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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1920, p. 5

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Jul J 15 I92« THE FLESHEKTON i^BVANCE Taking Stock IT is just as imporunt to take an inventory of one's self as it is of one's business. Aslc yourself this question "If during the next five years I save tlie same amount I already have put by, how much will I be worth in 1925?" Then lot our Savings Department aid you in accomplishing the task.) THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 340 Capital, Surplns and Undindcd Pnfita t<i.36tl,S37.09. FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL Manascn ANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. Ir&ins leavB Fleshercon Station as oUows : Going South Going North 7. £2 a. ra. 12.Cr. u.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are used ab Flesherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoou mail south at 3.40 o'oJoeK. For morning train south mail cUne at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. J. H Clinton spent a part of week visiting h«r old friends at: Maxwell We are agents for the Toronto dailie s Leave your orders at "t'lie Advance ofice Dundalk and Ceylon play baseball here on Friday ni^ht Game called at 6.00 o'cljck. !VIi<«. Lewis Pedlar and Miss Ella Gonoe are spending a week with Owen (sound friends. Mr. Wes. White and Mr. Conn of Toronto .spent the past week with the's brother, Mr. Goo. Whise. Mr. and Mrs. Holland and the former's mother hive gone to Torouti) for their holidays. D. McTaviah lost a horse one day last week by tha animal (jettini; kicked by suother horse, breitking itn lee:. Mr. and Mrs. C. £. Nightingale of WalUcebura are visitini; their daughter, Mrs. C. A. Norsworthy. Mrs. W. VV. Trimble is spendins; two weeks with her dauj;hter, Mrs. W. T. Hodgson, at Etlu. Mr. and IVlTs. Bert Wyatt announce the arrival of a baby boy at thair home, Artewesia, on Monday, .tuly 12. Mrs. Geo. White and d.iughter, Kuby- are visitimg the former's daughter at Meafoid. A credit aale of farm stock and imple* aiencd will be hold on lot 5, c»n. S- Osprey, on Friday, July IG, the property of Mr. Janu'.i T. PooIj. See bills and aivetli-ement in this 'issue for particu- lars. W. Kaittiug auctioneer. Dr. M»iy Tryon of Detroit was a ^welconi* caller at The Advance office on Saturday. Dr. Tryon has been success- fully practisiuK iu the straits city for the past four years and has been visiting her father at Priceviile. Dr. and Mrs. Coleridge motored from their home in Wmdson t* Fle«U4rioi>, leiviii); tkaro Saturday aad arrivinj; heru Suuda/. Tbey will spead a week with the latter's ^areata, Mr. and Mrs. D. MtTavish. The eu^mie.'i of the Caaida hare are .many, but ita nast vicious eaemiea appea to t<e the tape wurni and wood tisk. The foraier destroys many old animals and the latter tke yout,^. Probably if it were not for these ihinits our rabbits would prove as ureat a pest as are those of Australia. A scranije incident cauie to our notice recently. While waflvuiK in th e woods a half grown rabbit jumped from under a cedar tree and lan about eight feet, when it fell over on its aide. After stepping up to it tliure weie two small ({ttspa and it whs dead. On exam- ination its head was found to be com- pletely covered with wood ticks, larye and small, which had sucVei) its life blood Away until it was so weak that a Binali excitement cooipleled its undoing. On other occasions wo have found the full grown 'speworm in the., iiitkestmes, also the tapewxrm crysalis in the flesh in many instances. The,<e form watery ([lobules and lump.s anions; the muscular ([lands. Such aniaiaU should certainly never be oaten by man or other animal. All addresses accompanyini; presenta tions sent to us for publication should !>•> accomuai.ied by a dollar bill. Fanners are waiting for good weather to begin haying. Kaius have been lather plentiful for this purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart and children of St. Paul, near Stratford, motored up Saturday to visit relatives here, returning Sunday afternoon. Miss Dell Thurstcn, teacher at Cooks- ville, returned home on Friday after spending ten days up in the Muskuka lake region. Piatureâ€" SCO acres of the best of pasture, well fenced. Cattle taken by the month. Herb Corbett, Clovsrbrae Farm, Proton. Church of England service will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, every Sunday at 7 p. ra. Rev. J. Blackwell, pastor. All welcome. The Flesherton Bible Depositary has just placed in stock the largest seiaetlon of Bibles and Testtmenta avar shown hcte, ranging in price from a few cents t« five dollars. There are "some very tine gift books and family Bibles in this lot. The Depository is kept at The Advance Office. A number of outside visitors were present at a apocial meetiun in the Methodist churrh ou Friday evening. The .service was of an evangelistic nature. Mr. Sharp, who held evangelis- tis services here List winter, was present aud addressed the meHtin;;. Two duets â€" one by male voices ind one by female â€" and a coriie- solo were given. Salem Prieevilla and Markdalo were repre- sented. Mr. Calvin Boyce, son of Mr. John Boyce of Osprey. returned froiu France on the Saturday evening train, having got his dicharga iu Toronto a week ago. Ue had been overseas just live years, going over in July of 191.