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Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1920, p. 8

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»**Jli "LIU i-Wfl I JW' " V"' •â- ^TPT" March U 1920 THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE Upon Your "To-day'' Depends Your **To'inorrow 99 w HAT you can save to-day is the foundation upon which you will lay your life-work. R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM The man with capital, even be it small, is the man who is ready when opportunity arises. The savings habit is not as easy to acquire as the spending habit, but most things worth while require an effort to attain, and the capital for your day of opportunity can only be obtained by hard work, economy and saving. Open a Savings Account with the Dank of Toronto. Your Savings are protected by a strong national institution, and earn a fair rate of interest without risk of loss. 35 THEBAN KoTORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,79,?,983 iB MARBLE-ITE FLOOR FINISH If your floors are hardwood. Use Marble - Ite The Floor finish %\'itli a money- back guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not mar nor scratch white and is not af- fected by water. Feet That Never Touch the Floor A worn floor spoils the look of your home and is impossible to repair, biit if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wood. Save tho Surface and you Save all. ' •• SENOUR'S Floor Paint is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with- stand a Rreat amount of hard wear. No skill is required In using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply It, The result will greatly .jnhancc the licauty of your home ann much 1 :bor will bf s.ivcil for liic lloors will be very easy to ke«p clean. Come in and Ic; tis sjive you full particulars. We have a full range of shades in this and every other MAUTIN-SENOUR Product. Ihere is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or N'arniah for every ne«l. We will be glad to advise you. * F. G. KARSTEDT, Flcsherton, Ontario r. 4? & STARTINGJEEKEEPING Suggested Outfit for the Apiary Novice. >:'*^-.*N â- ,'•' X:, )iik::tki--;ilfyi^^ CIIKVHOLKT "KOlMtNlNKlY " TOl.'RlNfJ CAR, r.|U'ppc<l wiMi elrc'nc li^jlitsaiid htnrler, li<t:h est typt' two UIlt'^yâ- -t^â- lll, â-ºinu'i: nil lint used. Cornp'cle l.imii ,ijuipiiii<nt, Miihair luilurcd onu man top, top cover nnd Hide cur- tniiiB; tilled windHhu'ld; Fpi<eili>' nu'ti-f ; eleciric hum ; oxtrit run tliil carrier i.n rem- : niniplctit tool ei|uipTiii>nt, inchidliii; j ink iinl pump. Foot test, rutio mil, pocked in nitch dnor. I'rioe 9*Mh, f. «. U Osliitwn, t)at. Mkde in CanadK Iiiiy.iM aiitoiiioliilc. as yiiii woiiM Imy a h')ij.s(\ All auloMioliiKi i.s a m.ijor invest iiioiil and a siinilir !itiliiy. lie. sine t<i <;lj(»(' ont; iliatyoii cai. j-pcirl loni.,' lumrs ill wiihont (li.sconil n-t ami '.vilhont: iicrvi^ .-train. He .siikmI it it i( Uiiilt ».t' ^'ood inatcrial.s, stron;^ and salV-, tliii. it I.j (MHiippcd with fvcry (•niiv(iiit'iu:(% ami tliat it.s a|t|)( aianci" \\\\\ lon^.lio a ci-cdit, t.(» ynur ftiaclical jiood tasto. 'i'lu>. (^iKivrolot. lias nil tlu^sc, (|u diliitaiioiis and in addition i.s vory et'otiDiiiical to opiirato. D. McTAVlSH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Ht^ii-t With the Right Hive â€" The lU-l<Vnino I.dtiiKstr(i(h Is Kecariled HN the Best â€" How to I'revent Swai'ming â€" Care of Freshening Vow. <Contrlbuted by Ontario Department nl Agriculture, Torcnto. ) EXTUACTED honey production is the most salisfactory (or beginners. Start with three colonies and sufUclent up-to- date equipment and then make the bees pay their One colony does not give the t,..'glnner an opportunity to right niisiakes or accidents proBt- ably. Thrto colc)nles can be managed by devoting one evening weekly to the apiary. Avoid many troublesome