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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1920, p. 4

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' ^ ' .Tun If :< IICJO THE FIE8HEKTOX ADVANCE ! THR Donations to Baseball Club Flesherton Advancei „_„ 7 ^^ ^^ .1 Ino fiillowiiif; lia.siiieNg men dilnatrd An iiidepprident iiewapipxr pul)li»lipil the »r(iclcH opposiui iheir iitiiiui to the every Thiirml>ty at llie ntliei-, (;iilliDgwo(> 1 Imselnll club for Ineir bitf celeljratiuii on Stfoet, KleHliertnn SulMcripiioii price JiiiieSid: $i 50 per Hiiiiuiii wlioii pii 1 ici hHvuiici' ; McTuvish it Son Bumper when not s.i piiil. 8^.0) to Down it Son Tube and upark pluu* SlatCH. AdvortiBinij rated on liell»iiiy Bim Flour and c»ndy a;> loitioj. Circulif.ioi oviir 1100 W. h. VVrij;lit l'Hn»nia hat wofkly. Herli. L«(iird Puir (iloves W. H. TlirKSTON, Ki.lToii ^V- A. Arnihtrong KU-I. light T. Cli-yton Pair running shies S, C. Kitlmrdson Stationery -lud buolt m 51 f I A '^ C r^"^'^ Wilaon Bux Ciirar.s 111 d I 1 X''\.'^ i^a Patiison 3c. iion 2 bozen chocolates j B. VVeltoii |5.00 FOK SALK Ij. l{u„H,»di,«. « 5X0 F'or Suleâ€" Chost of carpenters' tool« ! 1''. II. W. Ilickliug ...,5 00 also a complete pic' ure framing â- juilit. Stindaiil Hank .5.00 Phoiin or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kiniburley i Morolianl's Bank 5.00 For Snle T ryx~a^h^ZrhU^-M and ^ewt. Henderson 5 CO wbitH lc.L'ho.n hens. G. B. Welton. ' ^^'^ ^'- ^'"K"*-' -'0" r., , , F. Hinder 2.00 r li'sheilnn. _ IT. Fisher 2.(J0 Piauii For Sale â€" lleintZiiian Pi*no and ' W. H. Thurslun 2 00 Bench, uuhoifHnv natin lifiiah upright John Nuhn 2.00 cast'. For fuilher piirticulars frriro Mian K. Duncan 2 CO C. O. Binnit), 48.'J Broadview Avenue, VV. Henry 2 00 T..roiilo, Ont., or phono 44 rin'j; li, W. A. Uawken 2.C0 I'roion. (Int. W. Moore 2,00 O. W. Phillips 1.50 MLSCKLliANEUUS j xhcs. Phillips 1.00 U'i'iMt, iifiofo,- bu".tu anJ ea^i at John Wright. . , 100 Graham Brus. Euaenia . Juno 26 W . H. Bunt 1 .00 Try Feverttha.n Paotry Flour, the \ oryour>).k. All Ontario wheat ' Sealed Xendei'S Private fun Is to loin Jon real entato security at leisoiiable rate of in'erest. , Sealed Tenders add re.-ised to H. H. Apply to R, J. Spioule, Fiejherton | MoConkey, PriaevilK-, will ba r-ceivod 8Kpt2;J17 I until noon on Thursday, June 10, 1020, " Chopping e^r'ir^Sat'^^ "^.ly-Io^. I f""" »"y '"• "" "^ '''« f-'H'^^-'ug material : ham Bros., Eugenia. ' Fl UST CL.\S.S CKDAK POLES I 10 poles 25 fe.'l long inch tnp The Flo.shertoM Bible Depository has j 32 p,.le» ?5 feet lon|[ 7 inch top jmt placed in stock th-t largest selection ' 10 i.ules ISO feel long 7 inch top of Biljles and Testamenls ever shown 1 14 poles 35 feet lonu 7 inch tcp hcie, rung ng in pncn from a f.'W cents ti ; o polos 40 t.'et long 7 inch t.ip live dollar.^. There are some veiy line ] 1 pole 45 feet Ions; 7 inch top gift bo)ksanil f unity Bibles in this lot. | l p„le 50 feet loui; 7 inch top The Depository i.* kepi .it The .