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Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1920, p. 1

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IkB\\ttion %^amt. Vol 4t, No. 46 Flestierton, Ont., Apri I J'J 1920 \ EUGENIA (Last Week's Items) Levi Duckett hud a successful wood bee last Thursday afternoon and giive a joll; dance to liis many frienda the same evening. Misft Lily CanipboU has taken a posi- tion in Graham's store. Mias B. Badgerow of Port Law visited her sister, Mrs. Fred Graham. We are glad to report Miss Irene Walker able to be around aijain after her long illness. We are sorry to hear thac Mrs. Well. Graham is on the sick list with rheum.-itic fever. Keep April 30 in your mind so as (o come and hear our Leap Year concert. Nurse Jean Graham and MissGeorgina Smith returned to their homes fiom Toronto. Misses Addio and Delia Wilson made a trip to Markdale last week. Miss Parliament attended a party at Porliaw on Friday evening in honor ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Croft. Henry Osborne has moved his family to a farm near Fevershara. Mr. I nd Mrs. Huggard spent the week end with the latter's parents. . Sandy is about prepared to go into the li'very business. This Week's Items Plowing. Mr. Jacob Williams' many friends are pleased to see hiru back to this burg again. Ho has b.mght Mrs. McMuUen's farm, â- ;. Mabel Hoy attended the birthday [)arty of her cousin, Dicky Hoy, Saturday Don't forget the Leap Year coucer: Friday. April '.SO. Come to Eugenia tliat evening for a good time and help on the memorial funds. See particulars else- where. Mrs. Fred Graham's aunt spent a few days with her last week- Many sightseers visited the park on Sunday. A union choir practice will be hold in the Methodist church on Friday night. VVhy should we not have a good choir. We welcome Mr and Mrs. G. Benson and family to our village. The Presbyteiian Ladiee' Aid had a successful quilting in the basement tf the church hat week. jThey quilted three quilts after which a dainty lunch was served. One of the best balls ul the season was uiven by Mr. T. Gillilaud on Friday evening. About 75 guests were preseut, and a real eood tinne was spent by all until the early dawn. CEYLON Mrs. A. Rutledue and Mrs. MoLeod spent Saturday at Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Morwood of Markdale and Miss M»rten of Owen Sound spent the week end at J. J, Patterson a. Mr. and Mrs. MoWhinneyof Hanover visited theiv daughter, Mrs. N. Archi- bald, last week. Quite a number from here attended a shower given Mr. Meads and bride un Friday evening at their home. Mrs .1. J. Patterson spent last week with Proton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Georije Snell gave a party to a host ot their neighbors and friends, when a most enjoyable time was spent by all. Mrs. Wni. White was at Proton on Monday. ' Mr. A. JNeilson visited his sister, Mis. J. McDonald, the first of the week. Mr. J. Gibson was fined $200 and |J8.7U costs far being drunk in other than his private home, l^he case was pleaded by liisiiector Beckett before Maaistrates McMullen and McKenzie. PORLAW The weather prophet who ptnned his faith to tha pig's melt and said that tha winler would taper otl', seems to have the joke ou some of us now. The maples were on strike for ivbout ten dvjs and refused to produce their sweets, but have auain been working overtime delivering the goods. J. W, Lyons has purchased J. Biack's farm on the Centre Line. ~ Mis.-i M.iy Cornfield is visiting frienJs in Toronio. Mrs. Wni. Fisher has returned home after .in extended visit with her mothor and other relatives in San Jose, Cal. H.'watd Bliikcy rias returned fiinn northern OiUarin, where he worked in a lumber ciiiip during the winter. Mr. J. Winters has been busy buzzing wood fur a nu:iiber of people. Mount Xiou Sunday school has been reorganized and will reopen on the first Sunday in May, with Mrs. Thos Taylor again superiiilendent. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Croft was invaded by friends and neigh- bors one evening last week and the newly married couple were the recipi- ents of a miscellaneous showeF- The company enjoyed a gocd time with games, etc. DURHAM Durham will have a new industry in operation inside of six weeks if tie citizens say so by their vote on a bylaw to bo submitted in tho interval. .