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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1920, p. 5

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V «^ July I 1920 THE FLESH KRTON ABVANCE Habits SPENDING is a habit easily acquired but difficult to relinquish. The saving habit is just as easy to acquire, and, one* formed, is not readily given up. Our Savings Dept. helps to make it easy for you to become thrifty. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA m Cipital. Sorplas and Tlndlridad Proflta J8.360.537.09. FUESMERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL Manaoer C. p. R. Time Table. trains leave Kleshercon Station hh | aHows : I Going South tilling North 7.52 a. m. 11 M p.m. j 4.27 p.m. ;>.SOp. ra. Tha mails are osed at Fleshorton aa follow* : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the :ifternoon mail iimth at 3l40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. Andrew Baulham of VVost Toronto is visiting with relatives here. Mn-iler Murmy Gaudiu of Toronto is kaliduyiuu with rulntivcN here. Mrs. Fred McTavish of Oshawa is yisiting in town, Maud Boyd of the Tor^^to school Staff is honia for her holidays. Master liordon White of Toronto la visiiing his sister, Mrs. Harb LuOard. Misa Ida Kislior of Toronto, Mrs. .S K. L^iador and Mrs. ti. M. M«Geoc!i of London are visiting relatives here. Mrs. C. Stewart, who has buou in Toronto ;for the past iwo weeks, hus re luued houu. Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin of Windsor visited the hitter's piirents, Mr. and Mis Geo. Lawler, Maxwell. Chatsworth has received two Gerinun guus. Ours hav« not yet arrived, al- though applied for a lonj; tniio ayo. Church of Koybiud seri'ice wdl bo held iu the Town Hall, Flesherton, every Sunday at 7 p. in. Hev. J. Bhckivell, pastor. All welcome. Miss Mabel Nesliitt, teacher near Dundulk, visited her uucle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sinclair, ftr a few diiys recently. The Mt. Zion garden party, which was to have been held Tuesday of last week, â- was ;j"8tpouod until Wednesday of this wuek, June 'M. Married -In Edmonton, Alberta, on June llilh. 1920, Miss Henrietta Block, to W. pRiank Harrow, sou of Mr. and Mrs, Uavid Harrow, of Coylon, Out. The highwjy from here to Shelburns is in a deplorablii condition and almost unlit for trallifl. It is ilso getting worse all the time. What is the guvurnment Coing to do about it \ McTuvish ic Son have beaun the re- modelling of their picmisus tor a modem and thoroUKhly equipped garai»e. When completed Flesherton will have two of the best and niosD complete i;aragt>s between Toronto and Owen Sound- much more commodious and thonmtjhly up to datv than are to be found in many towns of tun times its size. Fleshert(/n Methodist Sabbath school l>ici>icked at Eu!»enia Friday afternoon Jsst. Parents and pu[il» were taken out in a number of autos loaned and hired for the occasion. We understand that the outing was a most dslighiful one, although there waa some dissalisfaclicn as to the way the children were looked after by the grown-ups. For instanre, the children were allowed to coino atid go where they willed. Some of Ihem even walked the hydro dam, which is strictly for bidden and highly daiii>eronH and two little Vjoya were left behind at night by those who had taken them out. Eugenia <i no place to dump a hundred little tuts and allow them to look out for themselves. Some of the little hoys did uot tfet anything to eat and wera lavon- ous when they got home. Parents who could noV accompany their children will be juatitied in refu.siiig to lot their little •oes attend a similar outiug at Eugenia. Mr. Frank VanDuien of Toronto was in town last week. Mms Bernice Breene of Chatsworth is visiting Hiss Aleda Mitchell. Mis* Ruby Radlay is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Bert Bmko of Toronto was a visitor at F. 0. Karstedt's last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Little