May 13 1920 THJi FLESHEKTON ADVANCE i SAVING.-The foundation of almost every successful business venture is built on Savings. The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great assist- ance in helping you to de- velop your business. »• THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . MANAoen ANADIAN i=>AOIFIO C. p. R. Time Table. Irains leave Fleshercon Station as allows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. The mitils are osed at Fleaherton _ aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail soutli at 3.40o'clocic. For morning train suuth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Flesherton will celebrate June 3r<l. Mr. E'.winJamieson of Owen Sound was a visitor in tnwu la'st week. White Blossom Sweet Clover 820 per bushel at Karstedt'.s. We are agenia for the Toronto d^iilies. Leave your orders at The Advance office Mr. L.>u Broihwell, who has been with T. Fisher since his return from the war, laft last week for Oshawa. Mr. Archie Fisher of the 4th line has moved his family tii town and taktMi up abode in Mrs. UcLeod's residence. Dr. Ern. Armstrong of Cobalt visited r«!atives here fur a fow days during the past week. Born â€" In Toronto on Sunday, May 2- to Mr. and Mr«. A. Gillespie (nee Leone Thompson, a son. Mr. John Gould .-xnd f;i.)ii'y, who moved here from Ti>roiito a year aco, have returned to the Queen Ci'y. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, jr., announce the birth of a Oaushter, Lois Allison, on Wednesday, May 5. W. Wilcock lefi- last week for Copper Cliff to seek a position there as mining •U£ineer. Married â€" At Ouilletteville, .\!ta., on Thursday, May Cth, 1920, Gertrude Brough to Mr. K^idale Munro Walter, elder son of Wr. and Mrs, (Jeo. Walter, formerly of Kimberley The latast excuse for failin? to renew her subscription to the Mount Forest Coufederate when her time was up was given by a lady when she wrote, " A little daughter came to our house and caused the delay." --^nd ithe editor accepted the explanation ! The Methodist Ladies' Aid have elect- ed the following offifers for the current year : Pres., Mrs. Down ; '1st Vico, Mrs. W.Moore ; 2iid Vice. Mrs. Wilcock ; Sec, Mr8. Hawken ; Trea."., Mrs. Geo. Mitchell ; Parsonage Cum., Mrs. Heasd and Mrs. Armstren? ; Auditors, Mr?, Hickling and Mra. H*wkuu. The Owen Sound Advertiser is quite exercised over the sciuring of a nice pet USUI* for their now city. (iive us time, Mr Advertiser, give us lime. >Ve wish to investigate some uf the idiosynchrasies of the new city before hatching .i name. When thinna are fully digested we will be in a better position to advise in the â- atter. In i he meantime just lie low. You will probably hear from u» aijain. Wo have been thinking about " Cr'idle City." You see the town lies in a nice little cradle between two hills. But then the name might be too suggestive 'n another way for the finer instincts of the 'Tiser. " Good Uoads City " mixht also be objecti\ble, as it would perp»tuate a painful ep'.«'ode. Swan City i» another nuiigestion thiit has it.s domeriis, bi-c*use the swan song that the 'Tiser ba-< li-en sinking i."< not Hltoujether roiish-tl by those outside the col porititii, Buf let us alona fi r a few muntha aiid The Advance is sure it can produce a name that will sbine fur all time. Meet me in Fleaherton June 3rd. Several correapnndencea are ciowded ou!^ th'8 week, Mrs. (Dr ) B. Henderson of Toronto ia the guest of her sister, Mrs Blackburn Bellamy Broa. have fitted up a very neat ice cream and soft drink parlor and are ready for a big season in palate ticklers. Mrs Long, who has been visiting her daughter, Mia. W, Miller, for the past two months. m<^tored to hnt home in Honey wood on Thursday of last week. The Flesherton Baseball Club will hold a monster celebration here on June •ird . Keep that date open aiud be here. Watch for particulars. In the result of the law examinations published last weak we notice the name of Mrs. (Dr.) Henry i>f Flesherton as having been successful. We ^rise, dolf our bat and tender congratulations. We make a charge of 10c a line for all church announcements, concerts eti-., up to 5 lines. Over that number 5c i line. No reading notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to the line. Mrs. |J, J.