/lesh^rtutt met. Vol 40, No. 35 Flestierton, Ont., February 4 1920 CEYLON Mrs. George Cdirni Slid two children spent the past week with her siater at Alton. Mr. Archibald of Si. Thumas speii'. a few days of the past week with h 8 brother and family here. Mr. Webster of Owen Sound made â- busiuesi trip here last week. Mr. Meiire has received the contract jf loadin}< the lumber in tho yard here which belongs to the Durham Furniture Cumpany. Mr. F. Collnson was in Owon Sound -last week. Mr. N. Archibald and brother spent a cujple of daya last week with Haccver ' friends. The W. I. are holding their mseting thi« Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cummins. Mrs. Kdward Sirgent and son, .Tames, i â- have gone to Owen Sound to reside. Mrs, VV. R. BucUley of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Urj parent?, Mr. and Mrs. James McMulien. | Roy Rutlfdgi?, who Ims been viaitinf; his mother here, h^s leturued West. Robert iSrodie of Toronto »» holidaying in to»n. J. .J. Paltison of Toronto spent the wt>ek end with his parents here. Edna McLeod of OniDKeville Business College spent the wetk end witli her mother here. Quite a number from here atte.iJed a hockey mitch -at Markdale on Monday Mr?. S. Hemphill received word last week thit her sister, Mrs. McKinnou, ii.i.skatchewan, had passed away aftsr 11 iirly ei^ht yeirs of sufferin;;; frtim | tancer. i K. Cook was in Owen Sounl on busi ! tess for a coup!e of days last week. EUGENIA Cuttinn ice is the o'der of the day. Miss Jean Graham visited friends in Orani(eville last week. Mr. Dixon from the west is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Mrs. Diion, (nee Gertie Paul) and family have been here all winter. Wa welctime Mr. and Mrs Fred Graham and family to our vil a);e. Jimmie Fawcett has gone to Toronto. Uev, and Mrs. Eagle and babe viiitad with friends here a few days last week It was a pleaaara to have Mrs. Kak;le at! end Sunday School. Ted Parson had a woud be* last week and gave hia mauy friends a dance the siiiiie evening. A (zood time is reported. Mrs. Wilson visited with lier .son iu Kimberley. Slime of our young ladies enjoy snow shoeing but Ihe'clipped horse still stands a show. Don't forget the box sociil and concert to be held in the Orange Hall on Miin- diy, Fclirnnry ith, maid of Memorial Fund Look elsewhere for full particu- lars. Mr. Sandy Huy has sold his lire driving horso. Tho buyer was Garnie IVIagee. Mr. Wallace Grahani is setting out timber to build a new burn in phico < f the one ho Kot burned last summer. FEVERSHAM There will be a box social and concert â- g ven in the Orange Hall, F^veistam under the auspicea of tho Methodist con gregitiou an Friday evaiiiuK. Fell, ti.h. Good lucil talent from Kleshcrtoii, Sing- hainoton mid Fevershani will givu the t incert. Don't forget the date and place of meeting, Oracge Hall, Fevorshani. C 'ine and enjoy the boat of the seaann. Adiiiissinu oOe, ladies with box^s free. Mr. J. A. Kernahan, secretary of the Osprey Agricultural Society, attended â- an asjricultural eonvenliou m Toronto this wsek. â- ^â- . Mrs. James Palnh and niec?, Edi'h Ofewoll, of Collingwood, visited with â- friends in this locality last week. Fred Hale vi iied with friends in Oollitigwood for a few days last week. Mrs. VV. T. P.aul and daufthler of Vancouver are visiting with VV. T'.< brother and other friends. Mis. R. Bcaekeubuty, «r., is very ill with pneumiinia at present. Mrs. Pelch bI Collingwood was with her tho pivst Wiek. &Ir. R. Henderson is ill at present We hope for his speedy recovery. • The mail route from here to Flesher- ton has changed hacd.s. Mr. Will Heit- man of Mclutyre will be the courier iu the futuie. Robert Whiteoak has ] urc-hased thi» hotel property here. VVe hope thit Ru'o will see fit to givo tho much needed accommodation to tho travelling public. DUNDALK VVm Sprolt of Badjnros has bought the dwelling and livery stable property fnm Jos. A. Neiiher^ut. SaiaG'M.n