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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1920, p. 1

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/lesh^rto Vol 40, No. 52 Flesherton. Ont., .June 3 1920 EUGENIA A number of uur gpcrU took in the 24th at Miirkdale. Ernie Hupper of Toronto tpent the holiday with liia parents, Mrs. WeBley Latimer of Toronto with her daughter Old Durham Road VV« are nUd to reaort Miss Msrgaret Currie improvinu in health. Mr. Robert Oliver, Jr , of Toronto, spent the 24th at hia parental home. Messrs. Dave and Archie McDonald and a family friend with Mr. and Mra. ! have bought a tine monunient in memory L. Latimer. In sending in the name* of otiicer» of the VV. I. we accidentally omitted the name of Mr«. Foe.-'ter, who w«8 appoint- ed 2nd Vice President. Mr. Seilen and Miea Alexander of Meaford were guests of Mr. and ^Mrs. Tuohy. Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Magee and Mr. â- ind Mrs. Wilfred Magee ai tended the funeral of the late Mrs. S. Hemphill. Mr. Hugill of Toronto, an H. E. man, spent a few d:i) s in town looking over the park. They intend making aome mora itnprovementj to the park. A baseball game was pulled oti here on Saturday evuuing between ihe county road men and the Eui»enia team. The score was "J to 11 in favor of Eugenia. liev. Mr.Eagltyhas organized a Sunday school at the Sih line. We wi«h them success ill the good work. There aie about 2.") children who will La glad to attend the school. Misa F. I'arlwmeiit and a friend, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Tuchy and two children Harold and Cecil, motored to Traverston. Miss Del. Mageo is spending a few da}s with Mrs. Large. We notice P. Munshaw has bought a new Chevrolet cvr, and -£01x7 Maijee and FieJ Pedlar Foias. Fred Graham has taken up his old position at Blind River. of their father and mother. It is to be ereclad in the new public cemetery at Pricevillei We are yiad to report Miss Beatrice Walters, who has been on the sick list, is improving. (juiie a number from our vicinity attended the funeral if Mrs. Hemphill at Ceylon Monday of last week. We are ^lad to report that Mrs. Willie McMillan, who has been in pout health, is out «gain. Hugh Walters and daughter, Beatrice, spent Saturiay in Shelburne. PORLAW Too Late Last Week During the electric storm on Thursday last a balsam ^tree standing with 11 a few yards of Mr. Thomas Fletcher's house was siruck by liiihtnini; und broken down. A wire clothes hue stretched between the tree and the house served as a conductor and the house was aUo struck and slightly damaged. It w^s a close call for the occupants of the house. Jliss Violet McNally of Toronto is holidaying at home. Miss AUie Little, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Little, was operated U|ioii for apendicitis lately. The operation wis successful, and everybody is vlad to hear thit she is mukirg rapil progress towards recovery. Mr. J. .V, Thompson has purchased a Brisco family car. Mr. 11. McMaster of Flesherton is operating his v <'l\ drilling outfit at Mr. George Youiij, s and has some oilier orders ahead. Miss A'iola Cornfield and her brother, Murray, of Toronto, are vis;tiDgat hjnie. Master Erii. Jamioson of Toronto visited with his ur.cle and aunt here. Mr. aud Mrs. John Beecroft of (>»eii Sound and Mr. aiitV Mrs. Jnhu Pedlar uf Fltsharton, visited lately at W. H. Mo Nally'd. Mr. MoDonald of roronto viaited his niece. Mra Lewis Sheardown. Miss Schuuk aud Miss LiMie Thonip sou spent Yictoiia D,sy with friends near • Uiange Villey. Roy Fletcher, who h>is been visit ing with his uncle here, returned last week to the military hospital, Toronto, to continue tieatment. Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Heatty aid (laughter visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thiiuipaon Fletcher. Miss Lila Koster vis'ted with friends at Vaudeleur. Walter Croft had the misfortune to I)to a good cow recently. Ml. and Mrs. Tnomas Taylor visited last week with friends at Markdale and | Berkeley. i DUNDALK A new Briscoe car with four young men from Toronto, enroute to Owen Sound, on the County Road, came to grief a little east of Dundalk on Sunday morning. Ic is supposed that they were api-oding on the |iood roadway. At any rate the car left the road, navigated the ditch without the use of a hridsje, snapp- ed off a telephone poie which in the way, got over, thtouyh or under the fence in>o a field, hitting a tree and just then thi'.'car ceased its active career for the tinie being. Foriun;rtely the driver .iiid passengers were unhurt. The cir, however, was on the casualty list aud was tal<eii 10 the hospital for treatment and 'he repluoement ol a lew parts. Throuah the influence of Col. Mc- Farland, of the old 147th Grey Batt., ai.a of .Mr. ,H. J. Ball. M. P. for South Eist Gri-y, Duudulk received last week fro-ii the Director of War Trophies at Ottawa, a sp!en lid souvenir of the great w.'ir in the fcrtn of a captured German Field gun. It should be stated that shortly afttr lUe armistice was signed a uoniniittce of citizens was appointed to intke application for a suitable war trophy for the village ind crrtspoudenco with this end in view was begun. The trophy occupies a position on the boule- vard at the town hall corner and it will probably have a prominent place in the Soldier s Memorial Park at the formal opening on Dundalk's bin day, Thur*day, June 24th, when Premier Drury aud other leading men will be here. â€" Herald. In Memoriam ! In grateful memory of our affectionate hushaiul and father, Solomon Turner, who passed to his reward May 25th, 1!)IS>. Ti>ur Christian life, C living sermon. Lived to do your Makers will, In the livps youts touched the closest, Mak.-s your memory sweeter still. [ â€" His widow and faoiily. CEYLON * Mr. aiul Mrs. W . Hall of Feversbam and accompanied by Mrs. J. McMillan- visited Durham friends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H Piper spent the hist of the week with their daughter, Mrs, Toriey, at Lauriston. There passed away Thursday morning at her home, 4lh line, after almost a year of intense suHering from cancer, Mrs. .'Vlbert Hazard. The services were conducted at lu mc and grav» by Rev, Mr. I'phaiii. The funeial Uok place to Flesheriou cemetery Sac.irdsy alterimon aud was largely attended. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, four soi » aud one little daugh'er. The sympathy of tlip community is extended to the Sorrowing ones. Miss WiUa MeLeod returned last week to Toronto after tpcndinu a week with h-^r paients. Mrs. Will Sargent and two little song of Owen Sound viaited her husband heie over the weak end. Mis. McLean spent the past weok with Markdale friends. Mrs. K'erris ha.s leturned to her home in Toronto after spending a fortnight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Me-lds. Jimmie McMullen ha'< returned after s^i'ilUing a week wiih his brother and S «ter in Toronto. , A bee was held Wednesday last and ths church frame whs successfuly raised. Dr. Roy Fletcher, who has been visit- ing hii numerous ftieuds for a few weeka to recuperate, has returned to the luiii- tary hospital much benefitted. Edgar Patlterson and Misses .Vunie and Bolift Harrow attend, d the Hairow aud Walker weddiug at Qurhaiu on May 10. ROCK MILLS * Mrs. Levi Betca returned home on Saturday after spending a week with relatives in T.^ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft: and family visited over Sunday with relativ^-s at Mclutyre. Mrs. A. Partridge ia speudiuu a few days with relatives in T'Jronto, Master Robert Dargavel was thrown otfa hiaycie and had his shoulder blade brr)ken. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery . Mr. and Mrs. Geurue Hariirave visited recantly wilh the litter's p'lrents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pedlar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osbnrne of Feversham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Xed Croft. Misa Nellie Robertson spent the past week with her unele, Mr. Levi Betts. Mr. Chas. Hoy returned to his home in Toroiiio. Little R. H. Hoy returned home with him after spending a few months with his grandparents here. The Ladies' Aid will hold th»ir next meeting at the home of ,Vlrs Albert Blackburn on Tuesday, .lune 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mildrum of Toronto are spendinc a few weeks with the lattet a parents here. Mr. James Statl'iird has re nrued home after visitiri'^ with his brnther in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith visited with fiieud.s at Singhamp'oo. VANDELEUR Could Not Agree Ths'Owen Soiiinl .Vdv. rtisii < sr