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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1920, p. 4

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July • 1920 THE FI ESHKRTON ADVANCE â- BBSB- ^ .3L.. -Z- „ â€" r.. Fires Break Out and thieves break in. Don't risk the first, or invite the second, by keeping money in the house. Put it in The Merchants Bank, where it will be safe from lossâ€" always availableâ€" and eara interest (at highest current rates. TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK He«dO(rice: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY. .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiihul:ir 8Li:irple.s Soparator.s JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. FURNITURE! THE Flesherton Advance An independent iiew!ip<>|ii'i' piiMiwhed every ThiirNrlHy iitthe otHec, ('(illmnwood SticHl, Fli;short()n. Sulnciipiinn priie $l.rill pxr ttiiiiuiii wlit>ri pxiil ill nHvniii't' ; whiMi not so^ p»id. ?J.<»i) to SlateH. Advert'sin^ rwtHB <iii « i.'iritio.i. Circii'ii'.ion _ over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON. Euitdr Pattison-Ufland MisH .Sue nUnd of St. Vincent, d&ugliler uf Mr, and iVIin. Jua. Utlaud, Wtts married on Tuesday, June 22, to Mr. .lay I'rtttisiin o( (Vyioii, by the Kev. Mr. liiirlionr <if tlie I'reslylormii uhurth, in th<- [iresuncu of liiu iiniDediatu reUlires. Tlia bride v»t heimtifuliy gowned in white satin with real [»cn Iriiuiuini;, and she earned » bouijuet cf .AmaricAO Itpaiity roneti' After llio wedcliiiji l\Ir. and Mrs. I':itti,siin niolnrt^d to Klesherti n wlicri' Mi<"v iMitf'um'd for Niauurn Kiills and liuH'iil'i. They will i usidti in Turonto. W. H. BUNT Flesherton, Oivt J All kiiiil.sjof furniture^iii our .showrooms, (yall and .see | Qiir (linin>; room, parlor and hedroom suite.s. A large r^l range of prices to suit your pockot book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered ni<(lit oi day IMson-' IIO r 1 i T 'Ti \$ ~ ' || Flesherton Tn Shop- â€" â„¢~â€" InP I have placed on the full liiu; of ii Tinware, Nicdvelware and Aj^'atcw.trc (or domestic *" use. (jail on me and ger, your .supplies. II m Changes In Game Act Soiiiii itnportatii cIkui^ps have bet n mace by thu I'rovincuil Governiiu'nt in Ihf- (imiiK mill Kislifiics Act, which became ^effective o'l .luiii- l.-l. The hon'ini:; aeason fur moose, dicr or cari. bou, north and west of the French and M'ltlawa Hlvers is from 2r)ili October to 30th Novcniber, both days iiicluaivi). Thin is bicmer th«ii tliu law previously all )\ved for deer. I'artrid^e -nay he shot liiitweeii the oth and 20th of .Novpuiber only, and i o person shall take, kill or havu in h't p»s8os»ion mure than live birdH in any one day, and no niin- ili,\u ten for the season . Nj iniisknit a'lull lie shol or speared at any tiaie, nor shall <iiy nuiikrator beavr? hnuse, cr beavar nam be cut, spearud, broken or dtslroyed at any tiino. Ne trap must be sit closer than live ffPb friim li niuskial or beaver house. Another important chanffe, iitTecting chielly thosii «hn hunt wiih' do^s, ii that uii per.Hon shall bunt, kill, lake or â- olust any duer or iiiooae while in the water. Notice to Creditors Judgment Against Township Ti'in SindloH, a Hanover grocar, who struck * defective culvert with his car, and wai injured when hia auto turned liirlle into the uitch on th« 30th sideline, Uraiii, at hraiik Fmher'a farm, while inotiinni{ to a dante at Cheslvy on the niuhtufOct. 2;!rd, was awarded $.'>00 dam igea and eoHtH at;aif.<t the township in an action argued before .Judge Klein iu Walkerion on Monday and Tue.sday laat It seaina that thu bis; .'> ton truck of John L)i. stein, th« EIniwood saw- miller, had paaaed that way a short time before with a load of lo|{8, and aa this machine has a habit ttf destroying roads and daintging culverts, it ia believed that a ciuthed in the big cement tile iti the culverc, and left an ( pening into which thu fiont wheel if 8andln.i' Ford run- about later dr.jpped when he bru.shed iiloDg, bound for Lbe dance. The wheel WKR knocked oft' the Hivver and every Rpoke rent from the rim. After travell- lui; about 10 or IS feet further the au'o lurched over into ihe ditch and pinned SandloH under the wreck. He suitaincd a broken rib and an injury to hia knie from which tloatinu cartilage ensued. He Wiis alao badly brtiised and shaken up, and ini^bt hav^ perished ou the npot had not liib seat mate, Mr. Uahn, who was I brown clear of the wreck, come to lii.s assistance and lifted the vehicle oti' him. Ilu was conlined to his bed for a C"ij.