k /le0Ji6rl0tt %immt* Vol 41, No. 6 Flestierton, Ont., July 1. 1920 -^ â- 5 ^ r CEYLON A gloom nag cask over this village when it was leiroed that Mr. Duncan Muir had dropped dead ^t big home tioin heart trouble. He had been up to the village doinii some shopping. Going boiue be coiled up some hty, then went into the house to prepnre for dinner, and while in the »ct of washiDa his hands he dropped over. His wife rushud to his side instantly, then called fcr help, A doctor was summoned but to no avail. He was in his 66th year iiid has lived all hia life near Ceylon. He was a klud neighbor and a loving husbtud. Hs was united ia marriage to Mias Maggie Mc- PhersoQ, whom he leives to mourn his loss. aloDgwith one sister â€" Mrs. Botert Campbell uf Caledon; and t.Hree brothers â€" Wm. of Port Arthur, John and D»n near Ceylon. The casket was covered fith beautiful flowers from friend?. The funeral was lari;ely attended and took place to Prieevillo cemetery on Monday afternoon, :he service being conducted at house and s^rave by Rev. Mr. Fowlnr. Much sympathy i^ extended to the be- reaved widow »nd friends. \V. Cox, who live.s near PriceviUe,wiis tried before Magistrate McMuUen on Monday eveniuj; eharged with th.?ft. He was remanded to Owen Sound to stand trial. Constable Cook took the prisoijer to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. GrifJith and fumily of Toronto motored up and visited their sister. Mra. Win. White. Mrs S. Muir of Toronto is visititig her sou, Mr. A. Muir. Mra. £. Purdy and Miss Ruby Stone spent the first uf the week with tloUaud Centre friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbe!!, Mrs. McPher»»on nnt! ^'r. Feriujon, (."iiledsii. Mr. R. E. G.irdinur, Mr. and Mi$s Muir and a cousin, oi Ravenns, attend;.d the funeral cf Mr. D. Muir. Mrt-. White and son, Xortu:in, who have been visitiuj; Mrs. Archibald, left this week to visit with Hiiuover fiiends Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie and babe cf West Toronto, and Mrs. Wydeman of Hanover, were visitors at A. WcMullen's the first of the week. Mrs. E. Sargent of Owen Sound i.? spending a few holidays hero. Mrs. Herb Kisher and babe, and sister. Miss Kdna McLeod, of Toronto, attended the fureral of their uncle. Mi. D. Muir, on Monday Mrs. J. McFaddea spent the week end with Mono lioad friends. Miss Wyrtle Hemphill spent a few days last week with Duudalk friends. Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie Sinclair and two children are holidayiu^ for a [ortniyht with friends at Harriston and other poinis. Mr. and Mr«. Proud and son of Ham- ilton were visiters at H. Piper's ths past week. Mr. and Mrs.Thenias Chaae of T'ronto are sfiendina a fortmsht at P. Muir's. Stanley McMuUen of Toronto is holi daying nnder ihs parental roof. M. Ceasar of Markdalo is relievius; the agent ht»re while on his holidays. Miss Ruby Stone of Toronto ia spend- ing it few holidays with her parents. VAI^JDELEUR Victoria Corners Mrs. KeuuBlh McKonzieof Monlaiis visited at Mr. Jas. Lockhart's and Mr. Miltcn lianuon's. Mrs. Frank Lowle and children of Bancroft visited at Mr. Will Moore's. Mrs. Moore returned to Dundalk for a few diiys with them. Misa tHtillie Lockiiart is visitiuj; a lew days with Miss Beryl Kennie at Dromore. Mis.s Oertio Stinsou has accepted a position in Toronto. The L. O. L. from luistiog* «iid Proioii held a service at Inistioi;e ou Sunday. Rev E>i^l<» was back and took the service. Proton L. 0. L. celebrated !\t Owen Sound and Iiiistio^e L. t>. L. were at Corbel ton un July 12th. Farm For Sale Lot lo"^ sind 150, con. 2, W.T. itS.R , Artemesia, containing about JLIO aores, over 90 acres cleared, good buildings, small orchaiJ, weH.waterod. -Apply to HOD. S TKWAUr. J 24 Proton II. U. H' Mrs. Robert Richardson and son, Harold, of Flesherlon, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Geo Fritchatd. Miae Annie Barritt of Kimberley speqt a few days with her sister, Mra. David Graham. Mrs. Robert G. Warline and two children of Saskatchewan are visiting; Mr. and Mrs. John Warliug and other friends. Mr?. D. Blair of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mis. J. 1. Graham and family recently. Mrs. H. Ready and little son of St. Marys, also Mrs. M. Davison of Paisley, are visitors with Mrs. Davis and family. Miss Madill of Toronto ia spending a few days wito Miss Tillie Buchanan. The Vandeleur Farmtrs' Club heid its July meeting on Monday evening of last week. G. M. Leeson, M. P. P. for South (irey, was present and delivered an rxcelienl address. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutchinson of Sa»k.itchewiin are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Warling and Elmer, also Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gilbert, motored to Meaford and visited witk friends. Mrs. W. Hutohinson «nd son, if Toronto, spent a few days with friends hereabout. A tjovernnient sheep dipping outfit wts in this community on Monday cf last; week and S25 sheep were dipptd fre3 of charge for t'ne fanners here. ROCK MILLS Master lUli'h Blackwell of Dundalk is spendiii..; .» week's holidays with his friend, Freddie Hargrave. Miss R^filoy of Thorntury is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. T. Gomey and Mrs. John Phillips of Toronto are vi.«iiiing their brother. Robe. I'lark, and other relatives in the vicinity. Mrs. Ned Croft s^jer.t a faw days with her parents at Fevershaiu. Mr. D- Kuinee ana Will Newell (^ Durham were vL^itors at Chas. Neweli's recently. Mr. and Sirs. Charlie Best visited over Sunday wil'u Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McEachnie. We are plea.sed to report little Lorna Chard on ihe mend after an attack of pueuinonia, Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Uarvrave. Mosb af the people around here cele- brated the 12th at liugenia. EAST MOUNTAIN Alvhwugh ihe r2th was wet it did not prevent the true. luMve Orangemen from lueetim; and di.->playing their colors. A number from hero attended the Kugenia celebration in the afternumi when the weather Cleared up. .\ good lime is reported. Me3.'*rs. Thos. and Ralph Harbottle attended the cele'fration at llweu Souad on the I'it and were accompanied home by Mr. and 'Mr<. Ah' lUU and family of KtMdy, who motored down. We are pleased to see Mr. Ed. Fawcett- able ro go to town again after his long and serious illness. . Mi.sses Vjola Lewis and Pcurl Alloa are home from Normal, Mi.s» Annie .\llen from her school near Creeniore, Mico .Alma Humberstone from her school and Miss Kva Allen from Collin gwoi'd Businois Colioge. Miss Winetta McMuUen imd Masrers Russell and Morris vVelsh wore Entrince C.iudidites from our school. Hope they are succo<<sful. Miss Dell Wilson teacher, is holiday- ing at her home in Eugenia. Mrs. Sloan is the guest cf Miss Lucy Walton and other friends. Mr. Henry Wilcox of Ladner, B.C.. is visiting his broiher-iulaw, Mr. Alex. Ci»rruther« A very auccestful scht>ol picuic vas \ hold in Mr. Charles Fawcett's i»rovo on,' July 2. .\ dance w*s held in the e'ven- ' iuu at Mr. Fiiwoetl'a home which was , greatly enjoyed by all present. I Shelhuroe Methodist aud Presl-yteriau j churches will aeai'i have unii<n services duru'g iheteini vt th- ministerial su;n- ; n:er hoi. day. ' â- Hydro Explains The Rise In Price A letter h;ts been received by Mr Frank Duncan, secretary 6f Ihe local hydro comnii'.Me, dea'ing with the raising of our rates for power and bghtiug, from which we quote is follnwti : The reason for iccrensing the Flesher ton rate from -826 to 9iC is due to the fact that tile money which the Commis- sion have received from Flesher'ou fbr power delivered has not been (ufficiect to meet the coat of service. In Hcccrdaucc wi'h the Act under which power is given, and in accordance with your contract, it is necessary for Flesherton to pay to the Commission ita propoitioa of tixej chirues, or iu other wo'ds the cost of service. The rate of J26 per h. p. :S an e>timat'td rate oi.iy, an(> the oiunicipHliiy is billed al this rale tor service until the books are closed at the end ot the fiscal year, when the varioua coste are apportioned to each municipality and the revenue received from the municipalities is app'itd against this cust as determined by ihe books. In the year 1919 Cne •iioney received fro» Flesherton was JITI .46 less than it cost tb« Commission to serve the village. From the dale on which power ^as tirst given, to October, 1919, there IS an accumulated deficit on the Couinis- sion'a looks aiuuui.ting to Si. 415. 