t \ 'I t A CHARMING COSTUME ^ 8748-9044 No. 8748â€" Ladies' Tie-On Basque. PAINFUL NEURALGIA' Is Caused by Thin, Watery Blood and Cured by Enriching the Blood. Most people think of neuralgia as a pain In the heacWor in the (ace, but neuralgia may atfect any nerve in the body. Different names are given to it when it affects certain nerves. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called 8<^iatica, but the character of the pain and the nature of the disease are the 'same. The cause being the same, the cure to be effective must be the same. The pain in neuralgia is caused by starved nerves. The blood which car- ries nourishment to the nerves has be- .:onie thin and impure and no longer does 80, and the pain you feel is the cry of the nerves for their natural food. You may ease the pain of neur- algia with hot applications, but you can only cure the trouble by enriching and purifying the blood. For this pur- pose we know of no medicine that can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rich blood and thus act as the most efficient of The Conquest Numbly he stumbled to the untaken wall. While death smote fast with quak- ing blows, and smoke Clung skulking to the shuddering ground, when spoke The chattering gnna'ln ambuscade, j Then all Whirled round him like a dizzy sea, and pain Glowed redly on it like a burning ship ... A distant bugle ^ead with tremb- ling lip. ' And, grappling with bis life, he strove again. He climbed the ivy at the waH, and set His foot upon the deadly parapet. And fell beneath a foeman's frantic blow, A bubble of blood upon his last, ilerce breath. Then strove his spirit, and, a con- queror, lo. He stood upon the battlements of death. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S U\XATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomacli, liver and bowels Price, 20 cen^. Body and sleeve in nerve tonics. If you are suffering 1 one, or dropped shoulder; vest to be i from this most dreaded of troubles,' slipped on over the'^ead, and gathered or any form of nerve trouble, give vest. Cut in 6 sizes, 34 to 44 ins. bust. â- these pills a fair trial, and see how Size 36 requires, with bell sleeves, I speedily you will be restored to good 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 health. j ins. wide; collar, vest, undersleeves, You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I 1 yd. 36 ins. wide; body-and sleeves in one, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 64 ins. wide; gathered vest, % yd. 36 inn. wide. No. 9044â€" Two-Piece Skirt 'with caught-under panels. Price, 20 cents.! from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or sis boxes for $2.50 from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. O A Government scientist has succeed-^ These patterns may be obtained Igd in making the Pacific coast kelp' from your local McCall dealer, "br, edible by pickling it. , from the McCall Co., 70 Bond street, Toronto, Dept. W. Spread leaves three or four inches deep on the floor of the hen house. This material helps absorb the drop- Every school where the children are' pings and provides a means of feed- obliged to eat lunch should be equip-! ing the gra.in in such a way that the ped for preparing and serving one hens are obliged to exercise by warm dish with the^phildren's meal. | scratching for it. New Game Foods From the North Of course it will come as a shock to the Englishman, in touring Canada, to take his favorite chair at the table in his favorite hotel or restaurant, scan the card and find that roast beef, just plain roast beef, is missing. But In its place he may find roast rein- deer, broiled .Arctic musk ox or a cut of caribou, .-^nd the Englishman, lov- ing to take a chance, because he likes game foods, most likely will order the reindeer, the musk ox or the carfbou. In 1917 when the shortage of foods throughout the world became serious and the Allies, wherever they might live, were urged to speed up produc- tion if the war was to be won, the De- \ partment of the Interior had passed the Northwest game act placing the fur trapping and trading industry un- der control. Closely following a com- mission was appointed to consider the advisability and possibility of develop- IHR reindeer and musk ox herds as a means of supplying food and clothins. The results are beginning to be real- t ized now, and the commission reports that Canada has available for this new industry more than 1.000.000 square miles in the North, and that all of this i is suitable for the propagation of the I reindeer and the musk ox, and that the caribouâ€" the barren laud caribou : â€" already thrives there. 1 This territory is unsuited for the I cultivation of fruits and cereals, but for grazing purposes it is excellent. In ; other parts of the world the increased j cultivation of fruits and grains has de- , creased the areas suited for grazing ; purposes, but on these wild square miles in the north of Canada there has been no encroachment due to the war ' and !ts call for increased food sup- ; plies. 1 Alceady it has been found that the 1 .-Vrctic musk ox. a. rather untractable animal, can be domesticated, and that he will yield a large meat supply with a game taste, to be sure, and that at ' the same time he will assist in in- I creasing the supply of wool. Keep, Implements Under Cover. If one travels through the country at the present time, the haying and harvesting machinery on many farms I may be seen standing in the field where last used. It may have been : drawn out into the lane somewhere or may even b& at the barn, but not inside it. In the Prairie Provinces I there seems to be a sort of reckless \ abandon regarding the use of machin- 1 ery. When a binder breaks down it is ] often drawn off to one side of the field and forsaken when it could be , easily repaired and made to serve for a season or two longer. The prices of all kinds of farm im- plements have gone up and it is poor business to neglect the machinery b^ leaving it exposed to the weather. The wooden parts soon rot away and the metal parts rust out It takes longer also to get a rusty implement into working order again. It is frequently stated that the far- mer is and must be to-day more of a business man than formerly. Men in other lines of business where ma- chinery Is employed see that it is oiled and properly cared for in order to keep down production costs. The farmer should do the same. \Vhen he pays the price that he has to pay to-day tor machinery he should take good care of it. Cost of production can be reduced in this way, which means increased profits. Try it. BIT5 OF HUMOR FROM HIRE &TVI£!U KirP WAarTED. IADIE3 WA.NTKD Ti > Do PL.