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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1920, p. 5

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June 24 I92t THE FLESHEKTON ABVANCE / X f* Cooperation THE Victory Loan campaigns served a mutual good by bringing the public in such close contact with the Banks of Canada as to realize tbeir human side. It is the one desire of this Bank to be of personal service. Malce it a point to remember that we are always wilUos to extend you friendly and authoritative counsel on financial matters. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA zn Capital. Snrplu tad I7a<hrid«< FtiAta S8^aO,e37.M. FLESHERTON BRANCH ' GEO. MITCHELL MANAOCtl ANADIAN PAOIFIO C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station a^i oliows : Going South Going North 7. Ma. m. 13.06 p.m. 4J7 p.m. 9.S0p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail acath at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train sooth mail close at 9 p. m. the prenons evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Tom Chard of Toronto is ipending a fortnight with friends here. Mrs. W.I. Henry visited hec daughter ia Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Karstedt motored over from Indianapolis, lodians, «Ld are Tisiting the former's brother here. Four large German field g,\xa» and six machiuo guns, captured by Cinadians. httva been presented to Owen Sound by the autbarities. Wh^n will ours eome l Mr. H. LeGarc and Mr. EL Best attended the LeGard-White nuptials iu Torsuto last week aod wera accompanied home by Miss Etta LeGard, wlio will remam with her mother for the summer. A few changes were made on the titial draft of stations of ministers in the Owen Sound di.stricc at th« ccnfeceuoe in Toronto last week. The man set down for Kui^enia circuit is Leslie Rumble. Johu S. Veales returns to Kimberley. At the County Council last week a •han^e was made in the office of Hiah County Constable. Mr. R. Cook of Ceyloti, who has huld the position for some years, has been replaced hy Mr. Carsou of Owen Sound. H. Down & Sons have iustslled an scetyline welding plant «n their garage. The plant is up to date and a costly thinu to instal. No need now to aend broken metal parts out of town for repair. See their advertisemeuli iu this issue. Diedâ€" On June 14, at his hooie 2335 Seciuid Avenue west, Vancouver, B. C, Thurston Hampton, student at McMaster university, Toronto, only son of Mr. R. J . Hampion, and nephew ot Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryson, 62 Tacilic avenue, iu hia 2Uth year. Karr â€" Worthallâ€" A. pretty home wed- dinjj took flace at " The^ Beaches," Toronto, on Wednesday, June i», when Minnie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Worthall, 1 Hammorsmith Ave., was niarr;ed to Uoy B. K.err, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keir, foriuerly of Flesh- erton, now of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .\rchio McLean, who have been residents of Flesherton far some", left last week to reside with their children at Warren, Ohio. They have not sold their property here. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were good citizens and wo were sorry to eee them go. A glut of atrawberries and other imall fruit is predicted for Ontario. The caDners aeem so contideui of it that they h.'jve declined to make any contracts this year with growers, believing that they can get all they want ou the open uiarket at liiwpiices. The shortage of sugar is another reason given by tUo canners for deciding against making contracts. A garden pirty will bo held at the park at Eugenia on .July Ist, under the auapicea of the Presbyterian church. I'rogtam will couitnnnoe at 'i.iW p. ri;. Thare will be foot rsoen, a baseball match between married and aintjle men. si.ift ball and other jjaines. Supper will be served from 5 lo 7 p.m. Admission 50o and 20o. Mr. Jack McCaul of Toronto viaitad at H. C. LeGard's ovar the we«k end. .Mrs. Broiks of Lindsay spent a week with her sister, Mrs. John Bellamy, who aceompaoied her home. Rev. and Mis. Cpham of Flesherton, and Mr. ai.d Mrs* Walter Akitt of Ruck Mills, attended the Baptist convention at Wisrton last waek. Mr. John Whitten of Toronto, who i« visiting friends in this vicinity, was a welcome caller at The Advance office on* day laat week. Church of England service will be held iu the Town Hall, Flesherton, every Sunday at 7 p. m. Rev. J. Blackwall, pastor. All welcnne . Mr. Sharp, evangelist, will hold a ten day campaign at Sslem, on Price ville circuit, beginning next Sunday, when there will be three services. Mrs. G. A. Keith and three children and Miss Frances Armstrong of Toronto are visiting their aunt, Mrs. F. H. W. Hicklias. Miss Hilda Porte of Owen Sound was the suest of Miss Lilian Bunt over the week end. She favored the congrega- tion of the Methudist church with a sweetly rendered solo Sabbath evening. A. number of friends of Mr. Htrb Le- Gard (fathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Best on Thursday evening Us' to welcome Herb and his bride to town Durini; the evening Herb was presented with an address and a beautiful leather covered chesterfield rocker. During a recent thunderstorm a large barn belonging to Mr. Richardson of the U'th of Proton was struck by lightning and the