July 8 1920 THJS FLESHEKTON ABVANCE Small Beginnings MANY a man has laid the foundadem of wealthand prosperity, by starting a savings account with small sums early in life. Even the saving of your twenty five cent pieces may start you on the road to a successful future. A dollar will open an account for you in our Savings Department. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 339 Capital. Sarplu and UndiiUcJ Pnita f8J«0,£37.0». FLESHERTON BRANCH < GEO. MITCHELL . - Manascn ;j ^NADIAN OIFIO C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Floshercon Station aa Going South Going North 7.5* :». m. 12.05 o.in. 4.27 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are osed at Flesberton 83 toUowi : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.ni. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'«loek. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Dr. R. Hendersm and family of Toronto are holidayinj; with friends hftre. Some 75 Flesberton people attended the Oweu Sound city demonitratioa on Thursday last â€" 14 car loads. Mrs. Edith Rowe and two little daughters, of Barrie, spent the pa«t week with ht-r auQt, Mis. H^irry Down. Mr. Charley Oroesley of West Toronto .spent the 1st of July »c the pareatal home here. Born â€" .-Vt FeTersham on June 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conrou, a son â€" Daltoa Alexander Guy. Mr, and Mrs. T B. Peripo and two chiliiran of K«ho Biy spent the wetk end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Di-. T. Henderson of Toror.to spent a few days of the past w»oV with friends lleri'. Miss Florence Bunt and Mr. Roy Mc.'lulay of Toronto are hulidayini; at thoir parental bomes hero. Mr't, .*. J. Speers returned to her heme in Toronto after spending the past, fortniijht with Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker of Mitchell kretpeudiui; a fortnii;ht with relatiren iu this vicinity. Mr. W. Foster and Misa June Radley •f Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mra. James Stinson, Toronti> Line. Dr. Fred Murray and infant son, also Miss Ka'e Bellamy and Mrs. J. W. HeuJersou, of Toronto, aie hordayinu in town. The Uoiik Mills Lidies' Aid will hold mo ice cream social, ball t;anie and a s,ood programino at the home of Mr. Alex English on July Sth. Ball S'""" heiween the County Uoad and Maxwell called »t l).30 sharp. Admission 25 and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. O. i5. Weesaol Toronto •nnounco the eng»genient of their only daughter, Gladys Kileen, to Mr .\lfred Robert Whit'on, youngest son of Mr. •ni Mrs. John Whittan, the weddiug to take place early in August. Thi> Advance had a pleasant ciU from Brother Ramage of iho Durhim Review on Friday last. He was over in com« pany with Mr. Calder, a member of the County Roads committee, who, in com- pany with Mr. Boyd of Markdale, was in town examinips the county road machin- ery and ordering repair*, which were badly needed after the work down in ProloH. The rtemonstration at t)wen Sound on Thursd-ay last was a bij; afl'airâ€" probably the most successful event ever held at the county seat. It was esliinated that twenty thousand outsiders visiti'd the city on that day, and they came in hun- dreds of cars from all points of the com- pasi and from great distances. Th« visitors also conMdered that they cot their money's worth in all but the horae raoine, which was p>or. The flyius; â- tunts by Bishop an(? MoC»rthy were an immense drawing oard, and their "xhi- bitii'D was a thrilliiie one. .\ltogether. Owen !