\dvance j All mateiial to be delivered to Price- 'J'li>:». ^ I ville, same being subject to inspection • 1 by Hydro l'>inineei. Lowest lender i o> Have you renew id y our subscription i uecea^arily accepted. y^^'- j K. U. McCONKKV, I Sec. Police Trustees, In Memoriam Price wii^. ont. â€" [ I"* 1^ CI 111 buing no niory of a dear husband and fill her, .Joseph (i'rolt, who depiirted ; this life March 25, 1020, | Lot 155 »nd 150, con. 2, W.T. ..tS.R.. In a near and liilent graveyard, I Artemesia, conlainiim about 110 acres, Where the tree« their branches wave, , over 90 acres cleared, good bilildiiii;g . Lies a kind and lovmg father : small orchaul, well, watered. App'y to In his cold and sreiif uravo. ! KOI). S'l'KWART, â€" Wife and F..inily .){24 Proton K. It. 3. ALL DAY CELEBRATIUN War Bond Interest Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. The Merchants Bank will cash all War lioan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with ei This Bank ? TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK Head OfTice: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1 884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NOK.SWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sli:u-plo.s Sijpanitor.^ JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEhlT AGENT FLESHERTON. FURNITURE^ ^ il All kimUjofturuitui-ejii oui showroom.s. ('.ill !in<l see | our 'lining room, parloi-aml beilroom .suite-^. A large range of pricn.s ic stiit your pocket book. | ^ 1 I •«*•••â€"«••••-•-â- Â»-•â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢ ft^ •«••••• -« UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi day W. H. BUNT Flesherton, Phone ;>() r 1 1 tsS^i Ont II II % m I ! m \k li'fi 1^ m lOi ^1 Flesherton Tn Shopâ€" mil •• r-iif- â- Â»! Ill 1^1 I have jiist, phured on the .shelves a full lini; ot jh 'ritiw.iic, NicK'cbv.irf! am! .\g;it('W,U(^ fur (Idincstic i^^i ("all onnu! and getytjiir .supplies. likj m Kavetrouj,'hiiig, Stovepipes and Stove |j|^ l^lD 11 IC<I \$\ II ! ATâ€" uigs. iicpairin^ ulall kinds pnniiplly attenvied lo. Pipcfil ! iii^', iiududin^ |miii|i work. l'"uriiaees installed. Agent I'lr Clan! liro.s. liuinaces. FLESHERTON â€"ON- D. McKILLOP ^!ll i CHRISTOH BLOCK FLESHERTOfi il^ ONTARIO. | ^ii#.i< â-  ^ > »â- Â»â- Â»'> â€"•"•"•-♦-•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢"• ••••! Ice Cream & Chocolates Our Icn Urcam I'arlmir.s iiin opoii diiy iiml rvciiiii},'. Wo liiuiilli> llin Ixfll Ie« CivMii oluainiililn (Oity Diiiry.) Try ii„ lor Ijiilk Ii'o Cieinn for piirtii'M iiinl fliieirtla. Willarii'H CliocoIatoH tn HiiiiHfy :ili tiiHtcs GROCERIES <)tir (iroci ry I'l'i artiiiiiil I I fully 'ucliil witli clriiii and lip to (lato ^'(>u(ls llij^hcrtt piicoi I Bill fur iJiillfci' lU:j,'H mill ('leaiii. 4 I • 1 i JUNE 3RD, 1920 AT THE POND AT 10.00 A.W. Swiiiiiiiiii.^' K;i(i', 100 y.iuls. ii|n'ii, $J, il luitl riUo. 'I'lili Uiuf. (iiiri! ;» ^n^s [innil, o|imi, iiiiir iiiiiiiiiif; shoos viiluod nt ?'J. W.ilKiii^ (iiKiisy I'oli', niuMi, 1?"J. 1 '.llcllilli; 1 lie Duck, o|H'tl, IIh' dllfli l.iiliis' .S» iiiMiiiiijr', 50 yllld^, ii|icii, S-, SI imd '>l'o. .\li nil I'liiri" lee nf 'im- will lie cli.'il'ni.'d fur ciu-li of t luvso ovi'iit.s. Calithumpian and Automobile Parade at 11.00 a. m. Host (':dil liuiii|ii.'iii < lilt lit ill |i:ii'ii(U', $<lll uiid $0. Best hoooiMlfd K. Ml- .Niiioly t'lic\ in piiiailo, $1'J ;iO IJiuiiin'i'. liisl I loonr.ilid Fold III pHiiido, !?.'> I!i .st ii|i|iO,'ii ill); .solioiil ill |i<iiiulo, lasli |ii'i>'.i- of $10.00 (ViIiIiiiil; llio (iii'iivy I'ii; I'li/.o, tlio pi^ Tlio wiinjor cati'li iiiulli dd tlio pii; and siiiL; iiiio vi-i-so of I lie ISiitioiial Viilliiiii on tlio siiumr. AFTERNOON SPORTS 1I.\SKI'..\I.I MA'I'rll I' v.s Kloslifiloii foi- H piizo of $l.',i •(l.niip c.illidal 1 Odo'idoik. 'I'l*(i O' W M{ KUwlioiton vs, M.nidiiii' I'lizo *If). l,.\('KOSSK M.N'I'CII Diirli'iiii v.s. Miirkdiilo. (iiiiiio c'lllod al o 00 o'clock . Molor Cyi lo Kacc, '_' iiiilcN, open, S-"> .Slow Aiiloiiioliilc Kai'c, one around tlio track, 8'_' I'n'.st ilccoialoil .Viilo i^n i;i,iiiii(ls, S."i Men s Kacc, 1 W liiilo, op.'Ii, »:1 and !f.