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Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1919, p. 4

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H October HO U»i9 THE FIKSHEUTON ADVANCE Tu re. aundi'iirniBiii new. piper, piilili»lieil evrrv ) riiiu-jlay ai th" ...Ho., ('(â- lliiiKw.HHl Stro«t, j rlwhert.n. Hulwcripiion price tl per*iiiiuui ' wl.TO p»i<lin»<lv^uuc ;Si,:,,iwh„„ „o <> paiil A ktriidnx rates on apii'i>;>».io;i CircuUti< n | * '-Iw^oklr i 1 1 ado built lip duriii|< lh« wnr restt our rlCShCrtOn ^(Jyg|]rai»'>ilityt.ic»rry.m Ono of ihe nre»t olijeois of the Loan, npirt from the ralialiiliiatioii of (lie returned soUli'er, in the raising of the cap:tAl iipciHsary to cnatilc Iho Oovoriioicnl of C»ind» to continue iti system of credits to OtoHt Britkin, Kraiicu, Uel|{iuni an I uthir couotrie*, and at the sauio tim^ pay cash to the CuDsdian producer. On these credits our proent and future trade depends and nil Canadians must unite to ensure ai ainplo tutiscription to tlio 191!! Loan, which alone will render them posribW . W. H. THl'RSTON, EDITOR Three Essentials " We must have c >ut ate and deleini j nation, aod mus^ suixnion the nrcfssary, unaiiimity," said a dislii guishpd liiitisb â- tacrbnian the other dny, in counselling hi* i'ountrym<>n on ilie necessity of main-' taiiiing her trac!e. These words miiiliti just as well hiLve liecn uuered by a Caiialian stalermi'i, for ihe (jualitits •ueniioned are allessenlial to this country at the present junciure. C<tnada is nnw ofluriug the 11119 Victory L >aa and it must be pushed ihruuith to success wiih C"urai2e, deteimina^ioii and abKo'ute UDantmity, if Canada is to prove worth of her tpportun'iy. Great opportunities for trade lie within the kraip of Canada if her farmeis, wage eamerr, merchants and manufacturers haye foresight cnouKh to reach for thein. On the iDdiutcnsncc of nurKreat oveneai A sad drowning accident occurcd in ClaikKburis on Salurday, »hen John, the Ihreeyeiir-old iton of Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Baxter, was drowned iii the Ueaviir river. The little fellow ulonx with a few other hoys were playing a'onj{ the taiik iind was last ."Kn buloeeii ten and eleven o'clock in I lie moming. VVIien noon cikine and the child did not turn up n search was npidu nud it was not until one-lhiriy that the luidy was found away down the river. It is not definitely k'o.«n » here he ftfU in 'IS tl ce whs io person Around at the time. Lpon recovering the body ho was rushed to Dr. Kent's orticc where all that niedic»l skill could do was done but of no avail, he had been dead too long. â€" Review. S!J^Ji^S^.SSPxSr:^J^.^^^. Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agatewaic for domestic use. C'all on iiie and get your supf)lies Eavetroughiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Fmnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jgi ONTARIO. 111 III i !» Ml i IP $ tfi W g^tS^v'^i'ss.'ssEra .^^" JasiiSPiimfssffSPSsssassssssssssssi fill SATISFIED ! rwwm THAT Is what over IOC users say aboilt li'OO (Jr.ivitv w;»sli('rs supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For iiavity w.ishi;is and wringers f.lectiic anil gasoline |.'<«er washci'.s. ALSO for MLOoriiiiek I^ii dors. Mowei«, H"y Kaki s, llav, Dii U, Ciiliiv»tor, l'io«K, iStei I .Stalls, flarrows (iiiKoline Engines, ISrsntfnnt ('lub'e aenr(d and auto i W iu Mills, liea ty Il'iy (Carriers, lluy Fork", Sliii'js, Manurn Cair ers, W.iior lIouN, W.i'pf Ts'ikH, l'irii|i -md I'p'i'i; SOMETHING NEV/ IN BUZZ SAWS One lliiia iiii.i- wi o I cut wii li sun.! po.vcr wlie.n liui il « ii li my pati nt. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Fall and Winter Goods Now is the time to prepare for Winter. We have a full line of Flanellette and Wool Blankets, Comforters, jjrey and white Wool Sheeting Just ;urivcil, now Plaid Dr^'-sa (}nodsâ€" sonit! cs |)e<:ially good for .school dresses-All wool Serges in blue, black and wine, etc, All pure wool Blanketing for Children's Coats, 54 inches iivide, colors red and wKite, $3.?5 a yd. Thrr>e Hplcndid vjIucs in llurt{undy, I'rowii and Twe.e<l t'oiing, f.) ~j end 9*> n yard. C'JATS- Men'f , Children'^ and L'ldi s' Winter Cents. Sweior C.u.s, Sweaterh, Men'a checked M'uliine I'oali. SILKS Kvery sbvle from 8.' '.'."