>. He was with the infantry and was wounded three times. Ue had two brothers killed in the war. one of them at his side. Since the armistice he has been driving a car for the Graves (Jonimission After undergoing repairs coveruig a period of nea'ly two weeks, the heavy road machinery brought up from Proton has been got info position and will be^in full operations this week. The road has all been praded between Flesherton and Ceylon and is waicine for 'he stoue fac- ing. Culverts are being put in east of the village towards KOck Mills under the supervision of Mr. D. Weber of Kimber- ley. Mr. Purvis still hopes to get a big slice of the road to Rock Mills conapleted before fall. / Word was received on Monday by Mr. i Robert Waller rhat his aoniulaw, Mr. 1 Albert McFadden i,f Burketon, h».i passed away on Sunday afteru(too . Sir. ; McKadden had been in poor health for ) Some tiuic, but bis de»th was unlocked J for until that diy. Hi', in company with ; hia -J ifa and fain'ly, visitea Mr. and Mrs. Waller a week «ao. The deceased leaves '. a wife and five .oiuhII children, who ha»e ' the sympithy of all in this community. .^J^_f."f^V',A^ Flesherton Boy Climbs The Durham Review nominates Miss Agnes McPhail, daughter of Auctioneer Dou'»ald McPhail of City Ion. as the U. F. 0. candidate for the Dominion house in the coming election. It says : " This lady s|:oks at k.'eovilie on Wednesday at the U. F. O. picnic, and so impros-itd her audience that she is buini; spoken cf as the Dominion candidate for South Grey. It will be remembered that .she refused the North York nommatiou. South Gri-y is her native county. 'Rah for Miss McPhail ! ' Chatsworth unveiled a monument to its fallen soldiers on Thursday last. The monument is sracted in tho new Memor- ial Pirk directly oiiposito the public school urounds. It is a solid jranite shsfc, rough finish except on tho face, where is placed the simple inscription, "To our brave boysâ€" 19141918." At the corner i« draped a flag with a sword lying acros" its base, and on the base are the name* of those who fell. The mon- uiiitiit was erected by voluntary sub- scription and together with park and improvt'iueuts cost about SSOOO. Tho siirrouudlng municipalities assisted. Mr. DuBsan Muir, who lived between ikis villaite and the station, died very suddtnly o» Saturday. He had been oot raking hay in the fureaaun and cauie to th* boiist at nooa. While washing bis hands b* waa taken with what appeared to t>e a faiut spell' Mrs. Muir ran to deur and aadesi lur hvlp froat the road gaug. Some of them_ responded but whea they got there Mr, Mairbati ceased c* breathe. l>eceased was t5t> years of ag« and leaves a widow but no fanily. The reinaias wsro interred in Pricevide «iBieieiy ou Monday afternoon. Tie sriapalhy of the comniunily goes tint to tha widow, A steady rain at! Sunday nij>ht and most of Uenday ferenoon augured very poorly fur the Orange demonstratisn at Kugenia. However, about noon the clouds eleared away, old Sol same out hot, and ijuite a targe crowd gathered at this picture^i^ue spot to celebrate oiice more the BattU of the Boyne Theie were five lodges ptcsent from this dis- trict. Markdale band and the bagpipes supplied inusio, and speeches were deliv- ered by several clericel gentlemen. A baseball match between Kugui-ia and Kimberloy attiacted a largo ciovv-d after the speaking The bCure was Ui to 1.^ in favor lit Kiniberley. .\lt-gether, the celebration was very satisfactory, not- withstanding the inornmg downpour. Tho auto w.s ontireiy lefp-^tisioli,' for the si/.o of the crowd, nuntt of the visitors comiijg in cars. A new company has been formed and located at Oshawa to build what la known as the Samson Tractor for farmers, also trucks and farm implemenig. Mr. C. E. McTavish, a native of Flesherton, baa been appointed sales manager. The concern i» an offshoi,t of ths Chevrolet Motor Co., of which Mr. McTavish has for the past year been parts and service loanauer. McTavish i Son of Flesherton will be agents for this district, and vill probably be able to make sales neilj month. From what The Advance hag seen of illustrations and descriptive matter we believn the Samson to be the coming tractor for the farm. The present .season promises to go on record for the large number of exception- ally large tish that are beinK taken frrm the Georgian Bay near Meaford. While Dr. Eberhart and Mr. Wjlter Moore were out trolling on Friday afternoon the doctor liooked a .saluicm tront weighing 24 pounds and measuring 37 inches in length. The task of pulling the big fish into the boat proved almost as difficult as an operation in surgery. â€" Mirror. James Spicer of the lOih of Euremonb while shingling his barn fell from the roof to th« scaffold, breaking through it aud falling to the around on his head. He was seriously injured, but is recover- Two Big Specials in Ladies' White Footwear 1 5 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, leather soles, Cuban and F^rench heels, full range sizes, regular $2.25 and $2.50, special $1.95. 