8(3. This means that it ceais the Commission this amount more to the date lueutojued to serve th» Tillage of Flesherton than the village of Fleshcrion paid in dt the rate of $26 per horsepower. Further- more, it w:li le.pectssary at the end of the cumiD!,' year to charge Flesherlcn sicking fund. This sinking fund is deferred for five veurB, aid iis Flaaherion â- IH.1 leen operating over four years at the present tune, it will be necessary at the end of the present year to take care of this charge. In order to meet the cost of service and in order to eliminate the deficit on the Commijsi.in's books, it is uecess^ary^ lor flesherton to pjiy the Gomnr.sslon more than $20 per horsepower per yesr for. ts power, and for this reason the rate has been increased to $.°!6 per horsojower per annum. Your resale rates lo customers have been increased in order to meet this increased c:i8t of power, as well as to pirovide forsutiicieut funds lo carry on the local system. The cost of operatini; the Eugenia system has inciessed duriui: the past few years on account of Ihe Commission having to pay higher wages and higher salaries, and under such circumstances it has bee'j found necessary to increase th« rate to municipalities, so tU it the delict's which have been occurinj; in the past may be eliminated and sutficieut rHve- Dun obtained in the future to meet the cust of service The letter is signed by F. .1. Gaby, chief engineer of he Hydro Comiuissicn, PROTON The Glorious Twelfth passed otfijujetly in this vil!oi;e and vicinity. L O L 24-t celebrated in C)»en Sound and â- * sreat many went with them. A number went to Corbetti'U, others went visii'.ng mid some came visiting. The Misses Villie and Violet Carson of Toronto are hoUd.iyiiig with tbei;- grsBdmot h«.r, Mrs. Caison. t)ii letiirnini: from North Bay normal schoo! Mis* Mary Wyviilo rBiiiaitie 1 fn To'onto aud uuderwenr an operation lor fio tonsils. She ariived home Friday la-sl and we ire tflad to kiuiw ihit she is improvioif IU healtli. Mrs. Blair of Swi>Ks©a i.s reuewu';; ••icnuaiiitance.s in ih's villai;«<. Mr. and Mis.s J.smies.iii of Mcliityre spent Sunday at Mr. Ct.usKy's. Mrs. Wilson tetui lied home with ihem f.r a visit. Rev. Mr. C'-huine, the blind preacher, from Toronto. w«< th'> guest of Mr. R. G, Acheson for a couple of dnys. Faim For Sale loO acies, lots 17. IS and V*. 'ii-.d ^oon. S. D.»R i Artemooi:), over li'O acies cleared, '^balance timbered. Two never failing wells, new bnck hi'Use, l.-ir^'e biiik b:irn with stables uiuleii:ei^b, rew driving shed. This farm is nc:irly all seeded down and will be sold with a small piyinent down, .^pply on the premiset t« â€" Wm. PATt>K Ph 09 • JR R :). Prico-ville 1 Jly If A Sacrificing Government From the Farmers Sun .\ Parliament elected upon tbo war cry uf Sacrifice and Service ^ipnalizta its third and ueihaps its last session by vot- inu it»elf increased indeiun:'ie* amount- ing to over half a million dollars a year. Murh was said about the Inertaaed ccst of living, and ibe harckhip incident lo a four months' residence at Ottawa fcr S2.5UU, ot about thirty dollars a woiking day. There is something lo be said for making the indemnity .arge enough to allow a peor man to tpend four or live menths.in the country's service. But surely a little of the spirir of sacrifice might hav« teen shown by men who m 191" loudly declared that it was the duty of ihe ytu.)g men of Canada to offer up their lives f.r their country for SI. 10 a day, living ID cold and muddy trenches an.i not in the Chateau Laurier »nd the palaze built In replace the Parliament bu;l(?;r.gs burned down in l'J16, with spacious offices snJ » parlininentury res- iaurant seriinu full course dinners at fifty cents, ea'.icg largely at the j uhlic expense : travelliui; free on the riiiways and having their lettcis caiiied at ll e est cf the country. Sacrifice and service are for ihe young men who do the lighting and for the people who p»y the taxes, uiciuding the money necesfary to raise the half indlion dailars a year for the distressed legislat ors at Ottawa. Talk tu these distressed legislatois of sacrifice and they will dwell upon iho hardship of residence at Ottawa at six hundred dollars a month, and ihe separation frcm their wives and families for a week or at most a few months. Relief has coree «c last for the legitlators. The indemuity is fi:(eda:a thousand dollars a month, tlut there is n-i relief fer the taxpayer who is ui;W harrased and watched and taxed to an extent lor which there is no precedent in our historv. Address and Presentation At the annual schiiol picuic i I S. S' No. i, Osprey, our teacher, 5Ii.