Thursday says : 'After a lung cmference yesterday afternoon between the Town Council and the special committee of the County Council in an endeavor to reach a basis satisfactory to both parties for the a^reeiiieut which must oe made between tha (Sity aud County when Owen Sound becomes incorporated, i* was found im- possible to come to a decision. The County representatives waiitedwlhe City to pay the cost of admin slratioii of justice on a basis of population, which would mean a little over one-tifih of tt\e whole, while the Town Fathers consider" ed lliat the present share of oiie-eiijhth based on assessuiapt was -he only fair basis. The Town had already c^niceded several uoints ; but on this they held firm, even after the County committee had ofl'ered to accept one-sixth. The agreement, therefore, will have lo be settled by arbitration â€" in which case the City, ill our opinion, stands to gain. The only igreement reached was one regarding the road now being built on the east of the town. Mr. lioyd wanted the town to agree, subject, of course, to the (^eisi 111 of the Suburban .Area Coitimission which is to bo appointed, to treat the work being done on this end of the Meaf ird Road as work done within tho suburban area. \VhiU> the Council could not deal with his request at this ineeiiog, which had been calletl for a special purpose, all were agreeable ; and ho Was aisured that it would bo dealt with at the oext reaular meeting, the understanding beini; that if the Com mis-ion desiynates this p>ortinn of the riiid ns wilhin the araa the City will pay its half of the cost, otherwise the ('6uiity to pay all. WILD RED FOXES I will pay the highest prices for wild red fox pups. „ K. J. PORTER, S-viiiti n I'aik. Phone Uui.dalk (12 r 42. Mrs. Joseph Buchanan is spending a few weel<s \y\th friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker left Thursday last fur a couple of weeks' visit with relatives at the Sauit. Mr. and Mrs. P.;!tc-r Reard motored over from Spiiughill in their new Brisco car and spent ihu week end with friends here. Misit Buston of Torcnlo is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Jlrs. Joseph Buchanan and family. John Hysicp has gone to Toronto for a faw weeks. Messrs. Taylor sud Watson of Mount Ziou visi:ed their friend, Albert Buchan- an, recently. The K|>w,irth League was withdrawn on Sunday evening and the members attended the dharpe evangelistic services ill Markdale. Word was received here on Saturday ot the death of Mr. lleid oi Lindsay. Ur. Reid was the father of Mrs. Jos. Buchanan of this place, aud was !H) years of age. Mr. Josej.'h Buchanan, George aud Lilian left on .baiidny tu attend the funeral . The V\ . I. held llleir ai.mi li uieetini; at the home of Mrs. Brodie on Wednes- day afternoon of la.-t week when the following ofHcers were elected : Pre*. Mrs Sam Gilbert ; Vicj Pies., .\Iis- Tillie Buchanan ; Seo.-Treas.,' Mrs, liutchiusi;n ; Director, Mrs. J. ,1. McGee. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. Class 4 â€" L Cargo, W Martin, .V Teeter C Luuck.l, O Fisher. B Beard, P Dow, E Moore, R Stewart . Sro- E Bentham. E McMiillon. K. Ferris, T Wilson, E. Thomson, T Mo. Donald, J Colgaa, W Carriiigton. Jr3â€" G Pinder, M~Paiton, H Kich- ard.scfi, ^ Boyd, L Lever, V Tiiistle- thwaile. Second Cassâ€" Melviu Sled, .' ••innie N'uhii." Eilna llcCallum, Jeaiiettc â-  »'-'.;o. Ruth Thistlithwaito, Milton Teuli-r. Sr. 1- .\larion, Helen Welton, Klsie McKee, Helen Udard, Ei'nest Feawick, Lillie Carnugton, Jean Stuart. Jr Iâ€" Lesley Feiris, Gordon T eter. Blanche Patton. Primer A -Alice Heard, Char'otte Cargo, GeorueSltd, Earl Fenwick, 'iV,|. C Igan. Bol) I'hiUips, Billy Patton. Elmer Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isuac Brown, '.)th lino, St. Vincent, met with i> serious accident which mi^lit easily have cost him his life. It appears that he and .Mr. Carnahan were leadoig a cow behind the car and the animal bolted and the mpu passed over the bi'^k of his (Brown's) neck --ind threw hiai .ut of the car on his with much foree. The young man was unconscious for a time and was sutVering from concussion when Dr. Bennett arrived. No other injuries were received but Elmer feels that ihe aocidcnt was serious enough and is shaking bauds with himself that he WJS so fiirtunatc. :*^ ^«!»