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Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1919, p. 1

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â- 9R IRK 3»; • 1 •J : i I i fk^hnim %immc. Vol 39, No. 22 Fleslierton. On.t., October 30 1919 Artemesia Council Council met on the 4lh day of October 1919. All present, the Reeva ia the chair, minutes read. A depiHation from the Hydro E'eclric Railvriiy AsKociation were present, and Mr. Ilnnnigan, ihe Secretary, addressed the Council in repaid t j Electric Railway. Bylaw 15, to-amhorize oloainz of a lane in the villaee of Eugenia and Bylaw 16, to authorize the rate payers (t Priceville to talie a vote on the <|uoation of securing Eltclric power were introQuce'l and pabsed ; gravvl accounts as follows weru ordered to be paid J Ottt-woU ?3; L Fisher |7 30, C McCutcheon 38.65. K Akitt »2.40, Jos Watton J17.40, A Thompson #2 bO, F Cairns fl, C Hindle 50c. Claims for sheep killed hy Jogs wore ordered to be paid J E McKee 111, Kred Duckett ?15, H Piper «40. The Hee»o and Mr Burnett reported on bridge on 20th sideroad built at a cost uf $130.60, and the cunimitti;e paid the Reeve §6, Mr Burnett $18, ihry also repur'ed ou tloatinet bridge South Line and expended (39 05 and were paid, the Reeve $3, Mr. Burnett 912. Mr. Bitchelor reported on expenditura in his division, 9271.08, and was ptid committaion thereon, 927. 10. Mr. Cameron reportod on expenditure of 9112. 65 on Campbell's hill and 8:h concession and was paid 916-50 for overseeing the work. Cameron â€" Batohelor â€" Wheraaa the Council of the Township of AttEmeaia some years ago passed a resolution asking the Hydro Electiic Power Cumnniesion of Ontario to investigate and report on jhe feasibility of conscruotin; an electrj^ railway from Guelph to soma point on the Georgian bay, and where«» otfcer districts with better transportation facili- Lies than ours have already received their reports, allhoueh making application much later than our district, which seems most unfair. Therefore be it resolved that tha Commission be request- ed to present the report on the proposed railway through this municipality from 3uelph to Owen Sound and Collingwood at an early date, so that if said report be favorable the Council of the former municipalities may submit same to the ratepayerj in January naxt, and a copy of this resolution be sent to the Reern and clerk of eaeh municipality interested with a rt-quest to have a like resolution passed by their Councils â€" Carried. CouDcil adjourned. DUNDALK Thomas Ludlow of tho 14th Con. Proton, WBR in town Saturday for the first time in over three months. lu a runaway accident he susiained a broken leg and still gets sronnd ou crutches. After a lingering and painful illness of nearly two years, Mrc, George ' Pride of Dundalk passed away on Tuesday at the age of 53 years. The deceased came i;o the village from con. 9, Proton, abou'; 8 years ago. During the hot election campaigu in Duffeiin a aoose belonging to Fred Stewart of Corbettou, mistaking the " hot air " of the campaign for the return of eentle spring, started laying â€"a very unusual undertaking in the fall- She laid six goose eggsâ€" pro- bably three for each of the farmer candidates. It was good luck for Slack and merely goose eggs (ooo) for Reburn. Herald. CEYLON Late Austin Pickell The late Austin A. Pickel', who died in Sea A''luw hospital, Staten Island, New York, was the second sou of the late W. G. Pickell and a native of Flesherton. His childhodd and boyhood was lived on the old Pickell fa' m. Ac seventeen he left for Detroit and later to New York oily where with the Defender Co., nianu- facturera of cotton wear, he remained for fourteen years studying coltnn in all duvelopmeut from the pod in the planta^ tiou to the tinesc tiiiished produce of the Inum and the manufacture of the same. For some years he manage! a factory for the Kelsey Textile Co. in Brooklyn, and at bis death wa;> manager and partner of the Pickell & Graves Corpora- tion, manufacturers of ladies' utidorwear oliildreu's dresses, etc. A few months ago tiu in its worst form attacked him, fullov^ed by pneumonia, then tuber- culosis developed. Hia mother »pent the summer wi h him and his brother Goldwin. from Walkerville, reached him â- jt the last. His faithful wife, who *as at his bedside when he passed awaji, with two young daushters niouin the loss of a 'oving husband and kind father. AUCTION SALE <n Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, etc., on Lot 14, Con- 10, Osprey, on Ihursday, October 30, 1919 HORSESâ€" Heavy horse 6 yrs old, driving horse 6 yra oW, aged horse. CATTLE, ETC.