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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1920, p. 4

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July 15 1920 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a snug bank account, is fortified against the ' 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside Bomething for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account todayâ€" and take your first step along the road to Independence. TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY. - , • Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. till â-  Ujo ii II ii i ^i«? ra^<M.*.^''.^.r '«^' "-'^^-i^^^»K'-«^r^T'^>'*:'<;»< »>*';'*«' r^'''^^'^* ^^-''**-^-* Flesherton Th Shop' - I liave just placed on the slielvcs a full lino of Tinwaic, Nickelvvaie and Aj^atewaro for domestic use. ("all on me and get your supplies. TCavetrou^diiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnisli- inss. Repairing of all kinds iMoniptly attendcil tu. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installo<l. Agent for Clare l^ros. Furnaces. a McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. m ill I liiil 1 m II II THE Flesherton Advance .4ii iiulopendent new»p»per pul>liithrd •very ThurndHy at the ottiei', Collingwood 8tieet, B'ltBherlon, Suliitcription price 9{M [Mir Hiiiiuiii wheii p^il in »<lvniio« ; wlion not »<i^ paid. 82. OU to States. Advertigiog rateH on a ).>i!ilio.i. Circuluniiin ovor IIOO weekly. W. 11. TUI'KSTOX, Ki.iK.K IMI Jie^ gi^txiS^^^; i^-SS^S^^f^^^^S^'l i:<i II Our First Gigantic Ten Day Sale Jieginning Satui'dav, 'luly ITtli, 1 '.•I'D, and lasting for ten day.s only, we are featuring a Special Kootwc^ii- Sale of broken liiw^s and tnid loLs in order to -stiniiilaU! bn.siiioss and iifjuidate oui now very heavy stock. It has not been ouj- policy to advertise "phony " sale^ which actually do not cIVecL a saving for the public, hut l)y the jjrices fjuotcfl liclcw you will set! that i lici^e are ,' Real HaiLjaiiis." Some will say that these are old. •" prjJHtcd toe " liutts, Ijiit 1 say to you, " (-oine out and .jii(lg(! for yonrs(!lf. They're iuj siicJi tl»ing. It's a real legitimate sale." No. i:57(! CIiiU'h n4N, 4 piiirH, hin-8 8 .iiMl !> to ncII f..r , $1 1') I5iii VriutiiH ll-iivy iJiifl, h pvifH, H/.»i ii.111.1 i:{. to h.ii fni' 1 :k> IfiM iJ'.yN' will) 1- »ici.:ii [lUiii Urn, i> piirM, sizi'.j •_', ;t imH 4, i(< «b1I for 1 W , 215 H.jyN' tifiB iip!it calf, V^ piiri, nizhs 2, 4 hikI i>, to sull f..r \ f>i> 2a!> H'y»' liiiu iMJf l}!iicH«r, 4 puirx, K z- 4. to Ki'll fur 2 «H KSIW ll)y»' liiiB (i>Mii<'iU Biuoher, ') pur*, »\7.m IJ .md '>, t > »b.1 f«'r .. 'i X> Fine Kid Oxfords N«. 51KI B )jn' lilack kid oxfnrilK, ft pairs, hjV, •« I mid 2, l.i "i.ll for 1 f>0 040 Miw(»V bUok kid, 7 pur-, h /.-« I, ! i hii.1 •-', to .^ell for 1 .->(.l fj.'iti MiMsm' black kid oxford", T) ptiiJ-, miz h U. Hi i«iid 12, lo "i-ll for I .M) S7i"i iliK.m' liUck kii lull, li |jiim, mz'n II. I? '»"i<l '•' l" ""H *<"â- â€¢â€¢ ' i'f» 4r> .Muu'r) li;«<:k ui(H o»lf, p»u.s, hi/. 'M (>, 7 .md H. lo ni>I| f.>r. . ... . U W '522 .\Ifn'« bUck urn.' rnlf, idiiu loi-, .S putr.s, «ir,o» 7, S, V) ,ind U l.jrll f.M- ... J Ot> Hydro and Estimates Mr. Ualiy'" Iftter, which appearb in tWii ianue of The .\dvunce, will be of rauch iafereHt totlii! people of FloHherton Hiid i« not nitlioul a curtaiu duvree of »»luc to other inunicipulitim hh well. WliiMi t'latihoitiin t'lok t he hydro power its acueptaiice wus baved on the estiniatei pivon us by the Oonimission. It m.w appt-ai'i tliiit thes'! efitiniates wcro erron- eous and inisluadiiis;. We have not beea getting tlio cheap electricity that wo ihouaht we wcra. The lime has come when the Hocuuiulated indebtedues.s of llie past four years must be pr.