- :^^- MAIL CONTRACT SK.M.K.n TKNPKKS* addressed to the I'ostuinster General will Iw r«<ceivel at Ottawa iiiitil noon on Friday, the ".'."ith of .lone, IHUII. for the convrynnce ii( His M.ajest.v'« MaiLs on a inopoecd Contract for four y>a»r». six times i>er week on tile route ( PKilTON .ST.VTION K. K. X». I f frnm tJie 1st of October. l!»20. Piinlod notiees containing fin ther iiifornia- j tioii as to e"»nditioiiH i»f prop»)sed eoiitraet may 1 bo .seen anil Mimk forms of Temler may K' I obiaim..! at iJie rnsiOtticiw of>iiSi.atiiin and at the oHice of the I'ost Utiioe lus|>ecti>r. Torouti>, A. SITHKRL.VM). I'ost Oftiee limpietor ' Post OUce Ins|ieotor's Office, Toronto, May loth, 1«A>. PAINT NOW't ueelect jour paiiitiiiL;. Tiin^ior and building cost I'ko forty now :iud its not gtiug lo bo cheap- er for years, si> save your out.siiio trim and U'sido fjviorc, doors iiu I wood woik with a coat of Sherwin Williams Paints. .\ paint 'i'- Varnish for every purpose. Tho cheapest lieoause it covers nioM. looks besf, wear.s longe."!. mot.t. econ< iiiical, atd full niessure. L'ls of color cards fi'r ju.'t askiii,, fiH' them. Chiirns, Washing Machines, Stovo" and Uaiijes, Separators, Forks ami Sliovel.s. Picks, Hoe-i, Uike», Lown Mowers, Screen Doors, P'lultry'Nettinc, Oil. Turpentine, Glass and Shelf Hardware. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Come in aud see our fine large stocli of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, aud wheu you have seen them joii will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line â- ^ PJiotograpbic supplies Including developing powders. MOTOR priuting: frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodack.s aud Sims. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Pboue or writeâ€" GE<». \V. KOSS, FLESHERTON, ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P.O. Seed and Feed 10 per cent- off Salt i\v barrel and M>0 am! ;.0 Ih. bugs F. O. 15. Ceylon. Phone ov drop us your ordei- on.t pest cuni. We have our Seed Com in. Also still have a full line of Clover and Timi thy Seeds, Flax. Peas, Essex llape, Bari^ aud Mangio. FEEb-Oats. Internati.mal and Kennies Calf Meal^r Groceries We test your ereaui while yon w.iic. Call and get a can. Highest prices paid fi.n- all farm produce. Special attention given to phone orders. Farmers having seed -onlered and not paid for will plea,<e call and arrange as we do not wish to carry ov?r a lar^e stock of seed. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario - *•*- ^â- -^*°'^*^rt'r > K y â- â-  I >,â-  I ' i « r 1 I >' r !â-º 1 > Spring Announcement W. L. WKltiUr wishes to aniiounco to the public that he has receiveil a sprint; consignineiit if Men's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Kuhbois to tit <ny sinipe boot, Lonij Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo it White W*re iu all styles for men, Indies, inisset:, boys and youth.->, IV'iilJody's and Bull Don Overalls and Smocks, Work Shirts, new line uf Men's Shirts and Biilbriifgnn Underwtipr, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. .\ Iri'fh stuck of Groceries always on h:»nd. ..\11 kind's ri Canned la the Milliiierv Deparimfur y<iu will lind .Mrs. Wright with a eotiip'e"e stcok of Ladie.s Hat'*, Uilibons, Lacea and Vnils, ltd inspect uur lines. Satiof.Hction guai-nuteed. Hiyhost prices paid for Butter and Ecus. . L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton r » » â-  »â- *â-  '' «' . ' '. » â- â-  â-  .. ' .â- t r' 'JK" *' . * .. '' v " .i. » . . ^' . » * "'- •' ."â- - â-  '* VA * i- ^ .^ .*. .^ .^ .*.. .^W ..^^.A. f.^. .^.K .A.*^ .4,.. .^.'^^i^ .^ .A^ .A. .«C .*.' .^ .A. .Air '.A.^ For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot •2S and 2!', CoiiCfssioii S, .-Vrteuiesia. IVrinsâ€" Sl.ol) for ui-ade* if paid iusidi' ol it lujuths-if not ?!.'. Vote hntls S> CO. ! <â- â€¢: â€" ROBKUT OSliOKNK FLOYD H. BENTLEY Bins'- r. Dynamite and Bliisting supplies for sale. R ok and stump liiastmii. Call Phone 41 r 14. Write V. O. Box 43, Flesherton, Out. #^ Ton serial '^ Parlors Wi> .-Vini to Give Entire Sjitistacbton L.41N DRYâ€" Basket ch .ses Monday |nii;ht, delivery FinaAy ev ', CLE.\Nl>"G and DYEING- Wo are i»g«ntii for Patker'.i Dye Worksâ€" Clothes v'h anoil a4iJ dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOB

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