\ll they ask is that the town guarantee tbeii bonds to the extent of 820,000, for which they show ample security of more than double tho amount, and this will be raateriallyjncreased with the installation of additional machinery for a new line of output for which they are nosjotiaiiiig The new conceCD will make wire and bras^waro necessaries, and extiand as rapidly as they can by branching ott' into many other lines. This compiny is the only one of its kind in the Dominion. and duriuK the war made and supplied all tbc buttons and uniform emblems for th^- Cniadiau soldiers gotnif overseas. They already in ike dozans of ddl'.rent small aiticles, for which there is a great de. mand. There seems to be no limit to the out put of such an industry, and they have alrtady suHicient orders on hand to keep the presont factory employed for a numb.r of months. Tho planing factory now opeialed by Zeuas Clark will be purohasid for the use of the new concern and new ra'»chinery will be installed shortly. Tho work of taking down the big steel stacK at the cement works is neatly finished and this week will po.ssibly see the Work completed. So far it has coino down without a hitch, and will ba shij; ped to Aruprior, wheie it has been purchased by a lumber company. The slack was about 130 feet high :vnd had a diameter of about six feetâ€" Chronicle. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Isaac Smith ia spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Taylor, on the 8ih line. George Field of Brantford is visitinii Willi his grandfather, Mr. Robert Akitt. Mr. Currai: and Miss Maruaret Moore of Badjeros weie visitors Willi Mr. and Mrs. John Margrave recently. Jaiiies Park of (^wen Sound spcni Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Quite a number from around here attended a parly At T. Gillilaiid's, Eii- geuiu, on Friday evenini;, and all report a uood time. Frank Belts spent Sunday with his cousin. Will Robertson, ac Maxwell. Mrs. £. Biniiiiigton and dauiihier.May, Bp»nt a day the ;past week with .Alls. Will Hawkens. Ceylon Lady Nominated For West York Election Miss C, A. McPhail, daughter of our expert auciioneer, Mr. Duuald McPhail, of Ceybni, was recently nominated in North York as L'. F. 0. candidate to contest the riding against W- L. McKen- /.ie King, but witbdrtw in favor of R. W. K. Burnaby. TheGlolie correspon- dent at Newmarket has the followiug to (ay of the incident : " A delicate point in eli(]nt*ie very nearly arose hers Saturday as a result of ihe L'. F. (.). iioniiniition for Fedeial candid-ile in North York election. The question ni'glit have ceen. Would Hon. McKetizie King, Liberiil chief, give his seat â€" or the seat he has his eye upon â€" to a lady if she desired it, or would h^ forget the less ms in pood ;.iiinne;s learned at his moihei's knet-, when she taught him how to lehiive " like a little gentleman," and enter into a co.iipetitiua for it. Now thi.-i delicate question might have arisen had Miss C. -V. McPhiil, .vho tenches youni! ideas how to .â- ^hoot in the little one lonmed school at Sharon, not resigned in favor of Mr. R. W.E. Burn- aby. But just bow noiii Hon. Mr. King came to having bis good iiianers tested could only be esiiinated by those present 1 who witnessed the ellthu^i!^stic rtcfpiion I given MiasMcPliail Saturday. At al| I evems, if politicians and statesmen of I high calibie are not griiduatod from the I 111 lie schoolbouse at Shiroii, fulk» hero- I abouts opine, ii wou'i be (he fault of Mixs .McPhail. Weekly Report Flesherton H. S- FORM 1 Physics, lOO- I McLachhin T'.l, J Whi^e 77, J McLeod 75, M Muir 74. R Stevens 71, S Findlay t)8, E Ferris ()7, E Oliver ()7.M Whittaker 07, A Liitle 63, H McLeod (il, M Nuhn u!), D Colgan 53, M Parslow 52, C McMillan 40, P McMusterJo, A Norris45, F Mathewsoii 41, S Acheson 40, i Hincks o4, I Lever 31, A Dow 13. FORM •> Chemisiiy. 100 â€" K. Cameron 01, K Boyd 85, 11 Belfry 77, W Stewart 74, N Spencer 00, F White OS, V Stewart 04, E Cons'ey 55, I Sprott 50, A Murphy 43. Gtogiapliy, 1110" A Stei)Iieii 71"^, J Dow 73, K Muir 73, K McDonald 71, K Orr 71, G Large 70, W McKenzie tiO, A Parslow 6!), R McGirr 07, J Karstedt 07, M iMcL^cblaii 05, A Buchanan 04, M Ac'ie.son 03. V Moore 02, E Wilson 02, R Boyd 00, G Invin 58, G Lever 49. Algebra and Geometryâ€" K McDonald 07, M Acheson 03, 4. Parslow 02, K Boyd SO, M McLachlan 84, .A Buchanan 80, K Orr 74, J Dow 72, V Moore 70, R McGirr 70, E Muir 68, G Lever 08, A Stephen 55, J Karstedt 47, G Lame 42, G Irwin 35, W McKenz e 31, K Wilson 28. French-A Paisb.w 80, R Boyd 70, V Moore Oi), M Acheson 03, A Buchanan 58, J liaisledt 54, W McKenzie 25. FORM 3 Literature, 100- F White SO, N Spencer 85, F Stewart 84, E Ferris 81, K Cameron 77, I Sprotl 74, R Belfry 64, E Consley 63, W Stewart 40, K Boyd 48, A Murphy 42 Laiin Composition, lOO-K Boyd 80, F Stewiin 54, E Consley .