wppupg mmmntm M October 23 lUlO THE FIESHEUTON ADVANCE THB. Flesherton Advance •nnd«c«n<l«iil newii|mp«r, publialia I every Abm*T »I lb'* utiic« I'lillinKwuud titr««t, iTlMberton. Subacripiioii price tl perikimuin wiien (NUd Id advance ;tl.5Jwlieii do o paiil A'lvw Uiinff rktea un applioatiun Circi'Utiou * '"Jweekly W. H. THURSTON, Osprey Prize List from ca^ts, Miss Tnylnr, Jmis H*wkin BUncil clei>igii, Mrs Hitwkuii ; black tai white Hkeich, L Atkiniidn, MibS Taylor ; .netal work, Msa Taylor. Floral EzhibiU lJeK">><<i'' '' varielie", H Ali-xanJcr j fuchaia iii lilooiii, Mia Kernalmn ; geranr EDITOU ums 2 aiiiKlo in bloom, Mrs A'exander ; gfraiiiuciis 2 dnuble In bloom, mi» AIi'X. andcr ; Hunldii fein, Mrs Ktrnahaii ; hydrangea in bloom, mis Keniahau. Childran'a Work ( I'l ok potatoes, U S 8 No 1 and 5, H (Cnliuued fn.Mi l'.i;e 1) ' Lougheed ; essay -my idea of a ({'.od bedroom curtains, m.» Dr CJuy, mh giti/.an, H I-iu^jlued, VV Wri;<lii ; colored iiawl:cn ; dreader ruiiner.wlilte enibtold« ; Jrawine, Aliiu IleiiJersoii, l' S S No 1 «ry, M s Lc^crat, mih Ui- Uuy ; dr.gser 1 anj 5 ; peiiiniinslii", L)ly Oltewill, A tuiiiier and pi:i cuxliion, M'» Ciossley ; ' \Viileiiian ; druwiiiv boy cha^iiiL; I niter, tea coiy, .Mi-8 CrossVy ; pair tray rlolhs, ' ||y_ (j.,kliii Hodtkinii, W Wiiylit ; o .Mm IltiKkun, MrH I.»wlor ; ceuire piece piece silnol lui ch, Dorolliy liubiiisoii, juderiaand Frencli emh, sua Uawki'n ; ,, ,ry Fawcelf. centre piece crochet 1 1 immed, .Mrs Haw- ken, Mra Crossley ; lel taMj mats, M:8 Dr Guy ; table doilies olhor stylo, Mis Orowley ; tattin;; display :) piecec, mis Crosaley, Mrs MolFit ; dutlot scaif hand STRAYED Fioiii the premises of lliu imJirsij^red lot 2'.*. con. 12, .\iteiiiesu, ilia !h»i wee, made, Mia Uawken, Mrs Ciossley ; cloth I in September, :{ calvef, two dark rek J ,, â- .. ,11 ...j ii, r'.,.. . lieifei" ciilvcM and or.c man mule calfd •nd (S serviettes initial.d, .Mr-i L)r Ouy ; '"'''*^' ^ ". ' ,,u, , , ,, , u I Ii.fonimt Kill » ill lu I liiiiiKfiilly received, library table runmr, mis truss ey, n! ,,,.,, .r.t.' /^ i> i n . n !,â- , / , , , I WALLACE GRAUAiM, lliuamu. Lougheed ; enib conventional, urB Crassley ; eiab daisy lonp and Fiench knjt, Mrs Dr Guy 2; lofa cushion silk emb, and Mrs Spolford ; nufn cushion Came Astray Came to my pvemi'es, lot SI, con. 4, Osprey, about Ojt. 13. i.neiaui. Owner washable ;2Bd M suttewell ; sofa cushion I itjnjiy ,,,11^ p^y cxpeiisas and take ihe any kind, H Lougheed, Mis llawken ; infants pillow and carriaj^e cover, Mra Dr Guy, D Ilin« ; infant's short dro«s, Mrs Dr Guy ; wliite emb not listed, Mis Crossley, Mra M^ffit ; c ilored emb no' listed, Mrs Mufi'at, Mrs Cro.sslcy ; colored cotton crochet, II Alexander, Mrs Haw kea ; wliite cotton crochet, Mrs Crossley, Mrs tUwken ; fancy knii.*.iiig ailk or wool, 2nH Mrs Cros«ley ; ait need'o work ori!<in»l desifiii. 2nd .mis Crusiley, Special by F U Nellleion, best coll fancy work, Mr» Crossley. FINE ARTS. Oil Paintings Landroipe ircm nature Miss N Tayl'jr; marine cuiiy, Mrs Hawken, Miss Tijior ; ti^ure work copy, Miss Taylor ; fish or g»nie from object, Miss Taylor animal away. â€"ALBERT BLACKBURN Came AAray Five 8*r»y cal»e> came to my {ireniises lot 40, con. 8, Artemesi*, about Oct. Hi. The owner is reijueated to prove prop- erty, pay expensea and take the lame -C- HANLEY Eugenia p.o. away. 0c2a For Service One pure nred Shorilioni Bull onlot 3G, con, 9, Aitemesia. Terms $1.50 for B. grade Must be piid within 9 months date froniof service. 