n np.irts the purchase by bini of four crossed fix hides for $280 from a man from Kitchener who came here lo sell. Mrit. Joha Gilniour, an old and re«(iec- ted resident t f DunJalk, parsed away lh Tuesday morning after a hnijering lUiipss A pioneer business man of Dundiilk iu the person of George Nixon, passed away on Sunda;, Jan. 25, at the home of his dauyhter, Mrs. Albert Ivy. Collingwood, at the age of T'i years. He had been in f;ii!iUi< health tor several years, but it was only within tho last month that he became seriously ill. The deceased was born in .Albion, Peel county, and rame »ii Dundalk in 1878, fiom which time bo WHS proniiii'jiit in the iifl'iirs of the village. The funeral was held on Tuesday to ProvideiKe oeuietory near Mono lioad, where the remains were phced in a vault. The services were conducted by Rev. F. iM. Bell Sini h of Mono IloaJ. â€" Herakl. Oil and Gas at Meaford A despatch from Meaford s.iys that ;it a dtpth of 710 feet drijlers have struck a strong Ho .v of nil and gas on th? larin i f Ben Duran, 4i miles from Meaf-rd. The men are now workiiij^ in what is known as the Trtnton rock and expect to strike a still stronger flow of oil before they reach the granite. It is believed that both aaj and oil in unlimited (juantities Will be found wlieu the drillers get below the cappinp, which they expect to do iu a few days. The discovery of oil a.id gas is creating much exciteniout; there and prospectors from outside are already trying t) secure options on several [roportios adjoining tho Uoran farm. Wm. Kennedy, son of Alex, Kmnedy of Cashtown, near Stayne'-, a returned soldier, was fonnd dead in bid. Universal DeLuxe Attractions PRESENTS Count Von Stroheim IN The Gripping Photo Play "BUND HUSBANDS" AT The Armouries in MARKDALE SPECIAL ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1920 PRICKS 50 and 75c. i^eats uu sale at Stevenson's Jewelry Store. KIMBERLEY 27 bslow laro ou Friday morning last. That's going some for this hicality. Alfred Hill of Markdale visited with friends in nur village during the past week. Andrew Wallace's sale last week was well attended and good price.<« were realized on the various cominodiiius. James .A. Myles of He.ilhcoto wielded the auationeer's hammer. Messrs. Beat and Irwin of Flesherton visited on« day laat week with the latter's uncb, (J. Irwin, of the Travellers' Home. Two Boll telephone linemen from Shelburno were in this vicinity on Satur- day laat. They put in a telephone for Joseph t^rntield on tho 4th line south. Tha pastor. Rev Veales, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church rionlay evening and preached ar. exoellnnt ser- mon to a largo congregatiim. We nro sorry lo report Miss Delia Abercrombie on the sick list at present. Albert Smith purchased a handsome driver frum Waber llliott oi Mj>rkd;do Olio (lay last week. Robert Plantt of Eugenia visited le- ceuily with his son, Wilfred, of the valley road, north, .Mr. W. Myers of .Sligo has purchased Jasper .Stuaxt's j>rocery business and wi'l take pcjssessiou on the tiratuf April. Viola Madill, who has been visiting friends at Dunsaii for some lime, has returned homo. Wm. Harri.«, who has been working in Gtoigeiowu, leturnad lionie Saturday. A number attended a dance at U'-nry Williiams', ISjh line, one evening la^t week, and report a ^ood time. ROCK MILLS A few of the young people spent a pleasant^ evening with Jas. Genoe and family last week. Mrs. Li!wi.s Pedlar au 1 children visited with her mother, Mrs. T. .lulian, re- cantly. Wu are pleased to see Mis. Will Hawkins .ibla_Lo be around again after beiny laid up for some tune with la grippe. Mr. II. Genoa. of Edmonton is vi-iiting with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Jas. Oargavel left Tuesday to attend the funeral of her. mother at Bath. We o>teud our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Dargavel in iheir beroavoniont. Miss Maud DnckelF^vTsited with Iicr sister, Mrs. Will Hiwkins. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tiiylur visited recently with the latter's parents, Sir and Mrs. 1 Smith. Miia fjillian Park of Owen Sound is visiting with relatives here. PRICEVILLE No January thaw in 1920. The annual meeting of Prioeville A^rculraral Society was held on January 21st ,iiid was II very successful Uiceting Tl.e auditor's report show.sd a more sub atantial surplus ou h.uid ihan several former years. Mr. Thos. Niehol, who has been president dtr several yeais, wished to r«tire from -dKce and Mr. J. Burnett, former 1st vice presiiieut, w«8 elected ijresident for 11)20. Tha nieiii- b.,rs decided to hold a Field Ciup Cuii- petition ill white oats and iSnnde turnips and any person can cchiiijete liy becoming a member of the society, without ,iiiy other entry feus. Mr. and Mis. Harold Kaisleilt, who wore married about three wuek.i ago, are now established in their tine new resi- dence on Durham UJ. St. Harold is a partner in the successful busii.os8 tiim of- Katstec t Bros., general merchants. Mrs. Karsted', foimerly known a.s Mi.ss Becky McMillan, was a suco»s.sful teiiche in some of the rural schools ai.d lalir iu Durham public school, and i hey wil now to a wolcame audition lo our village society. Regent Theatre, Markdale Matintos Saturday 2.i30 p.m.. Evening 7.30 pm. Prices 26 aid 60c, plus war tax. Wedno-dayand Toursday, Fi-b. 4 and 5, at 7 30 p.m., Wiillncc Reid in " The Man From Funi r il Mount Fat'v Ar^ucUle in " Lovi aud 15c, plus war tax. An Army Wedding In Sphinx Land Capt. Edwin Smith Married At Cairo, Egypt Capt. Edwin Smith of the Briiish ainiy in Egypt, was inanied on Deo. 17th, 1919, to Miss EJith Allen, daughter of the late Professor Allen of ()xford Uni- versity. Capt. Smith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith of Rock Mill.xnnd was atleuding Toronto university when war broke out. His wife was serving as a V. A. D. iu a hospiial at Cairo. Tho .Advance is the recipient of a generous piece of tho wedding cake and wishes the happy couple a iliousnnd joys mid safe journey to Canada, which ihey have no doubt already entered upon. Capt. Smith wroto tho following interesiine lettor to his parents under date Janu -ry 0th : My dear muthor; â€" 1 have ju.st sudden- ly remenihorsd that I have not written you since our weddini/, hut you know one doesn't feel much like writiig duiins; a honeyuioou^too lu.sy ym know. • I left the Brigade in Beirut ii. Dee. 7tli but on arrival at Kantara wo wore put in nuai-Hntine for 5 Jays f ir Biibuuic Plague. Tiiey had a lot of plague in Beirut and were afraid of it spreading to Egypt si they kept everyone under supervision for 5 days incase they had contracted tlio disease before leaving Biirut. I arrived in Cairo on tne 12tli and found that; most of the preparations for the weddim; had been undo - by Miss Alien so all I had to do was to get my suit aud a few presenta. The wedJine took place on the 17ih at 2.;50 p. ni. in i ho Garrison Church near the ho,pit II in which my wife vm serving;. The PaOre from the chuich performed llit ceremony. One of the V. A. Ds. was bridesmaid, an othcer friend of mine was best man and oiir Brigade Padre gave the bride away. The oliurch was very prettily decojh'td liy the sisters of the hospital in sp â- of tiie ditlicultiea of geltina Howers on account of the riots which were- raging at that time. Theie were about oue hundred people present including iny Colonel and three other otlicers ftoin my Brigiide who I id just arrived in Kantura the day before and they rujhod up to Cairo lu linio lor the wedding, After the ceremony we went to the Sister's niesB iu the hospital nearly where tho Matron iiad prepared a locep- tion , Tho mess was beautifully docorst- el and ihey had a lovely reception for us. Wo left uy motor for Cairo aud we stayed at Shepheard's Ib.tel for uii- honeymoon. We were ijointj up to Luxor and Assouan but tha rio'a being