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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1920, p. 8

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July I 19at THE FLESH ERTCN A D V AN G E gB»' An Inestimable Convenience BY a very simple arrangement you can transfer to The Bank of Toronto, the irksome task of paying your house- hold accounts. Paying by cheque relieves you of carrying money about, making change, and obtaining receipts. It puts your household transactions on a dignified systematic basis. . Any Branch of this Bank will be pleased to open a checking account for you. FEVERSHAM R. P. Bellamy, BRANCH Manager 33 BANK°''TORONTO Capital $3,000,000 Reserve $6,793,983 _ , FOR SALE THE WHITE ; • SK^VINc; MACHINK Vdiu- choice of two used Kord cars, _. ,, , t .1 II Tu I , I'.tlt; and 1!)17 miidelH. IG model just The I'rido I'f till) Hume. The Ii-hI I •* Sewinu Msohine on tlie iimrket. K„r 1 '"bored and completely reiiawed at co»t ndle by |i)f $110.00. P'iinted two co«ts ind i<.-)od J. A. CROWSTONpr- 1; -'<•'''' <'"'y Hiigiuiv uB.a Keason of salo one rord t(ii) in«iiy. Cash MAUlvDALK . n I liiuiiey talkn. i KLOVD H. HKNTLEY. Phone 41 r 14. Fleshurlon Boir For Service Pure br»d Up(>iiler«a Ynrkshirf Una i (or »«rvi.eâ€" Ma.\w«ll .lack «2V03â€" o.> TUP II 11 11 1/ T T f) io,4.iw T.J. .sriNrjx. I i »> >- ••• n n n l i v ' OkrefuUy Correo^ted EhoIi VVeok â€" â€" â€" i Butter 38 to 40 BOAR for SERVICE S'^k^" o 46^oo 4i; Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 1 . IP- u u- '!> 1 c- r.' > . Peas. 1 40 111 1 of) on lot lOi , b W T and b K., Arleni»»>m,. i TerB.K-«1.50. I<>«1« !»" t" ''1 Feb 15 â€" T. .T.>a>IN8f)S. Prop i Barley 78 lo 80 Farm For Sale I>oi 1.").". Slid ir.O, cmi. L', W.T \.S.K , ArtiMiiusia, ontainlnu about 110 aciec, over 90 acres cleared, nund Imildiiiij', email lirchaid, well.watered. Apply to HOD. STKWART, .1 24 l^rotuii K. It. :! For Service One'^iure tired Slidrthnni Hull on lut 'M, con, y, Artomesia. Terms SI. .00 fiir i;r«idos. Muat be paic withiu 9 in<)nth.s froni date of aervie*. 19..UM.9 -K. O.Tl'RNEP. Bull For Service Pure lired Shnrthiirii Bull of the Village Family f ir>eriicn oji lot 10, en. 10, (\sprey. fei ni.s 82 ."id fur i; rides. g.O for pure bred.s. â- '"'•y !â- ') Moil. S^yer.s, Prop. FlesKerton Garage Agents for Ford, Briscoe, Gray Dort and Dodge Cars Expert Repairing A Specialty We have installed a complete acetyline welding plant and can do the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. large garage is now fully equipped with the'latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors ABOUT ROSE^ INSECTS There Are Many, but Only Three Are Common. I.iea( ,tlopper, Aphids and Slugs Are tjie Chief KneiiiicH â€" How to l>«'!'.l WiUi th« I'esta â€" Mlscellaiu'oim Uin(«. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) MANY Insects attack the rose, but only three aro very common, and as a rulo of much importance. These are Leaf Hoppers, Aphids and Slugs. The Leaf Hoppers ai-e little, yel- lowish-white insects, a little less than a quarter of an Inch long when tuU grown, and tapering to a point at the tail end. When disturbed they lly quickly away to another part of till" Ijiisli. This prohaVjly is the ex- planation of the name "Hoppc-r." Both .voiing and adults injure the plants by feeding on the under sur- face of the li aves and causing these to become mottled with numerous white dots. Later on the leaves get a. sickly, pale, or brownish color, very different from that of a healtliy green leaf. The leaves are iittacked by the young insects .soon after they open. These little Hoppers are whitish in color, sluggish, have i.o wings and may be seen on the under surface of the leaf, cliiefly near the midrib, in the inontli of May. They become full grown in June. The method of control is to spray tliorouKhly the under surface of the leaves with a tobacco extract