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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1920, p. 8

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June 8 19'i« THE FLESHEKTCN ADVaNGE We Meet Farmers Half W ay R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM CHARMERS who are making most progress are * those who have realized the profit that can be made by use of Bank capital in enlarging their herds or increasing their field prod irtion. The Bank of Toronto makes a business of extending to Canadian farmers the power to finance larger crops, and larger holdings of live stock. Our Managers will meet you half way on any sound proposal that has to do with development and production. Capital $5,000,000. Reserves $6,793,983. " BA â-¼"â-¼i^,5- TORONTO Incorporated 1856 17 Fastest Transcontinental Train in the World ' for the Business Man in a Hurry I -*" r ' The Gdp-t,nbsring^ •* « •(> i> ICov; thr.t the era o? rcconntnict'on Is hero, the business man, who has iicen taxed to tbo limit, bouglit boniis to his capacity and given until it hurts is to be considered aciin. He I.H to bo permitted to get from place to place quickly, his freight is to be haudlod promptly and he is to bo piven every assistance to revitalize liio business of America. The rail- ways v° the veins and arteries uix>n which a hca'.thy buslne;>s body must '.ieper.d. therefore normally much of Lis help must come f-'om tham. The Canadian Pacific, a privately run road is the first ct the railroads to help the business man. . Oa June 1st. the lirat " Trans- Canada" â€" the new transcoiitinentr.l | oxpross of the C. V. It. â€" pulled out of the WlnJsoi- St. Station in Montreal tilled to capacity on its thiuo thou- sand mile run to Vancouver. This is the fastest transcontinental train in tiie world, niakin.'; the trip from Montreal to V&neouver in lesa than four days, to be oNact. 0:i hours and 30 minutes, and from V:'.nco\;ver to Montreal in !)2 hours 15 minutes, the run being made v,-itboiit fhange of oars. A whole business day Ir-. Ilv.'.s raved for the I;usinnss-.\[an-in-rt-HuM*y. An InlerestlnK point in onnncetion with this train is the fact that more than half of the passcugcrs arc'ecn- eraliy rr ::;stcrcd fro:ii New York. Philadelphia, Boston and other American ciLics, a considerable num- ber beini' booked for Banff, I^alce Louise and points west. One thinks of a transcontinental train as a single unit, but in reality it is made up of a niuabor of com- plete uuilii. A daily service, the trip bcin?? R:ur (^ay?, r?nuiros four trains runnin;; meii way simultane- ously. The equipment of the new de luse train has an e:-l!i;:clcd value of JG.cno.OOO, \\.:.v.v!, for t!-.e clai'.y run eastbound and westbound, CO s'twp- iuK cars, 5 en:'i-;;rlme:u, 15 diners and 2-i locor.^otiven. You'll Ik; ••surprised ho'.v liiilo ii. costa to opoiati; this Clievnjtc^t '* Four - Ninety " 'I'lniriiij^' Car. 'J'w cnty-livc nnlcs on .a gallon ol j^'asoliiu^ is iint an nnii.siial record. Tirt^s lawf an unusually long time. J.'('pairs are tew and fai- between, ('are free, regular porlormanci^ is the Clu^vrolet rule. Yet uifli all its eeeiiouiy and ll>\v ])ricc, Clievrotet " Kour-Niiie'y " lOiiiirij,' Car is a handsoino, roomy, conjfottahle Carâ€" a car you eaii he proud to oAvn, Made in Car.atla The more a man knows al)oiil aiilo niobiles, the more experiiniee he himselriiHs had with iheiii, the more eritical hi- is apt lo he ot iIhmi' e.s.seii- tial feature.