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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1920, p. 5

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June 3 192* THK FLESHEKTON ADVANCE THROUGH good times and bad times for the past 45 years this Bankhassteadilygivenitsbest efforts to the development and upbuilding of theagricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial business of this Country. 0;irefiicientser\iceisavailable for the benefit of all customers. sr THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. M!TCHEl_l. Manass IAN C. V. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Flesherton Station »s allows : Goini; South Going North 7. 52 a. m. 12.05 D.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.S0p. m. Theui»ilsare osed at Flesherton ea follows : For the north at 10.40 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon m^il south at ^,40 o'clooK. For morning traio south mail cl«>se ;ir O n. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Fleshertoa will ceiebii»'e June Std. We Hre ageu'.s for the Toronto dailies?. Leave your orders at The Advance nlfi^'e Mrs. J. H. Jaruiesou epeut the past week with her sou in Owen Sound. Mr. Tom \V.»rdrobe of Toronto is Tisitioa fiiends here for a few d-ivs. Sert page 4 for list of e.-euc* in the big celubtation on Juno 3rd. Mr. Mark WilsoD, jr., Io«t his pony on MouJay. The aiiuiial got soared at i «n automol'iie auvt broke its leg . j Several ladies and gentleonen from Lucknow spent Sui'd-iy with Mr. and, Mi-*. >V. Henry. A meetini! of the Ceylon L". F. 0. wdl bd held iu CUytou'j Hall, Hesher ton, on Fri-Uy, Juuo 4th, ac S p. ui. Ruv Piper, Secretary. .Messrs. Fred Sheppiir**, Will Beutham \ ana Dr. ;\ViUou of West Toronto are Tisitii'i: frieodi Here for a few days ihis week and cryiug the fishing. Hamilton Champion Boxers *ill bos at the> picnic m A. M,<cMillian's Grove^ Gleuelg, (Scotohtown). on Wednesday, June 10th, lt>20. Don't miss it. Supper served. Mrs. N H. r>urr«rt ( Florence Thurstonland '.â- Kit little daughters Dor- »thy and Helen, of Mitchell. ar* spendiiiij afortnii'ht with Mrs. Durrani's parents h«re. Me«t me in Flesherton June 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. K N. Heod^r^on of WinuiDec «re vititinx relatives acd friends here. Men wanted to work on county bridees, 13 75 per day. .\pplj to Road f >remsn, Flesherton. The Flehhcfton &i.-i«baU Clab will hold a monster celebration here on .June .ird. Keep that date open aud be here. Watch for particulars. Mm. Murray, Mri. Armstrong and Mi'-H S.Agne.s Henderson attended the Branch Annual Meeting nf the W.M .S. ia Toronto lait week. Don't miss the bie picnic in A. Mac- j Millian'a grove, Scotchtown, Glenelg, ud I Wedne'iday, June Ib'b, 1920, under the j j auspices of the R C. Parish of Markdale, I GI«neli{ and Duiham. I We make a charge of 10c a line for all j cliurch announcements, concerts et"-., up ' to .'j lines, tjver that nuoi'jer 5c i line. No readinz ooiicej inserted under 50c. I Count six words to the line. The sports to be held here today 1 (Thuradaj) promise to be the best ever [ held in Flesherton, and you'll miss it if < you don't ccae along and join in the j fun. We believe we can promise that ' every item as advertised will be carried ' nut. .Admission to the grounds will be S-> and '25 centa. Both of oar garage firms are doinj; a land office busiue!