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Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1919, p. 4

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November 27 I»iV THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE Flesherton Advance! Illf M|l!l|f|S Bnd|>«« l>!T.i.»>T. piiljliiho.l oTcry nmuimf »t lh» oflicB Oi.Uin^wood Stntt, iTInhertoD. 8ulMcrii>iii>n price II per annum wben paid in advance ;tl.&J<rhtin no u pai KdtaiMatt rates unapplioatiou Oirculatinn ' •">«r<'okly W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR Only 11 vofea were ct?; in Koriiiosa in faror of keeping Oiita<i<> in the diy belt. When the previouH tuuiperanua p'eliiaciie iras taken not a 8ingle role in Korniot* was cast in favor of proliil) tion. A church will be ereceil in Nntie Ditiue de Grace, a Bu>>urb uf MuntreO, upon the walla of which will he inscribed the names of every man who died fur Can^idH in the wir. The church will be used by the combined coueritgations of the An|{liu«n Church of the Oood Shep- herd and Trinity church. Six'y thuus«iid Canadians wore killed. JareluUy Correcteti E»ch Wee Bntter 48 to 50 Kif(js GO to CO Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 OaU iWlo 01 Utrley 78 to 80 Farm For Sale Grain and stock farm of lOO acres, lot 18, con 4, Township uf (>^prey, three miles wsak of Mclntyre. Kor fu rthr particulars apply lo JOHN SEELEY, n 20 R U. No. I Maxwell Came Attray Came to iny premises, lot 'M, cmi. 4 Osprey. about Oct. l.'l. one ram. Owner kindly call, pay expenses and take the animal »w»y. â€"ALBERT BLACKBURN BOAR for SERVICE Piirebrnd T»ni worth Bo-»r for service on lot lt>7. S W T and S E., Artemee.a,. Term* -H. 50. Feblo â- > -T. J. STINSON.Prop. Fill ward McCann of Omaah Rot a yiald of G:< buhh. 10 ll>«. of Ahiku clover need off 8 acres, which l.e sold wi hi.-ut in« at $27 a bushel. He received a ohe<|ue amouu'ing to over $1700. iiisBSVsi.'SKSRSR.wV'sasz ssigijaasg«aa»»j5gsg! ^^^^, Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have jiLSt placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Ea vet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for, Clare Bros, Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J0 ONTARIO. ^mPjim^Xmmk .'^^â- ^arA^^^ "^m^mSR .â- â€¢m ' rA'w'A'^AW'A^^A'^A'^l'^rA^B'A'^A'i^'X'^r*.^^*.'* m n n II 1 11 C< n AY II 11 SATISFIED ! #THAT ^ I.s what over !()C usei.s sjiy about. ^'^''\\%%^iit 1^'^"' (Iravitv wu.sher.s siipplicl hy /t^.UiJ'jm S. HEMPHILL. Ujfl'-^"^ Agent For i; KlcL'tiic Mini ^a.soliiu^ | i.wcr wii.slici'.s. ALSO for Mtl.'uroiiik Hinders. Mdhvis, H ly HiikcK, 1 lay l.d'ili'rK, Urill», ('uliiv«loi', I'Iowh, Steel Hinlls, Harrows, (iiisiiliiie Engines, Ilrnnlfurtl OiMub'i! tcHrid iiiliiuio .. I . Will Jlill', ik'ii'ly Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, .Slings, Manuto CinrierH, W.^lcr liiuvl.s, Waiur 'I'liil s, I'unip :n)(l I'^pn?. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One lliini more «YoJ ciil with siiiio pcnvir wlico li' nl «ith my pitiiil. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Small Ads. FOR sale; Fur Sale â€" One cow and calf â€" O W. Phillip), Flesherton. For Sale â€" One wood heater, good an new. r. Buluier, FleshertoD. Fur Sile â€" 2 yr old pure bred Leicester ram after Nov. 10â€" D. Muir, Ceylon. Purebred Oxford Down rain fur sale. â€" John Beecrutc, Flesherton. Cow For Saleâ€" Milkinir, due to freshen middle uf next Aprilâ€" J as. Uopps, U U '3, Klsshertun. Fur Saleâ€" Three yearling cilves and one cow, uiiikiiK. App'y to VV, J Mariiii, tfieshoiloii. Lirge coal hei er, sea leeuer, lui bmo cheap. First class uondt.ion, practiu*lly new. F. U. W. HickluiK. For Sale â€" One Uexismred Shorthorn Bull, 18 mouths o.d. Price iighi. F. U. Oeuue, iCu^enia. For )Sc»l<; â€" Uri'oery, Flour and Feed, Seed uu>i (jiiaiii uUiiiies-i lor hjIu. Heotou lor solliug â€" ^oingiuiu llie i{ir»gu business. Apply ab once to >1. I>jwii i.