>vided fc^r, and it is up to us to supply ihe arrears. We notice llia>. Preiiiisr Drury is c.illinK u halt in the hydro radial scheme until a coininissiun can ioresligate, and thai Mr. B«ck u extrSnuily wrathy with him H!< a ('oiisi'i|iiei:(;e. Wo lieJH'Vi- Mr. Drury in juililiud iu bin decision and for the fullowinu reasons : Ksliinates of tko verious radial schemf-s ware niade several year.'* iigo, and since then Cd.sU of ccnslruction have doubled, while Ihe trattic possibilities of Huch Hues liave declined, uiakiiii; it extremely diubtful if any line in this country would pay for construction at the present tune. The head of thu Coniinission expresaes exircine sulicilude for the poor man who oariia hi.i daily" lireai by labor. Ji.r ourselves, we never knew that the (Joiiiini»aion posed as a charitable intti- tiiii'iii, mole than to supply ua with alootriciiy at Now we are practi- cally told thi.t it is run lo give the laborini; man a job, renardless of whether or not the public lji'Is *alue for iti money. .As a matter of fact, wa suspect that nthur interests enter into liie Huesnon. The Hydro in iia inception enga^ied aa iiiimenite staff of engineers, nianac'is, overseers and clerks, hi^^hly sahirieii m<-n, and it natural iy desires lo liiid eiiiployiiicnt to keen them busy, in c"i junction with labor, ar.fl there is jut' a suspicion that: there has been some riciileiH ustiniiitiiii; Ih order lo promote public works tint will never pay for their construction . Mr. Dmiy pnipos.'S to (ii.d nut whethor this is truu or not. We would like it if the invest if>ation C'lUl include the iiroblfMi of reducing c ists (if running iho present system, where iiiucli extravaaanco is nlleijed by some jieoplu lo exist. Osprey Council O'prey Council met al Singh*mpten ft»i.3uly3. The members were all ftt*- • :it and the Ileoro presidud. After reading; aud coiitirminx the minutes of the last meetintt the following inotioD* wero pan.ied-- Kaittiug- Heudersonâ€" That the Coun- cil cl.aii<>« the motion of tail inestlnj; l« now pay fU per yard for leains drawing ^ritvul, iiinLead ^>l ih per yard. Kkitiingâ€" Henderson â€" That the sum of 91 .72 be piid to the IWunicipnl World for supplies received by the Cleik. | Uo»«â€" Arnott â€" That the appropriation of each enmmisMioiier be raised 9300 if it \i neoettary for him to spend that amount ill repair of rouds and culverts in hi-r division. Jt'isa â€" Kaiitins;â€" That the UDdermen- t'oned parties be paid the Bmounls as Bet opposite their names for accounta for ^'ravel - .John Seeley 812. .'iS , .J..I. Boyce §2, John .Seeby 820. 7o, Duncan McMil- lan «4. 25, Stephen Priddle $4.];5, D.ivid .•Vrmour Sfic, Henry Stiver 91.50, John Mcl'a:lane 84, llobeit Fachnie 8!», R. Davidson %1, Henry Stiver ?;{0. Hendersonâ€" Rosa â€" That the Itoad aud Bridiie Conmiittte be each paid the aum of ^:!0 for their services inapecting bridye on 20ih aideroad (ippoaite lots 20 ind 21, abo tlio tridgcs on con. 10, oppniito lots .'!4 and '.Vi. Ross â€" Hender.^.on That tke ooinmia- sioner of Div. 1 be instructed to have a bridge built on ihe 20lh sideroad opposite lot 20, con. 2 S. 1). U,, said bridge to be a conieiit arch. ' On in< tiuu the Council adjiiurned to nieut at Fcvetshuin on Satuiday, August 7lh, 1920. â€" H. W. Kt'raahan, Clerk. Wri', Urniii, John Shanuahaii .\\\A Henry Heyi.rrlds, near Pike Lake, a short distr.iicu frciii Alt. Forest, du;.' out t'irop youiit; f.ixea in Mr. Shannahan's held the other day. There were feathers and bones .