V, /ksli^irtirn %imnce. Vol 40, No. 10 Fleslierton, Ont., Xlarch 1 1 1920 EUGENIA V Mr. and tin. John Williams' home was the scene of a bappy reunion on Thuraday, Feb .19, of old frtenda. reU- tireaand neighbora of Mr. and Mr*. Jim Russell, th.?ir Jaugliter Cura, to celebrate the MTenth unuiversary of their treddiri);. About tifty guests were present anjl a real good time waa^pent in Jauciiig and i;amea. The music nrati auipliej by Measrit. McDooald and Gvnue A dainty lunch was served. Messrs. Mun«haw and Tuohy bad a nucceasful wood bee. Mr., Purti>( o»n8 tbegHSoliue outfit. We are glad to rcKort Glfn Fedlar recoverini! from a severs attack of pneu- monia. He was untler the care of Dr. Guy aid Nurse Graham The sympathy of this comoiunity goes out to Mrs. laaai Sargent and f:imi!y iu the loss of her husband. Mrs. Sargent i» a daughter cif Mr. James Cirson, formerly of the eigh'h line. Geo. Liwlor's sale Itwt week wiis a success. Mr. Lawl'.r snd family move to Vaxwell. Ga iiie McGea has bought tlie Lawlor farm. We wish bclh fmuilies success iu their u«w homes. A sleigh load or Eugenia jouug pei p'e look la the CMUccit at Rnck M Us last week where Mabely lloy. Frtd Lurgeau.i Eilevu Tuohy assisted iii a trio. Born â€" On Tuesday, March 2, to Mr. »hJ Mrs. Hv-nrj Oshoiu, a suu. Mr, Laurie Muiishaw of A!l;8tou spent a few days with his parents here. Mis. O. Trufm»B "atid .'•istec speut a few d-iya with Mis \V. Hislop befor;; Dijviug to the home nf her brother. Mr. Pirriiinisnt has purchastd a tiue two year old colt to in;Hch his onii. Mr. Jihn W clui:s c-f tha Vality h«s moved hib family into T. Gillilanu's house. ROCK xMILLS The Baptist Ladies' Aid held lh>.ir first meeting on T^ur8day, March 4th, at the heme of Mrs. Kobett Claik. Tho ui'.'s: meeting will te hold at the home of Mis. Lo\i Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Curl Atkinson visitid Us: week with the former's uiicli>, Mr. Thos. Betts, and family. Mrs. John liar grave was in J?orcr.ti> U.'t wetk purchasin;j furniture for her Ivyme. Mis.s Belle Hi)w:»rd i* visiting witii her Kser, Mrs. Kjbert Cioft. Mr. and Mts. S-im C.ofl spent tl.e pjst week with ilje former's parents on, tlic 4 li line. Mr. iiud Mis. Frank T.iylor visited »itli llitf laitet's pa.en's, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. •^ , Jdr. and Mrs. J Ames Radloy, Toronto, visitid rvccnily with friends in tlis vicinity. Quite a iiuiiiPor around hL-rc alteiuled George Liwlci's sa'e iast Wednesday. SPRINGHILL An enjoyable evening wia spent at tl c homo of Mr. George White on Moud.ty evening lasi, wheu Mr. and Mrs. lleib. Oorbett wore presented with a silvei cilFeo sot and Iray. >Ve are very sojiy to lose Str. Slid Mrs. Cotbett from our midsr. Mr. W. J, Caswell had'^k very success- ful sale vu Friday K-^f. * A aleigh load from here drova over to Mr. W. J. Blac'<burn'a at S.iugeen Junc.ioD and spent a pleksmt evouii.g in g»nlos, etc We wtloomo Mr. and Mrs. Porter Board to our neighborhood. Mis. Uill, Sr. , is vi.siiirg at the home of her son, Lowis tliU. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Xhiatlcihwtile give a party to their frteiuia on Fiiday last and an ii\j yitble i-vening wa« bpent in gaui9« and music. KIMBERLEY Saw lugeioa is the order of /the day here. Miss Jean McGowru has refeurued to her home in Durham Mrs. ij. Thompson of Oranoevilie viat'.ed Mrs. Geo. Lawrer.ae h few days last week. We ire glad to report our junior room teacher, Miss Abercrombie, improving after an attack of jaundice. &Iii>8 Maud Plewes visited her parents over the creek end. A most painful accident happened â€"to li.tle Mervyii Hammond, b year old son of Mr. Uu;;b R. Hammond, while sleigh lidiurwiih i number of Utile folk on Mr. I'lewes' hill on Saturday evening. They bad three hand shiighs hitched one behind the other. Mervyn was with two L^-iers oD the second sleigh. Hii sleigh slcived and was going with such force down the bill that it ran into a gate past, causing both bones in Mervyn's ri^ht leg just about an inch abovu the ankle to be broken. He was canted home aud Dr. Ego of .Markd.ile w.