and infant son, of Ingartoll, visited frionds here last week' Mrs, W. A. Armstrong is viiitiai! with friends in Toronto for a couple of weeks. Miss Irene Wilson is relievintt in Owen Sou nd hospital for a couple of weeks. Misa Minerva Stati'ord of Montreal is visiting her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell. Mrs. G. W. Kennedy of Toronto ia vlsitini; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry. Flesherton high school board haa advertiaed for a complete new staff of teachers. Mrs. James Bowler and four children of Toronto are visiting the former's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. Come and sea " Les Miserables " after the garden party on Juno .'SO in King Edward Park, Markdale. Master Melville Sled brouoht in a • talk of sweet clover on Saturday that measured five feet one inch. Mrs. H. C. Radley of Toronto came up last week aud will spend the su miner an their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor and two children of Forest are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone (nee Hazel Thompson ) and friends motored from Toronto aufl called on relatives here, returning on Monday. Mr Martin Stonehouao and son, and Mr. and Mis. Harvey Nixon and clul dren, of Mono Koad, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist. There is likely to be a large exodos on Thursday lo Owen Sound from Flesher- toti if the weather is f.iverable. The big attra'.;Bion9 there appear to bo drawing thii mind of the people that way. The Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will hold an ice cream :,ocial, ball game and a good piogrsm at the homo of Mr. Alex â- nglinh on July 8ih. Ball game called at t) 30 sharp. Admission 2.') and loc. The anniversary services in Chalmers church on Sunday, July 4, will be con- ducted by ihb pas^ir, Hev. Mr. Fuwier, at II a. m. aud 7 p.m. Tha evening service in the Methodist church will be withdrawn. In LE MISERABLES. Victor Hueo p lurtrays tht- worst man as possessing the divine spark that no inlluenco can e.Minyuish â€" which God guards and feeds, makinn it incorruptible in this life ^d immortal lu the nextâ€" To be shown- at the Reu'ent Theatif, Markdale, oii Jui(o ijOtli aud July 1st. Charley Stewart, the twelve year old sou of Mr. and Mrs, John Stewar', west back line, died on Monday morning of diphUleria, the funeral taking place the sanmday. Charley was a brii/ht, love- able boy, and his death is keenly felt by tha paieuts, who are the recipients o much sympathy. The county stone crusher is here from Proton at l.-iit, having been brought up on Monday. Tho road from the vilU({« limits to tha station is now graded and waiting for the stone facing. Mr. Purvis has done a line job. Ha was dosiiaus of making a record on the road from Rock Mills to the station, but owing to tha h oldup of machinery in Proton ho haa been considerably handicapped. How- ever, ha still hopes to make a good showing on this rr ad if the men aie available. A week or so af>o tho authorities here received notice from the Hydro (^oin mission that our rates for power atid light w ould be more than doubled. The miminuiin hero for lighting has been oOc, which has now been raised to $!:'&. (•ther towns around us have been boosttd to only one dollar. Why we are charged more than (he other fellows has yet to be explained, and informatiim on thii head has been rei|uestod from the c-m- mission. Tho power rates have alsa beau raised. Has tho day of cheap electricity forever pasted ? Or is the commission teinpoiarily infoiled with the proh touring bu« > Several U. F. O. momhcrs appear to have biien approtckad with something in the nature of .