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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1920, p. 4

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June 24 1V20 THE FLXSHXETON ADVANCE SB^SS^â€" !â€" -*â-  rrrrsi A BanE^ccount For Your Wife More and more, are the wives of today ^ running their homos on a business basis â€" '' systematically and efficiently. Many wives have a monthly allowance for household expenses. This, they deposit in a Savinffs Account in The Merchants Bank â€" settle bills by cheque â€" and thus have an accurate record of bills paid. Such a business-like method also grives a woman the feeling of happy independence in having a bank account of her own. TH€ MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1864* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, Manager. THE Flesherton Advance An iiidepeodtnt newip'par publiiihMl •vary Thursday at the oftier, Colliugwood Street, FleHherton. Subscription piica 91.50 pel annum when p«ii i» h(Ivkiicw ; when not ho ptid. 82.00 t« Slates. AdvurtJHint; ruteH on • ;)^catioa. Ciroalatiun uvur IIUO WMkly. W. H. THI KSTON, Ki.iT<» WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiihuliir 8n;ii-[)li^s Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AQENT FLESHERTON. f=jr=if,r =Jr=Jf=J/= zJp^'/=Jr=J!^^r=Ji^=Jf^^fS3 ^-^T=-''r=/'T='f=^t FURNITURE! All kinclHjoffuniituru'in our showrooms. Call and sec our diniii;.^ I'ooiii, parlor and bodroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. [sec I UNDERTAKING Calls answtired night or day Phone :]0 r I i Owen Sound City Not Yet A City The joke is on Owen Bound nod the cat is (lUI of the ba^. The town ihoUi^ht it became a city on June 1, but it nraa a c»»e of precnaturo birth â€" or somethinf; worHn. Somt) of thu ntliciala inHist that It was iiiurely a seven month child. The explanation of the Kituation lies hero : The bill of incorporation was passed by Iha Private Bills Coniinitten of the Lfuinkture, but did not coBtain the oeceHsary staiement of dale at which the bill was lo coiut; in force, as retjjirei by law. As a consequence the bill had to await consent of the Lieut.- Governor aloni; wilh other bills, and could not become lnw uiuil 00 days after such consent was given. This con!>cnt was j;r,(tited at close of 'he Legislature and the CO d-tya muHi elapse before Owen Sound can le^^ally do business <ts a city. Lsn't it [enoiiyh to make the Owen Sound otticials tutn i^rey with all their troubles ( By the way, here is another r(!asoB why Owen Sound abould be citUed The Urey City. Still, a number of other pi!l ipinies could be evolved from this latest develi>pmenc, allhoui;!! we fear none of ihem would be quite iicceptable to iho inhabitants. W. H. BUNT Flesherton, <^^i IJJ Flesherton Tri Shop ?P I have just placed on the .shelves a full lino of L<? K Tiiiwart;, Xickclw;tr(! and Apifcwarc fur domii.stic \^h In Memoriam In lovini; memory of our dear huiband and fathur. Miles niistletliwaite, whom God called suddenly hniiio Jund 21, 1!(17 " He i* not dead. He is just nway." - Wife and t'amily. WILD RED FOXES I will pny the liigliBot prices for wild rei fox pups. K. J. roUTEU. S*inti>ii Park . Phone Duiidalk <!2 r 42. Notice to Creditors use. ("all on me and get, yuiir siipjjlies. Eavetroughiug, Stovcpijies and Stovt; Furnish- ujn ings. Repairing of all kinds jjiuniptly attended to. PipeliUirig, including piunp work. Kiirniices in.stalled. Agent for ('lure liros. Kurnacos. iS? D. McKlLLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. II iji 1^(1 B 11 i liil In the mailer of llip e.stHte of John .).4ini's .Mirtiii, bile of llin Towiisliip iif Kuiiliiasia iu Lbe Couuly of (hey, fximiT, deceased. Notice is herohy ^ivi'ii, purKiiant to " riie Trusl-.-e .^ot" and ainciidiiienls thereto thai nil creditors and o'hers havmcj cliiiiii.-i iiiiniusi tlie est ilo nf the ^:li(l John .lames Miirtin, whii died imi or aliout iliii 5!0(li day June .A. D, 1H16, arp re>iuii,d on or before the 24tb day .'line .