should lie .Administered by Uie Moiitli â€" How to Treat llie I'dder and 'l>MtM. .('ontrlbuted by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) PAUTUUIENT PARESIS, com- monly, but improperly, called "milk fever" is a disease peculiar to breeding cows, and, ua the name implies, appears at or near the time of parturition. In rare cases the symptoms have been noticed shortly before tho appearances of labor pains. In some cases during the act of parturition, hut in cases not for a few hours or days after the young lias been born. The exact cause and na- ture of the trouble, and the manner in which treiitment acts, are still in '•oinparativj obscurity. We kn')W that it appears only in lailch cows, and at or about the per- iod of parturition, that it has never been noticed at or following tlie birlli of the first calf, and very rare- ly the second; that cows that are hoavy milkers or in gross condition, or both, are particularly susceptible, but it is occasionally met with in a poor milker or an animal in low condtion. Symptoms. â€" Shortly before, at, or in a variable time (say a few hours lo three days) after parturition, the cows becomes uneasy, neglects her calf, stamps her feet, whisks her tail, and the eyes have a glassy appear- ance. She sways, has not proper con- trol of her limbs, lies or falls down, may or may not be able to rise, goes down again. This may occur a few limes, until she becomes unable lo rise. She usually assumes one of two positions: lies either on her side willi limbs and head outstretched, or on her sternum, with the head thrown backwards and the muzzle resting on the flank. There nre few cases in which cither one or the other of ihcse positions are not obsei-ved. The temperature is subnormal in all uii- â- omplicated cases, hence the term 'milk fever" is not correct. More or less well marked coma is noted. In many cases she is apparentl.v dead, except that breathing ran be noticed, in many lases a sonorous breathing. She is insensible to curroundintis and insensitive to pain. In some eases the ilevelopment of the symp- toms is very quick, while in others slow, and in some cases tho extreme symptoms are not noticed. She may retain a degree of power of action and sensation. Treatment. â€" It has bren denion- â- ;t rated that a full udder lends to pre- vent the disease. Hence it is good practice to allow the calf to remain with the dam for at least three days, as it will nurse frequently and a lit- tle at a time, never leaving the udder without considerable milk. When, for any reason this cannot be done, the milker should simulate nature as near as possible, b.v milking frequent- ly, but very little at a time for three days. It Is also good praetic? to re- duce the animal's milk producing food for a few days before parturi- liim is expected. Curative Treatment. â€" We wish to particularly emphasize the fact that on no account, and under no circum- .stances, should any attempt be made lo administer anything whatever by tho mouth. Even in the very early .stages of the disease, the patient loses the power to swallow; lience, if fluids be introduced into tho mouth some of it will almost surely pass down the windpipe and cause death by suffocation in a few min- utes, or set up mechanical bronchitis, wiiich will probably cause death in a few days. We have stated that "a full udder lends to prevent," now we say that "a distended udder tends to cure." Intlation with oxygen gns or sterilized air is easier and less liable to cause complications than disten- sion with fluids. The use of gas de- mands the possession of n tank of compressed pure oxygen gas, and special apparatus. OulUts for inflat- ing with sterilized air can be pur- chased from dealers In veterinary in- struments for from $2 to %'i. and where neither can bu obtained an ordimuy bicycle pump with a teat .syphon attached may be used, but com-pircations from the introduction of s;eplic material are more liable than when gas or sterilised air Ib used. The udder and teals must be thor- oughly washed with an antiseptic such as a 5 per cent, solution of ono i)f the coal tar antiseptics, the hands i)f the operator and the inslrumenl.s ilso slorilized. All milk is drawn off, IS its presence Interferes more or less with inflation. Tho syphon is introduced Into a teat, and all tho ,'aa or air that the Quarter will hold s forced In, and tho teat then tied .Ightly Willi tape to prevent escape if it. Kach quarter is inflated and he teat tied. Tho i^idder is then well massaged every hour until Ihu cow ilses to licr feel, which Is usually in Troii^ 'oiie lialf (o (wo hours. The apes should bo removed in at most iwo hours. If not on her feet in It most six hours tho udder shovrtd 1)0 re-li)flated. She should bu given ioiue easily digested food, or a Tea- louahlc auVbiini of her usual food, and ill lUo water Jtl"^. >^''l lalte. If llio vrealher bo cold, the chill should be lenioved from tho water and tho •ow kept as comfortable as possible. .She should not be milked at all for 24 hours after iiUlatiun, and lor the second twenty-four liours she iihouhl be milked frequently, but very littl •• drawn at a time. Forty-eight hours after inflntlon she should bo milked and attended to In tho ordinary man- ner.- Ur. J. 11. Keed, O. 11. A. Col- lego, Ouolph. Shade Is Important tor all clasaes o( Block. BSTABUSHED 1672 rn?,n:':r,rjri; iHEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON What arc you going to do with tbe $0 00 in your pocket? Are yon looiiiug for a place lo spend it, or a place to save it? There hnndreiJs of places to spend it. A Dank of Hamilton savings acoounti^ good place to put it if you want to use it later on when you I'ave a real need for that $5 and many others which you can add to if yoa will do so. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK:BRANCH-A. M. Carthew,'-- Manager SUB-BR4NCH PR1T0N-C. J. Forster.iSub-Manager New Perfection OU Cook Stove Q_ J Touch a match to the burner and it is OpCcQy^i.eady for use instantly, just as speedy as a gas stove. Q-f aorltf ^^' ^^^ Hanie where you want it. Yoa O IcdUy'can always see it through the mica door and it stays where you sat it. PI „ Does not blacken potsand pans. The VlCall'long blue climiney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. None of it escap'es in smoke or soot or disagreeable odor. 11 X For every cooking purpose there is always nul'an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat ilirectly against the utensil. riiiAn ^^^'^^^ door, will not steam or break. U Vcll'Three point lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heat circulation, all steam and moisture carried away. No soggy food. Call and let us show them to you. Made in 2, 3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON 5 This position is open for you now It offers you good cleanly needlework (mak- ing overalls and gloves) in sunny, attractive surroundings, in the company of refined and agreeable young women. We are willing to pay good wages even while you are learning. The job is steady â€" 8 hours a day, with a half holiday on Saturday. We provide a cheerful, cosy, rest room; well-cooked and appetizing meals at cost, and a chance to earn big wages as you advance. Our welfare department will also undertake to secure for you good board in a private home at a moderate price. Write or apply personally to Mr. Fell who will be glad to show you over the place and answer any questions you may care to ask. HAMILTON CARHARTT COTTON MILLS Limited Manufacturer* of Overalla and Work Gloves 535 EAST QUEEN STREET \ Trn?r>i\rrrt 541 EAST KING STREET 3 *'-'«'-'"^'-' Also at Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Made in Cutadm t'lXISII tlocs not make tlie auto- •*â-  mobile any more than clothes make tiie man, but the finish and equipment of tlie Cho\Tolet "FB 50" Touring Car are evitlome of the care willi which it is made throughout to uu"ct the re- quirements of tlic most particular motorist. D. McTAVISH&SON Flesherton, Ontario

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