January 22 1 920 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE SERVICE.-Our highly-developed service is available at all times forthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded business man appreciates the importance of tbecooperation, r'^c.Idance and information on financialmattersof his Banker. THE STAMDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTOM BRANCH •eO. MITCHELL Manaocr C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flashercon Station as oUows : ttoing South Oning North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9-18p. m. The mails are osert at Fle.iheiton as l«llows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the atternoou mail .south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bornâ€" In Fleaherton, on Sunday, Jan II, ko Mr. and Mrs. R. Down, a son. Mias Hazel Heary was in Dundalk last week assisting her water, Mrs. Howard MdCauley, with her reception on Friday. Mist Flo Leter, who was giriously injured in an automobile a««:deni. in Toronto a few day« ago, is visiting with ftiandi here. The concert adverlitad for Wednesday evening of last week failed to raatetializa owinj' to illneas of members of the company in Toronto. James S. Cartaton, editor and propri- etor of the Creemore Star, disd in the (ih tnst. He learei a wife, a d.iughtet and one son. Mr. George Clark of Ponoka, Alts., and cousin, Miss Ruby Aikvnhead of Toronto, visited wiih relatives here for a few days during the past week. The sensational photo play, Mickey, will be at the Regent, Markdale, on Jan. SO and 31. Watch for particulars next week. Mr. Andrew Wallace, one mile uarlh ef Kimberley , will hold a credit auction sale of fara stoek and implsoaenta on Wednesday, Jan. 28. S*a advertisement and bill*. J. A. Mylea auctioaesr. We make a chaage of 10c s line for all church auuouncemeuts, concerts etc., up ko 5 lines. Over that number oc » line. Mo reading notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to the line. A meeting of tks Osprey branch of ihi' U.F.O. will be held in the Methodist kail, Maxwell, Jan. 23 at S p.m. M«m- b'rs are requested to attend. Ladies •ordially invited.â€" H. Spofford, Sac. ' Mr. C A. Noisworlhy, saanager of the Merchant's Bank, got a nasty cut â- nder the eye with a pjck while playinc; a practise game of hockey one evening last week. Ic did u»t improve the artistic contour of bis features for a few days â€" to any apprsciablo exksn:. Mr. Winalow Kernahao, sou "f Mr. J. X. Kernahan of Fsversham, has batn appjinted clerk of Ojprey township ia l^laco of Mr. T. N. »octt, resigned. Wmalow is a returned m»n, as was hi predecessor, and ii a youug umi of sterling ijualities and Ihe best ([Ualifica- tious for the office. We ba'isve th.at the Osprey council made a wise choice from ihe several applications considerec'. Both •lerk and treasurer are now central in the township, which will he a coiivea- ieuoe for all concerned. The Board of Agricultmre msetiukS kere on Friday last were net so w»U attended as usual, owins to the great ausunt of sickness and SO below cr<ro weatksr whirb prevailed. The ladies, kowever, bad a veil attended and quite iateresting meeting in the sftsrnooo, with Miss Uilholoi ot Bright as S|teak*r. The eoBsbined eveBiag meatieg was more poorly attended than soy we have ever •een here, anA those who were prseeet had te wear eTeroosts and wraps, and Boaa evsn kad to leave the hall and relaro home, owing to the coolnese of their reception. Mr. U . Down oecupieil vke chair. The speakers were Miss Uilheloa of Bright and J. A. rsllia of Millkrook. Rev. McYiear also spoke ehottly aid Blisi Hsud â-²â€¢keaon gave an exceedingly huaiorout reoitatiou, which was loudly applauded. The s<osaliunal photo play. Rickey, will beat Ihu Heg.'nt, M.irkdale, mi J.n. ,'3<J and 31. Wittch for pari iruUrx next wei k. '; Mrs. John Richardson will hold an austi n sale cf b(iu.<e!>3l'l furniture, etc, at h.-r residence la llesherton, at 2 o click p in. en Salnrday, Jsn 31. D .McPbail auctioneer. The Annual Meelin;; of Arremasia District L L »i Ire held in C ay- ton's riall, Klesherton, on Friday, J<in. 23rd, at 2.C0 o'clock p. m. Alhsri Jackson, W. .Nf. ; G ecn Davia, Roc - Sec Evani:elist M. Shirpe ci;mmenced a aaries of evaageliaiic services in the Methodise church Sunday last:. !VIeetiD|{8 will be held avery night rxcapc Saturday, cciminencieg at 8 p.m. Mr. Sbarpe nil speak un the following aulijacts : Tues- day â€" How to have a revival in Fleaher- t'.n. Wednesday â€" Booaters and knock era. Thursday â€" How to beat the devil. Friday â€" Bible Bella. Sunday a'rm.,Jan. 23th â€" Heaven and how ti gel there. Sunday afternoon â€" Sucday achoul riUy. Sunday evening â€" Fences serosa the rs^d. Monday â€" The four corners of the bed. Since last issue the nilwaya hare be^n fighting mow, and train service has bees aomewhst irregular. Saturday morning a sail w plow got off kba track near Laurel The Boraing train went ss far as tbt- derailed plow and waited for the up train. ^Vhen that-arrived lbs letter b«ei ann paiiseiigera were transferred and brouj^ht up the line backwards. The afternoon tram frons Owen Sound passed here about 7 30 p.m. and tiie Saturday nigl.t train from Toronto arrivd at 3 a ni Sunday. Thus the joys of railroading are emi>hasized this winter. What will they be in February ? Markdala this season has the faitett hockey team ever aesn around here. Ple^hi^rton again attempted to go u;. against it: in the rink here on Monday nigh^ of this week and got almost as bad a drubbing as they did on the Col. Robt. J. Bates ^i'^s^^Sr^i'^^ ^>'-Zr^>!!?7Z^^^ last ooaasion. At the tarns time, (he h ime team was badly haudicapped by having •oine of its beat pisyera abssot and snowbound, necessitacing the placing of some grasn men on the team. The name was a clean one throughniii. The sQoru was 18 to 2. Markdale beat Dundalk on Thursday liat by a s.iorc of 5 to 4. Artemesia Council Council met on Monday, Janaery 15th, 1920. Theie ware preaetit Messrs. T. R. JlcKensie, Rea-ve ; A. Cameron, Deputy Reeve ; S. Batchelor, J. F. MathiiWbon and J. Burnett, C aneiUort, who made the r(.i{uired declaration and toi'k their 8i>Hts. The minutes of la.st seaaiun were read and signed. The following appointments were made: A. D. McLnod, asseasor ; R. Patton and E. Badgerow, auditora ; Goo. U. Oairus, Board of Healih ; J. L. MoMuUen, hi)(li school trustee ; U. Shaw, trustee for Markdale high eehool ; M. L. Mclntyre, Jas Hill, a WarliDg, J I Campbell, R Plantt, S Pedlar, W J tove, G Cairua and Jos Watson, jr., t&aep valuators. The appointment of M. 0. H. was laid over. Aecoanta ordered to be paid : J . Wrighi, $5.00 for taking inmate to House of Refuge ; Qsorge Cairns, sheep valuator (0.50 ; W H Thurston, printing and asseasoKnt rolls 151,30 ; Hydro, light for hall|.S.50. Cameronâ€" Burnettâ€" Thai the acaount of The Advance for advertiaing byltcs and priming ballots I58.8G be paid and amount be charged to the PoLiie Trustssi of Pucevilla.â€" Carried. C*mt.ronâ€" Mathswson-That the Clerk order six copies of the Municipal Wjrld for lOSO foi uie of the aismbers of this Council. â€"Carried. Batchelor^Caaieronâ€" That a grant of 330.00 eicb be made sad remitted ike .Uuakoka Free Hospital and the Sick Childioir» Hosoital.- Cirried. Cameronâ€" Batchelorâ€" That the County Treasurer be instructed to erase all ohargei for arrears ot taxes against lots 16 and 17, Litimer'a Survey, of Flesher- tou 9 ati u, the owner, John O'Melii. having produced receipts for the required number of years. â€" Carried. Cameron- Batchelorâ€" That the Reeva and Mr. Maibewsoa De a committee to proceed with work contoiuptatad mi (he Beaver Uiter Brides on (.irahain'e devia- tion a 'd have such material on the i;rouad as they May requite. â€" Carried, Burnettâ€" Batchelorâ€" That the com munication of tba Merchsnt'a Bank le banking aceoiut, be laid over to next meeting. â€" Carried. Burnotfâ€" Batchelorâ€" That the regular meetings of this Council for 1020 be held uB the 1st Saturday of esch month except the month of December which moetinf will be on the 16th.â€" Carried. Coaucil adj inrnad. The subject of the following ake'ch frrm the Delrrit Free Press of recent ilate, was boi'U a' FsvrrHl.ani and his aister, Mrs. Thoiu i^ Cooptr, still livta there. Col Bates 1 aer lived in Fleah- s((on and was in businees with his brother, J. W. Bates. It in over thirty years sicce he l.-ft h»re. Cited with the high^tit dccoraiinn in he French Legion of Honor, «s a mark uf appreeiitioii by the government of Fr^cnca iKr splendid co operation and fU.'iency during the war. Col. Rob^n J. Bates, formerly ot SauU Ste. Marie, has laken residence in Detroir, after faithful -ivrvice to the nation and the state of Michigan in a military career datins back ovar a f eriod of 28 years. Colonel Bates ii the oldest active tuili'ary man In Micbiaaa. Ha jotnel the ranl<s of the old Michigan Ifatiooal Guard over a quarter of a century aao, atarting as a private and working his way up Co commanding gsneral of the forces j of the state under the guard arraneement prior to the war. He participated in two strike campaigns, and during the Spauieh'Amarieaa war commanded the upper peninsula battalion of the o'd Hi'^higan Thirtyfourth, which saw service in Cuba. Upon the return from Cuba Colonel tSates was initrumental in thb drafting of a bill which paased the state legisla'ure providing the appropriation of f 19O,iD00 to care for the men, many of whcm raiarned from Cuba in a deplor- able condition. Just foar years ago Colonel Bates wai induced to go to Canada, where he organized, trained and commanded a Briiith regiment, which he took overseas in August, 1916. At the entrance of 'he United States into the war. Colonel Batea immediately resigned and returned to America where he entered the service of tba United Stages. He returned to Fran.:e in 1917 as a major, and in his IS mootbs of service overseas under ihe .imerloan flag, his efficiency as a military leader woa for him iwo promoiione, returning a full fledged colonel. Ill France ha ostabliahed, buili and commanded the largest sir base in the world, the A. 8. P. C. Ko. t During his service he launched the first Liberty plane whiah flaw the Amarissa solera on foreign soil. His splendid work as a military leader and cooperation with the French gave him his two decorations by the Freneh govcrtimsnt. The rsiignation of Walter G. Rodgeu a.s quartermaster general of Michigan after faithful service of 20 years hss | resulted in a vacancy in the state mili- tary ranks for which Cjlonel Bates is a i candidate. His etficieat military career, ! his uniirinvi eff'Cts In behalf of ths men | in the ranks, aud his esUblished loyalty to both state and nation, makes his name one of the most ideal of the candi- dates ior the post. Cold Weather Requisites Sweater Coats Wool Mackinaws Overcoats Moccastins Four Buckle Overshoes Flannel Shirts Heavy Lined Mitts Wool Toques Pull over Sweaters Wool Mufflers Hockey Boots Leather Top Rubbers Stanfield's Underwear Cloth Caps Lined Gloves Wool Caps and bcarfs ALL REASONABLY PRICED. K F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO j g^^^j^^,iJ^^;iy^=gj^^^.^^^ 3 fe>;^^.^i^K i ^g^^^^ r. --t- Miss McDowell, an aged spinster, who was recently found dead in her home, Chingaeouay west, left an eatate oi 114,000 She bequeathed f5000 to the sick childten's hospital, Toronto, Gents' Furnishings Our store is now open with a fall liuo of Gents' Farnishings and Boys' Wintei Wear. Call and inspect our goods and see for yourself %^%^%%/%« Sole agents for the Hobberim Tttilorinf'. Magnet Cream Separators sup are gears â€" ne dction ; double perP'^f't'd bowl â€" cimnot rock; ty feet skimmer â€" one piece : easy turn â€" a child can operate; capacity chinije â€" saves the buyer 850.00 ; patent brake â€" "Mai^net,' patent ; itrouji, rigid construction â€" njechani»liy correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a child cleans it in a few minutes. G. B. W^elton Flcshcrtoii, Ont. see tliese smmi AT K Hawken'3 Photo Gallerv and Music W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIFIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. instrument.^ high grade ^/W Stor FLESH ERTON Store open from 8.30 to 6.00. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. J H. J. LEGARD, f' Flcsherton, Ont. ALL BrSINESS SCHOOLS ARB NOT THH SA.VIE. Fealura 1. Watch for the oshers. j Would you expect to &nd a g«.od Business School over a Woolworth 16c. I store, garaue or hardware store. The j Northern Bu>ines.s College is vhe only Business School whose ad. appears in this paper who own their own building and who have proper facilities for giving thorough Coinmeiotal Coursss. Get the best. Ic pays. HARDWARE! Buy something useful for Christmas. Suggsstion lis:â€" Bcjry Spoons, L'old Meat Forks, Cas-sercle?, Silver Knives and Forks. Te% Spoons and Destert Spoons, Cheese Dishes, Berry Sots, Brush Trays, Biscuit Jtrs, Fie Sets, Cabe Plates and a line of Japauose Dishes at a low price. KiddicKars, Graniteware, Skates, Mitts aud Gloves, R;izois, I'ocke; Kiiivse, Atuiuuiiitioif,0:ime'Tiaps, Tools; Horse Blinkets. Whips, Riinice* and Heat- ers, \V;ishioi; Machines, Sharpies Separators. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario C. A. FLBMINO, F. C. A., PHMcipa O. D. FLIMINU. Seacatury. (Mention this paper whea writiog) BOAR for SERVICE Purebrod Tamworth Boar for service on lot 167. S W T and S E., Artemesia.. Termsâ€" 11.50. Febl5 9 -T.J. STINSOy,Prop Cargo's Grocery I have opened up a grocery and con- fectionery stooe In the building recently vacated by C. J. Bellamy an d am pre pared to cater to the public with a full assortment of groceries, fruit and con- fection sry. Prompt attention to phone orders and roods delivered to any part of the tow«* W. E. Cargoe. Fleshertoa RUBBERSlI •••• ••• •••• e»». Hii All Business Colleses »re not all alike ;jjj SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY ,::•• r>^ELLiOTT^>^^.- :::: Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto ';••• Invites the patrt.<nAga of all who desire {â- !•• ?ubericr trining Get our Catalogue. ijSS read ur records, then decide. Kuter â- ••• NOW. :«j W. J. ELLIOTT. Pbincipal |?" We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Kubbers for good soli«i wear in Men's Women's and Children's Kubb3rs. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO For Service liia One pure Ored Shorthorn Bull oulot ;t;j t)(>, con, 9, Artemesia. Terms ILoO for 'JJJ 8. grade Must be paid within 9 moDtbe ItS* date fromof service. 'I!SS 19. Jan. ~H. o.TVRSHR. ;j::?|f?»??n?H::tn?????tn?:t??:?;^g ::?n^^