-is sent for who set the broken limb. Mervyn is a bright li tie chnp and baa a host if wn;m Ir'ends who hope to see him arour.d before a grifat while. Bern â€" 0;i Moi:diy, March la , to Mr. and Mi«. Wilfred Plautt, a dauirt.ter. Mr. Bruce Hall vi»ittd Mrs. George Lvwreuco recently. We iire glad to see Mrs. Eiier Jiuiith able to be ouC again. Si>rry to repjrt Mr. T. L.'wis in the sick list but hofte to hear cf his speedy recovery. Mr. i;aij! Fawcelt bad the misfortune 0"'e diy las" week to luivo hi-» driver biiiiy tick.il. Dr. O.tewi'U dicsted the wound ttbich required 11) stitches. Mr. Joe McCliuig visited Mr. W. Fawcett a few days last week. Big Bam Collapsed Mr. George Sargent, who lives on lot 11, con 2 Derby, met with a severe loss on Friday la^^, when his big barn, one of the lar?e»! in thia section, almost coni- plereiy collap*,!, the o<st side going out entirely. The larn is 100 x 30 feet atd was exeep'ionally well bui't. The coi- lapso occurred about o o'clock on Friday afternoon and was witnessed by Mr Sarijent. The east wall fell out and the toof drop(,cd iu. The ciueut and stone foundation on cue side aI.so spread out, standing at an angle if I'.l out 60 degrees from the ijround. The rest of the foun- dabon rocuained in place. Mr. Sargent's loss will be nt 1 -as: one th,.usaud dollars, ihough little I'f the tiuiHir or lumber appears to be d.ini.»::ed. It was not the weight of »now on the roof, as one side was quite clear aild at no pUce ou the other side was the snow more than 15 ii.ches deep. Mr. S.irg en t believes that simie iif the piiu holdiig Ibc ftar.ie work together were bt' ken during the stotni on Nov. 29tb, aud that as th* b;viMi wn.s wo'il blled wiih hay aud ^trnw at that time, ihe building remained perpendic- ular. Wuh the feeding I'f iho hay and slraw to the stuck the support froai that s >utce was withdrawn, -lud Ih'j co'Iai.>se of the luilding >vas the result. Appi\r- oiitly there is no daiiiaao to iho coiiteiiis of the buildii.:;,--tbe roof falling square. There were six hcvd rf cattio it) the biHenjcnt stables, three horses and some other stock, but lliese ate uninjured. The foundation was of stone aud cement. â€" Snn Times. DUNDALK Rev. K. S'ntesbury, pasb-r of the Methodist church, Ci-rbelti-n circut. has been invited In remain for ihe fourth year and his salary is increased t" f 1500 V. v. Bellamy, who leturned from Ak'oma la<t wrvk, hts purclnsej from the George Nixon estate ihe dwelln-g in M«in street west occupied V)y Jhiuis H"inphi4', also live lots on Victoria ave, we«t. VAJSfDELEUR Mrs. Gha'. Roland U visiting htr ni ithor, Mrs. .DvU^-'a^s, of Crueiuore, who is ill. Mr. and Mis. John Warliug celebrated their Golden Wedding on Tuesday of K-it week, Mr Geo. Di'ugla>s has returned to h'S home in CreetD're after Kpeuding a uple of months wih hie sister, Mta. Clias. Bi.lai.d. The Vandeleur Farmer's Club held their March meeiin:: e>ii Monday evening (X last week. A largo number of mem- b IS were present and coi siUer.ible buai- oe«« was trauaactcd. i»il|, also The ycui'ces! child of