^t', R Belfry 35, W Stewart 33, A Murphy 31, 1 Spl Ol b 30. Latin Authors, I0O--F Stewart 70, W cscewan 75, K Boyd 74, R Belfry 04, 1 Sprott (iO, E Consley 32, A Murphy 21 . Latin Bonus on Normal Entrance Exaininalion--K Boyd SO, F Slewarl 05, W Stewa;t 55, R Bjlfry 51. Ancient Historyâ€" F White SO, N Spencer 77. K Boyd 75. E Ferris 07, K Belfiy03, F Stewart; 60, W Stewart CO, KCiiineroii oO, 1 Sprott 54, V, Coii- s ey 40, A Murphy 30. French Composiiion--K Boyd 52, F S.uwait;)2, W Stewart 28, 1 SproitlS. PROTON Held Over Last Week The many friends of Mr G. Wideman of Hanover were very sorry ft hoar of hi's death, the result of a fall on the side- walk. Only a month ai>(i Mr. and Mrs. Wtdeinali moved fniii lhi« village to Hanover. A number from here attended the funeral and inneli syiiipalhy is felt for the bereaved wile and fiiiiiily. The many friends of Mrs. Duncan McNicoll (nee Millie Lyons) met at her f.ither's home where Nile is visiting, and presented her wilh a niisTellansous shower. Tho many hoautiful gifts show the high esteem in which Mrs. McNicoll is held by her old friends and neighbors. A ^|)lBndid lunch was served and an enjoyable evening "ipenr. Meadowvale, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson, was the scene of an interesting event on Wednesday, April 7, when their oldest daughter, Edna Reiiiiia, was united in marriage to Mr. Elmo F. C. Stevens, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens, Victoria Corners. Re.i. Thomas Laidlaw uerfofined the oeremony. assisted by Rev. Mr. Eagle, in the presence of about 65 guescs. The pretty young briJe, who wore a ijown of white chiffoD tsffeta and georgette crepe and carried a bouquet of bridal roses entered the parlor leaning on the arm (;f her father tc tho strains of the wedding maroh played by her sister, Wiss Ada, and took her place beside the waiting bridegroom under an 'arch of pink and and white ribbons and white bells. Little Beth Talbot made a pintty flower girl carrying a basket of pinK sweet peas and the wedding riiii{. Durins; the .sign- ing tf the register Mr. and Mrs. Eayle sang " Love's Old Sweet Song." After conyralulations the bridal party and ffuests sat down to a wedding . The bride and ^locm were th" recipients of many useful and costly gifts. The groom's gift lo the bride wis a pair of amethyst eardrops, to the oiuanist a uold bar pin and lo the llower gitl a locket. Mr. aad Mrs. Stevens left on the evening tiain for Toronto amid showers of rice and confetti, the bride traveling in a suit of sand gabardine with hat to I'^tch. Old Durham Road Derby Township is seeking lu have ttie hydro systeai extei'ded to that mumcqiality and a dfputaii.m waited on the byi'ro coiiiniiasion recently. The deputation was informed that their re- (|uerit Would 1)0 granted ami Ihe work would he undertaken shortly. Prizes For Boys and Girls Speciai prizes will bo aiveii by the B inkers' Association at Flesherton Fall Fair, Sep-. 2.3 ami 24, 1920, to iht boys and girls who have not attained their 17ih hiithday Ijefore llie npeninu day of the f.iir, fc r the lollowinj; : Class 1â€" Calf, purs bred or gvarlc prizes Isr, §5, $2nd §4, 3rcl §3, 4th S2, 5th 81. Cli.ss2 â€" Twopiiis, pure bred or gra<Je, prizes Ut 85, 2nd ?4. 3rd $3, 4th S2. 5th »l. No >iitry fee will be charged. ?«o exhibi'or shall make more than one entrv in a ulaso. No: uioie than one member of a family shall be allowed lo compete ill a class. Exhibitors roust feed and care for the animals they exhibit for at least six Wc'eks. CaUis and pigs entered must have boon horn on of after March 15th, 1920, and must he the property of exhibitor or exhibitor's parent or guar- diKD. For full p,iriicu'»rs cii<)uiri' of nian»(r«r of local bank or W. A. tla«kiD, Sec. Ag'l !