^. To saristy thi.s class of uioton.^ls is the eliier iimtive of Clievroi.^t construction and e(|nip- u:enr. It is to this elenien! tluM-e- I'ore that the convenience of opera tion, aeeessihility and cquipnuni, the depeiidahility and (economy of th(^ ("hevrolet makes its j^reatosL a}»pr;il . H^ "^ =*]-?; ^ ^ «^ «S.^ «;^ ?^ ?^ D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, Durlni; the electric utorm l»ht week the dwelling of Mr. Wiiitield Stuwurt ti E^reiiiiiiit W.IS struck by ligbtninx. Ah th« biiUHfl is well rodded no diiniii(!e w:i8 done. This in the third tune the build- mu huH been Btruck contiavening the old sayiti(,' that lithtiiiiig never Htrikts in the Riiuie pKce f wico. A pnimineiit citizen who is Rlwiiys ro»Uy lo try tiiij'thinK once, paraded home from » j(enl's furnishinc estublinhment fhd uthor afteriKinn attired in mi overnil suit of >>lue drill. lUlf .-ill hour IttKi' i he paraded back clorhud as per usual and ccoiii|iaiiied by his wife. In this iiiHlniicu the rubullion was brief. â€" Uurrii?- t in .HeviBW. Tin; Durliuin Furniture Co. have boaghta new K. W. 1). truck of three Ifjtia capHciiy, with trailer, which will be u-ii'd ill the yiirdu hero and alio at the Hojk Mills phini, for hauliufi lojis nucl Imiili'.'r. .\h ilH tiaiiie indicatPH, it is a F.'ir Wheel Drive, and ia ii powerful 'ii,cIiiiio. The CDSl, we underetand, wtts ill the iiei.-hborhiKrd of ^9,000.00.â€" CluiiiiiclB. (jleorKoSiiiilh, cf Winghain, thrir(jii|.hly lelievuH i i advert isiiii;. Several weeks aao lie idvertised in the WebsUr Adver- tiser fur a wife, and a young lady nanu d White of KIdorado, 111., answered. After I iciismiahlo fxchaii;,'« of leltera the youii,; lady arrived in \Viiii<hiiiii, wii.s recdgiiizitd by a white she wore, and the two taxied olT tu a parson's who tied the nuptial Knot. .Mr. ,Jacuh Orein, tue of Normanby'a most pruhperoiis fkrnierH, told ua at a ncetit intwview, |»ays the Ayton .Ad- vance, that he had renped, threshed and hulled, fnmi Ins ' tU!) sweet clovci ciop, two, liniulred (iiid eiijlity Cve bushels. The Viulk ia nearly^all sold for which he rooeiv.-d S-0 per bushel, and will net hiiu the fuiii of S7,12."> besides the seed he I useil lo need down 90 acres this year, j He aUo raised a crop of Al.'ulf.i clover last year fur which In: icueived 8l>40and | h'S own heed for this year. He Btroiiijly I b.{lievet< ill sweet clover, nut asukpt'culn I tion aluue, but claims it ,to bn one of I'le hist and clieapesl feitbzers for the I land. ESTABUSHED 1872 ,HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Many people fail to save because tlioamouDts which tliey arc able to put to one side seem too small to be worth saving. Malic a trial. Open a deposit account with the Bank of Uainilton, and you will be Hurptisecl to Ihid how rapidly yonr savings accumnlate- Card of Thanks Mr. S. Hemphill ami family desire 'o oxtind thiir Hiiicere tliiinks to ih-ir many fru'iiiiN and iKMuhtiors lor their sympatl.y an 1 as^lstHUce durinu tie illiif.«a and do ilh of their belovid wife Mod motlisr. Summer Sessioi/ cninmtiiceH .Inly 2nd at the Owen .Souiirl, Out . Traill ynurself for a ]<riod po.tition. Wewi'li we ciiuld supply I'tie fifth the deuiHiid for (â- llice hel|). Ciitahif^iic Kree. 0. A. I'1,KMI.\(,', K. 0, A.. I'lincij.;!] O. D. KLKMINO. Secralary. Mi-ntinn Ihis p.i{>or when w»itini;) "fiiflmlil <Jai-ofully Corrected Eacli Wm!; Bnttor ;5S t,i -to Kfi-'s 45 lo 4.'