19 an. -U. O.TUimK.R. Boar For Service Farm For Sale llejjisiered Chester White hotr for ..,, ,., ... T 1 . .„„i ervice at Rock Mill.s. The father won st.U life, MISS Taylor; ""7; fi^at at Chicago Fair. Terms §1.50. orif-inal design, miss Taylor, Mrs Uawken. | j^^, 5i<) _i. SMITH Prop. Water colois â€" Land ,»po Canadian scene, Mss Taylor, Mrs llawken ; marine from nature. Miss Taylor ; animals from life, Mrs flanken. M-».s Taylor; fruit 200 acicf, boinn lois 1. con. H, and ffom ol.j.ct, M 8« Taylor, mis Hawken ;[ lot 1, cin. i), Ospr.y G .od biiildini."< on encli firm, a («oi)d w^ll on each w th wlodin II on one, water 111 barn and home, a L'oiiil 01 chard on faell farm, well feiiceil with wiieanu raihj, in uo d staiH of ciiltiviition. For terms and pari'.cnlars apply lo D. \V. CLINTON, .'U EriiidiK' .Xvn , o Itl Toronto. still life, Mias Taylor, m s ll.iwkeii. Miscellaneous- Si pia 1 rieinal subject, Mrs Haivkin ; paslil original subji-c, Mrs Hawken ; crayon arohitectual design, .Mias Taylor, Mri Ilawl en ; charcoal ike'ch, M'hsTsylor : pi'iitil diawing not copy, MiKS Tnylir, L .Vlkin.'on ; drawing Small Ad5. BACTERIAL SOFT ROT FOR SALE' For Sile â€" 2 yr o'd pure bred L-iic»'<r*r ram aftei Nov. 10 â€" D. Muir, Ceylon. Youni; I'igs I' or Sile, leidy to weui; â€" F red JaniiesiiL<, Ej >enia. Good cook move, coal or woo.l, for sale. T. Clayto", Kleslierinn. For Sale - .\lilcli cow 7 yis. old, lioifi r o inoa. anl steer t#o weika old --Harry Jarrington, Flesheitoii For Sala â€" Grade Oxtorl ram, shea.- ling ; a'so four i;ood ewes to let on sliarefl Apply to Louis Kerton, M;kxwell. For Sale â€" Three yearlins? c*lve8 aid one c )w, mi kio;^. Apply to W J Martin, Flesherton. Horses F^r Sale â€" On lor, 7^ g n. 4, Artemissia, team he vy Imrsef, 2 inar^ s in foal and foal by -side â€" 1 team agid ar.d 1 toftni youn'. App'y (o Noil Cameron, Ce)lo«i, Out. For Saleâ€" Grooery, Flour and Feed, Saed and Grain buiiiiesi for si!e. Rearon for sellin;; â€" ijoinginto the garage business. Apply at once to II. Djwn it Son, Ujx (io, F.c->herfon. For Sale cheap and en easy terms, L. t 13, con. II, Oiprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good gt^te of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton Disease Is Causiog Great Loss of Vegetables. Clover honey, mire wholesome and nutritious th-n fiuit. No nrd lloman's profits. .Price anl ipnlity right. Wo lia/e nearly a Ion yet. ,Placj your ordir before it is loo late. G :,<. W. Grahi m, Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS Chopi)ing SIX days in the weal â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Try Fever dia.n Pastry Flour, the be;t or your cook. All Oninrio wiieat Highest pnoj for butcoi and oiigs at Graham Brcs. Eugenia. June 26 SATISFIED ! THAT Is wliat over IOC useis say about K)() (liMvitv wnsheir, supplied by S. HEMPHILL, â- ]f|^^) Agent For •â- ,'^%^it> liHIOdiavitv w.i'luM'.s ai.d wringers â- ^^\ tllectiif ami --iisolMK' powfr wa.'ilioivs .J Private funJs to loin ou real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. Apply to R, J. Sproule, Fiejherton sopt 2317 Huming, trapyiii/ ,.r trespissing 8-rictly f.u-biiW -ii ...1 lots 7(i 1 1 7i), T. & | S. R, â€" l.imcs S iin"-i. Coat Li.stâ€" lijy'., I'voic ai. n ivy blu , betwejn valley to. d and Mt.kUl?, on fair day. ll.-turn to John Campbell, f EuifBiiii, or tills i.fli.:.