>s tku year in aelling c^ra, SDd)a peculiar (act about ic is that I'-ie people are buying a large percentage I o: the better class of cars. The war tax I does not leem to reduce the lals of ears â- Bucb, so far as can Im seen. Boxing toa-namenf:, athletic iports, tug of war, ocmmuDity dance. enteitain> ment, supper and music aii aC the big picnic m A. MacMillian's Grove, Stotoh- town, Glenelg, on Wednesday, June ICth, 1920. Edwin Purvis of Mcfavish's ?irage was driving a travelUr down the Toronto Line on Thursday aftemcoo last, aad when near Dardalk the steering gear if the Fori' ear wer.t awry and dircbed the car. which turned over. The occupants climbed out over the win.Uhield none the wotae. One wheel was smashed to slivers, whieb appears to be all the damage that was done. Considerable excitement was occasion- ed in town on Tuesday evenins; last over the disappearance from her home of Mrs. Harry LeGard. Mrs. LeGafil has been an invalid for some yeais, but is able to walk, although unable to mount the stairs in her own home. Her dis4pp«ar- •tnce from the hous« was a great shock to Mr. LeGard aud his daushrer. Med*, who takes care of her mother. They 1 searched everywhere around the prem- I ises but cculd find no trace of the â-  missing lady. Neighbors were then , called IP to a.-Mist in t^e search, which w as kept up for .i cuple of h^urs, when liualiy Mrs. LoGaid was treated asleep I iu the hay mow in the stabje How she ! there is a mystery, as the lady is unable to toll owing to infirmity of syesch caused by paralysis. She must hrtVJ clinibe:! a ladder to the hay !oft, which it was tl» mht utterly impossible for her to do. The invalid appears to be no worse for her little expedition. Mrs. S. Nesbi't of Briithton and Miss M. V Bibby, H. A., of rori.,nto, tJaited their brother, the Dr. The hiaaeball boys promise to make June 3rd th« bisi?esc day evrr held in Flesherton. Befure that you are one of the cruwd present. Lostâ€" Oo Hay 2d, between Ceyfon and Flesherton, or in t iwn, chair, and locket with J. A. Mc, on It. Anna McMillan, Ceylon. Uon't miss the big cummuuiry danca at the big picnic in A. MacMiHao's Grove, Scotchtown. Glenelg. o» June 16rh, 192»J. Bii! boxnrf touraanaecu by Hamilcnn boxi'ts. The O. S. Adverliser announces the visir to the nsw city of a " wonderfn; hypnotist." Is there anything siniscer sbuut this i Coming at a time like thu makes one luspicious that the ocsah sciences may be applied in some way to the settlement of county and city liiirs. The Special Commiitee mus'. look lU for strange rs and bunco men. Ah, but these be parlour days I (You are sup- posed to imssiiie a deeply drawn si^h si this point.) The infant sen r.{ Mr. Jiihn McAu^ay, of Waikerton, formerly of Flesherton, sen of Mrs. {Andrew McAulay cf this placs, met with a serious accidenc re- cently, the particulais of which we .leain from tha Bruce 3era!d and Times as follows : Harold McAuUy, the sixteen minthold bai^eof Mr. and ^Irs. John McAulay, is in a aericus condition from injuries received on Wednesday morning of last week, *hen it wis tipped off ihe back of a small express wa»ou, while playing at the home, and fell on 'he points of two rusty naifa which were ItfLtrudinij from a board and which pierced ttie back of its head, naiking a wiund behind each ear, which it was a: first feared would prove fatal. Altnoagh uui;onso:ous f )r over a day, the child rallied, and while in a serious state, is expected sventuaUy to recover from the mishap. .A.t the regular meetirii of Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F, and A. M., on Friday evening last, the auaoal inatalla- noa of vtScers took place, Wor Bcp F. H W. Hickliii; .ictcg aa in3taUiu.