-inmnd enough to slock two or three tiarnyards. Mr. Braun is Iryins; t I taine tin' young foxes, also a young skunk . ( DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Iluiuntirio Street, near Third .Sin-ef. Collingwood, ttnlario .'VpuointinentH : â€" Dailyâ€" 9 ii. rn. to 5 p. ni. Kveiiinys and Holidays arraii'^od . Tolrphon., (iUVV. H,.x KJliti 1 Jly 20 AUCTION SALE OK K.\KM !;.T(>';K, IMl'LK.MENTS AND HOLSEUOLD Fl UNITLHK Lof .), Con. il, Osprey, on Kriday. July Iti, 1920, Heavy bay Imrtie 7 years old, bl.ick inaro 4 years old, rod cow 5 years old sod calf, black cow Ij years old and cilf, pure bred Uiirbaiii cow .'» years old and calf, red cow 4 years .ilil and calf, .lerary cow 10 yearH otd and c ilf, liroud fow due to farrow t^ep . 3, H) ijood early spriii;; pigfl, ,'iO spring s c. Wjiitu Leghorn chickens, set new bigli -tMiu hHriiess, .set new hiL'b clasx sini;lo harnes.s, set new har- rows, iiibw Miisiy Hums combined seeder and cultivator, nuw sinalo plow, nuw Bain waifon with bo.\ and sbulvine, uood sieid lired li'iygv, W n«>w ..^olid oik barrels, aiguaniity of ^ood i;c* iool», sardoii swim;, cook stove, new Massey ilariis separator 500 lbs., new wa.shing iiiacbini', good clothes wringer, good c'otbe.H horse, 2 sercen doors and 7 new wliiilow scret'iiN, set new itisliys, laiii|j<, uti! , kitchen t itilf. iiiiilur table, s .'lid oak dining roiiii (-haiis, 4 kitchen chairs, couch, sewing niitchine. 2 parlor Um[s, 4 new p.irlor rueliers. Iiiuli erade full ii'ii fiairre piann, w.v'mir Ijetlrnom suil.sprine^ a"d inatires''. ivliiti- enamel bedroom suit spriiies and iiiatrresp, oak brdro^iiii suit, springs and iiiattreSs, new hiyb (irade fincy p^irlor heati-r. and other household siiial! wiiro. Sale at 1 o'clock. TKRMSâ€" 810 iinil under, cash ; ten iiiontlis credit nr r> per cent, off for Cfsh. .las. '1' "oole, Wui. K,»iitini; I'roprieior Auciioneer Boar For Service Pure Wted Kegsaterea Y.irkstiire Ilea for servii.'o - i\la.\ wbU .lack f>2y!!.S--,n lot 167. S W.T. ct S. 11., Ar'einesis. Terms !?1. oil. I 10.4, ]y T. J. STINS'JN. Notice toCreditors Q • 1 One package to a, we'll give .'J ijpCC18li""poiiiiil.s (Ir.inulntid Sugar for $<.()») and 4 lbs. Lli'aiiwd Ciuraiits r..i- $1.<M), ;bii<i lO liar.s (nunlort or Polar White Soap for -i<l.OU. Highest prices paid for all kinds cf I'ann rmduco. (iive us a call and we'll try to fill your wants. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, ONT. Ill the ntattnr of the estate of .Tohn .laiues Martin, late of iho Township of Keiibrasia in the CnuMty of (li<y, fiiiner, deceased. Noriee is !ii>re'ny givrri, pinsiiaut to " rin* Tr«>lee .\ct" and aiufudiueuts ihrrnio ihnt all rreilit»r« and Yorkers kiivinu eliiuis ii|;ai«kl liiii estal* of the waid .lohii .lame.) Martin, who died on or aikoul the 2l)(h ilty .liiiiu A. 1) , I!Ut>, are rn«(siiid on sr bafare lhu^4tli day t'line A. I).. If 20, t« nuad by p»sl pn^paid or deliver to Itoherl J. Sproiib uf the Village of Kluslisrlnu in thu t'nHrHy of llrey, one of tJie Kxecuiors of the last U ill Mill Ttsininrnt of the said .lobii • lame.'* .Martin, deceau'd, I heir Christinu HUil Surnames, addro'ses r>Hd descri|t~ lioiia, thtt full pMlBuular^ of their einlms, thx Htatoainnt of their aiH-onnls, and the naliae of the srcurilies, if aay, hold by them. .