-. \ ALSO f.,r Mcf;.nniiek P.ii ileis. Mow. i". TI«y Rnkep, Hay Lnadcrs. Dri Is, Ciiliivator, Plows, Steel Stalls. Harrows. Oasuline Knginef, BranlfMrd (li ubie ueare.d and au'o o iid siinolii Win Mi1l<, Bealy Hay Curriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Cairiers, Water lli.uls, Water'l'anks, I'linip and P.pini; SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One ihiiii more «i;ol cut with same power wliun liiied wiili my patml. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. L'nt Kwe *iiil wo la nh.«, from lot II, en. II, Osprey, about Sept. 15. i F:iuler kindly comniui luito w>'h J.inea T.iuinpson, Fevershiiu. Koiiiiilj I ). tl b I H, III Eu,:enia, puree 'iitaining sum of iiinn'-y. Owner c»n Imvo .1111' by piov.ii,' I ropertv ami pay- iiw for ih:« alvi. .\! p'y to Mrs. Me- Mullen, Euj.'iiit. Fall and Winter Goods Now i.s the linie to prepare for Winter. We have !i full line of Flanellette and Wool Blankets, Comforters, grey and white Wool Sheeting Just Hiriveil, new Plniil l)ro.sa Good.q-- .souio es - peeially good for .school dresses -All wool Sergps in blue, black and wine, etc. All pure wool Blanketing (or ChiiHren's Coats, 54 inches wide, colors red and wl i e, i 3.25 a yd. ' Three Kiilendid values in llur.,'iindy, Brown and Tweed Coiing, ?,") 7.-1 • nd $<i a yard. OATSâ€" Men's. Children's and Ladi.s' Winter Ccats. Swwtor Coa^s, .Sweaters, Men's checked Mscliiiie Coats. SILKS- Kvery shade fn ni Ji2 '.'."> to 8t a yud. • F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton BUSINESSCARDS Societies jlilNCK AUTHUR LODGB, No. .sas.A.K.ik \ .M. iuuiit9 in the Masonic b&ll. Arm a ronii'H lllocK l!'l«Bbertoa, every Fri<l&v on or before tlio tull acCD. T.HeuryW. M. 'L'. ll'akely, HeLretnry. Dentistry r e. C MURRAY L. D. 6 , Aental aargeou t li> uot'Rruiluatu ot Torouto Uuiversity anil . . ya! I'ollt'go ot I>uiital Burgeons of Outario, ffts adtuisluiBtered (or teeth extraction time at realdencs, Toronto Street. FUaberton. Medical Dr W.J. Heury, M: U., gift'laateof Facu)l\ of Medicine, Toronto ttiiiveisitv. Ulttce â€"Dr. Little's lata retiilauce, Kleaherton. 1 »• OTTKWKIA. f Vetariuary HurgeoD .inOuate of Outatio Veterinary Collefj* tHUIeiiCe â€" S9uoud door soulb weatiou \.Mt atreet. Thia atreet raaa outli resbyteriaD Gburob. Legal , UCAB, KANEY & hKNRYâ€" Barrlaters. L" riolicltor»,e^o.-I. H. Luoaa, K. C; W. K, â-ºlaney, K. C.; W. D. Henry, B. A. Ufflooa, I'oronto, H06-9 Tiadora Bank Kldg., ptaoue oalu U19; MarkdaleLucaa hlook, Phoue 3 A. <r»ocb olUca kt Dundtik opao every Saturday. n KIQHT. ft TBLFOKD, Uarriater, Rollci. '' tor«, 4o. OUlcea, Grey « Kruce Hlock, Uwon Bound. Standard Bank - ck.'iTlesber- toa. (Saturdaya). W.H. Wright, W. P. Telford Jr. Business Cards WM. KAITTINO, iceused Aaotloneer fot the countiea of lirey and Bimooe- farm and Stock aalea a specialty. Term! uodurato. Batisfaotion guaranteed. Arrauga- necta lor dates may be made at the Advauoa itHce, or Central tolei'hone ofllbe Feveraham <r byaddroasing we at Feveraham, Ont. r\ Mal'HAIC. Ijicouaed Auctloum (or tlui *-*• County of Qroy. Terms moderate and %IU Hction Ruaranteed. Tlio arraflffonioiit? 'iifl dates o( sal PR can bo iitaflentTIiK Advaiico Jlllce. Ilesi'ieiico hud I'.o., ('e>luu, To'c|)liuno > uueclion. Doc. G, 70 â€" • ' ' ' I •"' -«.»â€"-» â€" Farm For Sale' _^Oo id fitrni, «b lit half mile from iti.