such us Ulack Leaf 40 or nicotine sulphate 4 per cent, (the strength reconi- III ended on the cans for Aphids will be satisfactory) before tliese little Hoppers become full grown. They cannot be killed when they get their wings, hence the spraying must be (lone towards the end of May. Exam- ine the leaves about tlio middle of May to see if they are present, and if there are many of them spray at once. One thorough application at that time of the year is worth a dozen later. Aphids are the green plant lice that are often seen in clusters on lli8 flower buds and ncw^ growth. They are sucking insects, and when iibun- dant extract so much juice out of the plants that tlie bloom is greatly in- jured or destroyed and the leaves may turn sickly and die, especially on the upper parts of the plants. The best method of control is to use tobacco extract as mentioned above. It is an advantage, however, to iid<l one ounce of soap lo each gallon of the diluted tobacco extract, the .soap being llrst dissolved in rain water. Only those lice are killed which are hit by the spray. Sometimes a strong siiray from a sarden hose can be used lo knock off and destroy either the yotiug Leiif Hoppers or Aphirs. The nozzle must be licld cloi^e In tlic [ilants and the spraying repeated two or three limes ;'.t iniervals of a day or two. This trciilment will also, wherever it is practicable, control the lied Spiders, 'hat is the tiny, reddish iiiid whitish miles which are soinetlmc;; quite abundant on the under surface of the leaves' Slugs are greenish, soinewlmt slen- der worms, about half an inch long when full grown. They ari' lUe larvae of little black four-v, inged flics. There are two or three different kinds of them, hut they may ;i.ll be considered togetlier. Tlie slugs feed on the green tissues of the uiiper .-lur- i'aco of the leaves, often ciuiipletely removing it, and leaving only tlie line network of veins. Leaves tluis in- jured soon turn brown and die. It is not at all uncomiiion to see every leaf on a bush killed in this way. This, of course, prevents bloom and weakens tlie jdants greatly for next year. Wlien the slugs are full grown they enter the ground to trans- form to their other stages and later appear as adults. The winter is passed In the ground. The method of control is simple and consists of spraying the foliage thoroughly with about one ounce of ar.seiiate of lead paste or half an ounce of the powder form to one gal- lon of water. Spray as soon as the insects are seen to be present on the leaves. Occasionally in the latter part of the season a second application may be necessary. The most important matter in the controlling of rose insects i.s lo coiu- bat them early, before they have done any appreciable damage. None of the above insects ;;r« Imrd to control. The methods given are not tlie o:ily but are tlie most satLsfactory. A. College, Guelph. Dkah Sii! : And Vou have licird of tlio ('Invmlil. have seen plenty of tliem. You have seen more uf iIumh Ihi.s Inst ycir Ihaii ever hofore. And you will sue moii! next year. Wherever autmiii)biles aie 1 1 be aeeii -aiut that is Bvcrywhureâ€" tlie Chcvrclot i» a familiar sight. This should m««T Hoinethint; to yuu. The public docN nut buy a car I'n ever iuvroaMlnt; nuniburn unlo.iH it inceta with popular approval. The (Mievrniet Imi popular apjimval. Wo Would like you tr know why it hat. ItW'rtild le easy for ii.s lo tell you tlin reasoii.s for Chevrolet popularity. Hut boforo you come to us, leant tiiein from other sources. M&da in Canada ^Vntch fMrlheC'hevroli.l .lud-e ii« appDar- Hiice. See the nooili.r of p,s.eii;,'ers it wdl scat and ciny comfortably. Wrtich fur It on the roads. Seo how it tluolll.M down and Dicks 11,1 111 trarti;. Above all wa'^cli th.i liflXl f;hHvnilet y. u hco take » loll. Tiial is proof of tne jiuddin^. And H.s Koim us you y,.' » ch men >»«k the driver of a t; levpil.., wlnn.lie ihinkn of ii. (J,„ l,„„ to.J»<iwyi.u iM ...luipmont. Ask hiai how many miles ha geiH on a aallon of g<si)lineâ€" on tires. And win!,, your own eyes and earn are litidina .ml about Chnviolef pirfonnmco lliere won't be nuioh iHtl for us lo toll you. we'll take you for a ride in Olio whenevui you liku. YOL'RS VKIIV Tl;il,\. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ones, â€" b. Caesar, 0. c Dalr}' Hints. (Pooling milk and cream is very important during this luonlh and next month. Have plenty of cold water so that the milk and cream may be rapidly cooled to f,0 de- grees v., at which temperatiiro there is very little danger of sour milk. Fly-llnie Is here. Protect the milk cows by using a home or commeicial mixture, as a fly-repellent. Try oiie- liuU' gallon Osh oil, one-half pint kerosene and about four tablespoon- fuls of carbolic acid, or cresol, etc. lie careful not to got this on the teals, or bands before milking as it will taint the milk. Grudiiig Up a Klock. In grading tip a laying thick pure- bred eggs should be purchased. I'^rom the chicks good female breeding slock may be secured. Tho male may bo secured in very many cases in thi- tario, from eggs secured by children taking part in school fairs Watch the school fair winneru this year. ' Watch for N'oxioiis tJniSM. In looking for quack grass it would be well to walch also tor other nox- ious weeds, making sure that m go to seed and (iiat the rooi nii^ of perennials are preve::'ey* 'tt ..i Avreadins as tuuub as pos»^iflo. CSTABUSHED 1872 That special (leBire of yoniH may be realited, almost regardless of its cost, if >oa will put on one side regularly savings depoaits with the Bank of Hamilton. You will be surprised to find bow .soon you will reftlize jonr am- bition. BANK OF HAMILTON i)uni)alk:rkanch- sub-br4nch proton -A. M. Carthew, Manager C. i. Forster, Sub-Manager 1%^ New Perfection Oil Coot Stove Qnnnrlii-'^'""^'^ "^ match to fehe burner and it i.s Op6ftQy"ie;i(ly for use instantly, just as speedy as a gas stove. Q • I .Set the flame where yon want it. Yoa w IGdUy'cau always see it through the mica door and it stays where you s3t it. PI Docs not blacken potsand pans. The vIGdll'lon^' blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. None of it e.scapes in .smoKe or soot or disagreeable odor. Ill, For every cooking purpose there i« always nOI'an abundance ol steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat ilirectly against the utensil. riiinn ^^^'^^^ door, will not steam or break. U VGll'Three jxjint lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heat circulation, all steam and moisture'carried away. No soggy food. Call anil let us show them to you. and 4 burners. Mado in F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON HowMiichwillit mil it last ? 'AKE your home attractive and give it a protection that will pre- vent deterioration â€" and do botlx these things economically. The man who inows paint asks the two questions above, and his search for paint of proven economy must lead him to ii R t^i-iiiNl 1 100^ Put. P»lnt Scientific inveslis^tion reveals a higher percentage of finely-ground white lead in B-H than in any other brand. The B-H guarantee stipulates 70% Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead ^famous for two centuries)- with 30% zinc white. Add- ed to this is pur$ linseed oil and turpentine â€" all correctly mixed with the utmost care in a plant equipped with every modem evice which ensures paint purity. These hings all contribute to the B-H results, which is not only beautiful to look at when freshly applied, but also satisfactory to contemplate long after surfaces covered with ordinary paint have cracked and peeled and chipped away. F. H. W. Hickling, FIcshcrton R RANP»AM -H ENPERSQ N ttOMTnSAL. MAL.I FAX ^ nCDICIMC. HAT K&MONTOH VANCOUVUR '•^--^^

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