-» bribe, aud the nieiiibor for north Gray annouocse himself aiiiung the number. They all refuse to give details, and the put>lie is therefore juati- tied in believing that the cases are tiivial and i'carcoly worth getting excited over, theiefore the reluctance to give details. The .Advance ia informad that in Mr. Taylor's case it was altogether in the nature of a joke. .A gentleman A-ho ijid nut want a certain position that was open, nude a proposal somothing in this way ; " Taylor, I'll givo you a thousand if you land that job fur me." \\ the same tune he Was not in a position to take the job, and ihd not want it if he was. It was jokingly vail and under- stood. But Mr. Tiyliir evidently likes t') make a mystery over it lo get himself talked al.out. Wo are agent* for tho Toronto dailies Leave your luders at The /\dvaiiue office Pasture â€" 300 acres of the best of pasture, well fenced. Cattle taken by ' |L' the month. Herb Corbelt, Clovurbrae . Farm, Proton. Owing to prohil)itivu hydro rates Henry has been obliged to make a change in his power and will be shut down for a week, besinuini^ luly 1, to make tha chanufc back to walorpowar It H' seems too bad that after the very heavy installation expense Mr Henty should be knocked out in this way. Iha Flaehertoii Bible Depusiiory baa juit plaaed in stai-k the largest selection of Bibles and Ti'siamenis ever shown bete, ranginK in price from a few cents t» five dollars. There are Isome veiy hue jift books aad family Bibles in this lot. â- 3110 Depository is kept at The Advance Office. Tho dance given by tha (ihe Club in the high school en Moud,-iy night was largely attended and an excellent time spent. It was pronounced by several oiitstdeis as the tmst ihoy have attended iu years- The hall was artistically dooornted and excellent mu«ic was , -, supplied by Kelly-Miller orchestra of l|^ (')wen Sound. A dainty lunch was ^ ^ served. I ki A garden pirty will be held at tlieji''^ park at Eugenia mi July Ist, under the 1 J^''; auspices of the Presbyterian chiirih. jK,- Program will cumnience at 2.;iO p.m. i'^^ There will be foot races, a baseball match il^^ between married and sintio men, soft ball and other yamea. .Supper will be served from 5 lo 7 p.m. Admission uOc and '_'.")c One mornint! last week 51r. Tom Fisher ot Rock Mills woke up and dis- covered a tent pitched in his yard. On invest gati'iii \\v ditcovered that tha tent contained Mr. Wni. English and sister, Mrs. Wm. Claik, of Parma, Idaho. They had started in a car and rode 2200 miles to the SiiiKt, c;imping on the way, where they put tho runabout aboard the boat and caitia to CoUingwood, than motored up from there. Arriving in tho middle of tha night they pitched tout for the last time and uave the relatives a genuine surprise in the morning. SUMMER SPECIALS White Canvas Footwear Silk and Lisle Hosiery Ne'w Pumps and Oxfords Negligee Shirts Soft Collars Straw Hats Bathing Suita Light Weight Underwear Coatless Suspenders Wash Dresses and Skirts Whitewear Muslin and Wash Goods Dress Ginghams .Raincoats ill Reduced Prices on Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats for the Balance of the Season. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO (^ ::^:>.,^J::^^! :^^^^^:&m^^^ ' :J^^^^ ^ . ^^^^} BUSINESSCARDS Societies AltTHUK LODBE, No. :«3, X.l'.ti Regan â€" Bannon The Parkdale r'resbyterian Church at half past eleven o'clock waa the scene of tho 'nurriage ot Beta May, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Buskin, 178 Dowliiig .\vonuo, to Mr, John E Regan, of Toronto, tho Rev. Ligan Geggie olliciatiiig. Thobiide, who was un- attended, was given away by her father. She was wearing a gown of brown silk faille with geoigelto hat. After the ceremony Mr. and 51 r«. Regan left by lioat for Niayara Falls and Bulfvlo to spend thuii honeyni'ion, after which they will reside a.' 21 Marion St. pUINcn ^ X .M, mtiotB iu the MaBonii: hall. Arm H4iou!;'R HluoK I'Mwirtiertou. avnxv Friday on \ or boJore tlie lull mocn. T. (;ia}lou, W. • M., A. E. Bellamy, Secretary Dentistry D" r B. C MURRAY L. 3. 