<ound should be much ple.v4ed and proud over the first celebtation lince i» htcamo " The Gt»y City." Mr. Clarencs Fisher, who la studying drugs in Toronto, is home for holidays. Mis« Rosersar of Toronto was a week and visitor with Mrs. A. McAuley. Misa Karstedtof Toronto spaat the wsek end with ralativei here. Charley Flynn of Toronta i:i visiting friends here. VV. p. Crowley is holidaying ia To aoDto Jack Catriagton of Toronto ia visiting hl< parsn's in town. The Eugenia Methodist church will •srve meals at the church on July 12. Mr Jack McDowell of Toronto visit(4 at Mr. H. LaGard's daring th* past week. Mrs. J. Jobns'^on and daughter of Duudalk have been visiting relatives in town. All addresses accompanying preienta* tlons sent to ua for publication should be accompanied by a dollar bill. Mrs. Mills and little daaghtar, of Montreal, are visiting the foime?'s mother Mr?. 'Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinclair and two children of Collingwood are spending a fortnight with Mrs. W. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Fmlay and fatni'y of Fort William, are the guests of Mr, lud Mrs. W. C. Hanley, 8th lioe, Artemcsia. Pdstureâ€" 300 acres of the best rf pasture, well fenced. Cattle taken ly the month. Herb Corbett, Cloverbrae Firm, Proton. Mr. W. C. Hauley, 8th line, who has been suffering for the last year and a haii from paralysis, is, we are sorry to lean, not much improved in health. Church of Eni^Und ser?ice will be held in the Town Hall, Flesberton, every Sunday at 7 p. m. Rev. J. Blackwell, pastor. All welcome. Drs. R. Henderson and F. Murray of Toronto favored the cun^regations of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches with duets on Sunday l.iat. The ladies ol the Presbyterian church, Eugenia, will serve hot dinner in the basement of the church nn .'uly 12 foi those who do uot wish to picnic. The Advance understand* that Mr. George Ottawell of Osprey foil amon^; thieve? at Owen Sound on Jjly lat and had his pocket relieved cf $10o. Mr. and Mrs. George Brigden and son of Toronto spent a few days of the past waekwiihDr. and Mrs. Henry. Misa Manchee of TorouC? is also ths guest \>t Vlrs. Henry. Eugenia L. 0. L. will hold a celebra- tion at £ugeuia on July 12. Good acooi- modation for those coming a distance ia b.?ing m^de. .\ good baud is expected and a real gout* time ia in stora for thoee wUj come. After service Sunday night the mem- bers of the Presbyterian Sabbath school marched to the cemetery, accompanied by the pastor and oongregation, and decoraied th* grave of thetr little cjm- rade, Charley Stewart, who passed away a week ago. The tribute was a tine owe iiud the little cereuiouy (juito affectiaa. The auuiversary services in connection with t. h.-almtis' Pre.sbyterian chuich on Sunday last were Itri^ely attended and vary successful. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Fowler, preached at both services. At oifiht the church was crowded to ita capacity. Mr. Kmerson Bellamy received a letter from an overseas friend, Sergt. O. Jasp*r •f New Z-aland, this week, in whish h states that the govsrameiit there has djnated e.ach returned man otic per day for his services from the time he L<fl New Zealand until his discharge. They also advance toiOO to buy land, with ao additional £760 for slock. Alt eligible men who did not serve in the army have h>d their civil rights withdrawn for ten yeara. Accord iug to an amendment to the Postuflice .\ct passed duriog the [iresent session if Parliament, the registration fee on letters and ;>lher matter mailed ia Cinada ia tixed at ten cents per each letter or ar'.icie. The above fee shall •pply to all registered mail inalter posted in Canada on and after the 15lh July, 1920, The public are advised in order that ihey may see that all rejjisterrd â- natter is fully piepaid as regards both p^sta^e and registration fee. k monster celebration will bo held at Victoria Park in the Ci'y of Owen Sound puJuly 12th to ooaimeiuorate the 2oOth .