48 pairs Ladies* High Cut Lace Canvas Boots, leather soles, white enamel heels, Cuban and French styles, some toe caps, some plain vamps, sizes from 2 1-2 to 6 1-2, regular $3.75, $4.00 and $4.50, special $2.95. GROCERY SPECIAL Choice California Seedless Raisins, put up by first class packers under their best brands, new stock, perfect goods, 1 5 ounce packages' special 25c. package. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Gents' Furnishings The Smail Store with Bin Values SUMMER WEAR Straw Hat time has arrived ac last. Call at the Gents' Furnishings aud get the Iate^t and best styles, lien's and boys' peanits a'so on hand . Felts and c ips selling a: a low margin above cost- Come and hav^ a look at our bar- gains in Rainconts and Oiled Cam- bric C jats. Men's and Boys' Summel^ Under- wear^ Bathing Suit.s. Socks and Stockings. Cleaning and Pre.ssin4 done on shortest notices. Agen's for Hobherlin made-to-measure clothing. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario W. A. HAVVKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and J PLAYERIPIANOS. PHONO- The Imported Black Porchero.i Sial- jlioB, will he at the Munshaw House stable every FiiJay night ^during the I season. This horse won first place in a class of t)2 two year old stallions iu France. He is one of the best liorses ever brought to this section. It will be ! to the interest of anyone wanting the j best to see him. Inspected and enrolled. .Terms to insure a nr.ire with foal, §15.00 'John McArthur, J. A. Cmwston, Manager Proprietor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion, Cupbearer 3, 2.24L The sire of the 1 world's chanipiiiu Red Bearer, 2 0.5|, and others, will be at the same stable on Friday evenings from ti to 8 o'clock. Inspected and enrolled. Terms to insure a luaro with foal, §15.00. ' â€" J' A. Crowston, Prop, GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call cind see these high gratle msfcruments .^mm AT 1^^ Hci-vltaa's Pliato Gallery and J.Music Stor FLESHERTON Jtrhetler io 'than BRANDRAM'S Genuine B.B. White Lead is free from gritty particlesâ€" it falls from the stirring paddle in a stream of velvety smoothness. It breaks up so easily and mixes so readily with linseed ©il that the labor preliminary to a painting- job is greatly reduced when this splendid white lead is used. Brandram's Genuine B-B White Lead There is a eight way and a wrong way of paint- ing. Before you paint anything be sure you are us- ing the right kind of paint and giving your suirface the correct preparation. Cargoes Grocery SPECIALâ€" While they last we will give 3 bars of Polai- White Soap for 25a. If you Hant good, cVean, fresh Groceries or Coofeci>ionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. We h%ve also a full lino of all the leading Tobacces. ~Ali kinds of Fruits in season. Come in aud visit our ice cream parlor. We handle Neilson'a ice cream . Tiy a tin of Elkhorn Cheese for your next picnic. We have 8 ditfereut tlators. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produoe. Phone itj your order. We will deliver it to any part of the village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. B-H PRODUCTS For Interior t'lniahinA "China Lac" ttjc p«1'cct varnish -stain. Staining the Roof B-H Shingle Slaiu in 19 different colors. B-H Porch Floor Paint For jwrch Boors, ceilings and parts exposed t6 the weather FOR OTHER PURPOSES Plaster Celllnts and W;ill3 U-H I'.csconette'' â€" flat tone oil paint. Fialsblnft a Flooi B-H VKliwriustTc" â€" excellent for interior Hoors. For Bams nnd Outbulldln£s Imperial Barn Paine. F. H. W. Hickling, Flesherton B WANDRAM -H gWDERSO N H|OlclNfNA-r CMOAP* ftOM<M«OM VAMMIWll XSi BOOT5 & SHOES In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola» Gun Metal and Box Calf. " For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••4« < •••• •«•• •*•• >*^« Xtl Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ THOS. CLAYT(»I FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO l •••• XI: i -^••••••••* •*•••..•«••â- â€¢â€¢Â«Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ «r^rrtv« #•••«»••.•â- â- â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••«•«â-  »«««aaS« .-**!••••<*••• •*«•«..«**•'•<••••«•»•••• • v<L^<i â- Â»Â«<i^»^y«i88«»»«»« ZT'SHm! rScaSBF'

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