-ideriilile time alter ilio ini-hnp, and claims he isn't over the etlcc .s of the disaater yet. Sandloa sued f oi }.J000 damages for injuries to himself and car, and .'I brisk le^al combat at>i>ut Urant's lialiiliiy in the mailer was waged be- tween Lawyer Klein for the plwntitf and D. Kolenson, K. C , for the township. The .Ji.J(;e, hnwever, held that the township was bound to keep the road iu a reasonably .safe stale for public 'travel, and as It apperenlly hadn l done ao in this case, he yave a vurdicl ot 8500 and cosla against the muuieipaliiy.-Iiruce lie aid and Times. Eavetrou^hinfj;, Stovepipes and .Stove Fiirnish- IMfl.S. i Repairing ol'all kinds promptly aMended to.* j5b riptditting, iiu'ludin;^' [)iiiiip work. 11^ Kmnaees in.stallcd. A},'ent Cur (Mare Uros. ]m Furnaces. f i i^ D. McKILLOP CHRISTOh: BLOCK [11 FLESHERTON J0 ONTARIO. i^^ii UJll at^^sfe*5*^"as«s?ffla*i ' "â- ' 'S^^Z^Sfe^ySM^ rS^TaBU ^TSl II I I llil (ill I f'H' ill % i 111 the iiinller of lliH estite nl John .laine.s Martin, late of the Tnwiisljip of l'!uipliiasiH ill the County of (!rey, firmer, deceased. Notice is hereby siven. iiursnunf to ''The 'I'ruslpe Ai't" and aniencliiienta thereto iliiit all irreditors ami (ii|ier» liaviirj elaiiiis a' tile entate of the miid .lolin .iame< .\Tarlin, who (lied on (.rahoiit the L'llih <I;»y -'uiH' A. I). I!)1C, are nv|iiired nii or befute tlio L'4lli day .'une A- l).,l9i!U, to send by post prepaid or deliver lo Holierl .J. Sproulc of the Villiitjo "f Kh»liertiiii in the ('ouiity of (ir<'V. ooeoflhe Kxi'CiHors of the last U ill iKiiil Ti s'aiiieiit of the said .lohn Jaineu Maitin, (leeeHsed, their Christian and Silt naini'i., addresses ami descrip tloii', the full particulars of tlieir eluiniK, Ihe ktiilenieii' of their aeeoiuits, abd the liHliue of the seeuiitleK, if aay, held by Ihriii. And further laku noHie that after such hiKt iiieiitloiied datn Ihe xaid KxeciltoI'H will pioeeeil !o distribiiU' the assets of llie tleeeased ainoiiL; llie parties entitled iheielo, haviii',' iPyHiil mily to the c'laiiiii of whicb he bhnll then have notice, .111(1 I hat the said K.\ociitors will not be. llulile for the raid assets or aiiT part thereof to any pernoii or persona of wliosi^ cliiiii notice slmll not Jbave been received liy liiiii at. the time of such distributlo'i. Dated Ihe •J2iid day of .fune A.D lU'JO. SVUK.HT, TKf.KOlU) A lUUNIK, Owen Sound, Out. Si.licilors for HoViert James Kp.duleand ('harlis 11. Alaitiii. lOxeeutors of 'he Will of ,lulin James Martin, deceased. Summer Session comnitnces July 2nd at Ihe •zs^ ^ â€" â- " Owom Sound, Ont. Train yourself for a good position. We wish wo ooiilrt supply one fifth the demand for office help. CataloKUe Kreei C. A. I-'I.K.MI.NO, K. C. A., Piincipa (l. 1). !<'r,KMlN(5, Seerataiy. M-uWon ihis p>()iir when writing) This position is open for you now It offers you good cleanly neerllcwork (inak- ing overalls and gloves) in sunny, attractive surroundings, in lIis company of refined and agreeable young women. We are willing to pay good wages even while yoti are learning. The job is steady â€" 8 hours a day, with a half holiday on Saturday. We provide a cheerful, cosy, rest room; vveM-cookcd and appetizing meals at cost, and a chrmce to earn big wages as you advance. Our department will ftlso undertake to secure for you good board in a private home at a moderate price. Write or apply personally to Mr. Tell who will be to show you over the place and answer anjf questions you may care to ask. ^f^IAMILTON CARHARTT COTTON MILLS Limited Maniifacltircri of Ovrinllii and Work Qlovr-j 535 EAST QUEEN STRF.ET ^ ronnvi'Tn 541 EAST KING STi-«IiET ) i'^'"-"^**^ Also iit Montrcul, Wit.nipcg ar.d V.mcouver. R D I The Imported Itlack I'l^rebero.i Std lion, will be at the Miiiishaw House stable every Fii.lay nii;lit iluring the season. Thi.n bor.'^e woh tirst place in a c'.isa of !I2 two year nhl stallieiis in France, llil is oiui of the beat, hoises ever broui;hi to (his .sei lion. It. will be lo the jnter- St of anyone wanting the lie>l lo see liim. [iispecled and enrolled Tel Ills to iiiMire u mare with foal, %\i> 00 loliii Mi'.