|,Thompson, Secretary of Fieoheiton Auxiliary, and Mra. Alex. Cameron, President of Eugenia Auxili- ary, attended the sixth annual conven- tion of the \V, M. S. held in Shelburne on April 21st. Mr. Joseph Gamey ana son, Clifford, of Toronto, came up from iha city on Monday with the remains of the latter's infant son, aged six days, for inter- ment here. They returned on the even- ing train. Hillside creamery psys 70c. per pound, not 76 aa stated in advertisement last week. The error wss made owing to misunderstanding the figure over the telephone. Mr. Lawrence McCracken of Toronto has purchased the John Brown fiiim on the east back line, which has beea ad- vertised in The Advance. The price was «4500 for the 90 acres. The Osprey Agricultural Society will continue to hold their popular Standing Fie'd Crop Competition in oats for the year 1920. All parties wishing to enter will kindly communicate with the Secre- tary, J. A. Kernahan, Maxwell. Tenders Wantedâ€" The Durham Furni- ture Co Ltd. will receive tenders for hauling logs out of the Ceylon mill yard and loading them on cars. Tenders received up tiil the first day of June, 1920. Address all tenders to D Kinnee, Durham. ^ 20 Rev, and Mrs. F. G. Fowler and fam- ily arrived last week to commence work on their new field of labor, and have taken up their residence here. Mr. Fowler preached a very iinpreg.SiVtf sermon to a large congregation in the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. He is in Hamilton this week winding up the business of his recent work there. Publishers of Grey and Bruce met at Hanover recenjy and decided that in order to continue in the publishing busi- ness it was necessary to raise the price of subscription to 2,00 per annum. I" our papers in Grey county were repre- seute 1. The continued boosting of the price of white paper ii giving newspaper men a conundium that is difficult to face. It is said a hundred newspapers in Canada have already gone out of business since the war closed. Property in Flesherton appears to be soaring in price according to recent sales. On Saturduy the Quigg property, con- taiuin<; small frame house and snnall stable, sold to Mr. W. Miller for 8U0O. A fow years ago this house and lot; sold for $350, but the stable wa.s erected afterwards. Another frame rejidence aiHd recently to Mr. Fred Stuart for ?1700, which could have beeu bought a few years sgo for 8900 or 81000. The price of building material is responsible There are not enough homes to go around and people simply refuse to build at the prico The petition presented last week to the Good Roads Committee, asking that they first do the strip of road between Flesherton and the station, has borne fruit, and the gang is now at work on the station road. We understand that the intention is to widen the new road 1 1 Adams' hill and straighten the load up the station hill, making a cutting at the top and fill in the approach. Mr. Purvis has his gani; of men already at work cm Adams' hill. The heavy machinery, which ia down near Hopeville, cannot be secure! uniil after June 10. In the meantime grading and bridging w I occupy the time of the workmen. The basebalt boys are making olaborhte preparation for a monster celebmllon here on June .'ird. The celebration will commence at 10 o'clock a.m- with water •ports on the pond, followed by a Cali- thumpian and school children'* parade. The forenoon sports will a'.sn include the old p'lpular game of cat"hiiii; the treaty pii;. In the afternoon at the Acticultural grounds Iheie will be baseball and lacrosse matthe.s, lui; if war, inotoreyc!o races and foot rac3«. There will also be a band in attcu dance. The day will be concluued with .i ciiiicert in the high school in the oveuitii;. Wutch for further paificulars Mrs. FIodgHOD and babo f>f Erin »re visiting her paier.ts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble. The directors of East Grey Agric'l. Society has decided to take up the field crop competition with oafs and turnips Alt those interemt-(l kiiuliy mnke their entries at onoB with the secretary, who will be pleased to supoly the rules and reiiulationsâ€" W. A. Hawken, Secretary, Flesherton, The Ontario Historical Association has been invited by the Mayor and residents of Ow«>n Sound to bold its annual