Ch irt^» Dobeon of >Va;lei« Fabs was k ' b><d'y eeald^d oue day last veek wh<>n she pulled a kettle of I oilPi; watei off ih • s!o«e th.il che died last Saturday eseuing. FEVERSHAM Emersoa Osborne of CoUingwocii is visiting relatives here previous to leaving to spend the suinmei' with his brother at D'Arcy, Saak. Mr. and Mrs. Ira I'erigo, »ho bare been spending the winter with then- daughter, Mrs. Ab. Slewait, Fieehi.rton, returned to tht^ir bcme here last week. Mr. Eli Robinson made a business trip to Colilngwood -^ne day last week. Maa. W. R. Co!<iu-tt uf Port McNicoU is visuing with her parents.Mr. aud Mrs. U. Alexander, at present. Miss Ruth Spencer and friend, of Rob Roy, spent Sunday wiib the former's parents on the eighth hna. Mr. J. L. Alexander is visiting frie'ids iu Toronto this week. W'e ire sony to report Mrs. Guofga Julian very iil at present, but hope to hear of her sjaedv recovery. Grey Farmers Retiring CEYLON Mta. James Pattison spent part of the past week in ToroiiU). Mrs. J. W'hittaker and sis'er. Miss Maggie Stone, of Toronto, spent the past week viai:ii.g their parents, Mr. aud Mrs. H. S one, Mrs. Whi'.taker returning to Tor-jnto on Monday. Mr. Morwood <<f Markdalu and Mr. ThumiUi of Shelburuu spent a day last week with 51r. aud Mrs. J.J. Pattataou. Mrs. Harvey Grittiii of Alt'iii visited Mrs. W. White the first of the week. A surprise aud farewell party was given the Misses Gilchrist ou Friday evening by a number of the young people, when a must enjoyable evening was spent. \ Mr. and Mis. J. Whiie of fliarkdale VI ere visitoi* .it R. Cook's the ti-st of the week. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. te^ ersiNESS AS uslal Funeral Directors and CoiBe ill aDd;eeour line laige stock ' Embalmers of Jewelry, Watcbes, Clock.s, etc, r>u^_ it*ii ^ <n y «» andv^heuyoubaveseeb tbemjon ^"One HlUcreSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re- 124 AvCHUe Road. pairing a specialty. A full line 1 Photographic snpElie^' Toronto, Ont Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all j_ ^ ^^^^^ ^ Maddock.. President. Manager sizes ofkodacksand films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES (Farmers' sun; Th-i: we have not vet reached the limit of our ijii-al depopulation is ev^den^ frcui conditions in G^^y county, as reported this week by R A. Fetch of Mu-jfi»rd. who ;'e connected with the Koeklyn L'. F. O. Club, the largest in Ont->rio in ih< point of uienibjrship »ita 450 members, and also ii, the a-nouut of business done, Mr. Pcteh le'ls h >iv 21 yotinL' men aio leaving iho faims in his neighborhood and g-dni; to the tow^ns and cities to get work, while 20 farmers Ijive retired an4 moved .o Meafurd during Llu) past year. The areai rush i-Tny fioia i!i..> farm i« du.' ti I the hrird woik aud the scarcity of help : men ctu't stand the p.aco aud so they .'inip'y sell out and quit. His i.wu sou is goM;; West, and lie faces a rather difficult situation, wUh a lar!>e firm .md 28 acr-c-* of ^..rcbard. One faimeriu his ueigbburhood, whom lie describes a.s on • of the best farmers in Giey County, wi.h 58 head of fal cattle, IW ho-s, about lUO sheep and 8 ht.id of horses, with a tractor, and so on, IS quitting the farm and will have a sale. H-j had a man hired for the coining sum- mer, but Jie uian decided to qui', aud help is 50 .'carcc that he his decided to give up the faim. It is incidents such as these that point ttj the gravity of the situati n. Mr. Peic'i is of the opinion tint the present attrac'ion i>f url-an pra«peri y ia t p.issing phase, aud that wo are heiued for the time when a crash will come, and thtjn those who are leaving S'j readily will be glad to get Iwck into .productive work again, .ind will tind that f,%imiii'4 ,ifter all is of the one peinianem, s did iudu?try which will repay confiJenca yea: in aud year out,â€" and upon whicli the prosperiy of the country depends S; all t iines. Weekly Report Flesherton H. S. FORM 2 GlalliIna^â€" U b.