April 8 1929 THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE 1^^'' /. I â- A Suggestion for Saving /"'ASH in the pocket encourages careless spencKng. You will find it a much easier task to save if you keep your "Spending" money in a Savings Account with The Bank of Toronto. There it is safe and can be drawn upon when really needed. A reluctance to draw from that account will grow upion you, and protect you from many needless expen- ditures. R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM Once the saving habit is acquired, the account, with its earnings of interest, will steadily grow to a sub- stantial amount. Many young men and women are working out this scheme with us to advantage. It is a plan worthy of a trial. BANKo''T( 36 NTO Capital $.S,000,000 Reserves $6,793,983 c^.^-> . FOB FUPNiruRl WOOD LAC STAIN I \ Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there. Don't neglect >our furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the surface and you save all. MARTIN -SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES ,c- <>\ â- â- f-^ FOB VERAnOAHS MS oursiDi POKCH PAinr .'iL. J For the Walls and CeilinSs N K U - TO N Kâ€" tlic w.i>li;il)lc, sanitary fiiiisli that will not fade or ruli off. Many plcasiiij; lints and suggestions for stencilled borders. For Woodwork, etc. MARTIN S WHITE ENAMEL â€" (the eiianu 1 de luxe) a beauti- ful liiiisli for bathrooms, bed- rooms, etc. It slays white. For Floors SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT â€" a wide ranye of colors. It dries hard with a beautiful enamel finish that wears and wears and wears. For Hardwood Floors M.\Rin.K- I'll'; â€" The perfect floor linish that withstands thi- hardest usaRc. A hard finish that will not mar nor scratch while. It can be washed with soap and water. For Furniture WOOD-LAC .STAINâ€" in many shades, Oak, MahOijany, Cherry, elc. < lives to inexpensive woods the appearance of the more costly, liasy to use. For Verandahs OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT- â- dries Inrd in a few hours and wears like iron. FOR HARDMrooo ' nCKWS MMBie/rf fLocm fiKisu . l\ •r^ ''^ Come and consult us on any painting Vou contemplate. We will be filad to .advise. Wc have a full range of M ARTIN-SENOUR I'aints andVarnishe»â€" thcc.asiestand most profitable to use. I'or cvcrypurposcâ€" for every surface. F. G. KARSTEDT, FOR INTEmOO ' WOODWORK mimH's mirenatieL "A' I :ll ^^ , .,. J, f. -f -; 4- .f . .f +. ;^, I 'f -^- \ .f .+ .^. 4- 4. ^. 4, .^s^.^ Safeguard Your Roof THE roof is an important item â€" it "makes" or "mars" the whole structure. In shingle-roofed houses it is even more necessary to see that it is in good rfegular repair, because once a roof commences to decay a general deterioration of house-value is the immediate result. To ensure a permanent durability, as well as an added appearance, use Shing'le Stain either as a mixture in which shingles are dipped or as a stain to apply to the completed roof. it comes in all colors, and gives a tough, durable "seasoning," besides contributing largely to the artistic effect of your home. Like every other B-H product, the B-H Shingle Stain is first choice among people who know good paint. F. H. W. HI CKLING Flesherton R RANPRAM -H ENDERSO N MONTnCAk (lAI-IFAX ST.OOMN TORONTO WINNI»«(B MEDIC I NE MAT CAUCAHV EOMONTON VANCOU VK TOP Quality .1 House TOP c not forget to file your Tax i on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ei Dominion of Canada --.- 1 •â- â- :>â- /' ^ s^N! cm;vu(»M/i' "i()i.i{MNi.;i V T()rr{lN(; CAR, ciii ppn.l » .h t'lcciric Ii,{lit8 and Klnrtvr, liiuh- <Ht lypo two-UMiiHystnin, hIiuj'h wiiiMi; UHod. Ciiiiip'i'lo lump .i|iiipiiii'nl, MMliH't' lailciiMl iinr ninn top, top cover and Nide cur- tnlnR; lilied wiiidHhiidd; fpuuiln. nii't.T ; olrcirio liiun ; vdrn rim and riirrii'r in ronr ; eoniph'lt' IomI <'<|ui|iini'nl, including jnck mill pump. Font ri'sl, ri'ln* ruil, pocknta in Kich door. Prioa f!W."), f. o. b. (MhHwa, Out. lUhcle in Canada 1>H_V Mil ailt()iri()l)iit' ;is yon would luiy ji hi)i?s(!. .An imloniohiic is ,l iiuijnr invest- luciit and u siuiil.ir lUilily. I>r siiii- to (.'boose one l.li.ir.yoil <'.'ii. speivl Ioiil; huiirs ill withniii (lisemiiforr, ami willioin iicr\e Nliiiiii. lie sun- i!,.ir it is hnilr i.l' ^^oml iiiafcriiils, .strong .•iml sale, iliai it is ei|ili|)Iie(l with evciv ediiveiiiciiee, ;iiiil â- thai ii.sa[i|)i iii'aiice will lon;.f lie a crcilii, to V'""' ' piJVctical ;;:oo(l tasto. Tin; ('li(!vr(il('t Iia« all tlu'sf (iiialiticaiioiw and in addition i.s very fconomieal t.o operate. D. McTAVlSH & SON FLESHt:inON, Department of Finance A LL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: â€" 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, witliout dependants as deGned by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. Forms ^° ^^ used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T lA. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must tise Form T 2. Penalty Kvcry pvrson rcqulrcHt to make ii return, whu taiiH Co do so within the time Itmlt. Bhiill be auhjert to a penalty of 1 wenty-tivc pec centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, \\hethcr taxable, or otherwine. who ttAlln to make a return or provide Informa- tion duly required aicordlnft to the provUlon of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to n penal ty of SI 00 for each day d urlnjjt which the default continues. Also any person mnklnft a fatito iitaloment in any return or In any Information retiulred by the Minister, shall be liable, on nummary conviction, to a penalty not exceedlniillO.lM'O. or to ttlx numtht' Imprison- ment (»r to both tine and ImprlKonment. General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or .Vssistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it In. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR OF T.\XATION, YORK (TORONTO, ONT.) R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. ' i