â€" 2 cows 8 yrs old due in March, cow 9 yri old due iu Match, cow 7 yrs old due In March, 4 steers 4 yrs old, heifer 2 yrs o'd, 3 steers 1 yr old, yearlinff baifer, 6 calves, 6 store pigs, sow with 9 young pigs, a number of hens. IMPLEMKNTS-Deering binder new 7 ft cu'. Frost & Wood mower new f' out, Cookshutt disc harrows new 16 drill, Deering 15 disc drill, new Cock- •butt 15 bull harrows, 21 Fleury plow, Deering cultivatO'" 17 tooth, new Inter- aati'mal scufler, Frost A Wood 13 tooth cultiTstor, Adams wagou almost new, heavy Adama wagon, set; sew Adams sloop sleighs, set heavy sloop sleighs, wagon rack, heavy democrat Rood as new, McLauohlan buggy in good repair, Vesaot grain grinder gced as new 12 inob plat*, blacksmith forge, 2000 lbs scales, 2 let heavy team har^ass with heel chains, set single harness nearly new, about 8i> sap buckets and spoila, 2 asp heaters, logging chain, bindinu chain, set twin neckyokes, 2 set wbiiSetrees, quantity o( inch and 2 inch lumber, qaaut'.Ly of straw, cooking stove, oharn, forks, post hole spoon, shovels, hoea, about 15 cow chains, 2 cant hooks, lot of small tools and numerous other article*. Also new Ford car. At the time of sale there will be oflfur- ed for sale, if not previously sold, lot 17, con. 11, Osprey, consisting of 100 acres more or leas. Good bank barn and straw shed with good L shaped frame house, atone cellar and work shop, gor>d drive house, 9 acres maple bush and good urobnrd . All must be so'd as tho owner is giving up farming Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. TERMSâ€" All sums of 95 00 and under, cash- Over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes ; or 6 per cent. otF f'jr ciuih in lien of notes. J. E. EAULE, W. KAITTING, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Victoria Corners Mr. James Lsidlaw is again on the sick list. Mrs. Clement and her brother, Mr. Clare McQnay, of Meaford, are visiting friends in tha ueighbcrhood. Rev. Grandy, of Toronto, preached a very able sermon at Innistioge ou Sunday, while Rev. Etglu was absent preaching anniversary services at New England. Mrs. L. Killius, of Smithville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Moore. Mrs. Tucker, of Dromore, returned home lii'^l week after spending a couple uf weeks at Jaa. Bests. Miss Saiah Tucker, Dromore, ia vitit- at Jas. Best's. Hurrah for the women ! When you men want things done right just ask the women to do it. 'Voting forinatanae! Who says that nomen haven't a4 much brains as m«n, after the way they voted last) Monday. Miss Lottie Muir, teacher at Berkeley who is hid up with a severe cold, is with her brother, Alex. Muir. Mr. Archibald of St. Thonr.,'»s visited a couple of days last woek with lii^ brother, N. Archibald, and family. Mr Harrison and Miss Dapple of Walkertim were guests uf Miis Margaret Ferguson last week. MisiJ.Ross, who has bejii visiting Miss Jean Collinsoo for a tortnigli*:, left Saturnay fur Hulstein. Rev. W. Dinwoodie of Fleilierton very ably .assisted th* pastor ou Sabbath afternoon. Those present enJDyed his discourse. Boyce Bros, are busy on the back line with their threshing outfit. S. Sargent had a barn raiaing Moudny afternoon. PORTLAW Anniversary servipea were held iu Mt. Zion church an Sunday, 19tb inat. There was A crowde i church at each service. Rev. Peter Campbell of Maple, our former paclor, preached mur.iing and evening with his old time vi^or, and hia hosts of fiieods who assembled to heir and greet him were delighted with his discourse and to know that hia mental and physical faculties were still unabat- ed. , The sfieiuueii servicn was taken by the pastor. Uii Wednesday evening a fowl supper and entereainment was held ia the comniudiuU!i new hall, which had Utely been furnished with new seating by Mr. Homy of Flesherton. Tho pastor occupied the chair and introduced * goud piogram, iu which ihu following persons participated: â€" Recitations by Mrs. Eagle, J. E. Richards and J. Duncan, solos by Miss Ediia Achesou and Rev. Esgle, addresses by Rdv. P. Campbell and Kev. Mr. Belfry. An autograph iiuilt and surplus provisions were sold by J. E. Richards. The pro- ceeds of Sunday services aud fowl supper netted abuut 9125. Rev, Grandy uf New Eaglaud appuiut- ment