>yd 7j, Iv MacD -nald "f, M .\cheson tj(3, ^ Buchanan 64, A Stephen (51, .\ Parslow o'-t, J Karst^Jt .5(5, K. Orr 0^1 K .MiGirr i'H, Vei-a Moi.-rc 63, M McLachlan 5;5. W MoKtUzia ;'.â- !, G I-ever 48, E Muir 415, J Dow 4-», E Wilson 411. G Akius :<7. G Ir>v;:i :U, G Large 30. K0UM3 Als;ehri«-k B yd m. F White m. K Canienm 'JO, I S .ro:t 84, F Sto-.vait 82, M Spencer 75, K Be'fry 74, B ton.sley 63, \V Stcwait 57. E Ferris 47, .\ Miir phy 41. PORLAW Mr. irseph i'nlx is report.d t-i be . very seriously ill. »-We^re g'ad t-.. hear that ilr. Tho?. Pbillius' family are recovering. Miss Vmi Waisoti has been suifotii g from an a' tack i t - rheutnatiFin. We hope she way scon be restored to, good health. M.ss Florence Parliament cf -Eugenia vibiied lately with Mis J. W. Lyon". Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watsou visited •*iih members of the f.inii!y ia roroi;to. Mr. W. G.TTamieson has purchased a lUJw Jhcvrolet car. Mrs. John Winters visited laleiy with friends in Toronto. Bornâ€" Ou Friday, March 3, t > Mr. and Mrs. Aicbio Fisher, a daughter. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes MAIL CONTRACT SKALJKD TKM'KK.S aildre.--sed to tho PoHtuiaater General will l>e receive 1 at Ottawa uptil m«>n un Kridav, the Kith of .\pril. W2l), for the ci-iiveynne« c-f His Majesty's M.iils, ou a pniixwed Ci-niract fur four years, aix tiine* per we«k on the route FLKSHKRTON K. R. No. 3 fiom the IVstniaater (leDrralsi-leasiire ne.vN Printed Bi>tiofs cmitauiinK fuither iiifornia. tion a.< tn coiiditioMK "f pn-inmevl •ontractmay l« seen and blank forma of Tender iii»y be obcainwl at Iho l'<'»i Ollios of Kleslirrum and at the utSoe of the I'odl Ot^ico laspaetor, Toruitlo, A. SITHKKT.A.M). I'oiitOrtice Iiisftctor P«(st Office In-si'i-rtor'.-i Offiee, * Tor iito. Maieh 4th, ItW. Ou two charges of breach of the lu'aiui Revenue Act and breach of the t>iitaiio Temperance Ac, Edward Vana'styue ct Oweu Sound ficed the Police M3gi!=tr-i;c, with the resu't that a tine of $200 was imposed in tho lirst rase and the sec lul was adjourued to awai: teport from tne Dominion .\iialyst's depattmen: . The charges we:e the outcome of a visii :nd to Vanalstytie's house by lispecto.s .1. J. Juhn&tuu aud M. C Beckett, when they found about three gallons of home brewed spirits which. Mr. Johnson tested and found to go 44.4 per ct-nt proof. There were also several buck. ts. a !uD aud a kettle, all of whi«h boie marks ot having Vceii used for tuakiii^ alcoholic liquor. They fouud. too, two bottles and pait of a third, part of a cue t f Waikei's wLiakey. liverj- thins; was seized and Uikeu to pilije headijuarteis. â€" Advert ser. CARD OF THANKS We d^>iro ti- cxprrss our sitcfie appreciation of kindueas aud syuipal y extended to us iu our rtceut bereaveme. t â€" Mrs. Jos. Watson and Faiui.j . Frotou S aiioii, Maich 2, 1920. School Reports S S No 14, Osprey Si 4-G Pcolar. Jr 4â€" K Findlay, N Pedlar, C lu - erou, A thltoii, U Fiini.lay. Jr3-.BH.Uai, M Fiualay, M 51.- Lines. Si'2-B I'eulii, M Kendall. Jr 2 â€" L Camciou, W Findlay, V Tlionipsou. b 'r Stâ€" Col i.elius Suiiivan. Farm For Sale Lot? Pt. 147. 0>u 2 N E, and 147. 