\^ tSon, iiji 05, i<'iuaheriun. I'or S>4le cheap auu un ea»y lernid, Lm io, cou. 11, O.jirey, lU.' aure^. 'i'lils u a Hist uUtM tariu and .ij a good state ol cultivation, (jood bank barn and new fruine dwelling. Apply to K. J. ijprouie Flesliertou For Sile â€" 1 loidster tilly rising two, aU'j one spring colt brud from Crowsiou's Perch-Tuu. Terms â€" jash 4ir liniu. â€" A f. Thlalluihwaile, Flesherton. LOcSr ana FOUND Ljstâ€" On Tuesday, Nor. 18 between James McMullen's and Ctylon, a ladies' little iiiink neck fur. Finder kindly leave at Cook's store, Ceylon. Came A»tr.-»yâ€" Came to the premises ot the undersigned, lul 29, con. 7, Art., about November 15, two yearling heirern one red and one grey.â€" I. Smith, FU«herlon, P.O. Strayed -From lot ."{j, con. !3, Arte m9«i,i, about Oc'ober 28th, one three year old steer, red with white strip on face, white hind ItjjS and point off tail. â€" Lea. Chard. Flesherton Phone Sliiiy. d â€" From lut .'i;!, on. !l, Ojprey, on November 2iul, oi;b small yearlin;; ewe and t*() ewe I nobs with brown faces :iiid short tails. Finder ploa.ij keep this pr.ipirty and n itify .Sun Oiborno, P^cverjham. SEASONABLE WANTS Pullover Sweaters Sweater ('oats Suai f* and i'mti Men's silk Scarfs Furs Fur and Cloih Coats Raincoats Mackixau Coals Wool Uoderwtar aiovr* Mrn'i Heavy Itoola Uubbxr Uo'i a Felt Siippert FUnneletttt Blankets Wool niankeis Jom'orters Rugi Congoleu'n S<|uard« Lenolaum Special Pricj fo Su^ar ^^i^^^^0^^^^00^f^^^^^0i^^^ I HARDWARE Wall Paper, P<in', Uorie Blankets, Ssskalchewtn Rob <, O Is. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton MISCKLL.\NK()l\S Fi'Ur gi>oJ e*es to let on shares. .\|jply to Liuis Kertoii, Maxwell. Cliopiiiiiir bi\ d.iys ill the wcok â€" Graham liros., ]']a^ea:u Tiy Fexers'ia.ii P.ntry, the orjohi i:;i ik, .\ll wheat iii;<hesl price for butter and eggj iil Oniliani ISiv.s. Eusienie. June 21! Private fun I.s to loin on real estate Si:curity iit reasonable lato uf in'orest . .\pply ic U. J. Sproule, Kliiherton Sept 2317 MeUu>d.s of Keeping; Cow Itecord.s. Four things aro neces.sary for Ueoi>- Ing cow records: 1. A luoulhly milk sheet, ruled tio that Ihere shall be a coliinin lor re- cording the weight of llie iiiorniii^ and evening milking of each cow If.r «ach day of the month, though suiue use a sheet ruled for three days only, and esllmatp the weight of milk given for the month from these three day.-J, which may be consecutive, or on ihe liist, tenth and twentieth of the month, making ten-day periods be- tween. The Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, will furnijii (free) i.ioiiihly milk record sheets to those interested. 2. A milk scale â€" preferably one having a dial face and two ha^ds, one ot which shows the net wf ght of milk in the pail, when properly set. This scale costs about live dollars. 3. A (our to eight bottle Babcock test, where it is desired to know what each cow's milk t«8ts in fat. This will cost from eifht to twelve dollars complete. (If a member qt a cow- teatkig association or conTenient to a creamery or cheese factory, ar- rancementa can usually be made to test th« samplea, hence the tester ia not needed, but a procressirs dairy- man should iwTe hhi own testlns out- fit and use it.) 4. The fourth and most important requirement ia "The-will-to-do." Without this, milk sheets, scales, testers, etc., are valueless. By having scale, sheet, pencil, sample bottles BToperly laballtA. «(«•• aB coarenlent- ly arrkqged. H Uke« but tittle time to keep a record ot each mllklns com in the her4. We would ft44 a tfth need, which la some form of permanent