\ 1).,1S20, to send by post prepaid or dcluiMtii lioberl J. Sproule of the \'iIIiil;o "f Kle»li,Ttnn ill the ("ounty nf tirey, one of the Kiecutors of thu last Will and 'I'csianu'iit of the said John JaoKN Msitio, (leeeased, their Christian and Sinnameh, iiddreyses and deserip- ( ions, the full particulars of their claims, lbe sliitenien'. of llieir accounts, aad the uatuie of the spcuiities, if aay, hold by I hem. And furlher t-ike notice that after such ! int iiieiilionod date thu iiaid Kxecutora will pioceed to distribute the assets of the ileceased anioUL; ihe parties entitled [ ibeielo, haviim lensrd nnlv to the claiiiis of wliic-li be shall then have notice, and that the said Bxoculors will not be, liable for the ^:lid assets or anv part tlieicof to any perion or persons of wlioSK cl liiii notice aliall not|bave been received liy bun al the lime of iiucli (listnliiitiii'i. Dated the L'2nd day of.lune A.l) 1!)20. VVKK.HT, TKLKOUDA BIKNIE, Owen Scmnd, (^nt. S'.licilor" for liohert Jsmei SpioMleand Clmrle.-t M. Martin, lOxeeulors of 'he Will of John James Martin, deceat;ed. â-  â- Â»â- â€¢Â»>•<••*â- â-  â- â€¢ • â-  » â- â- â- ... â- . â-  'â- â- â- <â-  â- â€¢â- â- â€¢ â- â- â€¢â€¢â- 'â- â- â- â- â- â-  â- '••â- > I Ice Cream & Chocolates Our ice Cnain I'lirloiiirt :iro open tluy iiiid uvuiiuit,'. We liaiidle the biistt Ico Cra.tin Dbiiiitiabln (City Dairy . ) Try U8 fur bulk Ice •"loam for fortifta mid .socials. Wiliard'.s Cliocolatea to satisfy all tafltoB GROCERIES Our (iroe.iry Ib'iariiiient 18 fully stocked witii cIohii aud up to date Kooiis llialiesl l>iico.s laid for Uultd- I'.ygb and Crcftui. M A RD I 1^-Lft^' Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHHRTON, ONTARIO i-t » 1 1 1 â-  â-  â-  «' â-  --i itnt v "' ' '~ f*â€"â€" â- Â»â- Â»â€"â€" 'I'ho Impoited lilack I'orchero.i Stal- lion, will bu at the Munshaw HoUHe .-talilii oveiy KiiJay ni^jlit duriotj the Heuhoii. This liorso won liral place in a COIS9 of !I2 lw<i year olii stallimis In Krjinoe. He is one of the best horses ever lirou^ht to I bis soi tion. It will be to Iho interist of Hiiyomi wanlinn 'he best to see liliii. Iiinpected slid unrolled. Toinis to iiimre u insre wilh foal. If Ifi (10 John Me.'\rihiir, J. .A, ('rowstmi, lManai.'ur I'roprloior The Standard Itred Trottiim Stallion, Cupbearer .'!. 2 'J4k. The suo of the world's chsuipion Ked Iteaier, 2 (loj, and • Oieis, will be ar> the Kaiiie stablii on Kriil.iy eveMiiifjs from (i to 8 o'clock. losjieLtod :iiid •moiled. Terms to insure a iiiHie t^iih r.>al, 1^15.00. â€"J' A. Crowstuii, l'ro|>. Small Ads. FOR SALE For Saleâ€" Nice driver and rubber tired buf^Kr with top, also harneo. A;)pi/ at thi> cdtice. For Saleâ€" Four ewes aod kIx lambaâ€" Entpiire ai this offlca. For Saleâ€" Parlor Heater Coal Stove, Wood Heater, 1^0 Game Traps, Stuiiip i Puller 2<^oiiiplete, two Bedsteadi, Lilirary Table, walcut body aud marble top Centre Table, a ijuantity of 7-8 inch drill steel and complete set blasting tools. Apply to F. H. Bentley, FUiberton. 4 Very bi^b bred Shorihora Cow for sale. Apply to J. McGrade, Feversham. ('OW For Sale â€" Good yuuiig cuw, due to frasben June 23â€" Robert McMaster. Klesberton. For Saleâ€" Cow 7 years old, due June 12 ; Grade Bull 1 year old, and a quan- tity of 8-.ed potatoea- B. McKenzie. Ceylon. For Saleâ€" Chest of carpenters' tool also a complete picture framing outiit. Phone or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kiiaberley Piauo For Sale â€" Haintzatau Piano and Bench, mahnganT satin tiniah upright case. For fuithnr particulars write Mina C. G. Binnie, 483 Broadview .Avenue. Toronto, Ont., or phone 44 ring 3, Proton. Onl. MISCKLLANKors lliahest prioifor b'i'',ei and ocgi at Graham Bros. Bueenia. June 26 Lost- On Tuesday, June 8, a brown Collie pup, 6 monthd old, white head aud brown around one eye. Finder please communicate with Wm. Hill, R R 2, Flesherton. Lost â€" A pair of jjlasses Jon the fair grounds day of the sports. Finder please leave at this office. Try Feversha.n Pattry Flour, the best or your^oook, AH Ontsrio wheat PrivaJbe funds to loan ou real estate security at reasonablu rate of iii'erest. .Apply to R, J. Sproule, Fiejherlon sept iiSn Chopping every Saturday only â€" Gra ham Bros., Eugenia. Scrayed â€" There came to my pre.»ises lot 26, cm. 1-, on Juno 22iid, a brown dof{ with while on lop of neck. Oollnr around neck decorated with brass. Joliu ("iiiipbell, H. U. 1, Kui(;eiiia. .Strayed Kron, Ku.;enia â€" .A bay three yeai old coU with wbila face, also one black aud one dark eurrel a<;eil niaren. Informal ion as tu whereibouts thankfully ri'ieived byâ€" II. (JairiiK. Kugenia. Flesherton High School Promotion Exams. Hnnjurs over 7a per emit. Pass 60 to 75 per cent. Uvconiinended 65 to GO per cent. Names in order of merit. Form 2 to Form 3- Pass J D iw, E Muir, G Large. 