pitfalls by starting with the right hive. The in-frame Laugstroth hive has given (lie fiiitisfaction in Ontario. A!l beekcepci'.s' supply houses carry this hive iind its parts in their regular slock. Buy your first hives from a l;oo(! manufacturer. II is very neces- sary to have all hive parts inter- changeable so that they may be used ;n any colony In the apiary. Uniform- ity and accurate worknianship alone can ensure this need. One complete 10 fr. Langstroth hive consists of: 1. A bottomboard. /â-  2. A hive-body with self spacing frames and wire. 3. A telescoping mrtal roof cover. In addition (ho beginner .=.honld provide for each colony one queen oy- cluder; two extra hive-l)odie9 com- plete with frames; and V Ib.s. of Me- dium Urood Foundation which runs six shcels to the pound, to fill the frames with a guide and foundation for the future combs. All hive uui- torial should be nailed, wired and painted before the opening of the spring rush. It is advisable to commence with a 2-lb. package of bee.s and c]MPcn; a .';wann or a nucleus. Less danp^^r from disease attends tho biiyi«s of pound packages than thp buying if swarms and nuclei. Pound packages may bo secured for delivery from -May 1st to Juno SOUi. Early pack- ages will yield a surplus it carefully handled. Enquire of the Pi-ovlncial Apiarist re disease in yonr lorality before buying swanns, nuclei or col- onie.s. A small colony of beos is mu^li loss vindictive than a full colojiy and thus offers a better oppori unity for the beginner to grow with his bees. The accessory equipment for the Ijeginner should consist (<f: 1. A veil of black cotton tulle. 2. A standard bee smoker. 3. A hivi> tool. 4. A spur wheel wire cmbo<ldcr. ' 5. An uncapping knife. 6. An uncapping box. 7. A comploto set of Department liloraturo, nulletins 213,' 233 and 256, and a good reference bee book. 8. A small honey extractor. With tho exception of Xos. C and 8 it Is advisable to acquire the ma- terial needed from a supply linn at once. The uncapping box can bo made at home, and the besinner could probably co-opernlo with ar.other bec- koepor In .â- ^curing the use of an ex- tr.nctor. Willi the incicaso of col- onie.i to fen. it would tlien bo advis- able to provide a storage can to assist In handling the crop. â€" W. A. Weir, 0. A. College, Guclph. T<i I'l'cveiit Swarming of Hce.s. .. June Is the .'<waiiiiins uionth and lime of KuperinB for the main lioncy (low which begin.'; between tho 10th and tho 20lh of the month, depend- ing on tho season and tho latitude. Ho snro to give supers enough to avoid any crowdhig which may causo tho bees to luHoiiio discouraged, quit work and swarm excess! vtdy. It should be the beekeeper's aim to pro- vent swarming as much as pn.«.sil)le. This Is done by keeping young queens, giving plonly of room and a systcinntlc examination of brood- chamberH to delect colonies which are preparing to swarm. When queen cells are found far advanced they should all be destroyed and the queen herself removed. After the colony has been queenless one week the combs should again be examined and all cells except one remo-ved. This ono will provide them with a quoen and If only ono Is left they will not swarm again. Where an Improvement of stock Is desired tho new queen may be given Instead of leaving one queen cell. Natural swarms should be hived on tho old stand after removing tho parent colony to ono side. The swarms should bo given tlio supers from tho old colony. New swarms work with great vigor because they have no brood to cure for during the flist week. Colonies held together without swarming gather Ukore liouey than those which swarm. It is iho beekeeper's patriotic duly to reduce Iho of honey producliou and thus Incieaso the quantity he Is culled to jModuco as greatly as possible. They also causo ilio beekeeper less I rouble at unexpected times. This may be ilono iiioio by swarm prevention iluui in any other way. rjulietin 2 3 3 take.i llii;) matter up llioroughly and shouiil bo carefully studied by uU bee- keepers. I!y mastorlug tho *ueihod3 described it ii; quite possible to man- age as many aiilarles as there are (lays In the week, barring yuiKlays rnd rainy days.