8 , dental surs'eoii hLUOi RraUuato ot Toronto UuiverBity auu \„yftl iJolloKO of Doutal SurReoHB ol' Outano. j -iaa admlBluiBtered for tuetli extraction Uicu at resideuce Toronto Street. Kleatiurton. -»r. Medical ; W. ,1. Hemy, Mt It., Bi'a'3uateof Faoultj I of Medieiue, Torouto UioveiBity. OlHoe l.iitl«'K late rutidttuce. KicBlierton. 1 i P CTTKWEIjIi ' VuiBriuary Snrgeou Jrartiiftte of Ontario Veleriuary Colle^b -opidencti â€" Bacoiid door Houtli ^^eetlon ^ry Btreet. This Blraut luuB outb rrobbyttfriau Church, Legal , L'CAK. iS: hKNRYâ€" llarriuterfl. dolicikora, '-' oac.â€" 1. 11. LucsB, K. C: W. D. Henry, B. A. UIllcHB, Mnrkdaiu liUCM lllock, I'huiiu UA. t)i audi clllcts tit Duudalk aud Uurhajj. JJ ItUJH'S. ift TI';i..rO)tD, HarriBter, Solioi. " tori«. &c. (Jliiues, (irey \* Mniui- Itloclt. Owen bouini. Htandard Hank ct-.^FIeplier- tou, itiotUi-dayB). W. H. Wright, W. P. -rolford Jr. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" tM ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. see these \\vj\\ gratle instruments AT wm^' ' Hf.vkeu'a Plioto Gallery ^anii jiMusio Stor FLESHERTON Call and Gents" Furnishings The Small Store with Bi« Value-s ; SUMMER WEAR .Straw Hit time has arrivi'd ar last. t'all at the tjent«' FurnisliiiiyM and uut the lnte^t and best styles. Men's , and boys' peanits also on hand. I Felts and caps selling at a low margin I above cost. I Come and have a look at our bar- gains in Riitncoats and t)ilcd Cam- I brio Cods. , Men's and Boys' Summer V'uder- , wear. Bathing Suit*. Socks aiidJS Stookini^s. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. Agents for Uobberliii made-to-measure clothing. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Business Cards urM. KAITTINH, ' ' tilt) countit^s ioeuscd Aiictlc«ioi<r toi of firey and siincou. R1-1U and Slock saliw a apeoitilty. Tenus [icriite. eatihtactiori tjuaranttud. Airauue- utM tor dales iluiv bnujaooat tho Advauce :lii:o. iir ("ontl-Hl tolii.-lHinij iilllco I'ovurshttiu I- t)v ftddrtfssiUM ujo at Kovtivfibam. Ont. m '"\ Mcl'HAll-, LineoBod Auctioueo for tho t-'* Coonty of Grey. Terms moderate aud -HtiB action KUarantved. Tlie urrauRemonta ind daivB of BaldBcaii bn inadnat Thiq AjrvAuoo oilfioc. Uesidutiu»i>nd P.O.. Ceylou, ToUiiihouo mnuoctacM], Deo. ti. 70 Boar tor Service Tk« uuderaignml lias a thorimgli^Hud Yorksliirc Boajfor service on lot 11, eon. 8. Osiwoy. ToruiHSl.ftO. FliKD SPOFFARD Farm For Sale f acres, lots 4 and 5, con. 8,0sprey, arm stock and implements and house- hold furniture, class A 1 grain and stock farm ; L'ood buildingc, clise to school . Reason for selling, poor health. Writo or see owner â€" JAS.T. POOLE. Eugenia H. R. 1 Cargoes Grocery If yon N\ant good, eleau, frosh Grooorios or Coufootioiierv give tis a call. Wo carry uothiug but tiie best. Wo liave also a full lino of all the loading Tobaoces. All kinds of Fruits iu season. Cjiuo iu and got your Soaps aud othei neocssities for your spring cleaning . We have a full line of garden aud flower seeds.' Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phouo iu your order. We will deliver it to any part of the village. W, E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. ti \, REGENT THEATRE p H O T O P L A Y is I BOOTS & SHOES Weilucsday and riiui'sday "LES MISEKABLIS, ' ieaturin^' William Kanmm Tho Ma.slerpiece ipf the Immortal Victor Hugo. Pric<js lific and '_*")c, including war ta.\. Friday aiul Saturday ' PECK'S BAD GIKL, " featuring Mabel Norniaud " Indepeiiileiict^ IV (losh, ' raranioiint-Kla<;g Coinedv ••• ••• ••• :::: In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, :::: Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's • ••• •:U Wear we have a nice assortment of :::: Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ • ••• • ••• Repairing promptly attended to. CO I' NT K.M O Come to the Regent anil get ccoled off. Trices ; loc aiul 25c and War Tax C. E WALDEN . MANAGER ii THOS. CLAYTON :i:i FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO • •«• • ••• â-  ••• I m

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