{ master. The toll )wiijg 's the stutf for the ensuing year : W M, Bro -A S Muir : I P M, Wor Bro Thoa Clayton : S W, Bto Piter Muir ; J W, Bro Archie Sinclair; Treas, Wor Bro -los Blackburn: Sec, Bro K G Holland ; Chaplain. Bro Rev. C A Belfry : S D, Bro A E Bell- j • my ; J D. Bro. R W McMulleo ; D rf j C, Bro C X Richardson ; I G. Bro H S | McLean ; S S. Bro W J Meads : J S. : Bro W A Gordcn ; Tyler. Bro C J j Beil.tiry : Visitin'i CocQmiitee, Wor j Bros Geo Mitchell, F H W Aiokliu^. | John Wright ; Auditors, Wor Bro. W ' J. B»il.»niy and Bro K G HoUan^l. BOYS' BOOT SPECIAL $2.79 30 pairs Boy*' Lace BooCiS, some pateac, some box calf, seme grain leather. Que and medium «ei«ia(s. Full range of sizes from 1 (o 5^, but not in every line. Regular prices #3.25 to §».'}<), special to clear |2 79. I :< < >3 :« 'I < < - < â-ºJ â- Â« < ^ < r ,' 4 FANCY DRE5S VOILES SoEnebeiUiiful pattcrss in Iodifida,kl Dress Lengths in these p</pular fa'orics for summ'ir wear. Lovely CjI'jT com 'omation* in r,hi'.a, ?rey«, t.njp.^!,. maaJ-M. 'j-v.-k-t »nd whites, Pr-ces fr'im |1 '2'> â- â- > 91 ~'> a yard. LADIES' SUITINGS Thia week we place in st >^'a aome lines of Lidiet' Suiting! that we have been expecting for a long time. Ta« cloths include tine ae.-ges, t cicolettes aud gabardines â€" 54 iacbea wide and M wool in navy, copenhagi^n, sand, myrtle and black. Th-i values are macb better than can be procured today. Prices ran jje from 84.7'^ to 16 tW a yard. NOVELTIES IN SUn.^lER FOOTWEAR White C^avas Oxfords. White and Tan Outing Shoer< High Cat Shoes in Black aud Brown. Black and Brown Uxfor^a M^ii 3 Ncjli^ee >..- "--, r.e* piCtercj, SI.-')'' z-j i-i.'-'' Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 75o. to $1 •!'>. Men^ B. V. D. L'aderwear for war'.^ veither. \'. :=c * r A N;v<ri.: S li N.-.;x*eir. 51 :i; :, J2.^>j. Mens Baibriggaa Combinations, all sizes. ?..k xiid L:«Ie H.'iiery, 5'}c. to $1 75. X'lvel-.iea in Ready to Wear and Dress flaca every few days in the MiUiaery DeDarrmenc. Men's •• Fitwell " Hits, newest shapes in .SciiTaaJ Sot: Felts. Prices right. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ~ ONTARIO • we «» « â€" w- r^m V • « « â-  V ^ * â€" w-r-» « â€" « â€" w- ^1^.^ ^ I ^ '^'^^'^' I ' ^ V ^ ^ ' -^ ' ^l- ' -^^ REGENT Mr. Hockridge, Reeve of Proton, and Win. McKechnie, foreman of County roads fur Proton, published in the Dun- dalk Herald what ihey would make us be'ievs a complete denial of the charge of carelessness in the handling of county road machinery, as printed in The Ad- vance "f week before last. They say the water was " drained from the radia- tor every n'ght fnui the time frosty A few week.i ago The Advance prom- j weather set in. " Our reply to this is iseil. for the peace of mibd of the people that when they look possessi-n of >he of t)wen Sound, that we would hat;h a | tractor the radia or was alright i when pet n.anie for the new city if aiven tune. ; the mechanic went down from here to The v>eriod i>f incubation hs'J now elapsed : set it. seven of the radiator pipes were and we are happy u> produce the bird. | burst ! Evidently these gentlemen were It is *' The Grey City." Now isn't that j laistaken m their contention that the a biril ol a name ? It has the advantage r»dia«or was drained properly. They of iiidieiting locati»>n, and would al.