â€" W. A. Weir. O. A. College, tiuelph. Cnro of the Freslieiiiiig Cow. This Is the month wheu a large number of cows tresheu. lloth fresh rows and uewly-born calves kIiouUI receive BpecinI uttentlon. Cows ex- pected to freshen should bo placed In a box stall for u .'ow days before »nd after frcbhenlng. Many valuable I sows and calves are lost by neglecting ; .(» provUle bos stall aceoiumodalion. j This sJmould be found In every dalrf •table; or clso have a special bam U>r Ibe purpose. E8TABUSHED 1872 ,H£AD OFFICE ' HAMILTON We have ready money to plaee on good security without delay at reaaouable ratts. Come and Me us when yon need money. We want more aceount.q â€" Saving Ac- counts-Cliccking Accounts Time Deposits. Every roan 'should have a banking connection. ^ You will get courtesy aud efficient service from the Bank of Hamilton. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR*NCH PROTO:i-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager ALL BUSINESS SCHOOLS ARE NOT TBE SAME. Ft .-iture '.^. Watch for the others. I'he authority in all Butiness Systems, Accouiiis, etc , is the Charteied Account- ant. The Northern Business tJollege is I he ordy School in Canada in charge of a tellow <<f the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Get the best. It pays. •^ ' I â- â- â- ;'-â- . yjf'y'/ â-  â-  Owen Sound, Ont. C A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principa 0. D. FLEMING, SecrDlaiy. (Mention this p.ipcr when wiitinu) Oarelully Corrected LhcIi Week Butter-.. -. .... . iiOtoO 52 Kl'£!s .'ij '.0 U 55 Wheat f... 2 00 to 2 10 Peiis 1 40 to 1 50 Dais .. 'OOtu i)l Birley 78 to 80 Farm For Sale 'The lirst contract to be lee fur » iiiodera dwollin^ in Owen Suund in live year» I was awarded ivcently. Factories and other buildings hare been erected, but no houses. We make a charge of 10c a line for all church ahnouncemeuts, concerts etc., up to 5 lines. Over that number 5c i line* [ No readini; notices inserted under .lOe. ! Count six words to the line. I The Vancouver Expreii For Winnipeg â€" Calgary â€" Vancouver J Passenirers for Western t'luada vvil find the "Vancouver Express' from Toronto, 10.00 p. in. daily via Canadian Pacidc a most cpavenient train. It stops at and connects fiir all principal ' p iinla. The equipnicut cons'sts of up lodate fctandard sleepers, dining car, tourist; sleepers, compartine,nt observatiun car, liist dims coaches aud coloni.'^t car. The beautiful scenery in t'atisida is along the liiie of Ihe CnUiidiau Pacific with iUHgniticent llocky Mountain res irts at Band', L-ike Louise auc'i Glacier.. Those coiiteiiijilaliii!; a P.icitic Coast Trip should iiet in touch with Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write W. B. Howard. District Pasaerger -^:.;ent, Toronto. Boar For Service Ii )l K i 5 and lot fi, cod . 10, Proton, i " containing 180 acres. Well watered, ' good barn and house, 80 acres under \ cultiv.ttioD, rest mostly pasluio with ! a'loul five acres good bush, estate of the . pm^ bied Key;i»terea Yorkshire Boar ate U. J. McCirmick. For part icula t.s j for service â€" Ma.\well .lack (12903â€" on np.,ly (,, j lot 107, S W. T. tt S. R., Arreniesia. \VM. MoCORMICK, Executor of thQ estate. Phono Duodtlk 52â€"4. Proton P. O Terms SI. 50. 10,4, la T.J. STINSJS. Boar tor Service •Boar For Service I BOAR for SERVICE Pint lii.>d 'I'.^uiHor :!i lioir loi' Sti. ice I on lot U)7, S W T and S E., .\rtaiuo8ia,. Term.sâ€" Sl.60. Fob!.) -T.J. S'PINSON, Prop j Hog For Service Puio bred Yoikshire Boar for servio*. i Terms -$ 1. 50 a' time of service. I 1 ipar J. F. OOLLINSON. Ceylon. I r he uiid.