\rihiir, .1. .A. Crowston, Maiiat'er I'roprletor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion, Ciipbearir .'!. 2 24A. The »ir« of the will Id's cliniiipioi* Ued lleaier, 2 O."!!, and i.tliei.s, will be at the same stable on Knday evenings from (1 to S o'clock. los)>t'eleil ami eiirolled. Tediis to insure a mare niih f.ia!, $15 00. --J' A. C'luwittun, IVop, DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist nnd Optical Specialist MuroDtario Street, near Third .Street. Collingwood, Ontario Ap;)ointments : â-  â-  Daily- '.) a. ni. to ij p. in. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephoue t;il-W. I!ox 1066 1 Jly 20 . \_ Small Ads. FOR SALK For Sale â€" -Nice driver and rubVier tired buggy wiih top, haruesp. .\pply at this othoe. For Sale- Four ewes and ^ix lambs â€" Miniiiire ai i his < tlloo. For Sale X (pianlity of hemlock lumber and scaiuliie.^ W. S. Itishop, Kiinbnrley. For .SaIc I'arlor Heator Coal Stove, Wood Heater, l,"iO liame Traps, Stump I'uller complete, two llu'dsleada Library Table, walrut body and marble top Centre Table, a tiuantity of 7-8 inch drill steel and complete set blasiing tools, Apiily to F. H. ISeiilley, Fl..'aliurtoii. 4 Fur Sale â€" Chest of carpenters' tool also a complete picture framing ouitit. I'hoiie or write Will. Sloan, Kimberley 1 atill have some 12 tnJ Hft. K. 0. and hemlock plai.k fer sale. K S»rgeur, Crtyboi. MISCKLLANEOUS Hiuheal p"in< fo.' bitttut and eag^ at (irahaiii (ires. Kueenia: * Juno 2ti Try Fevers^ia.n I'aitry Flour, iho best or your co ik. All Oumrio wheat Private funds to loin on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'ereat , Apply to II. J. Sproule, Flt-ilierlon sept 2317 Chopping every 8aturd»y only -Gra ham Uros., Eugenia. Strayedâ€" Tlieie came, to my pie.niKUS l"t 2li, Coll 12, on June 22iid, a brown dog with white on top of neck. Collar around neck dicorated with brass. John Campbell, U. U. 1. Eugenia. â- Strayed Fviin Kiiuenia \ bay three yeai ol:) coll with while f.tce, also one black and one dark sorrel aged mares. Iiiformati/iii as to where tbouts thankfully received py â€" II. Cairns, Eugenia. VirtroUXVIj Dancing at your own home^ any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a; Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT ^ SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about IflOO Gravity vvasher.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Electric and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiek Binders. Mowers, Hay Rak»», Hay Loa lees. Drills, Cultivator, I'lows, Skeel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, liranlsford double geared and auto oiled ainnotor Wind MiHa, Heaily Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manuue Carriers, Watoi' Howls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ=SAWS One »liiri\ more wool cut with sume fiower wUaii ti^>^^d with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Specialties in Men's Clothing A large eolleetion of Men's Summer Suits just arrived lonipnsing worsteds, tweeds and serges in blue, grey and brown colors Sizes 85 to 42. Men's Shoes in black anil mahogany wilh the Neolin or leather soles. Ties in shades of Wne, black, red and grey with their corresponding shatles. Gaps and Mats in felt and straw. Sum iner Underwear â€" combinations or in separate pieces in the Halbriggan and very tine wool. Raincoats in brown and grey tweeds front $!5 to 32. Boys' ruUover Sweaters iu blue and grey, from 50c. to $3.00 each HARDWARE Goal Oil Stoves in two, three and four burner with the ovens. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Ho g For Service Pure brel Yaikahire Boar for service. Terms -$1 .5(1 at lime of .sorvicti. J. F. COLI.INSON. 1 xput Ceylon. ELLIOTT "xl^^ Yoiif;e and Charles btreeln, Toronto Is Holed thriiUk'hout Cmidi lor h'jijh Ktade work (!real demand for our graduates. Open all year. Rnier now. Write for Catalogue, W. J. KLLIOTT.PiuNciPAL NOTICE .An it is Cream Separator season and you want the best and iikoHt reliable , Separator on the market lennniber the j De Laval was iho lirat invented and elil the leading ssparator. More o I them in use than all uthar uuchiaes ! Sold by j HL1\5H KNOTT, Ai-ent, I Markdale,Onf, Boar For Service liexisiered Chester Whita hjir for srvico «l Hock Mills The faohxr won. tirst at Chicago Fair. Terms tl.50. deo&19 -L SMITH Prop.

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