> Wheat 2 Of) lo 2 HI I'eus 1 40 to 1 50 'â- ats «M) to !U lUrloy TH to 80 Boar For Service Pure I'led l(ei;i.steri'a Yorkshim Hoa for M>rvic.â€" Maxwell .lack fi-JUl);!â€" on lot IC.7,^ S. W. T. it S. R., Ariomusitt. 'I', Tins §1. .")(). ll),4,l'.> T. J. STIN«ON. BANK OF HAMILTON I)UNI)ALK3RANCH-A, M. Carthew, Manager SUB-nR'.NCH {'R01\;N'-^C. ,1. For-ster, Sub-.Manager IB^i6My:i+;j:.j-.X_xJ:,±jt +.. + , + . ,X.:*: J:,. :tvJ^ New Perfection Oil Cook Stove QnooHl/-'^'^"*^^* ''' ^^^'^'^'^'^ ^^ ^^^ burner and it is OpcJ"Uy ready for use instantly, just as speedy as a f^'as stove. Qi,__ J.. Set the tlanie where you want it. You O IcdUy'caii alvvays see it throui,di the mica door and it stays whore ytju S3t it. Ploon 1-^"'^'-"^ ^"Jf "^'^cken pots and pan.s. The Vlcdll'lont; blue chimney turns every drop of oil into eookin<^ heat. None of it escapes in smohe or soot or <li.^a^reeable odor. Hnt '"' ''^'C'T cookint,^ purpose there ia always nUl'.ui al>un(iancc of stoady, clt^iii, intense cook- in- hear directly aijainst the utensil. ni/on ^'^â- '••"'^ tloor, will not steam or break, UVcil"Tlu-ee point lock device .saves heat. Scien- tific heat circulation, all steam and moisture carried away. Xo sojrgy food. Call and let us show theiu to you. Made in 2, ?> and 4 biifnei's. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHEKTON \ t -^ -r v:'^:- Pays to Advertise in Tiie Advanc. '^:iiiliiillil!i^ ONTARIO 1 NOTICE TO I.NTl':MniL) llliKl'.'OKKS Tlio liiipiiited Clyleslale Smllion, Horizon, Will be nl the Miinshiw H'lUae, Kleshertnn, every Thur^dlly nij»ht diirini; the fi.'aHon of liHIO. People intendiuii broxdiiig mares Hhould come and see th's hiose, HS li,' is a pivniimu and li«« pidvi'ii hiinsBlf (.ne of llm best bret'dlitg hiiit-e.s ill tho province, VVIVl I-'OSTKIl, Prn]!. and Manager. Boar tor Service Tho iiudfrsifcunl has a thoroii«li.)iT.fl Yorkijliht li.'arlor service on lot U, ei n. 8, O.Hprey.; Ter uis SI. 50. KKKDSPOKP.MtO NOTICE N.w cut slilii«les for nalo. I will he doiiia eiHtoin Hawing *t Ma.xwell. Get your tiinbi'r ill inrly. I want Hhinuii' tunber- will piy ^o,id iiriro for ijood timber. wire f..r is ile. - M.MlSHAbb KKIiTOX Miyl.'hf Maxwell, Ont. SHINGLES B- C ^hinplps now on hand- Phone or call. Pries Right. J.C. WRIGHT, iVoion St'n The Rise of Maxwell is Due to its Metals FINE soil makes fine wheat; fine feathers make a fine bird; and fine metals have made the IS'laxwell. They have given it: 1â€" A life of 100,0()0 miles. 2 â€" Thriftiness. For its metals are light in Vvcight. Therein comes thriftiness. But these metals are t)f extra strength. Therein .tomes long life. Metallurgists â€" those who have made tlie study of metals a science â€" will tell you that such metals arc costly, but they guarantee quality in a car and their gen- erous employment in a A'laxwell is by far the best evidence anyone may need to determine its quality. They are almost alone responsible for the rapid rise of Maxwell, for the fact that ncai-ly 400,- 000 now have bcon built, for that ever-growing friendliness to Maxwell tl;c world over. A\'ewaiit you to ride \\ the Alaxwcll. To take a turn at tlic wheel, lo learn how easily it drives. To know jiow good a car it actually is. Call and si^p ihi.s latest Maxwell. E. E. WATSON, Dealer Priccville, Ont.

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