-rs.-iKd h;,s a thoroushored jgiUgisiereJ ClK-tcr White \<yi, for \ orkshiix it.-|ii l..r service on lot U. con. \ gj.,,,^^ „,Ucck M ilU Tlw fvh-r vroii. b. (!sp:ey. 1 er ins ? 50 > first at, Chi<Mt£o Fair. Terms 81.50. KR WD SPOFFAUD , dec 51i) -I. SMITH Prop. ROAD CLOSING iS'.itic) i-< hi-re'i y i;ivpii that the Coun- cil of tho Towiistiip A Arteniosiu will afier one moiitli from the first publici- t ion Ii. leby^ pu coed to puss a bylaw clojiiig ilii' luu'eiinintioiied oiiginal iilli wai.ce for roiul. viz , all tint [mrl of Miilsfrcer. Ijiiij between Queen street and tl c loivii lii.o of,01ei>i!l>,'. Fir.-it'-leJ on lliu lOJi diy of Februiry, 1020. Dat.d Foil. 12, 1020. W. .;. BELLAMY. Automobile Instructions (KOR LADIES AND GENTS) N.iH ia Ihe liino to take ndvaniage of tlio winter uiniilhs to obtain a tborouBh kiii)Wlrdt;ii of i be Automobile. Tlio ;iian who urtuH or expects to own an' Auto- uiidiile wilklind this cjurso financially profitable, or iho young man wlm withes 1 1 bicomo an oxpeit chaulTrur ^ill be prepared for a pood piyiiij; posili.m with 0(sy work. '1 ln.s Course consists of over h luling of motors, timiiiK of valves and ignition sysioinb, slartiui and lii>htiut! systems, troublts, etc. Write for bookht, or better still visit our school and be convinced. (Wo have special classes for ladies). OrantSeville'Autcuicbile School. K>9t BrondwRj, Urangov iile, Ont. 8USIN.ESSCARDS Societies pKlN<Ji: .MtTHLU I.ODOK, No. ;i33, A.t'.* ' A .M, lutjets ill tilt Masuuicball. Ana 8 rouQ's llluok t'losliorton, every Friday on or hefore tlio lull mocn. T. I'laytou. W. M., A. K. f.ollauiv, Setfoiary. j DKiNTISTRY j j\t B. C MUHRAY U D. 8 , ilentsl siirKBon I '' luiiflrKraUuate of Toronto Uuivorsitv auA I w.\al v'ollrfte oi t)«utal Surgeons ot Outaiio, ' SaaadiuieiiilBtoreil tor teeth extraction < tliue at resiileuca Torouto Street. Flea&ertou. Medical If^r W.J. Heury, M! ll„ graluateol FaculOJ *^ of Medioinc. Torouto ViiivKmlty. uaio» â€"Dr. ulttlu's late robiileuoo, Kleuhettou. I P OTTBWKU; ' Vutoriuary Surgeon PURE BRKD SUORTBORN Bull For Service " ARTK-%1ESU"PRIDE, (lOaTJO) Teniis-83, payable st tinne of sorvioe, m for purobredB. JOHN Dt)W, April Prop DuUVirin Couniy'Council rose to the occasion with a proper conorpi ion of the dubt owing to those who served fioin tha county in the uroai war, in providing a mill rate to erect nirmetla's in Ihe three cenireH, Oraiigfvilla, Shnlburne and Oraid T'd'i y. This will awe each poii.t a lii'lo over fItf'OO to he expended as ibe licophi of IhefH placpa and tho couiiliy ndjaci lit dxcide. The Knioiint hIioiiIiI ho inii'lt* to imel li.e ci>noep'icti of even 'lie nio:<'. 8iiibitii>H«, niid yet pr.Aide soiut ihmg lasniig, bo'U ifuland Woilhy, . itftduato of Ontario Voieriiiftry College ' eriileiice â€" sscoiid door Boiitli wast od I V.ayv FtieoS. Tills Dtreut rum outb rcBbyt^riaa Oliiuoti. Lkgal \ ft'AB, A hG!3UY-ti«rriat«r4. liolicitort, 'â- â- ' o)c.-l. l;. Lucas, K. C; W. D. nourjr, n. A. OlUceii, Uarkdale LncM niovk, Tbooa KA. >ia>ich oUJ(ta at Ouiidalk and Un ha u. <JJ KiaiJT, « TKLFOKD, Barrister, Sollol. ~ toid, &o. Ol'.iooi, Orey ^; iinico Hinok, Owon bound. Btandaril Uaiib . .'Plesbar- ton,lS»»urdaj8). W,H. Wrlgbt, .â- . P. I'eltoxt is. Bl'SINE.S8 (^ARDS W'A. KAITTIKO, loensed Auctlonetr (o» »' ilui ouuiitios of Uroj and Himco*. arui ivud Stock dales a upeoialty. Txruis moderate. i:ati»faetlon guaranteed ArriiuKS- iieDt<i for dales may be made at the Advaiio* â-  Ulce, or t'cetral teler"'^"'' oP'C>' t'eTernham o bv a^drepsliiv ino at K*.vi«rnliaui. ''>nt. r\ McHIIAII', Licensed Ane'donoe ro> Sb« "• t'ounty of Orev. Terms mo'iorn'e sii4 -, atiB hotU'ii RH*«'Hidied. 'Mii- arrnoijeinents '.lul dstcf) of eaU-scaii hi* lUHdent i Iip xi»vvo.*« .fCso. 1<e«idGUea and I'.o.. <'o.vl"U. Te •i>lK'Ot â- .- .DiMcllin. !>!>''. >, J* *

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