^o be j also say the magneto '• was remov-d aad a gentle tribute to the county iu which i stored iu the house of a reliable othcial it IS located. It might nuke us country people feel that we still retained an interest in what has been our county town, and might even enscnder a sort of sH'ectii n for it that would go a long way ti'waids ccuientii g a fritnJship that has been sorely tried during the period of for the entire winter. " If this be so, how was it th-at it was removed from the tractor on .April 31 and sent to Hamilton for repair ? A denial on the third count states that the tractor " was kept under cover durii'i: the entire winter and spring." This statement is evideii'.ly Stores Closed All places rf business, except the it;e cream parlors, wiU be closed en Thurs- day, .June ord, all diy. No groceries wiU be rold. P H O T O P L A Y S MARKDALE Wed. and Thursday. June 2 axid 3 " A Lady's Name " , F'tlAT'/'P-iN'., Constance Talmage " Fatty the Cop " ; FK.VTCKIVG ' Roscoe 1 Fatty ' Arbuckle Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5 •• Turn of the Wheel " FK.VrCKlNO Geraldine Farrar '• Trying to Get Along" Mack-Sennett Comedy Prices 15c su.l 2oii. Wir fix. C. E. WALDEN, M.VNA«;ER Call ^ Pu'JtO H ;Tk'J!i'i F LE 5 W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOH.N PIANOS and FLAYERlPlANOS. PHOtNO- GR.iPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. see these hi^h grade instniments Gillery _anii ;>[asic Stor H E RT N NOTICE King's Cirthdiy, June o. the post oftic-' will be open to the I'ubi'c from V2 30 tu 1.30, or for one hour on arrival iif mail from Toronto at noon The lobby of P. O. will be open Jtc box hold- ers from S a. m. to 6 p. m. â€" Poslmaste:' Try us for your next job printing. MAIL CONTRACT ^'Se.Uci lViidttsa-,!dr*4.'Cvi t. l''.>.stiiii.«tei- Oeueral, will berrceived at lUtawa until aoou on Friday, the l,<th of .iune. ISA", for the o>n- »eyaiK'e of Hi< Majesty's MaiH "U a pro^H's- ^Ciutniot for four y>?ars, si.t times per week, ou the n.>ute â€" M.AXWKLL R. R. No. 1 from the Postoiaster General's pleasure next. rrintei.1 notices containing further iaforma. tioQ as to c< 'uditions •â- <( pn.>po*«d Contract may W jeeu auU blank forms of Teuder may be I'btaiued at the Post Otfices of M*.xwell m'i at tbeolfiw tif the Poet Office Insivctor. Torvato. , A. SirHKKLANI>. To*; Othce lus^ ctor. W'fZ Ottice Inspector's Office. Toronto, May Sth. l*Jl*. travail. We exp«ot this name to be ! intended to niis!e«d. The f.acts are that adopted by the disruplionists without a kick. There was another uauio under process of incub.ation, but warm weather or souaething c-auset! it to die before emerging troiii the shell. Its nsnio was • rhe Lemon City." We thought our old friend, llias, himself a dealer i.i lemons, would be delighted with that name, but thcto were other con«iilera- the tractor was left standing on the side of the road all winter with a piece of i n old tent thrown over it. IIessi<. Mc- Kechnie and Hockridge call this " under c<.iver. ' When Iho machinery was applied for by these gentlemen they were told liit-y might have it if they returned it to the storage lo Duiidalk rhere they got it Th.s they did not do. Moreover tions that oulweiohed his feeling-* in the j they were told two or three limes during matter â€" whch would not be conducive to the harmony which shouk' pievsU, rcgardleta of the »o«r fruit handed around. 'I'hereforo we allowed it to die and will iiiick to *' The Grey City," ».ame •sGeiinesee County, S.Y., sticks to '' FU'wer City," or Minuea]^>li.« to 'JFlour Cily." And the only compeiisa- lioc we ask foe this sugge.^ioii is that we bo granted the freedom of the new fity next time we arc " stut up." Here's lo von.'iueen of t>c iMnner county i.f On- tario, our gracion.