ventilator un top af the building set on tire. Telephone messages to the neighbors resulted iu a number of them arriving in a very few minutes In cars. The roof was mounted, ths ventilator chopped ctl and rolled to the ground, tQus saving iha building from destruction. Penny â€" Duncan â€" At the residence o her mother, Flesherton. on Wednesday, June 15, by Rev. F. G. Fowler, Miss Evelina Maud, daughter of Mrs. Mc- Kenzie Duncan, to Mr. E. ,S. Penny of Toronto, where the happy couple will reside. The groom wb.s (>iie of five brothers who went through the war and aU returned home safely and had dinner together last Christmas. The County Council did one grand piece of work last week when they took over the Valley Rood from Kimberley to the CoUiniiWood ^gravel as a uaunty highway, and from Hny's corner to Eu- genia. This will make a comparatively level highway from Flesherton to Kim- berley and eventually join up with the toad from Kimberley to Thornbury. It will make it possibla for the valley to produce its best iu fruits and i>ivo an eutUt for truck trathi: to catch all trains at Flesherton or Thornbury. It will place the Kimberley valley on the same plane as the St. Catharines district, so far as market facilities for fruit is con cerned. Watch Kiiiiberlsy valley real â- state jump iu pri:e for the next few years. In Memoriam In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Charles H. Smith, who was drowned Jaue 23rd, 1916. THERE ARE NO DEAD He is not dead, be has but passed Beyond the mists that blind us hire, Into the new and larger life Of that sarener sphere. And ever near u<, though unseen. His dear, immortal epirit treads. For all the boundless universe Is life â€" there are no dead I â€" Father, mother and sisters IH[MA!tK[[S tJarefully Oorreoted Eaoh Week Babtor 38 to 40 %g8 -44 -.o 44 Wheat 2 01) to 2 iO Peaa 1 40 to 1 SO Oaks 90 to 91 Barley 78 io 80 Gents' Furnishings The Stuail Store with Big Values SUMMER WEAR Straw Hat time has arrived at last. Call at the Gents' Fumishiaits and get the latent and be«t stylus. Men's and boys' peanit."« also on hand . Felts and caps sellinK a: a low margin above cost. Come and hwa a look at our bar- gains in Uaiucoats and Oiled Cam- bric Coats, Men's and Boys' Summer Under- wear, Bathing Suits. Socks andH Stockings. Cleaning and Pressio'^ done on shortest notices. .\j{ei>'» for Hohbcrliii measure clothing. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Charged With Neglect Of County Machinery Advertiser Repur*. Speaking on the report of 'lie Couoiy , Roads Comnilttea ix preaenied to the j County Council, Mr. Boy.i object«d to ' what had been <l'ine with the secsnd outfit. At a previous sessinc it had been decided to move the maehinery :o Flesh- i ertou and not have it at Dundalk, where, I he charged, " it was fooling away the county's money." He further stated that Mr. Hockridge got permission to use the county machinery and when he was through left it by the roadside all winter. Mr. Boyd charged, " to my; knowledge even the msgr.ero was left ouc | all winter. The charge is denied through the press, but no one denies that the machinery was left after it was taken from thH storage built by Mr. Purvis. In April Mr. Purvis went out and found the magneto on the tractor and the radiator burst with the fiost. That ii no way to treat the county after being given a privilege. " Mr. Hockridge said that be had re- ceived permission to. use '.he machinery on the road that needed repair badly.and the machinery was iu use until on in January, when the Jeep snow made it impossible to return the machinery. He himself had covered the county's property with a special tent and bad seen that ever> thing was in good shupe. Regard ing the magneto, he said it had been kept IU a housd and put back just before Mr. Purvis came. Anyway, the magneto or the radiator bad never #orked rieht. Mr. Boyd objected to the statement that tlis machinery bud been in bad shape when it left the county's hands. The foreman, Mr. McKeozie, who vns helping Mr. Hockridge to deny any cuifability, had toid the Warden and himself that the trac:or was working beautifully the last day it wis used. Mr. McTavish stated that he saw iho tractor and the radiator wiih seven pipes burst where the water must havu been left in. The magneto too must have been left out where it would get wet, for no harm would come to it from cold alone. " I think the man who told Mr. Hockridge that he took the magneto off didn't know what he was doing â€" he must have taken a wheel off If Mr. Hock- ridge not the machinery to do a certain piece of work, he should have been man enough to return the machinery at the stipulatad time of lune lOth while it was not ri-turn»d yet. Robert Purvis was walling for the machinery to d i work for the couuty,ai]d has to lay men ctF beciu.-e of the lielay.'' Mr. Calder in referring to the " tem- pest in the teapot," said that things had got now to such A state that the servants and otUcials were takiiii> tides and he recommended â- > wholesale discbarjje. He went over the whole affiir am' ended by saying that it whs very deplorable that the matter had been aired in the Press. The Wiiidfu understood originally the machinery at Dundalk was to be moved to Flesherton as soon as the roads were ready in the .ipnng. Later from Toronto ho and Mr. Buyd had given orders that tlio machinery wa." to go to Rock Blills but the Proton people refused to let it go. The commiUee then agreed that it would bo left until June lOtb Then fuither road had been graded and h« thought there was still two weeks' work tp be Jone. The Warden agreed that the machin ery bed been all right in the fall and concluded by sayin*;, " I think undue advantage has been taken of holding the machinery in Piotou." !