> MiiiH Kiico, 100 J aids, open, Paimnia Hat, valued nI St. 50 Vat Man's Kace, over 10 years, liox ciy.irs, valued at J'.' .">0 I'lil.iin^' I lie .Sliol, open, pair y loves, valued at f;( llil^di .liiiiip, open, nickel plaod Hash li;;lit Kiiniiiiio |i|on I liiiiip, open, $'.' alitl $1 lioy's Kace, iiiider II years, l(,lil y irds, liooks, viilued at SI and TTic. Woiiieii's H.'ice, 100 yards, open, iiiiall sack lloiir and liox cliocolates Wi.iiieii |)i i\ int! Ilie Nui'. open, lio\ clecolatiN 1st ai d Und. Hesl I. okiiii; Woman on ilie (irotiiids in llie .\ftciiiooii. $<'• . ^â- U:-^};. Bellamy's Grocery Phoi\c 37 ^ FLFiSHliRFON, ONTARIO Marktialc Citl/cn.s' Kaiid in AitciidaiikC 'HiroM(|liiiiit Ihc lailire Day GRXND CONCERT In I'le Kvoniiij,' I'y llarvpy Lloul niid Conipany ot Toronto. One of the host ii; till' land, eoMipoHed of Lady Sopi.ino. Header and 1)aiieer, Ctiincdiau and riaiiisl . Tickets OH Halo at liiclmrd.son's Uriiv; Store. at your ov/n home, any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT jN ONI SATISFIED ! THAT Ts what over IOC users say about n)00 Gravitv washers supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1000 Gravity washers and wringers rLlectric and gasoline power â- tvashers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowfis, H»y RnkcM, Hay Lenders, Uriil.<!, Cultivator, I'lows, Steel Stalls, HiiFrows. Gasoline Engine."!, Britiitfotd double ijearcd and auto oiled airmotor Wmd MUl'i, Hca'ly liay Curriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, W.iSer Bowls, Wiiter.T,iiik8, Pump and Pipinij;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One tliirii more wool c;il with s mie (i.nvor when tiled witli my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agcat, - Ceylon, Ont. Spi )ecialties in Men's Clothing A large collection of Men's Suninier Swits jnst arrived eouiprising: worsteds, twoetls and serges in blue, grey and lirtv,vn color.s ^izes 3."> re 4'_*. Men's Shoes in blaek ;uid mahogany wiili the Neoliu or leather soles. Ties in .shades of Idiie, hiaek. retl and grey with their eorresponding sliadi's. Caps anil Hats in felt and .straw. Sunimer riulerwear â€" eonibinations or in separate pieces in the Halbriggan and very tine wool. Haiucoats in brown and gre.y tweeds froinJj5!."> to ;>"2. Boys' ruHover Sweaters in blue ami grey, from iiOc. to -$3.00 each HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoves in two, tlirct^ .'\nd four luirner with till' ovens. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Hog For Service l\ito bred Yiuksliiro Hour for serviott. I'lriiis ^1. Till a' tune ol service ,1. K 1 lear C'eyloii, l>. W. .1. Henry, 1*1 e nil III . F. (5, MiitlioWMin, Manager. T. O. Goldsinilli, i!>uc Treasurer. yoiiijo ti»i,l ('lories !Stroc!s, Torotilo Isne.d tlireiijhoui OnuiK f>>v Inijli grade work. 'Grettt dtim^iid f>r uur ttradiiates. Opn »H ye»r. Knier new. NViiie tor Ontxlej-ue, W. J. ELLUri'.rin.N.ip.vL ! NOTICE .\s it is Cream Se|wr»for staseii and you want ihn K'st and most reliable • Separator en I lie nmrktt lememWr the . Do Luval was (he first invented »itd [stil the leadini; sp])»rivtor. More o them in us* than all other nMohioet Sold by lirOH KN'OTT, .Agent, >Urkdalo. Out, â€" • * . Boar For Service ^ I Ufttialereil Ohettler White h i? for nrvioQ «lR >ck MilU The ft-h->r >vOB . tirst at I'liiei^o Kair. Terms SI ."HV jdec Mil I. SMITH l\oi».

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