*ocielÂ¥. Mrs. John Oliver has returned from the city. Wo hope ."he is greatly iiii- proved in health.. Vuite a number from our vicin ly attended Mr. Ed. Sargent's sale Thursday of Ust week. One of our young men will have to bo more careful in harnessing his horse, to prevent runaways, or the fair sex will not desire his company long. Mrs. Will Oliver and babe have le- turiied lo their home in the oily. -V larga number of friends and acquain- tances gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,lohn Meads on Friday last to L' ve them a warm leceptioii in their n w home. Danniug and other forms â- .( amusement occupier! the young people until the wee sum' hours o' Ihe moinin'. The many presents uiven showed in what esteem the young couple are held. We all join in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. One iiiorninn after a recent snowstorm wo noticed a nian's footprints around a certain buildim.' in the iieiyhboiliood. Oil further ii.vestigatirui it was fooiid that some damage was done on the pri -Ji- ises and properly iiiovrd from its pi ion as if desired elsewhere. FINE JEWELERYBatesByrialCo. BrSINESS AS (SUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Come in and see our fino large stock of Jewelry, Watulies, Clocks, etc, and when yoti liave seen them \m will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairiuga specialty. A fall line n Diotograpbic supplies Including developing powdcis, MOTOR printing iVamei?, dark lanterns, all j -ijr n . d »if jj i „;„>, ,1 1 1 , ^, J. W. Bates, K. Maddocks, sizes ol kouaclts and .hlins. / * President. Manage r Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworth s W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. liOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. systeiu Maxwell P.O. Seed and Feed rimothy Alfalfa .Mammoth Bed Alsike Sweet Clover Flax Peas Essex RiipeD waif Barley Wheat Oat.s Chop GrohistC'alf Meal Feed Flax Uennie's Calf Meal Jumbo, MiiaiMioth. Yellow Leviathan a' Giant White .Sugar Beet.s. We have a full line of Ganleii iSeeils. Groceries We are now in a position to handle cream. Call and get a can. Highest prices paid for all farm produce. Special attention given to phone orders. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario -.yi>.-^^.A:>^.'. r>:.^i^^;i^-^?:^-^:o:5.^jN^r*^^^ p Spring Announcement W. L. WRIGHT wishes (u iinnounce to the public that he h»s received a i-priiig consignment of Man's and Ladien' Boot.s and Shoes, Kubhers lo tit ^ny shape boot. Loot; Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo it White Wmo in all styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. Peabody's and Bull Dog Overalls and Smocks, Woik Shirts, new line of Men's Sliirls iind Balbriygiui ("ndorwear. Ties, CollarH, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A frefch slock of Groceriai alw.^y.s on hand. All kiiid.s of Canned GnoJs. Ill tho IVIilliiierv Duparinient ymi will find .'Vlrs. Wnifht with a coinplc'e stock of Ladies' Hats, Ribbons. L.icea iind Veils, Call and trispccr our lines. Sntinfsction gunranteed. Ui(;hest prices p&id for Butter and Es><Jfi' f V SPRINGHILL Siisj-ir iiakiiigis the order of tho day. Our 'BHcher, Miss Kee, lius recnri.od til her iichool hire. Mr. and Mrs. Chiude T5kins attein'ul the Sti'vens-.Vche.soii wciddiny at. Proton 1 Wfdiiesiiay last Mr. James Seeloy of Woodstock is visitmi: wilh Mr. and Mrs. F. Chsrd. Thi-inas Orr, who has been teaching, h«« rei urncd home. Miss M. Ferguson nf Ceylon and Mrs. Ma.\well of Ciiledon visited with Mrs. Alfred Harrimm one day Isst week. Mr. Nat CaswoU has purchased a Ford cir. MiNses Myrtle and Mildred Caswell of town spell' nfc* dajs with Mrs. Alfred Uarrisiin lie^e. Mrs. .John Mortui died at the homo of her daunli'er, Mrs N .t Casweil, S«tiir- diiy uighi W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton For Service One pure bred .Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 and 29, Concession S, Arteinesia. Terni»--81.50 for iirsdes if paid iuside of 9 months- if not S'2. Pure bre(I« 83 CO. loot -ROBERT OSBORNE FLOYD H. BENTLEY Binser. Uyiiainiloaiid BUstingsuiipiies for !-»le. U"ck and stuiup blastinu. Call Fhone 41 r 14. Wri'o P. Box 4;'. Flesherton, Ont. #- TonsoriaS I "V- Parlors I We Aim to Give Entire Satisfitct' â- < ! LAUNDRYâ€" BaskoB )»e ii.>./ night, delivi>ry Fvmay ev CLEANING and DYEING- We : . • jjgents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Olof â-  â-  ! osncd and dyed, fiathet-^ roju'/eii;. i. iV T FISHER -PROPRIETOl A â- WMMMMM r'-rt-m^'ft.'v^v*

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