^H5HH! WARH WEATHER WEAR SOHETHINQ YOU NEED Men's Toyo Panama Hats', very fine weave, give satisfactory wear, new correct shapes in snappy boater and fedora styles. 8izes from 6J to 7^. Prices from $2.25 to 3.50. Men's and Boys' Canton and Chip Straw Ifats in large variety of good shapes fo"^ line wear and every day use. Prices from 2.3c. to $2.00. Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits, plain navy and navy trimmed with colors, full range of sizes in OLe piece style with skirt. Prices trom $1.00. Men's Combination Underwear in Balbriggan. Open mesh and fine nainsook fabrics, all size.s 36 to 14, all styles, long sleeves and ankle length, »hort sleeres and knee length and sleeveless atihletic pattern. Prices from i^l.50 to 2.*^5 a suit. " Lang " Shirts for men. The best assortment we have ever offered. Pricea from $1.50 to 4.95. " Arrow " Collars, newest shapes in stiff and soft styles. " Kant«Kraek " Collars, washable, new styles, most durable and comfortable. " King " Neckwear, a wonderfua assortment of new patterns in good wearing silks. Prices from $1.00 to 2.00 ' Snag Proof " Overalls and Smocks, blue stripe, black lud khaki, combinations and single garments, sizes 32 to 4ti. The best overall value to be found any- where. Come and see them. Men's Summer Hosiery, cotton, lisle, cashmere, .silk or silk and wool, colors. chestnut brown, navy, white, tan, green, sand, black and heather mixtures. Sizes 10. 10^ and U. Prices from 2.3c tc i§ 1-50. Special values in the Millinery Department for June Customers. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^ j LSgggsg g^^y^y^^ ' ^^ ' ^^^ '- ^ s gS^ Artemesia Council I Council met as a Court of Revision of \ the assessment of 1920. The members j were all present, the Raeve in the chair. ! There being no appeals, the roll was I accepted at the assessment for 1'.)'20. | i The Council then met for general | business, the Reeve in the chair. { I The minatss of last meeting were read : and confirmed. Bylaw JJo. j. to grant a part of Kincardine stree , Priceville. < for a soldiers' memorial site ; 13, ap- pointing K. Plantt School .Attendance' lOlJicer ; 14, to appoint Treasurer ; and 15 ; )o authorise a loan for general e.\peudi- ' tnre, were introduced and passed. | I The following accounts were ordered ' j to be paid: The Reeve 312, for com- i mittee work ; tSatemau, Wilkinson Co. ' Sno.oO for plough share : Stiatford Pipe I Co. ;*'26 3t), for culvert : Graham Bros. \ We are agen's for the Torouio dailies Leave your oiders at The advance cfioe 81ii7.CS, for shingles for town hall. Cameronâ€" Batchelar -That the request i of H. Piper to have part of 150 sideroad | con. 3 S \V, from back line to Orange li.ill, be considered and a bylaw be pre- 1 pared and advertised, to authorise the | closing and sale of the eame â€" Carried. i Cameron â€" Batcheler â€" That a Bpecial ' grant of $75 be made in Uiv. 4, to con- i tinua the work of inakirg permanent i improvement on the road on Campbell's | hill, provided the commissioner for that j Division eipenJ an equal amount there â€" Carried. The Council adjourned. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and FLAYERIFIANGS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments AT /-v^ Hiwkaii's Photo Gallery and ;Music Stor FLESHERTON Farm For Sale ! â- "^00 acres, lots 4 and 5, con. 8,0»prey, farm stock and implements and house- bold furniture, first class A 1 grain and stock farm; good buildings, close lo; school. Reason for selling, poor health. I Write or see owner â€" j JaS. T.POOLE Eugenia R. R. I. OWEN SOUND'S MONSTER CELEBRATION Thursday, July l«t Cargoes Grocery If you ^^ant good, clean, frosb Groceries or Confectionerv give us a call. We carry nothing but thtj best. Wa bavo also a full line of all the leading Tobacces. All kinds of Fruits in season. Co me in and get your Soaps and otbei necessities for your spring cleauiug. We have a full line of garden and tiower seeds. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phone iu your order. We will deliver it to any part of the village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. • •••••••• •••••••••••••â- â€¢ wvl $5,000 IN ATTRACTIONS I BOOTS & SHOES THRILLING AEROBATICS-Lt. Col. Bishop and Lt. Col. Barker, the World's Greatest Aviators and Flying Squadron. HORSE RACESâ€" $ 1 .050 in prizes. Free For All Trot or Pace $400. 2.30 Trot or Pace $300. One Mile Running Race $350. BOXING TOURNAMENT, BASEBALL and FOOTBALL, ROWING RACE, BAND CONCERTS, COMMUNITY DANCING. FIREWORKS DISPLAY, GRx\ND CALI- THUMPIAN PARADE. Send for Official Program to Mayor Patterson, Owen Sound. In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. M THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, •••••• •«••••-â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ Ht««*«« **«•••«• •»*•'•• •••«••#«••« ONTARIO

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