- Villnije of Klehrtoii. co .t.iiiiii'j (ill acres, 40 acres clem 'd Jind ihe luli.i e h n. wood 1hi«!i. On tho p-opity is ii ^<'l fr.iii' i"iiii with shi'd I'OiH'ilh. ^OIIN IIKAIU), Fleshtr'.on. Catiliflower, Carrota, Xamipa, Celery and Tcmntoes Particularly affect- fd â€" How the Disease Spreadsâ€" lU Symptoms^ and Remedy â€" Great Cure Secesstav} During Harvest and Storing. (Contributed by Ontario Uepa 'tment ol AKCIculture. Toronto) BACTKRIAL soft rot la a dis- ease liable to at(ack fleshy vegetables and (lowers, parti- cularly carrots, cauliflower, turnips, Cillery, tomatoes, Irla and cala lily, and in a lesser degree onions, asparagus, salsify, sugar beet and mangel. Occasioiially the dis- ease resulls in heavy losses to the grower of these crops. General Appejirnnce of the Disease. As the name signifies, the disease results in a soft, wet rot of the plant attacked. The rotted portion of the plant is darker in color than the rest of the plant. The color of the dis- eased part varies from a light, red- dish or greenish brown to a very dark brown. Cause of the Disease. Tiie disease is due to the action of a certain species of bacillus known generally as the vegetable soft rot bacillus. This is a very minute or- ganism about 1-10,000 of an inch long and 1-20,000 of an inch thick, but when it gets into the vegetable tissue through a wound made by the hoe or cultivator or in.sect bite, it feeds on the plant juice and multi- plies rapidly and as it develops it produces an enzyme, which digests or softens the firm tissue, breaking it down into a soft, pulpy, strong- smelling mass, which is easily de- tected. In this soft-rotted tissue the bacilli will be present in millions. In cauliflower the disease is found more often in the flower than in the leaves or stem; the latter parts, how- ever, are also subject to attack. In turnip, the disease most fre- quently enters at or near the crown, through caterpillar or slug attack, or through injuries received during hoe- ing or cultivation. It softens or rots the' leaf petioles at their base, caus- ing them to tall over, and spreads slowly in dry weather, rapidly in wet weather, through the lissuu of the root, inducing a brown-colored soft rot, with strong odor. In carrot the disease enters and develops in much the same way as described for the turnip. It is more apt to spread rapidly through a crop that is thickly .sown and not well thinned out, the shade produced by the heavy tops luakiiig iduui con- ditioire by keeping the ground moist for the development of the disease when once it gains entrance, and har- boring slugs and caterpiliais that spread tlie disease. Carrots which crack beneatli the ground are liable to be attacked by the disease, the soft rot bacillus gaining entrance to the tissues lluougii the cracked surface. In celery the disease is not very common, but when present is most often found starting at or near the tops of the young growth. In tomatoes the bacterial soft rot is very common during wet seasons. It is found most frequently in the fruits that are in contact with the soil after they have commenced to ripeg. The bacillus will not readily penetrate through the unbroken skin of the tomato. But when a tomato is resting on the damp earth, that part of the skiu in contact with tho soil is frequently weakened, thus pro- viding a means of access to the ba- cillus. This, however, is not the only means wtierehy the disease entersttw fruit. Slugs are very-partial to toma- toes Just ripening. In their attack ou the fruit they eat througli the skin, leaving the interior flesh ex- posed. This exposed surface is an ideal medium lor the bacillus oX soft rot to develop in. The writer has found many tomatoes, particularly in wet seasons^ when slugs are plenti- ful, that have contracted the disease in this way. Uradication and Control of Disease. Spraying with fungicides, which is so effective in controlling the fung- ous diseases of plants, is of no avail with bacterial diseases, as the bac- teria which cause the disease act in the interior tissue rather than on the surface; hence the spray will not reach them. Spraying with insecticides is help- ful indirectly, as it tends to keep in check the insects, slugs, cater- pillars, etc., which are one of the most common means of spreading bacterial diseases from one plant to another. As a rule, the best method to adopt in dealing with a plant Infected with bacterial disease is to carefully re- move and burn it. Insects, garden tools, etc., coming in contact with it will spread the disease to the plants with which they come in con- tact later. Therefore, in order to prevent losses from bacterial soft rot ot plants, remove and burn affected plants, or parts of plants, as soon as observed; be careful during cultiva- tion not to wound plants, and keep caterpillars, slugs and biting insects in check. Affected plants should never be put on Aa compost heap or manure pile. Hiir vesting and Storing. When harvesting and storing tur- nips, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, ti^iatoes, or other vegetables from crops in which the disease has bee* present, great care should be taken i%t to include any specimen litat shows the slightest appearance of the disease, or U> smear the healthy specimen with ftie soft rotted parts of diseased specimens. If these pre- cautions are neglected, the disease is liable to establish itself and spread more or less rapidly through the en- tire crop stored. â€" D. H. Jones, B.S.4. saiaaiiiia»>»>a»aaa <i»».^â€" a â- »• » FLEET FOOT White, Black and Tan. For men, women an cliiltlren. All sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. A GRAHAM BROS.. EUGENIA, ONT. «..â- â- â- »â- " â- '« â- »' «i « â- i **'^^imigtgfC aisiiiiaaaaaaaiiaaaaai ' m II '!!l iUl i i i i 11 i i i i B Flesherton Tin Shop [ have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuwai-e, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies P^civetroughing, Stevepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Uepairing of all kinds promptly attended to*. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare l^ros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j0 ONTARIO. i [^1 WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAi, PRICES IN «- New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Water Where and When You Need It Water is One of Life's Three Essentialsâ€" FREE Wind Power will Pump Water Anywhere on Your Farm Toronto Pumps and Toronto Water Systems give you all the advantages of city water service. We can arrange a system with a Toronto Windmill ; a Toronto Gas- oline Engine, or a Toronto Electric Motor. You will be interested in our literature on Windmills, Pumps and Water Systems. It is sent free. Mail us a postcard now â€" before you forget. Running water you can have on your farm. Toronto Windmills make it possible. â€" because they use FREE power â€" no operating cost. â€"because they are BETTER wind- millsâ€"staunchly built and scienti- fically dtsigned. No expense be- yond an occasional oiling. Quiet in operation. They give a lifetime of service. They liave brought wind power back into favor. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Meatr«>l Winnipeg Cdgarj Ragiaa ONTARIO WIND ENGINE !i PUMP CO ORON '« F. E. SOMERS -1 Feversham, Ont. . ♦