> to ?t :» yanl. F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton Small Ad5. FOR SALE' For .Sileâ€" 2 yr o'd pure bred Leicester r^tn after Nov. 10â€" D. Muir, Ceylon. Youni; Pigi for 8ileâ€" 5 wnuki old- Ben MrKeiiz:e, Ceylon. Route I. For Silf- Milch cow 7 yiH old, hnf.-r 3 moi. and steer two weeks old - Ii irry Oarringtuii, Fletiheiioii For Sale â€" Tin to yearliiii» faliea and one cuw, iiiilkin){. A|i|dy to W J Mai'iii, KlcHhurlon. Horses Fi^r Sale â€" On I"'. 7, c n. 4, A'teiniiHia, team liDiivy horsoH, 2 marcs in foal and fo;il by Hideâ€" 1 team aged and 1 team yoim.'. Afiply to Neil Cameron, Ceylon, Unl. For Sale â€" Orojery, Flour and Feed, Seed and Grain buiines'* for Kile. R.ia;on for sellinj^ â€" K"i"K i"t" tl'L' K traKO bu.>> Apply at oiice to II. lJ>wii it S )n, U'jx 6-j, Flosherton. â€" â€" « â€" For Sile cheap and en eauy toriin. Lot 13, con. 11, Oiprey, 110 acrei. Thin is a first class farm and in a good atAte of cultivation. Oood banl^ barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton Clover hunoy, more wholesonio and nutritious thiin fiuit. No niiddleman's pryfitH, i'rice and ijiiality right. Wo h we iieiiily a ton yet. I'laCB your oider before it i,s too late. O.-o. W. Graham, Eugenia. MISCKLLANEOf.S Chopi»in({ SIX days in the week â€" Graham Uroii., Kugania. Try Fevorsha.ii I'.ntry Flour, the best or your oo ik. All Oiiinrio wheat Hii^liest pnot! for butter and oi/gj at Graham Brts. EuBenie. June 2G Private funis to loin on real estate security at rea.sonsb!e rate of in'ereat. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Kiedierion «ept 2317 Huniing, trappini/ or trespassing strictty forbidden on lots 76 to 79, T. & S. R - James Stinsnti. Coat .L')st â€" U iy'.s Mveic at. navy blu' , between valley and Maikdal -, on fair day. U-turn to John Campbell, Eiiieiiia, or ihi.'i i thue. Lost â€" Ewe *iir| two I.iiiibs, from lot 11, con. 11, i;.i[)ipy, about Sept. 15. Finder kindly communicate wi h Jaiiien Thompson, Fdverahsm. BUSINESSCARDS Societies jKt.NCE ARTHUK liOUOK, No. 33H,A.\>'.A .\ M. lueotb iu ttifc Masouic liall. Ann It ropti'H HiucK Kii>4liortoa, uv«ry Friday on or lioiora llie lull irtCL. 'J. Henry W. Id, T. Kiakely. hecretary. JJkntistrv , ,r K C MUKKAY 1.. ,J. h , delital Hur«B jii li' uoi'Riadiiato of Toronto Uuivt'rdity ami .- \ tl » olU't,'», of Dontal Sun^nuim of Outariu .»» adnjiaiuiBtored for teotli extraction u CO at reBiduuca, Toronto bti eel. Kleehurtou . Medical D r W. J Homy. Mt l!.. Rrnlijatoof Faculty t Mt) in!iiio, forouti* ruivi'imty. IJftlcL' Ui. i.ittlo s latu ru&liluuco, Fieiihortoit. r OTTEWBLL Vetorlimry Rurgeou iH.lnato of Ontario V«teTliiftry Coltt^xe <pi(ttii<co â€" sttcotnl door Houtli woet on u*ry street. ThU ntrnHt raos nntli i< htvtf>rtKn <'hiiroh. L LCAH. iKti.\L , ~- HANKY A liKNUY-ltarrlHler*. '• rioiicitorrt, mcâ€" I. U. I.ucaH, K. ('. ; W. K, ti>i.«v, K. C: W. 1). Iliinijf, II. A. Olllcon, Kiomo. HW1.S Tiadore Hank IIWb., phono i:i>iN UlU; &lnil«lal« Liicaa Hlook. Plioiio 13 A. iHilcti oltlco at Uiinilftlk open every tiaturdav. U KIOHty* TKLKOllIMlarriHter, Kotloi. tor-<, Ac. riHiciB (irov s llrui o Hlock, Owen Sound. Htandio-.l Hani: ok "Klrfliii . tmi.(S»tiirilavB(. W. 11. Wrifibt. V P". lulfoid Jr. 1:>USINE.SS ('aRI)8 VVM. KAlTTINd. Icenxed Auctioneer Id " the countlBR of (Iroj: and Sliiione, â- 'ariu aHd Storrk nalefl a KpecUIty, T,o-ii;f> iioileraiK. Butisfacliun Ruaraiiti eil. Arrange- iieiitB (or datuB may be tiia<leat llin Advniice tllicH. (.r (Jentlal tele|-holie olVicH heverHhaui 'r liyaddreBslnii me at Keverahaiii. Out. r\ MaPHAir . Lloemod Aiictlonoa for tlin ^' County of (lioy. Ternia nio.luraie niul -olh ertlrn tunrKhtiieit. The arraiiReliientB <inl rialiiH fit (i»te«<.aii |,n iiinili) at TliK Anvniio., olftce. IlesidelrcPbiiil I'.o.. ( o) luu, Teleptiono â- onueclion. Bcc. 0, 70 Farm For Sale Good farm, ah mi half mile from tho V'ill«i;o of Flesherton, contiiinioif (it) acres, 40 acres ulenvid and ihe balnni c li»idw..od l>ii«h. On the property ins good frame Imrn with i.|i,-d ImiieHlh. J(JII-N IIKMU). Flesherton. Came Astray Five s'ray ca'vei came to my lot 40, con. rt, Arii'me.sit, »b lut Oct. l;{. The owner is ici|Ue8tod to prove prop- erty, piy expOHMe.* aol take the lame n*»y. -C. HANIjEY •''-'2;i Eugenia p.o. Boar For Service lliUDiereil Chciter White h ig for oivK-i^ul li (.'