1< orin 1 to Form 2 â€" ^Pass- II McLeod, M fJuhn, K Kerns, M Parslow, 1 Mc- Lachlan, M Whltiaker, R .Slevens, J McLeod, S AcheHon, S Piiidlay, U Mulr, J Whit«», P McMafter, K Oliver, I Lever. Recoinniendud â€" .\ Little, I Uincks. U. tjolgan, A Norris. David Kay, who resided near Orange- fille, met with a sudden death at the farm of William Sinilb, Kast (jarafraxa. Kay was engaged i.i a farm baiul by Mr. Smith and on thu fatal ninruing deceaaed was drawina miliure from the barnyaid into the lielda. The people in the house noticed the horses sttiiding by the funoe and upon iiivestiKating found Kay lying dead in the Une Ir is thoujjht be took a week spell or was seized with hrait failure and fell otfthe w.inon, the wheels of whi:h passed ovir bii body, breakit'g his arm and collarbone and crushing him ttrribly. In ibo district between Erindile and Streoisville onj bouse ami three barns were totally de.stroyed- by dio and a Nei'iiiid bouse on the outskirts of the villtiito of Krindale was damaged when struch by lightning. Prsotically all the buildiu^'s were abla/.e at mice, jitl'oris to stum the pt ogress of the tlamei were unavailing. Price Bros, of Krindaie lost their house and barn ; Wm. Cooper, of Kri»>dalo and John Mclllwnck of Streeis- ville their barns, and J. L. Ross of Krinuale had his hnusu bidly damaged. Tho total loaa will be in the neighborhood of «.=iO,()t'0. Bull For Service Pure breil .Shorlhoin Bull of the Village Family f.>r service on lot 10, con. 10, (>sptcy. roiiiis 82 5(1 for giide.s, |!5 for pure hieds. July 15 - Mort. Say era, Prop. Try us for your next job printing. at your ov/n home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT 'tmii SB SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S, HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Electric and gasoline power tvashers. ALSO far MeCotmiok Biudei-s. Mowers, Hay Rakae, Hay Loaders, Drills, Culfcivator, Plows, 8>i»el Stella, liiu'rows, Oasoline Kii^iiios, Hrantford double i^earod and auto oiled airuwtor Wind MttU, B^Kiity H-ay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manune Carriers, VVatae Rowbs, Water T.*Qks, Pump and Pipiiii;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS One third more woi>d out with annte power whan bued witti my pakctit. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ccylofi, Ont. Specialties in Men's Clothing A large collection of Men's JSumraer Suits just arrived comprising worsteds, tweeils aud serges . in blue, grey and brown colors 8ize& 35 to 42. Men's Shoes in black and mahogany wilh the Neolin or leather soles. Ties in shades of blue, black, red anil grey with their corresponding shades. Caps and Hats in felt and straw. Snninier TTnderwear â€" combinations or in separate pieces in the Balbriggan aud very tine wool. luiiucoats in brown and grey tweed* from $!5 to 32. Boys' Pullover Sweaters in blue and trrey. from 50c. to $3.00 each HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoves in two, three and four burner with ^ the ovens. F, G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Hog For Service NOTICE Pure bred Y»lk«hire Boar for aervioe. Terms -?1 .r>0 »t time i>f service J. F. COLLINSON, 1 n>ar Ceylon. ELLIOTT ^xr7 i'oiigo and Ciiiirlcs Strcots, Toronto Is noted throiu'h'iut Canada bir b>yh Krade work (ireat. demand fur our Rradiiate.s. l)pen all year. Uiuer now. Write for Catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT.PRweiPAL \ I Al it in Cream Separatot saaat>n and you want ih* best and utoat reliable I Separator on the market rem«uib«<r the I Da Laval was the tirat invented and jstil the leading leparator. Mare o them iu use tban all othir maohiaea. i Sold by I tlVQH KNOTT, Agent, I Markdal«,(Jnr, Boar For Senrice llt'SDtere)! C'ke.^ter White h >^ for srvioo at H'>ek Mills TUe father wrau. tirat at Oliio:fc|(o F&ir. Terw.1 |1.50. dec 519 -^. SMITH P«»p. \' ' ' >f â-  » • t » â- ) » -♦ I (

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