^universary of the Bittle of the Boyne. Lodges are expected from all parts of Grey and liiuce counties. .A special train lias been arranged from Dundalk and all intermediate stations on thsC. P. R ; also on the G. T. R. from Han- over and Wiarton. .Arrangements are hsin^ 'iiade to accommodate the largest crowd ever >eeu here. .\ good prouram, cousistint; of speaking from imminent miiiisters and members of the Ordt-r, also hasobill and fool ball inatches, fui; of war contests between different lodges. Prizes -a-ill Vi< i;iven to the best dressed lidlie, lodne coming the longest distance, old.st member in oarade, bands, etc. t>*en Sound lodges . Rafted from all prizes, . To nc oi:v, come all, and bring your (riond^aiid enjoy a giod time. We are agents for the Toronto dailies ' Leave your orders at The Advasoe ofice { Mr. Henry Cairns is now a firm believer in printer's ink. He tacently ' •dvertiaed in The Advance for three horses that had straysd away. Tee sr i three days afier the paper came out he - got word that the animals were out west of Durham. Needless to say he waa delighted to recover them. The Flaehertoii Bible Depositary has JMsC placed in stack tha largest sslsstion of Bibles and Tratan<nia aver shown haie, ranging in pries from a f«w cents is \ five dollara. There are taonaa very ina < gift books and family Bibles ia this lot . ' The Depository is kept at The Advanra Office. \ '^JiS^'-S^aaaEjrja^ ^^'^.^-^t^.^^'^^ SUMMER SPECIALS Fen wickâ€" Poole Wednesday afternoon, June 30, the home of Mr. and Mra. John Poole, Osprey, was the scene of a happy event, wha" their daughter, Margaret Gertrude, was uni sd in marriage to Harold Frank- lin, sou of Mr. and^Mrr. Hugh Fenwick. Kev. \. P. Stanley of Markdale was the officiating minister, assisted by Adjutant r? Poole, an uncle of the brido. Mies '^ Frances Alexander of Feversham played the wedding march. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in a beautiful white satin with overdress of white georgette and the bodice embroi- dered in white siik, She wore the lirooin'a oifr, a gald wrist watch, and a corsage bauquea of Sweetheart Roies and maidenhair fern. A tulle bridal veil nicely caught up in cap effect about the j tw' head, completed a veiy pretty oatum*. The bridal couple, unattended, stood under an arrau^ed arch of evergreens, with several wh:t* bells suspending. At the close of the ceremony, when the register waa being si^'ned. Miss Emily Fenwick, sister of the ;{ioom, aang very sweetly " Be- cause. ' The dining room was prettily decorated with white ribbon streamers and two tall vases holding pink and white flowers with-Jreen foliige centred the table, un which a sumptuous wedding repast was prepared. The bride received nunierou.« pretty gifts. The groom's jif^ to the pianist wa* a French ivory jewel «i«e, and to the soloist a pretty pendent. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick left on a motor trip to Toranto, Hamilton and Niagarr, the bride travelliag in a buic of sand kiffetawifh hat to match. A host of fnenils wish the happy young couple bon voyiige through life. bridal J '.^ who were i j.y artistically ' ^ -'' White Canvas Footwear Silk and Lisle Hosiery Kew Pimps and Oxfords Negligee Shirts Soft Collars Straw Hats Bathing Suits Light Weight Underwear Coatless Suspenders Wash Dresses and Skirts ^ Whitewear Muslin and Wash Goods Dress Ginghams Raincoats Reduced Prices on Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats for Balance of the Season. the F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ~ ONTARIO BUSINESSCARDS Societies PB1>'CE AKTHUK LODGE. No. sn.A.F.Jk ~ A .M. mtiets in cue Uasouicball. Arm a-iOQC's HlocK fc"l*«t3ertoa. every Friday on or before tbe full moon. T. flaytou, W. M.. A. E. BRUaa:y, Secretary Dentistry i\r E. C MURRAY L. D. S , dental surge. >n •^ h'-uor graduate of