meet- ing in their city and the dates have been fixed for June 10 and 11. It promises to be a very auceesaful affair and the papers to be read and the addrtpsses to be given will be concerned in soma way with the early history of tnis country which lies within the counties of Grey and Bruce, so rich in historical associa- tions. The Preiidentof the Aisociation, Mr. George H. Locke, Chief Librarian of the Public Library, Toronto, and Mr. David Williams of the Collingwoud Bulletin, a pa^t president of the Associ- ation, are the committee on program and they will be glad to hear from anyone in these counties who will make suggestions in anyway to help make this a notable meeting. It is hoped that there will also be an exhibition of interestina relics to illustrate early life in these counties. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. S. Hemphill and daugh- ter, Maude, spent a couple of days last week in Owen Sound, Mrs. John Stewart attended the wed- ding of a niece at Mono Road Wednes- day of last week, returning home on Thursday evening. Mrs. N. Archibald visited her husband in the hospital at Hamilton last week. Miss Kate McKenzie of Feversham visited her sister, Mrs, S. Hemphill, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muir and three children, who spent the winter months here, left Tuesday for Port Arthur, their former home. Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne of Toronto spent the week end. at Ceo. Patterson's. Mrs. J. Hemphill and daughter of Dundalk were visitors at S. Hemphill's last week. Mrs. Archie McMullen sp^nt the week end with her daughter m foion'o. Messrs. Nelson and J. McMillan shipped a car of fat cattle to Toronto on Saturday. Mr, McMillan went to To- ronto to dispose of them. Will Sargent of Owen Sound assisted his father in the mill here the past week. Address and Presentation On April 5th a very plen.sinL evening was spent at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. E. Stinson, when Mrs, Siinson was presented with a beautiful ca-ssurole by the Women's -Auxiliary and a cheque frmu the wardens of Trinity church. Proton. Tho address was read by Mrs. Georue Ludlnw and the presentation made by Mrs. 11. Hodgin'i : Dear Mr.<. Stinson, â€" We, tho congre- gation of Trinity church, have gathered here this evenitg to show ciur apprecia- ation to you us I'Ur organist who has worked so faithful with us in the past. We wish you and Mr. S.inson every success in your new home and ask you to accept ihii casserole fro.-u the Women's Auxiliary and thio cheque from the Wardens, not for its value, but as a token to show the high esteem in which you are held by us, and trust you will continue to labor with us in the future as in the past. Signed on behals uf the Women's Auxiliaiyâ€" Mrs. T. Wauchope Vice Pres., Mrs. R, Bates, Treas. And on behalf of the congregation â€" The War- dens, J. C. Wright and .J. Carson, k»ifcTi.:»i.irr:>ii.'CL. •i.ijri^rii'iw^^S'wn-riJ-.r"^. ^=g^g?i^:?i«!^:^i;:^^^>^g^ Gents' Furnishings The Small S'ore with Biij Values CORRECT and S.VIART These two styles are especially favoured by men who like to be considered well dressed. Tailored to your own measure by the House of Hobberlin Ltd. We have a good line -if Men's Felt Hats and Onps. Call and ii;«pect our uoods. They are the lies'. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest iioMces. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario House Furnishings No-w is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing aa our Stock is more complete than ever. Brandram Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescota, an improved wall finish , Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints; Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe ELnamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yards wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths ; Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 l-2x 3, Scrim Curtains, ready to hang, new designs ; Bungalow Nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chintzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers ; Curtain Poles ; Curtain Rods ; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with Ready Cut Borders. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO VJ ! ^^^j^ 'l'j^l^^^^^!