* Grey City. the wu.ter that this costly machinery should not be 'eft ou the side of the rv>ad whire they had " storovl ' it. Consider- ing alt this. The Advance does not coo- aider t.hat ic had wrong Inforintlion and indulged in f»ulty suppi'sition. l?ut it diws ihink that Messrs McKechn e and Hockridge wi'l have more explaining to do than in publishing a l^tanket deni«l of thechargrs. T^eir (denial will have to be backed up by more iiifotmation before j we can ae>iuic them of carele.isnet* in | handling th--' coi!u'y machioery. Gents* Furnishings The Smail Store with Big Values SUMMER WLAR Straw Hat time has arrived at la«t. C.i'l at the dents' Furnishings and get the lateM and best styles. Men's and Kiys' reanits a si.i on hanvl . Felts ami caps selling »; a low margin above cost. Come and have a look at our bar- gains iu Ruiicoats au-l Oled Cam- bric Coat*. Men's ami Boys' Summer I'odet- wea'r. IValhing Suits, Socks ^ and StiKkioi;*. Cleaning aid Pressing do'ie on shortest BUSIN.ESSCARDS Societies pKlSCE ABTHCR LODGE. So. OT.A.y.4 t A M. meeiis in :b« Uasonichall. Arm 5 '«as8 Blocs i't^wbertoo. every Friday in or t>«{or» she fall ii;oct:. T. l."a;.5<?u. W. il.. .\. E. Bellamy. >«t.r«:*ry. Dentistry lar B C .^LRRAY L. O. S , Jen«al sir^ten •^ h^uor ijraUuASe of Toronto Uyivycs::v Ani â- vuval Ccll««e ol Ueuial !jur!»»iio. 3ae aduistQistereu for (eech eXsractioo â- i^ce as residence Toronto Screes. Fle*i:.*rcco. Medical w^t W.J. Henry. M: W.. gra!cateo( Faculti â- J^^ of Medicine, rorouco L* n iver sisy. Oi21ce â€" Ur. i,itt!«'s late resUence, Fleshertoo. J V OTTBWEIil. ' V»»isriu»rv Sar{:eon Jraiica;* ot Ootaiio v eteiisary CotleKS fwdeuce â€" sacocJ ioor soucta weet;oa v.Arr street. TbU street runs cuti: 'rMbvteriaTt Chtirch i.KllAL , L\'AS, Jt hENKY-Harvtsserj. <.':ici!or>j, •-• eK.-l. P. Lucos, K. C. : W. l\ Ueorr. B.. A. Offijee, MarkJaie Lucas isiock. Pboue 3^ ptaucti oi&oee atOandalk and Du.bttu. Cargoe's Grocery I: yo;i \»aQ: goca, ei<eaa, frtsii Circcerie< or Cctifectiouerv give us a call. We carry coshiag bat tlid best. 'Wa bare also a fall line of all the leadiog Tobacces . All kicda of Frcits in season. Cj me in aud get your Soaps at:d othex uecessities for your spring cieaainj. We have a full line of garden and flower seeds. Highest prices paid for all kinds ef Produce. Phone in your order. We will deliver it to aiy pirfi villaice. ofthe W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT, 37 RIGHT. * TEr.JX)RD. Harriscer. Soiic' Uwou SouaJ. S;»2j»ril Back â- .:• "ITle^iiet- ;;IJ ton . iSai tttdaj SK W . U. W righS. W. R iel tort «• Jr. -.tu ' BOOTS & SHOE I Hisi>Kss Cakps . V\-M. SAITTISO. '' she ccuiitie* Iceosect A3<Sic<!«er (ot of lirwT au'i Sitvccv. artu asd Sto».-k sa)«! a speciaisv. Teru;< '.-.•rrile- satisfacsiou tfuarauited. Arrant:*- .â- ;:;s (or date* tij»v ho uia.V *! the ^dvMi^ce u -o, or v>i!tv»l toltv^o-e ot^'.oe ireT*r«t-»v T- hv addredsiuv oue as Kevt»r<i3aiu- Oot. DVcPHAll. taceMMd Auc:io:n'e (or tbo •••• • Coiiiitv •.-( Cirey. T»rtt» uicUrate and .;JJ -atis «ciion giiarartreJ. The arrai'itetueuss â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ aud dalw of sale« c*-. be iua*'e *t *.'h!t .it^v »tio,s ;*JJ >j&9e. Ke»iJ«a<waud l'.i>.. v'eylou.ToltfphoH* •••• -•nE«clk>u. l^*.'. >^. T^i ;j;} B0.4R tor SERVICE Ti: Purebr.>d Ta'nwor;h B«.>ar for service on lot ItJT. S W r and S B , Artemesa,. Termsâ€" $1 50. Feb 15 â€" T. J. STTNSOS, Prv p In Ladies' Wear we have Gun Metal and Box Calf W ear ^ve have a nice Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable \^ ork Boots. Kid. Dongola, For Mens assortment of Repairing promptly attended to. Aijten'"8 tor tl I H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario For Servl€e 'r.o pure t>ri?<.l Shorthorn Bull ort ' • >o, con, i>. .Vrtemesia. Term-. $l.5<* tT grades. Mu»t be p«id wiihin Smcuihs from date of service. IVt. Jail. -R. O. XrRNKR • •• •••t THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO â-  ••4 •••••«••••••

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