3 N E, .Aitemesia, iW ac;e:', are olferei f r sale. Oil the lands aie a brick cl..d dwelliutf aid a good friima barn and liber uutbuildiuxs. !• r partico'ais apidy to -MUllN BUUWN. Or W. J. Bellauiy, Fiesherlon. Mill W. A. ARMSTRONG ' Phoue or writeâ€" t^EO. W. P.OSS^, FLESHERTON, - CNT Osprey tel. system Maxwell P. « • Seed and Feed We l-ia-.o the iolinwing iu stock. Pncesguarauteeii until March !r)th oi>|y. Cull ami get your seed. It i.' scai'Cf. Sheiheld Standaid .seed oals .?120 p.-rl Tiiiiolby Nil 1 . . . 10 (0 Tiiuoiliy No 2 . . . . '.I 50 •' Red Cjover Xo 1.. 4(i 00" •' Red Clover N,- 2. . 44 .Xt â- • Ued Maniiiiiitl. >"o 1 45, tH Red Mammoth Dove No 1. .. u:,'> •â- AUike Ji^ 1 4.").l-iJ a ^ .veet Cover while boss-ni . .T. . 28 CtJ n- >.;-iU. Solnuth- erii Bran ShorLi Perftc'.i-n fsjed.. Chop oats Buokwhrat, seed. Feed "ats 3«)tK) 2 70 per cwt. 3 00 (j CO • 3 75 ' > 2.tW 1 10 •• 'Groceries a rape Fruit, each Leni.-n*, per d;;zeii I trangc?, per dozen Prune* in lulk, per lb. . . Figs in bulk, per lb . . . . LIhU'S in bulk, per lb Mince Meat, per ib SeeQli's.s Raisins, \.er lb Seeded Uaisins, per ib. . . Sugar (uo bags) per lb . . Edwardsburg Cutu Syrup Edwardsturg Crn Sprup lOlt-s ... 10c Campbell's S«iup, per can Ittc . .. 40c Frtsn Like Vrout, per It). . -.'iJc . .. COc K .yal Household Flour â- • â- 25tf ^ (ler cwt $7 V> .. 20c Five Rose Fhmr per cwt.... 7 15 23-- Eclipse Flour [.>er cwt tl 86 . . . 23,; White Lily (paatry) per cwt 7 00 . .. .30c Rolled t')a!s per cwt ....'.. 6 00 . .. oOc Corn, Peas, Timatoes and ISo _ Pumpkin per can .... â- 20c lb t)5j Nedson's Ice Cream Brick*. . 30e ^ _ A new assortment of Chocolate . . S1.2.") Bars on display at oc each . J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Dowi\ & Son Flesherton, - Ontario I .1 % u - %. r % < < Spring Announcement W. L. WRIGUT wishes to announce to the public that ho" has just received a spring consignment if .M jn's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Rubbers lo bt iny sh.pe boot. Long Rubber B.ots. Fleet Foit White W^re ii ail styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and yeuhs. Pea^odys and Bull Dog Overalls and Smtcks, Woik Shirts, new line of Men's Shins ami Balbrisigaii rudenvear. Ties, Collars, Belts, .'jiik Scarf-i aud Gloves. A fieth s'ock of Groijeries always on hand. All kiud.s of Canned Goods. lii the Mill iierv Departmen^t you will find .Mrs. Wright with a couip'e'e stcck of L.dus' Hats Ribbons, L^ces and Voils. Call and iLspcc; our lines. Satl-<faction guaranteed. Highest prices pail- f-r Butter and Egcs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton I > ?v -^"'r j' * *'-^ "yr^- Tenders Wanted Sealed Tender^, m»iked " Tender ' will he received up to March 3l8t, for the htlloK-.i-t; supplies for tDe House of Befitg - ft 1920 : MKAT GR(^)CERIES Tb- l<>w»-«' ' r any tender not accepted unli«« Nit'sfaci -ry t th«> il.>u<eot Reluge Ci>n»nii»t>V .*.»''t-s»'M niiorK to Alex. Soiiih, tbe V«ua^er, Markd>»Ie. C04L BRKAD NOTICE Flesliert^oxi sf^ Tonsorial If you want anything in the iniple- ^fm r% | me'it hue. Call on H. Knott, Markdale., ^'^ I a^rlOTS as h^ sell.s all sells all Doerina imple We* A,un to Give Entire Satisfacticn niMi'?, Gasohnoliigines, SinserSewii.g, LAl*KDRYâ€" Risket we ond\j j Machine. DeL*»«l Croam Separator „i^t. delivery Friday ev I In f.ct aiiytbinK at-.d everythin« in the' . â- â- â- hue if Implements at reasonable piTces. CLKASING and DYElStJ- We arv Saiisfaclun jjuaianteed. | agents for Parker's Dyo Worksâ€" ("othe» Hl'Gll KS*'TT. Aitent, eanp<l ainl dyed, feather-, revivenated Markdale, Out. T FISHER • -PROPRIETOK