\iul further take notice that after such lakl mentioned dale Ihe auid Kxi:eutors w*ill proci!pd to distribute tho assets of Ihe deceased Hnioiig the parties rnlitleii thereto, havinu leiiard only to tht; claiiiia of which he shall thfii have notice, and that thu said Kxecntors will not be lialil" for Iho s:»id ssstts or any '"art thereof to any piM^oii or persons of whoso claim notice shall notjhavo been r ived tiy hiin at the tiineof such distrihutioti. Daled the 22i)d dnv of Juno A,l). Ilt20. AKli.HT, TKLKOUDA- IIIIUSMK, Owen .Sound, Out. S licitors for Kot'PTt James Spiinile and CharleA II. Martin, ICxeciitots of the Will uf John James Martin, deceased. Small Ads. FOR SALK Kor Salu â€" Nict< driver and ruliber tired biiL;i;v wiili top, a'so harneas. .\pply at this ntlice. For Sale â€" A iinaniity of good barley Albert Blackburn, Maxwell P. O. Kor Sale .\ t|iiantity of hemlovk lumber and noantling W. S. Bishop, l\imberl«y. Kor Saleâ€" Chust. of carpanterH' tool also a eofliplute picture framini' ouifit. I'boiiH or write â€" Win. Sloau, Kiuiberley 1 still have sniuo 12 and 14ft. It. C. and hemlock plank for sale. K. Sargent, l^eylon, Kur Aaleâ€"Hmall blacksmith nuttit| including for|t», anvil, haiiiHiors,wrench(i vise, drill, tap^ and die«, and other smalt tools ; also a number of horaeshous aud toe calks, bulla, etc. A largo numborof carpenters tunla also for sale and home cobbler's outfit as well. Wriiu .Arnel Love. PricevilleUR 3. MLSCKLIiANKOUS (ii<hi»<t pncifor bur^ei and oog« at Graham Bros. Kusenia. June^U - - -k â-  - Try Kevcrsha.ii P^^try Kluur, the best or your oi^k, .\ll Ontwio wbo'tc Private f nil Is to li>«n nii real estate security at rea.sonablo rate of In^eruat. Apply ic 11. J. Sproule, liieiherton hopt 2:; 17 Chopping every 8>»turd»y onlyâ€" Gra ham Bras., Eugenia. { Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a; Victrola W A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Ls what over IOC users say about 1900 Giavitv WAsher.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL. Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers £lectnc and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiek Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel ^aUs, Harrows, Gasoline Kngines, Branliford double geared aud auto oiled atroiotor Wind Miliar Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manune Carriers, Water Bowbs, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One third more wtR>d cut with stino power whan tirted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. ^^ Specialties in Men's Clothing A large collection of Men s .Siminier .Suits junt arrived comprising worsteds, tweetls an.l .serges iu blue, grey and brown colors .size^ 35 to 42. Men's Shoes in black and iuahog;iny with the Neolin or leather soles. Ties in shades of Ulue, black, red and grey with their correspontling shades. Caps and Hats in felt and straw. Sum mer Underwear â€" combinations or in separate pieces in the Balbriggan and very fine wqoI. liruncoats iu brown and gr«y tweeds from $!y to 32. Boys' Pullover Sweuters in blue and irrey, from 50c. to $.S.00 each HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoves in two, three and frnw burner with tlie ovens. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Hog For Service T Pure bred Yorkshire Boar for service. Teruiaâ€" 81.."><' a> lime of service. J. 1>\ I'OI.UNSON, 1 D'ar Ceylon. THE WHITE SKWING M.M'HINK Tile Pride of the Hon\e. The l"sl M^w n; Michioe on ibe n:arket. Kor J.' \. CROWSTON MAUKD.M.K I ! NOTICE I As it ia Cream Separator seaaeu and you want ihe Inist and most reMable Separator on the market lemember the Dtf Laval was the first invented and stil the leading .separator. More o i them in use than alt other niachiDes I Sold by I mX5n KNOTT, Agent, I Markilale,Ont, Boar For Service Keaisrered C'Uosler White h.rj; for srvico at U'Kk Mills The faihar wou. first at Chicago Kair. Tenna fl.BO. dac5W â€"I, SMITH Prop.

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