occupied the puluic here on Suuday last and pteachud a good sermon. Ue was stationed on this circuit 35 yeacs ago. Rev, Eagle conducted anniversary services at New Ungland, F. H Thompson viiiiled iu Toronto last week. M. Cuni'on < f Toronto is visiting with friends of this cunamunity. Mrs. VV. Simmons was taken auddeuly ill over a week ago, but is now well on the way to recovery. PROTON Mrs. McGregor, of Sullivan, is, so far asweknujf, the oddest voter, of ihe weaker sex at least, who p.ilKd a vote in this district on Monday. Mrs. McGregor, who is ninety yo»rs of age, tonk a very great interest in the referendum vote and druve From her home to iha pull at Sullivau Mill-i anl returt., a diitauce of almost bve miles, for the pnviloge of reKiaterinjj four " Noes " on tho reforen dum ballot. â€" Chalsworth News. Weekly Report Flesherton H. S. FORM I SPELLING- M Whittakor 87, A Dow 85, I McLachlau 84, E Ferris 84, A Nurria83, R Stevens 82, P McMiister 79, C MacMilUn 78, M Parsluw 78, M Muir 75, I Lever 74, H McLeot" 72, A liroen 72, I Hincks (18, S Aoheson 68, F Mathewson 68, E Oliver 08, A Little 60. J White 59, M MacTivisb 54, S Findlay 49, J McLeod 44, D Colgui 4a, Ma,c- TawshaS, O Mathewson ILi. FORM 1 ABT â€" Marion Muir 80, Rosella Steyena 74, Annie Dhw 71, Mayme McTavish 71, Ida Hincks 08, Elsie Ferris 68. Emma Oliver G7, AUie Little 66, Uu/.el McLeod 66, Stella Acheaon 65, John McLeod 65, Ida Lever M, Ivan McLacblau 64, Mable Parslow 04, Perle McMasti-r 62, Olive Mathewsun 61, Millie WhittakerOl, Freeda Mathawson 60, David Colgan 59, Suphia Findlay 58, Carlylo MacMillan 58, Adulu Breen 57, Cecil 56, Allio isortis 55, Jack White 51. FORM 2 ART-Albert Buchiuan 77, Will McKeiizie 75, Gerald Large 71, Kalhlene McDonald 71, Gertrude Lever 7J, Mary MoLaohlau 69, Evaca Wilson 69, Maudo Acheson 66, Herbert Haney 66, Gurdon Irwin 66, Roay McGirr 66, Reg Bnyd 61, Mildred Caswell 61, Jack Karstedt 60, Allie Paislow 60, Vera Moore 59, George Akins 37. FORM 2 SPiLLLINGâ€" Reg Boyd 100, Mary McLachlan 100, Annie Stephen 95, Herb Haney <J4, Maude Achesou OU, Allie Parslow 80, M Mceallum 79, G. Akins 75, Kathleno McDonald 70, Vera Moure 59, Jack Karstedt 58, Will McKei z;a 55, Albert Buchanan 50, Rose McGirr 49, Evada Wilson 40, Gertrude Lever 40, Mildred Caswell 39, Gordon Iiwiii 0, Gerald Large U. FORM 3 ALGEBRAâ€" K Boyd 87, F Stewart 83, K Cameron 68, N Spencer 67, F White 03, R Belfry 62, ISprottUl, E Ccjusley GO, W Stewart 59, R C»ri;u 56, \ Murphy 55, E Ferris 41. FORM III GE0S1ERTYâ€" F White 92, U I5elfry 88, F Stewart 87. W Stewart 85, K Boyd 82, R C»rgL. 81, I Sprutt 60, K Cunou.n 68, N Spencer 54, E Cousley 51, E Ferris 48, A Murphy 31. FINE JE WE LERY Bates BurialCo. Come iu aiiil see our iiue largo stock BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Etnbalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, ' 'DU.r^^^ U:il^ ^ '^^o and when you have seen them , u.t | ^^^^^ HlllcrCSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re- ' 1 24 AvcnUC Road, pairing a specialty. 1 A full line-jf FJiotogniphic snpplies ' Toronto, Ont. Including developing ' powders, ; MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all j_ yf ^^^ r Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and hlms. i r» • i President. Manag er ISSUER OF I MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - QNT Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. NOTICE To the citizans of Flesherton and the surruundiofi country : I wish to draw your attention to the fact thai lam the eole agent for the 8itiger Sewing Machine, as that inoludea a part of my teriitory. As you are all aware of tho fact that the Kinger is by all me:iua the nioac reliable sewine machina on the market. Ifyiuaio thinking of buying, phone, write or onll peraoiially and ^et prices and terriiR. Old machines taken in excbnnge at a reaaonable price. You can alao buy them on your own ternm. Call and got particulars before tho price goes up a^ain. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, ^ Markdale, Ont. The anniversary aervices and thnnk- offering of Kncx Presby;erian church will ba held ou Sunday uext. llflv. Rose.of CorbettoD,wili preach at 11 a.m. and 7 pin,, and Mis (Rev.) E<gle, of Euiirnia, will conduct tha afternoon service at 2 80. Mrs. E. Black, of DunJalk, is visiting her aister, Mrs. Bates. Mis. W. Thompson is visiting his nephew, Mr. Cbai. Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Munro, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brock, Mrs. J Brock and diiu.ihti-r motored (rum Cwen Sound <in Sunday to Uui;h Copeland's. Mrs. Clement and brother, Clare MacQuay, of Meaford, visiied old frieuda in our coiumuiiity. Our Guild had a bee tho other day and by doing a few badly-needeU-lo-be-dune little jobs have made the interior of the Pret^bytorian chuich look ijuite fribh ann comfortable. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dezoll of Owan Sound and Mrs.|Robert Deroll of Varney visited their brother at Robert Achosona. We are itlad to report that Mr. Dczell's broken limb is doing n cely. We understand that Bub Carson is a busy fellow theoe days. He has put an addition to the Proton business by start- iuK a chopping mill over in tho bvick yard. Tha villa((eyoun({ people mat at tho home of Mr. T. Wauohob on Thursday night and presented Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Thompson with a kitchen shower. A pleasant time was spent in dancing. The bride and gniom have our veiy best wishea for a happy and prosperous journey through life. Osprey Council Osprey Council met at Singhaiiiptoii on October 18 accuiding to â- idjouinment from Sept. 19. The membui-a were all present, The following bills were ordered to b« paid ; Municipal World $1.04 (or dubeuturu forms ; Sawyer Masaey C<.' 821 for b't and bolt! for grader; .!n n Lee 82, work on drain ; Jos. McGrado, $12 50 for lamb killed by dogs ; R -d and Britige Com. $;5 each, fur oxamiiin n ditch oil 20Lh aider jad ; James I'ol.a $10.20 for selecting juroia and tiguali/.- ing tluee union school seotione »nd mileage fur same ; The Clerk and Reeve 84 each for selecting jurors; Itnin Morrisoo $4 for meeting engineer at ditcb on 40th sideroad ; Albert Ross 8175 for work on drain No. 2 ; Hydro Electric Association $1U, annual fees. Council adjourned to meet at Fever- sbam Nov. 15. â€" r. M. Scott, Clerk. In Memoriam 111 loving memory of W. G. Picki-11, who paKsudnway November 2, 1014, and Charles P. Pickc'l, who li f t us Marcli 20, 1917. Asleep In .lesus, blessed .<4lcep I From which none ever wake to wofp. â€" Mother anil faiiiily Osprey Township Notice of Registratioa Bylaw. Notice is hereby given that a Bylaw was passed by the Township of O.'prey, on tho nineteenth day <>f Seoloinber, ISHSt, providing lor the issue of Deben- tures to the nmouiit of 1550 00, for the purpose of t xtendiug the Local Municipal Telephone Syatem. and thai such Bylaw was renihleied in the Registry Offlcn of Durham, in the County oi Grey, ou iho ninth day of October, litll). Any motion to ijuash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be inudu within three months after tho hrst publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated ihe Wih day of October, 1!U<». T, N. SCOTT, Clerk, House of Quality All kinds of Fresh Fiuit in .season. FLOUR- We carry a large supply of Iloval Household, PiveHo'^cs, Purity and Eclipse i-'lonr. We have a (luantity of First Class Machine Oi!. All kinils of Grain Chop and Pig Feed on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. -We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario For Fall & Winter We have just opened up a fine assortment of Men's Felt Hats, Fall and Winter Caps, Sweater Coats. Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear for men and boys, Ladies' Mantles and Sweaters and Woollen Setts. Linoleums â€" four and two yards wide. Get our prices before you buy. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale Possession this fall, 100 acres, on the Toronto Gravel, nood county road, soil j^ood clay loam, 8 ncres bush, 10 roomed brick veneered house, soft water inside, got/d well, never failini; sprini;s, oreok close to out building and house, large htnk 'larii .^Cxlio, t'O ft. posts, well liKhted, good stablitiK. drive house, piygcry, heii house. A mile from S. .S. No. U public school and 1| mils from Flouheiton. .Vjiply to WBi, BREEN, Flesherton. Boar For Service Piare bred Uegirtored Yorkshire Boar Ifor serviceâ€" Mivx well .laok 62»0;}â€" m« lot 107, S. W. T. A S. R., Artomesi*. 'I'erniB 81.50. 10,4,10 T. J, SXTiNSON. FARM FOR SALE A l.'HI acre farm for ,««leâ€" Lot 31, con ti, tlsprey. Oniho prrinises is a xood hauiei i 1 40 X JJO. a good frame house, •» Rood rilled wnll. Kor particulars lappiy. â€" L>A>iNIE CAMERON, jSep 11 U U. No..'., Siughanipton

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