^^*^''^^ ^^ J ^^ Artemesia Council Council met on Saturday, May 3rd, 10'20. Members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes were read and confirmed. Letters from .C. P. R. re Durham Road Ciossini:, Concrete Pipe Co., Four Wheel Drive Motor Co., Can. Good Roads .Association were read. A claim from C. Atkinson for sheep killed was laid over for future considera. tion. Accounts were presented from j Sawyer Massey Cn. for grader $375.00, Municipal Wurld $1 74. Cameron â€" Ba'.chelorâ€" That R. PlauttI be appointed pch-'ol attendance officer instead of S. HimphiH resigned, and a bylaw be passed confirming the appoint- i ment. â€" Carried. Burnettâ€" Batchelorâ€" That the account of the Sawyer Massey Co. of S375.00 less 6 per cent, be paid, â€" Carried. Bitchelor â€" Mathewson â€" That the ace lunt of the Municipal World of 81.74 i for detention forms he piid and amount be charged to Priceville Police Trustees | accou n t. â€" Carried. Cemeronâ€" Batchelorâ€" That in view of the advanced rate ot wages paid by the I County on County road wurk, the rate of wages for team be $6 00 and men ' i3 00 for ten hour day. â€" Carried. j Burnettâ€" Mathewsonâ€" That the first j sitting of the L'l urt of Revision on ' Assessment Roll of 1920 be held at the ' Town Hall ou the 5th day of Juno at 10 j o'clock a. ra. --Carried. J Council adj>>urned. i Hawken'3 Phot;o Gallery and Music Stor FLE5H ERTON Boar tor Service i The uudursigned has a thoroughored Yorkshire B<iarfor service on lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. Terms 81.50. ' FREDSPOFFARDl BUSINESSCARDS Societies fXKIKCB ARTHUR LODGE, No, 383 , A.K.& ^ AM. meets iu tb6 Mnsouicball. Arm s rone's Bloca Kleahertoa. every Friday ou or l>e{ore the full moon. T. Ciaytou, W, M., \. E. Bnllamy, SeLretarv Dentistry _ Ui. B. C MURRAY L, O. 8 , dental surgeon bcuorRruduate of 'Torouco University ivuti I A^y&] College ot lleutal Surgeons ol Ontario, , â- •• las admiainistered (or teeth extraction ' !7t thoe at residence Toronto Street. Kleabortou. ..a Cargne's Grocery If you want good, clean, fresh Groceries or Confectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. We have also a full line of all the leading Tobaccei. All kinds of Fruits in season. Come in and get your Soaps and otbei necessities for your spring cleaning. Wo have a full line of garden and flower seeds,] Highest prices paid for all kinds of Prsduce. Pbone iu yotir order. We will deliver it to any p»rt tfike village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these hiirh grade instruments AT .1' Medical ; Dr W.J. Henry, Mt H., gra'luateof ^ciiltj i of Mediciue, ToroDto Univoisity. Ofllce â- â€"Dr. liittle'B late rohiuuuco, Fleshortou. ' f V OTTK.WELL ' Vetortuary Surgeon Iraduate of Outaric Veterinary ColleKC 'epideuoo â€" aauond door south woBtioD Vkary sbreeti. TbiB atrett ruua oiitb 'reHbvterian CImroh. ; •••• . '••• •••• •••• •••• Legal I UCA8, A bENRYâ€" HarriBtera. Solicitors, •••• *-â- dc.-l. B. Lncap. K. C\ : W. D. Henry. ::;; M. A. omcee, Maikdalu Lucas Itluuk, Pboue ;;•• 'i.V. tviaucb ofliotB at Duudalk aud Durha i.'. \%mm ••• „ .- â- ••• jr KIQHT. ft TKLFORD, BarriBter, Soliof. I;:*; "' tors, Ac. OfflceH, Grey ^ bruce Block, •••• Owou 8ouud. Standard Itank ok •FleBbor- : :*JJ ton. (Saturdays). W, H. Wright, W. P. -relford i ;••• Ji'. I .*••• BiTsiNESs Cards ' OTM. KAITTING, Iceofled Aucticneer foi '''' the oounties ol Grey aud Siiueott. -arm and Stock salea a apeoialtv. ToniiH moderate, natlefactlou (ruarauttt'd Arraiii:**- (leutfi (or datee may be uiade at the Advance <tnctf. or Cetitial ttilerboue ofliOO teversbaui ^r by addroaaiufi me at Peverabapi. Ont. OMePHAir . Licensed .^uctionee for th.» ' (.'ouuty of Grev. Torme moderate ai)<l ^fttia anion KuarantL'ed. The arrauKeuiwiitu nud dates of sales can »>*• made at ThK Ai>VAiioe ^Ttlee. lU'fidoncLtfcUd I'.o.. Tejlou. Tolepbono 'â- â- >uuucbion. Dec. ii, 7U , •••• •••• •••• •••• â- ••• •••• •••• •••• â- ••• •••• •« •••• • ••••r '''••â- ••••••••••••â- •â- •â- ••••••••••••a •••••••••••••••••••••••â- ••#••( iU 3M" BOOT5 & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear -we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTx\RIO i ^^^j^^ * * '^ •••••â- (•••••••f •-â- «•»â- > • fT •â- *••• >M^-: