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Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1919, p. 1

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^, . B aviii i Vawr yyii i P ,j mt wm* i ^ nr-i i jn i t i i, r 1 1 i ii i fmu m ' " '* «" •MMM»M^«WV THE ADVANCE Wishes Its Many Readers A MERRY CHRISTMAS. /lesMtlxrn Vol 40, No. 29 Flestierton, Ont., Decernber 2o 1919 '^^^^ ^^ CEYLON Mr. Alex. Miiir is spending Christmas with his raothir and sisters in Toronto. ThomsB McArthur ot kho Military Hospital, Toronto, arrired Saturday and is riiiting fi-itoda hsre. Mrs. â-². Muir is snendin); a fortnight with' her parents at Durham. Mrs. Herbie Fisher uf Tnrsnio and Miss Idna MoLeod of Oraiii<eville basi- â- ess college are visiting their oiolhers. D. MoKinnon of near Brampton V's- itad his mother and siater, Mrs. Geurgs Arrowstnith, hare last week. The Baptist Subqath school is joining with sur school on Wednesday OTsning and giving • pronraiu i» the kail, which we are sure all will enjoy. Mr. R. Gibson is visiting Toronto frisnds the past week. Miss Stiia Cbislett has some up from Toronto to keep house for her fathsr. Mrs. Charles Meli.i and littU sun, Artie, of Toronto, aro Tisttiot; Mr. and Mrs J. 'Melia over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie and hnha uf Toronuo are visiting Mrs. Leslie a par- ents, Mr. »ud Mrs, Archie McMuHen. Miss Annie McMilliin, teasher at Fort William, and Duncan McMillan uf Uam- iltoD, arrived Monday to spend Christ- mas hclidaya under the parsntal roof. Miss Kate McMillan and scholars gave a fine program Friday afternoon to the parents and friends, whish was much enjoyed by those present. The pruceeds go to purrhasa ^tmas fur the ichuul. DURHAM A little four year son of Mr. ai.d Mrc. H. S. Griff, who is th» local representa- tive of the Bell Talaphone Co. outside â- srvice, narrowly escaped death by drowning on Friday afterauon of last week shortly after 4 o'clock, but was pulled out little the warse of bis ducking by Maasrs Narman Zimmer and W.J. McGirr. The Utile fellow was having a slide on tha ice and slid otf into the run- ning water in the centre of tlie stream and was beino; fast carried down stream. Tha young lad, who is not yet old enoagh to understand tha seriousness of his pre- dicament, was not even scared by the accident, and was up and about the next day as if nothing had happened. The sagacity of man's best four-footed friend, the dog, waa agtin demonstrated, when Mr. GritTs dog, a collie, jumped in after his young master and made frantic efforts to pull higi ashore, but iu vain. The next day tha dog was the more u^ed iip of the two, but when the young lad waa ready to go out his faithful friend was ready for the trail again. Mr. Grifl'saya that the dog is getting old and that be had thought of making way with him on saveral occasions. Us has now changed his mind. Tha meeting called for last Friday afternoon in tha Library to discuss tha Memorial Monument question was » successful one in that they cams to a definite deoiaion that a monument will ba erected in Durham, possibly in tha early sprinf , a^ eomuitaa consisting of W. Calder, T. McAlistar and B. Coutts was appointed to make the purchase . Tha toamiktee have secured from the Town Council the land adjacent to tha Fira Halt and Hydro Sub-Station and will place tke monument here, and at the aane time fix up the grouoda aa a park. Il^atimatea have already been received from different firms who specialize in this . kind of work and «e ars informed that the monument will be a credit to tha town and vioioity,- -Chronicle. In Memoriam Watson â€" In loving memory of Mra- G. A. WataoD, who paased away Dec. 27th, 1918. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Not daad to us, the one we loved so dear; I^oi lost, just goae before ; She live* with us ia memory still, And will forever more. â€"Husband and Famil) \ Came Astray OtB* to the pramiaea o{ the under Biiaed, lot », ooD. 10, Oaprey, one two *(!« old steer. Tho owner is requested to prove ivop^Hj, pay expenses and take the eane away. S. uALLOWA\ Fevershau), Dec, 19, 1919 KIMBERLEY Russell McMullen of lugsnia visited recently with his alstsr, Mra. Hugh Hammond. Russell has been in the West all summer and says the crops were very poor in she vicinity of Moose- jaw. I Bornâ€" Ob Friday, Dec. 10, to Mr. aud Mrs. John Wilson of the Valley Road north, a ion . Another vote for Drury. Jasper Staart, our local nimrod, shot two fin» specimena of the Reynard tribe last week. Miss Elvie Bishop, B..i., teacher in Toronto university, is ipeuding the Christmas holidaya at the parental home. We are sorry to repovc Mrs. James Lawrence on the aiok list at present, but hope to to see bar around again iioon, in her usual health. John Wilion, President of the Kim- berley branch of the I'.FO., was dele- gated to the convuniiouin Toronto last weak. The public school Christmaa trsa and concert held on Friday aflernooii Uet w»s a hu;j8 auceoss. The progrann con- sisted uf dialogues, recitations, tiolos tlio a debate JJ. A. Ciirruthsra occupied the chair. The folluwiuij are among the school teauhers who are apendio^ Ohnstma^ hol'iiays at their humei here : Rachel Hatc'Uiiiaon of Cherry Grove, Mauds Plewos of Vandeliiir, Nellie Burritt ef Cheeseville, Wm. Hammond of Chaplsau aud J, £. Hammond uf Metfaid. Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Stuart of farry Sound am on a visit with the furraer'a parer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Jainia Stuart. Win. Flood (if Tliornbury visited one day last WMek wit1i his son, W. T. Floed, our popular blacksmith. FEVERSHAM EUGENIA The kiodiesi are busp gttling Christmaa trees ready for Santa. Many uf the you Jf; people attended a dance at Fred Duckett's latt Thursday night and all report a good time. Russell McMuUen from Saskatchewan is visitini; with his mother and other friends. Robert .Smith has rented R. Uaney's house. What does this mean i Mra. Wilson is visiting friends iu Toronto. Will Williams of Toronto is home for a few weeks. Mabel Fenwick vLsiled her grnndiiia. Harry Thunipson of Pocllaw visitrd with friends here. Mr. Park of Winnipeg is visiting hll biulher, R. Park. Will Osborne of the West is visiting his father and brother. The Christmas tree and concert waa a great success Friday last, the proceeds auiuuuting to f35. The box social to be hold Dec. 30 his been postponed to a later date. R. Park is renovating his store. EAST MOUNTAIN Christmas bells are ringing joyfully. We wish all tha readers of thia paper and the Editor a merry Christmiis. Miss Muritl Carruthers ii visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mri. Madil), at Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Violet Lewis, who is attending Normal school at Hamiltsn, it holidaying at home. Miss Lucy Walton is viaitinac with her brother at the Sault. Miss Ida Lever of Flssherton spent a few daya with her sister, Mrs. Martin. Miss Wilson, ttacker, is spending ker holidays at her homp, Eugenia. Pure-Bred Live Stock At Auction T J. Morrison, lot 35, cod, 2E- G. R. Gleuelt', will hold an auction sale of pure bred Shorthorn cat tie, a« well as a large quantity of other (took, implement* and household furniture, on_ Tuesday, Deo. ,^0, 191!». Any person desiring first class stock should attend this sale. The herd is beaded by the choicely bred bull " Proud Claret," No. 99U2. There are also throe young bulls 10 to 12 months old, in the bst. Any time given up to 10 months. No reaerve, as the owner is leaving 'ho farm. The people of this vicinity were jjieatly shocked Ust week on reading fioiii the Toronto dailies of the shucking accident ill Oie dour mill at DruBdon, Out . , by which tlio (t year old son ot Mr. and Mrs, John Francis lost his life by being caught in the searing iu the mill and the young life crushed uut in an instant. Mr. and Mrs. Francis have ihc binsere sympathy oF the people around here as they are well known lierr, Mr. Francis having been miller in the Fevorsliani null for several years and lesided during that time in Feversham. Mr. James Alexander, of, is renewing old iic(|U^iiilances in this vicinity at present. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lin'ey, of lieginn, Satk., are visiting llieir ton. Harry, at Maxwell, and uiher friends around here. J. C. Liitlo of Streetsvillo is a holiday visitor in this burg. Misses Mablo and AUie r.,awlor. of Toronto, aro hobdiiying wiili ilieir parents on the 8tli line. Miss Hnzdl Tdplins,', of Toronto, ia liolidiiyiiig with friends tiero. Messrs Thus, and George Julian attended the funar.kl uf thi-ir sister in Toronto Inst week. Winslow Kernahan of Owen Sound is spending holidays wich-his parsnts here. Juli!i Bemrose of Winnipei; is visiting with hi.s bttother, TllulllH^, and oilier friends in this locality. Tile concert in our public .school on Monday night waa a ^'taiid success both tiimiicially and as regards the program, which from beginning tu end was one round uf iiiertimeiit aud eiuerlainment for the largo caowd which gathered to hear it, »nd the hoarly approval of the iiudieuco was tendered tu Miss Jolley, our tencher, for her-uutiring ett'orta as a teacher, and fur the way, by her train- ing, the pupils did iheir parts in the program. The musical part by Messrs. Hornby, Bellamy and Davidson, w^s fine, as was also the siuging by the quartette, Messrs. Hornby. Bellamy, Whittaker and Davidson. Tha proceeds arn to be applied to replenishing the school library, and amounted to $68. Victoria Corners We congratulate Miss Ritchie on the greas success of her pupils on Friday afternoon latt at a well rendered Christ- mas tree tntertainnient. The dialogues, g>ngsand recitations were certainly a credit to both teacher and pupils. We must not forust to menliuii I ho biscuit contest ill. which a number uf small buys touk part, Iran Lockhart bciug tho first to whistle, but Glen Luskhart ran him a close seciind ia the race. We ara pleased to hear tkat Mrs. Will Irwiu of Goodwatar, Sask , is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Norval, fur Christmas and a few weeks longer. Mr. and Mrs. Uanies are giving a birthday party today (Dec, 22) in hunor of Mr- llanos' birthday. We wish liiin maiy happy returns jf the day. PORTLAW A happy Christ m »s to everybody. Mrs. E. Hillock is recovering after successful hocpiial treatinti.t m Toiiiitu. Mrs. .)u»es Pedlar has bean vvry ill, but under Dr. Guy's treatment ia now in a fair way to recovery. Miss Edna Wilkinson is also regaining health after severe illness. Thomas Dsvers has entered into a partnership with Mr. Haiina in the; stole bui'ines.i. M)'. and Mrs. Lewis Hill and family are removing to their new home, Toronto Line. Rev. Eagle, wife and son, aio spend- ing Christmas with their paronts'at the Soo. Mr. R. Haona was in Toronto lately on bumness in^oonneotion with the store. The Epworth League meetinga have been throngeJ lately and standing room i» the ohuroh has been at a premium due to a vigmoua contest to increase ike membership. Tha oaptainii, Missea DellJ Pedlar and loa McNally, are to be congratulated on their suoceasful effert«. Now that the attendanc* has reached the full capacity of the ohurck it waa decided co discontinue the contest for Boniti lime at leant. ROCK MILLS Your correspondent wishes The Ad- vance litaft' and its many readers a- Merry Christmas. Miss Pearl Sioddart spent the past week with Misses Annie ami Edith lietis. Mr. Br .Julian ot B. C. call«d on his niece, Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, recently. Charles Neweir spent Sunday with James Porteous and family on the Hih line. Lewis Pedlar Iirs purchased a hne new sfrafunola. Lewis Newell and Frank Belts are spending Christmas week with ihe fuiin- er's parents at Durham. Our school teacher, Miss Violet Moore is spending the Chrisdnas holidays at her home at Mclnlyre. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft visited re- cently with fi lends ia Fevershaiii. t^uite a number from here attended -i box social at tJrangu VuUcy lust week and all report a '.,'oud tune. Flesherton in O. H. A. The Flesherton hockeyislN met fat tlio Munshaw House on Monday of last week and appointed olHceis for 'ho enkuiiig year. They aUo decided to niiter°a team in the Intermediate t). H. .\. Musars. Geo. McTaviuh ami J. A. Legnrd weie appointed deUgntes to the 0. U. A . maetiiig at Markdalo on Tuesday night, when they were succfssful in entering a team in group IG. This gtoup ciiiisists of Wiarton, Chesley. Owen Sound, Maikdalo, Duiidalk ai:d Flesherluij, but un account of the long distance between voma uf the tuwni it was decided to split the group into Section A, comprised of Markdalo, Duudalk and FIsi^hertoD,' and .Section B, comprised of \ViHit»n, Chesley and Owsu Sound. The sehedulo was drawn up as follows : FIftshertuii at Markdale January 5ih. Dundalk at Fleslisr*oa January ttth. Markdale at Duni'alK January loth. Markdale at Finsherton January 10th. Dundalk at Markdale .January -'Srd. Fleshsrtuu at Dundalk January -7b, The winners of Section A will play hume and home games with the winners of Section B to decide the championship of the "roup. This ia the Hist time Flesherton has ever been represeuted iu the O. H. A. and have a good team which deserves the patronage and suppoit of every citizen of KUthertuu and the aurrouiuiing cuuntry. The following aro the oHicers elected for the local club : Pre*., H. S. While ; Vice Pres., Dr. Henry : See.-Treas., .1 A. Legard ; .\sst. Sec, F. Thuisliui ; Manager, C. A. Norswurthy ; Captnn, G. McTavish ; Trainer, G. B. VVeltun. DUNDALK Frank Macintyre, son of Mr. aid Mrs. .J. R. Macintyre, was successfully opera- ted on foi appendicitis Wednesday after- noon ty Dr. Groves of Feigns and Ur. Mnrtiii. Dundalk tuxes amounting to (jvcr ®10, 000 were all paid up Monday ivith the exception of about S170 on which 5 per ctnt. penalty is now added. Mrs. Uanbury. sr., reached lioine n Thursdiy night from Wslleslpy Hoap la', Toronto, where she underwent a cii iual upeiatiou. A ineinorial tablet was placed in ihe Methudibt. Church in memory of the three nienibeis of the cungrsgatioa «ho .sacriliced their I'ves in the great war on behalf of civiiizatioa. .\t a signal from the Rer. (C«pt.) .^ndrewa the pa^or, W. T. Rundia drew atide the flag which veiled the tablet. Following the un- veiling an ajspropriale series of hne lantern views was given, showing tho offering of life fur the grant cause of freedom as typical of the greatest sacri- fice, of Ohrist the Savior, un Calvary'a Cross. A large cuneregation was present CO show honour to tha fallen hsroaa : Arthur Siniiuous, David Pallister and Win. T. Russell.â€" Herald. Farm For Sale Good farm, about half mile from the Village of Flesherton, coutaiuieg (10 aerest 40 sores cleared and the balance hardwood bush. On the property ia a good frame bam with shed beneath. .JOHN HEARD, Flesherton. FINE JEWELERY Bates Burial Co; H^ BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and sec our fine large stock Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, ctc-'pr tJ'il '^ ^ and when you have seen them juu l^"*^'^^ rllilcreSt 268 will be sure to btiy. Watch re- 124 AvenUC Road pairing a specialty. ! *».v^mv., A full HneDf Fhotographic snpplies! Toronto, Ont. luekuling developing powders, ' MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all w \\r n . n »« , , si.os o-f kodacks and liims. ''• ^' ****®''' ^ Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tam-^-tr.nge ' , ^ ice in the hold do W. A. AI^MSTRONG, _ .m tiie ship and it mixed I r.ith the spice Jeweler, FLESHERTON, â-  House .n the sugHV and rQ.:sins anc ' P)' changed in a trice ONT; I that sea to rice pudding, and on the ' top wave, Somewhat breathless but game, rose the China Chaps brave. With remarkable swiftness they made for the .shore. Without stopping the loss of their ship to deplore! iri- lOn. . lit- of all i resur- liiig and mi\ almost 'iw n im We carry a I'lill ;:.s.soi Salt Fi.<h and Oysters The news ijuickly spread, the inhabi- tants hurry *-â€" uh>jJi.sticks and bowls â€" ^^pfhaw, ----- â€"^njnade merry! Large assortment ol Christmas Candy now in stock. Now is th ; time to get that box of Chocolates. FLOl'Râ€" We carry a large snpplv of Koyal Plousehold, Five Eosos, Purity and Eclipse Flour. All kinds of Grain Chop and Pig Feed on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario (I- For Fall & Winter We have just opened up a fine a.ssortraent of Men's Felt Hats, Fall and Wiuter Caps, Sweater Coats. Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear for men and boys. Ladies' Mantles and Sweaters and Woollen Setts. Linoleums â€" four and two yards wide. Get our prices before you buy.' W. L WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton f^^S^^^^'^^iS^^J^^^^JSSK Farm For Sale Lot d3, con. 4, .\rtomo«iia, containing fifty acres, in good shape. There ti a good frame bouse with ntuue tuuudation, barn with stone foundatiuu and drivinfi shed. There iia good drilled well at houae. For particulars apply u> J. A. LEGARD. Flesherton, or MRS A. M:«oOLASHAN. o 2;} 98 Dupont St., Toronto. JANT-ARY o Opens New Term •tthe OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO TtiE RETl'RNED MAN'8 SCHOOl* Business, Shorthand and PrepM-atorjt Courses. Catalogue free. C, A. :FLBIttlNG, F. C. A., Ptincipftt G. D. FLKItfING, SocreUry. (Mention this paper when writing)

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