Toronto Uaiversitv aau Awja; Coilego or Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 3&S admisicistered for teeth extraction tSice at refiideuce Torouto Street. Fle6t:erron . Medical â€"Dr. W.J. Henry. M: B., srainateof Faculty of Mediciue, ToroDto U"ivei8ity. OiHce i.ittle's late residauce. Flesberton. Gents' Furnishings Tkd Small Store witk Bi.; Values SUMMER WR^R Straw Hat time has arrived ;»c Int. Call at the Uents' Furnishings and get th^ latest and best stylos. Men's and boys' peanits also on han4. Felts and caps selling at a low margin above coft. Come and have a look at our bsr- gains iu Raincoats and Oiled Cam- bric Coats, Men's and Boys' Summer Under- wear, Bathing Suits. Socks and Stockings. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. I Agen's for Hobberlin made-to-measure " clothing. ' H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Farm For Sale Lot 15S and 156, cod, 2, W.T. AS.R. , Artomesia, containin-i about 110 acres. I V CTTKWEnii ' Veterinary Surgeon iradiiato of Ontario Veterinary ColleRe -eeideuce â€" second door Aoatb west.cc J^Arr street. Tljis atre«» raas outJj '^esbytwriao Chorcb. L'CAS, & Legal hENRY- -Barri3t.«>r6. telicltora, '-' elc.â€"!. !<. Lucas, K. C: W. D. Heury. B. A. Offices, Markda'e LuL-as i>lock, Pboue -A. DiaLcliotilcka alOuudalk and Durham;. Call ani.1 see these AT Hi.vkea'3 Paolo Gillerv and ;M;isic VV. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER;PIAN0S. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. \\vih. grade instruHients y/' Stor FLESHE RTON T7 KIGHT. & TKLFOKD.Rarristor, Solioi. " tor", i^'. "liiices. Grev i: Ijtucu Block, Oweu sjonud. Staudard Bank cp/Flesber- j tou. iSatutdays). W.H. Wrigbt. W. P. Telford J--. i Buso'ESS Caros I n''M. KAlTTINli, icansed Aacticneer fai 1 '* tbe couutiea ol lirey aud Simcoe. "irm and Stock sales a specialtv. Terais 1 i;out>ra,e. satisfaction guaranteed. Arraase- ', oeiits for dates uiay be mft-.le at tbe .Vdvauce g. '^co, or Ceutrai teierboiu' ol?ice teversbaiu } ^r bv adtiresi*icg tue at Feversham. Out. 1 DMoPHAll, Lieeased Anctioaee for the ' • County of Gvey. Tertua moderate and | ^atieacticn cuarnnti'Gd. Tbe arraugemcuts and dates of saleiB cau be mode at Ths .Vrvanoe 1 ottice. Hesideuce biid F.o.. Ceyluu, Teiefbone ; • 3-.:oceclton. Dec. S, 70 \ Boar tor Service ; The nndersiiined tias a chor'Hisjh jred Yorkshire Boarfor service on lot U, eon. 8, Osprey. Tor ms S1..=)0. FRKD SPOFFARD Farm For Sale 200 acres, lots -t and 5, con. S.Osprey, farm slock and implements nnd house- hold furniture, tiistclnss A 1 grain acd stock farm ; ^fc>od buiUliiisjs, close to over UO acres cleared, good buildinct, school. Reason for selling, poor health. . small orchaid, well,wstered. -ipply to Writs or see owner â€" ^ J-LM ROD. STEWART, Proton R. K. JAS.T. Pt)OLE EuijeuiaK. R. I Cargoes Grocery If you Mani good, clean, fresh Groceries or Coufeotioaery give us a call. We cajrry nothiusj but the best. We have also a full line of all the leading Tobacc«is. All kiads of Fruits ia seasou. Come iu and get your Soaps aud othei necessities for your spring cleauiug. 'iVe have a full liae of gardea and llower seeds. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phoue iu your order. We will deliver it to any part of the village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. REGENT THEATRE H O 1 BOOTS & SHOES I Wetlaesday and rhurstlay "CODIOFTIIE YUKON," Mitchell I.owi.s " Charlio's'Recreation," Charlie Chiplin. O 8 FANS tOU^â- T EM Come to the Regent and tret cooled off. 8 Jb'ridaj tint! ^Jaturilay •' Under the Greenwihui Trkk," Ferguson " Ho Marrieil hi$ Wife.' Christie Special Comedy. P L A X Prices : 15c iiiul 2i)c aud War Tax JJ C. E. WALDEN . MANAGER In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO \ :::'.M5!i •••• \