< 1M1II.1. Till! fiihvr won lust Hi (Jhioi;;o F.iir. T.rms gil.r.O. deciilU â€"I SMITH P.op, OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS **The Bridge from War to Peace"â€" The PHnee of Wai«i.| .?^*-^^ The Minister of Finance of the Domionion of Canada offers for Public Subscription the Victory Loan 1919 $300,000,000. 5'y,% Gold Bonds Bearing interest from November 1st, 1919, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber as follows: 5 year Bonds due November lit, 1924 15 year Bonds due November 1st, 1934 Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Oflice of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. Joh.n. Charlottetown. Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. Regina, Calgary and Victoria. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to pri.".cipal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Interest payable, without charge, half-yearly. May 1st and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Principal and Interest payable In Guld. ~ Benomlnatlons: $50, $100, $500, and $1,0«0 Issue Prices 100 and Accrued Interest, Income Return .%% per Annum The proceeds of the Loan will be used to pay Indebtedness incurred, and to meet expenditures to be made in connection with demobilization (including the authorized war service gratuity to our soldiers, land settlement loans, and other purposes connected with their re-establishment Into civil life), for capital outlay upon shipbuilding, and other national undertaliings forming part of Canada's industrial reconstruction programme, and for the establishment of any nece8> sary credits for the purchase of grain, foodstuffs, timber and other products, and will be spent wholly in Canada. Payment to be made as follows: 10% on application; 20% December 9th, 1919; 20% January 9th, 1920; 20% February 10th, 1920; 31.21% March 9th, 1920. The last payment of 31.21% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.2I';o representing accrued interest at 5H% from November 1st to due dates of the respective instalments. A full half-year's interest will be poid on May 1st, 1920, making the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. Subscriptions may be paid in full at the time of application at 100 without interest, or on any instal- ment due date thereafter, together with accrued interest at the rate of 5!^% per annum. This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The amount of this issue is $.300,000,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of $300,000,000. Payments All cheques, drafts, etc., coverini; instalments are to be made payable to the Credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due v.-ill render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions other than those paid in full on application must be accom- panied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed. Official Canvassers will forward subscriptions or any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept subscriptions and issue receipts. Subscriptions may be paid in full at time of apphcation at 100 without interest, or on any instalment due date thereafter, together with accrued interest to time of making payment Ln full. Under this provisioil, payment of subscriptions may be made as follows: If paid in full on or before November 15th, 1919, par without interest or 100%. If remaining instalments paid on Dec. 9th, 1919, balance of 90'i, and interest ($90.52 per $100). If remaining instalments ?aid on Jan. 9t!-, ;920, balance of 70' ,", and interest ($70.84 per $100). If remaining instalments paid on Feb. 10th, 1920, balance of 50% and interest ($51.08 per $100). If remaining instalment paid on Mar. Hth, 1920, balance of 30% and interest ($31.21 per $100). Payment of instalments or payment in full arfter November 15th, 1919, can be made only on an instal- ment due date. Denomii'tation and Registration Bearer bonds, with coupons, will b3 iisuel in denomination of $50, $100, $500, and $1,000, and may be registered as to print:ipal. The first cmpo'i atn^ied to these bonds will be due on May Ist, 1920. Fully registered bonds, the interest on whi:h i ; p:iid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $500, 81,000, $5,00J. $10,003, $25,0^0, $50,000, $100,000, or any multiple of $100,000. Payment of Interest A full half-year's interest at the rate of 5 '2% per annum will be paid May 1st, 1920. Form of Bond and Delivery â€" Subscribers must indicate on their applications the form of bond and the denominations required, and the ;3ecuriti-'s s.t indicated will be delivered hv the bank upon payment of subscriptions in full. Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for de!iver>' at the time of application to subscribers desirous of making payment in full. Bonds registered as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal and interest, will be delivered to subscribers making fxa>-ment in full, as soon as tfie required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must bo made :it the bank originally named by the subscriber. Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished to .nil subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber's ban'c far bonds on any instalment date when subscription ia paid in full. All receipts must be exclianged before 1st June, 1920. Form of Bonds Interchanj^eable ^ Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, and holders of Ixxids with coopons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds without coupons, at any time, or application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General. Forms of application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Etank. Subscription Lists will close on or before November 15th> 1919 Dep.'KRTMent of Fin.^nce, Ottawa, October 27th, 1919. : Keep Canada's Farms and Factories Busy ' Only $2-50 i^ ny where In | North America 1 Thirly-fivu volumes of ihe best rHH'Jinpt i â€" in weekly ins(«liiien'n- for less ihnii I Hv^ ceiit.^ n wi't k. Thiit is just wkit the ' Youth's Coiiipmiion nlVer fur 1920 reslly iiieiiii", Thecoiiltnls of the new volume which will include 8 Si tIhI stciiies, over I 200 thoit hIniicH, hfly ur uiiir« uiticks liy men of distilicufi., i-ketclieii mid ii|1'ciaI depiuuiieiit", wi'U'd iii.tliti 3.5 gojd V(>iuiiit;K(«l $1.65 cHchjif publialied III bnok (orin. And ihcre is now s uiii- [ fotiii fl«t I nco of ?2 50 to nil nubsciibers ill CmiuiIh Hiid the I'liltid iMnlth. ! If ymi 8uli-crilit) m mioii uh you foe lliii not 00 j'>u wi 1 rt'criva all tlio extras ni«uti.<iied in the followiiijr off.-r, iiiclud'- 1 ing nmiiy of C'dpt. Tht-ud ae Kobert»'a Up River Folk y lories. 1 Now nut (icribiin wi.l lecuive ; 1 - Tho Youth's Cuinpitiiiou -52 i«8ues in 192). I 2â€" .\ll reiii..iiiiiig weekly 1919 ixsues 3 â€" The (Joiiiiiaiiion liome Ctleiidar for 1920. All the above only $2.50 anywhsro in North America. THE YOl'TH'S CO.Ml'ANION 887 Cuinmo'.iweallh Ave,, Boston, Mass. Now lubsuriptions receiveU at thii nHice. Pays for Itself Intiraeandkiborscivcd â€" in increased production â€" in work done better as well as fasterâ€"a Toronto Farm Kuginejiays for itself. No matter what size your farm you need a gasoline engine â€" and a good gasoline engine. Toronto Farm Engines are specially designed for hard farm service â€" strong, simple in operation, efiS- cicnt and economical. Run on kerosene or gasoline. Operate all the machinery around the farm. You should have a Toronto Grain Grinder and a Toronto Saw, too. Both are money-makers. Both are strongly and simply built. Find out more about effective Toronto Farm Machinery. Get our illustrated literature. Sent free oil request. "flili F. E. SOMERS Feversham, Ont. Farm Wanted Farm For Sale Grain and stock fwiii of 111) ncie'-, lot Irt, con 4, Townkhip ot l)->p'->yi ihiio miles WfRt of Moliitui-. l'"or fuillie inriieul'tis apply lo .IdllN .SKHl.KV, n20 R H. No 1 lla.x«ell. Hive loo tion, acri-iiii", euudition of Ian I and oulliu'l.liiii;*, iiiort4;>'.C«i if any, I and c.uh iir'C'! S.iid rrplu« to The . Advanee, Fleah,Mliiii. ' ! For Service One pure nri'd Shorthorn bull oiilot 30, CHI. 9, Ai toiiiesia. To'im 81 .")0 t. r E. i^radu Must bo piid uitliia inoinhs data fronicf service,, -U. O. TUUNKU, Farm For Sale 200iicio'<, lielns lots I, con. 8, and lot 1, con '.), (*.4pr>y G 'od biiildin|{e on e>c I f till), H i{oid w^ll on e.ich with w.iidiii ll oil one, water in liarn and h' use. a liooil oich.iid on tach firm, (vt'll fci ced WI h wire aRU raila, in good slHiM if culmuMi'ii. For teiiin anU pHit cu'urs npp V 'o U." W.CLINTON, lU Erindtle Avo . (â-  Iti Toronto.

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