record book tor monthly totals and testa, as milk oheets, and notes or records of testlMT, are likely to be lost and not available tor reference. But it these are recorded 'jnco a month In a per- manent form, they will prove a sourr.e uf help In breedlnc, feedins and weedlag dairy cows. â€" Prof. H. U. Oeaa« 0. A. Oollege, Ouelph. SAVE WtNTU FODDERS By Ptttf iof the Grain-Grinder and Cuttin^'Box in Shape. It Pays In Time and Money to Over- haul Farm Machinery â€" Hints on Knife Adjustment â€" How to Esti- mate tiie Speed of Pulleys. (Contributed hj Oatarlo UepartBieat at Ariicultura. Toronto.) TIME in farm work will be saved by systematically overhauling the implements and machinery. This should be done after the season's work is over. Use tends to disorganize machinery: the flzed parts become loose through vibration, wear, stress nnd strain; bearings, gears. Joints all bright and moving parts are at- tacked by rust, particularly it left out in the weather; oil holes and grease cups become clogged with gummed oil, dust and trash. All this accumulated matter should be scraped off and the parts wiped down with a rag saturated with kerozene; afterward covered with a coating of grease or oil as a protective measure against the devasting action of rust. To render efficient service and to pre- vent possible accidents these ma- chines should be kept cloan, properly adjusted, and run at correct spe'ed. The grain grinder shaft and bear- ings should not be allowed to bi^come gummed up with oil and dust: the buvrs or plates should h« renewed when worn. In replacing them see that they are attached so that they do not wobble, and that the sieves are tree from rust, chaff, sand and gritty matter. All running parts should be kept well oiled. Every working mechanism of the cutting box should be carefully exam- ined and all trash and gummed oil removed from flywheel shaft, teed rolls, bearings and gears; guards and shields placed In position and secure- ly fixed; the feed rolls should move freely up and down and the safety devices in working order. Attend to the cutter knives, have them properly ground and correctly adjusted to the flywheel in relation to the cutter bar; if too tar the fodder will not be pro- perly cut; it too close to the cutter bar the draft of the machine is in- creased, the knives acting as a brake on the flywheel, dulling both knives and cutter bar. Used with a blower it is important that the proper speed be developed as tne tan can only create sufficient blast by running fast enough to force air through the pipe at a rate of 9 to 10 thousand feet per minute. Speed is an important factor in operating these machines for efficient service, not only as to the amount done, but also as to the quality, or the amount of work accomplished, but most manufac turer.i slate in their catalogues tha speed at which the machine .should travel. The operator should figure out the size of the pulley to attain the speed required. The rule for speeds of pulleys is the diameter of the "driving" pulley multiplied by its speed is equal to the diameter of the "driven" multi- plied by its .speed: or D X R :: dXr in which "D" i.s the diameter of the drivinK pulley multiplied by "R" its speed, ;in(l "d" the (liiiinotfr of (ho driven pulley multiplied by "r" its speed. If wo know lluee of these items we can easily figu.o out._the fourth. The driving pulley is the one that causes the belt to move. The driven ptilley ia the one that is moved by the belt. I'o.