on we cut thai out of our program. We spent Christmas at Shephciird - and had an awfully cheery lime. There w.us a big Cnrislmos dinner and a dam a alterwai-da and wu thorouijhly enjoyed It. On tho 2'Mi ne came to Kantara aid joined the Brigade .vhich is beina dis- banded now. The ofliceis had fixed i;p a nice place for us acros.s Iho rouJ f r. m t'.io camp. Ii consists of two inarqueip, one for livin.; in and one as a dinii g tent, and two hell ten's for servants, alto a cook houae. We hayo our own cook aii.l thieo servaii'a from the Brigade m you see we nio picMy well < ff. We g t all tho croek,ry we ri ipiired from the oilicei's mess of tho Brigade. Ii ii a i'lea' life? in the desert. My wife is learning lo ride. It is a goi d opportunity because the suul is easy to fdl < n in cisesho should fail i.lT The Brigwle i« being broken up n. w and we shall he sent home very sh.u'tly. I exi.ect ill about: iv month's time we shall leave K^ypi and I hen thero will be a short stay in Kiii/land before "wo come liHck lo Canada. Lehma n-Williams Marrif Jâ€" At Winnipeg, Mauiloba, on Weliipsdty, Jnn. 7^ by Rev. Dr. John- ston, Alice A. Williaing, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob WiUiamsi, of Toronto, to J. Hops Lehman, elde»r s, g ot Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Lehman of To. tooto. After a shcrt hoiinym<)oD tl« >in," j hipuy couple will reside at Kenora, Prices 25e i Out,, whure Mr. Leh i tho M.a;. !<.â- Lisf Milling C man is «mp oyed by Fl N E J E W E L E R Y fiates Burlal Co. ] In j BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stock "-l SI Embalmers of Jewelry, Watclies, Glock.s, etc, pu tl-I*II ♦ "^ iio" aud when yoti have seen them j on i '^"""^ jrllllCreSt ZOO will be sure to buy. Watch 're- * 124 AvcnUC Road, painug u specialty. i ' A full line-i Photographic supplies! Toronto, Ont. lucltidmg developing powders, j MOTOR EQUIPMENT priutiug frames, dark lanterns, all ' . n, d ^ n >« i i . size.s of kodacks and iilms. *'• ^- ^**^«' ^ Maddocks. President. Manager ISSUER OF I MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG, Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writo-GEO. W. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. ( ) Hou se of Quality We carry a {"nil ai^ortnient o Frasli Fish Salt Fish and Oysters. LarjjL- a.'^^ortiueiit of ('hnstmas Candy now in stock. X(;\v is the time to get that box of Chceclates. FLOURâ€" We carry a lai-jre .snppJv of Roval Househqki, Five li'oscs, Purity and Eclipse Flour. pse All kintis of Grain Chop ami Pig Feetl on hantl. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario L 'J il i. r â- r , y GENTLEriEN! What about your ovenills and smoclis. We cany a full Hue of tho Peabody Overalls aud smocks-the best make in the Dominion â€"guarantee with every pair. Work Shirts, .Mitts and Gloves, Winter Caps, Dominion Rubbersâ€" they wear longer than any other make, Four Buckle Overshoes, Heavy Boots and latest uiikes in .Men's Fine Bcots all have gone up from 20 to 25 percent. We Lave not raised them yet. Get your ouilit while thoy last. W. L WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton 1^ ^^js^^ss^^^TT^^-sarr" •â- â- â- • â- â- .^-^^-,^^ Farm For Sale Lo'. ,iS, con. -i, Arteniosm, coDtiiiiiini; tifty acres, in goi.d shape. Tliera ir a i!.)od fl, line house with stone touiidalinn, bill n with .-itoue fdundntio'i nnd diiviiiffl 8h«<i. Tlieio isji g()o,i drilled wall at boiisc;^ For piirliciil.iis npply to Came Astray Came lo tho premises of tho undtsr- signed, lut 23, con. 10. -Aitemesin, twf> yi'Ailings, » gtecr aud a heifer. Owner pl.'Hse pr.ive pn.puiiy, p,iy espunses and take the aame awny, -FRED WICKKNS EiiKcnla, Jan. .1, 1920. J. A. LKG.JiRD, F ll'shlTtOll, l-||' MKs A M.icGL.ASHAN. •'< l'8 Dupout St., Toronto. Boar For Service Ktsiistered ('hostiT Wliiti» hoi? for Hivico .iiKi.ck.VJills. The fn-hr won liiKtat Chici lee 519 i«o Fair. Tvt' ii.s Sl.liO. -I. SMITH Pr-op.