--s jlay- uard, wag ^re'ented with an ad • • ss and a beautiful gold necklica an«.. ot of kilver spoons, sugar shell and butler knife. Following is the address : MiS3 Maynard, â€" We have galhored here ' hi-s afternoon to hold our annual school picuic, and we feel this to be a very appropriate time for us lo express our regret that you are leaving us. Your stay auiuug us lias 'oeen a pleasure to al! ot us. M',>8t of all we, your pupil>, hive appreciated yjur knd endeavor iu itach- ing. At all times wexbelieve that you have triei to do your duty towards us. We beg you lo accept these articUa ^n a small token of our ;;ratiiurte fir the miny littb kindnesses you have shown, also of our regret at your leaving. We hcipe that you may spend a very pleasant holiday. â€" VTour Pupils Miss Maynard, who was cakeu by surprise, replied iu :i very tilting mai i or and I hanked the children one and all for their kindness in remembering her. Try us for job printing. your next PAINT NOW Don't uei-lect your paiutiii;. Timber and buildinj; cost bke fori v now and its not gcina to be cbeni • er lor years, .s<i s.-tve jour out.'ode trim and inside floors, doors aiid wood work with « coat «'*' Shetw ii Williams P.iijits. .\ paiut i <- varnish .'or every purpw-. Tho cheape.^t because v. covers mo-s'. looks best, wears longest, mo: t economical, sr.d fu'l nioiisur-. Lots of color cards for just Hskir-.: for them. Churns, Washing Machine.*, Stoves and R«uv'e.s, Separators, Forks and Shovels, Picks, Hoes, Rikeo, LnwM Mowers, Screen Doors, Poultry Neltinc, Oil, Turpe«line, Ola.ss aud Shelf Hardware. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario FINE J E W E L E R Y Bates BurialCo. BLS1NES6 A:i ISITAL Funeral Directors and Come ia and see cur fine large :>tock Embalmer* of Jewelry. Watches. Clocks, etc. p^^ne HlUcreSt 268 and when you have seen them j on * ^^'-'^^'^ x ^j.^*^ •. v. .j u ^^^ willbeaare to bi:-. Watch re- 124 AvcnUe Road, pairing a specialty . A full line i Fliotographtc supplies ' Including tlevelnping powders. MOTOR EQUIPMENT priming frameMsrk lanterns, all j^ ^ ^ ^ Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and hlms. n \ President. .Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES VV. A. ARMSTRONG Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, ONT Osprey Tel. system Jlaxwel! P. O. Flour, feed and Seed FLOLR â€" Royal Household, Eclipse and _ Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats. Wheat, Buckwheat. Barley, Chop, Grofast and Kennies Calf .VIeals, Salt by barrel, o:- 50 and 100 ib. bags. SEEDSâ€" Dwarf El sex Rape, Flax, Corn, Buckwheat, Tares, Siberian and Hungarian Miliett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil. Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder 6< Disinfectant Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario . ^/ygs^^y4-'->.'^^?^y>y ... Spring Announcement >N . T.. WRIGHT wishes to anuouuce ro tl-.e public th.^t he Hhs iu.st received a spring consigniueiiC of Mju's and Ladies' Boots aurt Shoes. Rubbers to tit »i)y shape boot, Lonic Rubber B^'ots. Fleet Fo-«t White Wire in nil styles for meu, Indies, iuisee«, boys nud youths. Pent)Oifys nad Bull D«s; lUerslls »nd Smock.s, Work Shirts, new line of Men's Shins and Balbriagau I'Doerwear, Ties, Collms, Beits, Silk Scarf.s aud Gloves. -V fre>h s!ock of Gioeeries always on hand. All isinds of Canned GooJs. In the Milimerv Dep-irtinent you will tind Mrs. Wrrijht with a comp'e'o stock of Ludiej? H.<ts, Uibboi.s, Licos and Veils, Call aud ibspeer our liiio.s. SiitiitfHc'ioa gua^-anteed. Uifihest prices [jaic for Butter .tnd Eii;j;8. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton I For Service One [Hire bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 ,viid :?!•, CoDces-sion S, Arteinesia. I'lTiu* â€" SI. 50 for erodes if paid iuside of !' monthsâ€" if not §2. Pure brods $;} CO. i -me â€"ROBERT OSBORNE. FLOYD H. BENTLEY Bii!>i*r. Dynaiuite and BL^sting supplies for sale. U^ck and stump hlastioij. i C>ai FhoB.. 41 r U. Write F. Bi>x 43, Fleshert; n. Out. Flesl^ertort ^^ Tonsoriaf "^ Parlors .^^e Ann to Give Eiuiro ^iitisfsiction LAUNDKYâ€" Basket closes Monday nif{ht, delivtiry FmMy ev ^ CLEANING and DYEING- W^ are .agents for Parker's IH-e Worksâ€" .0;o! lies cleaned and dyod. fwithws rejuven .ted T FISIIEK -PROPRIETOR