-isibly ii fariuor may have on h;ind an engine rated 2 h.p., speed 400 revohition.s per minute with an 8-incli ptilloy. Ho buys a grinder without con.siderins what i-elation ita speed beats to that of lis engine. When tli(> giindor is hitthed up to the engine it does not deliver the capacity expected of it. Tliis promis- ! eiiou.s buying and want of fore- ' though ill puiTliasing iiujcliinery is responsible for a great deal of trou- ble and dissatisfaction. More at- tention iihould be given tn this re- gard when buying additicnal mach- iiioiy for the faiiii. We'll suppose tliut tlio grinder bouglit is lated 2,000 to 2,500 U.l'.M.. 4 inch or f) inch pulley; capacity per hour 3 to 10 bushels depending on the condition ot the grain. Relating this grinder to the engine, we find, taking the above formula that B8 X R 400- d4 X r-?^-4?? - 800 4 R.P.M., but the manufacturer's rat- ing calls for 2,000 to 2,500 R.P.M. Hence Ihe grinder is delivering only two-flfths of its rated capacity or something like 1 l-5th bushels per hour. To get the required speed the driving pulley on the engine should be 20 inches in diameter, worked out as follows: DxR 4oo-d4 X r20ooâ€" i^ •!â€" 20" pullev. 401.) "^ â- ' or the speed of the engine with an 8-inch pulley should be 1,000 R.P.M. worked out thus D8xR-d4 X rjooo-4ii^- looo R.P.M. This method applies also to finding the speed and alBe ot pulleys ot the cutting box. â€" Prof. Jno. Evans, 0. A. College, Ouelpb Something About Egg drclea. There are about fifty Egg Circiea ia the province, ranging in member- ship all the way from four to 400. The (plary ot all these egg circles and otiiira D'hlch have failed wotild give IA alnaost complete picture of how e«»-operation should, or should not, ^ carried on. In reading over the tamea where the circles are estab- Ihihed, we find many of them whose previous market was the small-town local dealer, with his uneconomic method of marketing eggs. Such cir- cles are now receiving, in spite of their distance from the central mar- ket, wholesale prices while unorgan- ised points ne«rer often recelvs lov> •ff prices. BUSINESSCAR9S Societies OBINCB ARTRUB LODOB, No. WS.A.r.A ^ AM, Dioatii io ths Maioaioball. Arm t'-roDS's Hlook If'lwbartoa. every Vtldty 00 or hafors tlia full naocD. T. (' aylou, W. M., A. E. Bsllam;, Bacratarr. Dentistry Ur B. C MURRAY L. O. S , daoUl •nrfaoo h*. nor KTsduata of ToroDto LIoiTeriltraad ^•ral CollDfS ot Daukal BurRcona ot Ontario, )aa admistoiitarsd for taatb aXkraatlon Slav at rasldsDM, Toronto Btraat. Flaibsrtoa. Medical Dr W. J. Haury. U! B.. (radaateof Facult> of UedlolD*, Toronto Uoirai ait/. Ofllc* â€"Dr. mtla'a late raaidance, Flaaberton. ' Veterinary Sorgeon Jradnate ol Ootatto Veterinary College ealdenee â€" aavond door aoatb weat 00 V«ry atraet. Thla atreet raoa oatli â- â- reabytarian Cbnrcb. A potato left in lb<) Oundtlk Herald oflice by It. B. Heard of Proton showj the streD(ith and persistence of twitch grass, the root of which pierced righb ihruu(;h the centre of the tuber lather than go around it. Another freak of nature is a carrot left in by Hugh Nelson of Proton which ir. its growth during the summer had found an iron nut under the surface of the firound and lost from a bolt some years previously. The point of the carrot grew through the hole of the uut and expanded Iwo inches on the undsrside. When thj carrots were pulled the nut was found embedded. Legal I UCAB, KANBY * hENRYâ€" Barristers. '^ dolioltori,aic.â€" I. B. Lnoaa, K. C; W. E, (tansy, K. C.: W. D. Baory, B. A. Offioes, Toronto, BOO-D Tradera bank Bids., phone nain 1419: Uarkdale Loom Block. Pbone 3 A. Brancli omoe at Dandalk open every Saturday. in BIGHT, A TBIiFOBD, Barrister, Bolloi. " tora, Ac. Offloee, Orey k Bruce Block, Uwen Bound. Btaodard Bank ok 'Fleaber- ton, (Batardaya). W.H. Wrigbt. W. P. I'elford Jr. Farm For Sale 17c acres with good bank barn and solid brick house, with good well and windmill, orchard and plenty of stove wood L%nd in good s'ate uf cultivation- Three miles from Flesherton. Apply to I MRS. W. J. LEVER, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. Boar tor Service The undersigned has a tborouehorad Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, co n 8. Osprey. Terms tl.60. imEDSPOFFARD. Business Cards WM. KAITTINU, Icenaed Auctioneer foi tbe eoanilea of lirey and Blmcoe. ftrra aid Stock aalea a specialty. Terma soderate. aatiafaction gaaranteed. Atrange- jients for dates may be made at tbe AdTance ifflce, or Central telepboue office Feverabam IT by addreaalng me at Feverabam. Ont. DMsPHAU', Licensed Anetionea for the * County of Orey. Terms moderate and •atia action guaranteed. Tbe arrangementa and dataa of salea can be made at Tha ADTAnce etflee. IteaidaDce and P.O., t'eylcQ. Telephone soDneotion. Dec. 6, TO NOTICE To the'ciiizens of Flesherton and the surrounding country : I wiah todrsw yo^r attention to the fact that [ am the sole agent fcr the Singer Sewing Machine, as that includes a part of my teriitory. As you are all aware of the fact that the Singer is hy all means the most reliable lenin? machine on the msrket. Ifyi.uaio thinking of buying, phone, write or call personally and get prices and terms. Old machines taken in exchange at a reasonable price. You can ulso buy them on your own terms. Ctll am] gut particulars before the price goes up Hgoin. tirOH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale, Ont. New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased tbe bake shop iu I'Mesherton I have fitted np the same and am nw* pre- pared to cater to the public iu first olasB Bread, Bans, Biscuitv and Pastry. My f;reate8t effort will be to please tiie public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop Boar For Service iteuiiterBd Chester VVhite hit; for ervico Ht Rick iMills. The fnthnr won Krst lit Oliicifio P'liir. Terms $l.fiO. dec Mi) â€"I. SMITH Piop. For Service One puie nred Shorthorn Bull niilot 'M>, cm, l>, .Aitoiiiesi». Terms $1.50 for s. yiHile Must be p^iid within S) iHonth.s date friimiif service. -U.O. TURNER. Farm For Sale 2ni)ucio'<, beint; lots 1. con. 8, and lot 1, cciii. !>, Osprey. Good hiiildinas on each f irii), a good well on e.ich with wiii<liiiill wii <iiie, water in linrn and hiiUse. a uciod oreh.ird on lach faiin, well fei ced with wire and railj, in yo. d statu Iff cullivatioii. For terms and particulurs api>iy to D. W.CLINTON.' ;il Eriiidile Ave., o It; Toronto. Cream S [net teparators square t;uais- tie Hctiiin ; double supporttd bowlâ€" cinnot roclt ; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child can operate; eipacit> chaniioâ€" saves the buyer If iJO 00 ; patent br.ikeâ€" "Magnet,' pitetit ; strcm;;, ri^;icl eunstiucticiu â€" inechaiii3nl y correct ; sanitary slr,(iiier â€" oenii proof ; easy tii cloan â€" a child cleans i'. in a few minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. The Work of Six Men A Toronto Litter Carrier will astonish you with the amount of work it does. Enables one man to clean the stables as fast as six men in the old way. Cuts out the dirty part of the job. Takes away the danger of the old wheel- barrow and the slippery plank. Encourages cleanliness ia the stable â€" and that means healthier cattle. All Toronto Stable Equipment is designed to save work and make cattle bigger profit producers. You'U find with this equipmeat tiuit tUble chores become easy. Time is saved. Cattle are contented. A wide knowledge of proper stable equipment can be gained ftom a itudy of our big stable equipment book. This win be »ent free if you uk for It. Write now. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO.. Lteitedi Alia«tie At*., Tarwit* _llaMr«al Wiâ€" !»«« lUrfâ€" Calgary UHb73Â¥ F. E. SOMERS aNI Feversham, Ont.

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