\I« J IlKht sewliiK at home; whole or : BiMire lime: K'lod puy; worl< iieni any discanca: charKen paid. S«nil stamp for I particulars. National ManuSacturlns C.inipany. M<intrfal. I : fOK 8AI.a. WELL SmSFIED WITH B.\BY S OW.^ T.4BLETS A Bird That Hates Darkness For many years the annual migra- tion of the birds, although a perfectly familiar fact, was shrouded in mys- tery. Except in the case of a few birds like the robin, which winters not far south of its summer home, no one knew where the song birds or the shore birds went in the fall, or whan they 1-egaa their uorthward flight in the spring. But the subject has been carefully and patiently studied by so many ob- servers and naturalists that it is no longer impossible to answer these questions. The cliff swallows and blackpoll warblers spend their winters In tropical South America; the golden plover, which nests on the Arctic Soa. winters S.OOO miles away in the .\r- gentine; the scarlet tanager is to be found in December and January In Ecuador and Peru, and the bobolink In southern Brazil. For a long time it was thought that the golden plover bore off the palm for length of flight between summer and winter homes, but now that dis- tinction is awarded to the .Vrctic hen. This bird breeds as far north as it can find anything stable on which to con- struct its nest: it has been found within seven a;id a half degrees of the pole. .Vnd that nest was found lurrounded by a wall oC^owly fallen snow which the mother bird had care- fully scooped out from round her chick. The tern arrives in the Far North about June 15. and leaves again for the south toward the end of August, when the young birds are able to fly stro«gly. Two or three months later the birds are |(iund skirting the edge of the Antarctic continent, 11.000 miles away. What their track is over that vast space no one yet knows. .\ few individuals are occasionally seen along the New England coast in the fafh but the flocks of thousands and thousands of these gregarious birds which alternate from pole to pole have never been met by any trained ob^rver competent to learu their pre- ferred path and their time schedule. They must travel at least 150 miles a day â€" apart from their flights in search or pursuit of food â€" to cany them with- in ten or twelve weeks from one eud of the world to the other The .Arctic tern enjoy more hours of sunlight than any other creature on the globe. The sun never sets dur- ing its stay at the northern nesting grounds, and durin)# the stay in the south it has two months of continuous sunlight and practical daylight tor be- tween six and eight months of the yei'.r. Mrs. A. Bernard. La Presentation, Que., writes: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby and am well saysfied with them. 1 have recom- mended them to several of my friends who have also usod them with bene- ficial results." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prove of benefit in cases of indiges- tion, constipation, colic, colds, etc. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .> . Turpentine is a moth preventive. Cows should not be allowed to idle â- away the fall and winter. Milk pro- duction is no longer confined to tlje summer months on farms that show i good returns. Many ancient families in England have stored away life-sized figures in wax of their ancestors, made at the I time of the original's death. Thej i Duke of Norfolk has the figures of three wives of one of his ancestors, which are kept in a glass case at one of his country seats. Accept "California " Syrup of Figs only â€" look for the uame California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for yie little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear Mother! You must say "California." The Tight Little Isle. O little island, set in sea " Of silver, sung by him Who wrote on many a glowing page Thy deeds of valur grim. Rise up and be the pioneer Of that heroic' dream Thy poets knew when to them came The bright, authentic gleam. Which gave them vision in the night â€" A wise, prophetic band. Who saw the New Jerusalem In thy green, pleasant land. Who saw the Parliament of Man, The blood-stained banners furled, .\nd looked from tliee to emanate The new law of the world. England, where the great waves beat Upon thy time-worn shore, Cp. blaze the trail, and lead thy sous. As in the days of yore. Until, at last, by man is won The prize to manhood due. And all thy poets' dream of love â€" And more, shall be made true. The Cure. "Doctor, I'm feeling awful," said the young man. "l can't sleep â€" " '1 can cure .vou," replied the doctor promptly. "Ask her lo marry you." Time and Effort Wasted. M. 0.â€" "I hear that you cough with more difficulty than you did yester- day." Tommy â€" "That's odd. sir, because I've been practicing all night." Careless of Him. Mrs. Jones's mirth was so pro- nounced that it attracted the attention of her husband. "What are you laughing at ?" he asked. "Maud's letter. She writes that they had foggy weather all the way across." "I don't see anything funny i^ chat." "No; but she adds that the captain must have neglected to take out clear- ing papers." ! XTEW'Sr/VrEH. WEEKLY. IN BRUCH ! X^ County, aiulendlil opDurtunlty. Writ* j box T. Wllaiin I'ublishlnK Co.. Llmltad. I T8 .A-'.-lnide .St. W. Toronto. WELL EijCIPPED NEVVSPAI'BK and job nriiicinK plant in ICaatarn 1 Ontario. Inn irnnce carried Jl. 500. Will «o for n l'mO .in quick Bnle Pox SJ. Wilson r:ibll«h1nir Co T.t ! Toronto. BITUATIOHS TACAVT. "FIDDLE- FIT" L Keep Livef and Bowels Clean and Active with "Cascarets" ..«.â- »â- «â- â- ♦â- .«â- â- »..». »• «ii>.ii MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money br.ck. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, sour, gassy stomach â€" always trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels. Poisonous matter clogged in the in- testines, instead of being cast out of file system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes conges- tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken- ing headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poi- sons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will have you feeling clear, rosy and as fit as a fid- dle by morning. They work while you sleep. What's in a Man? "What's a man?" asked David. A chemist has been answering the ques- tion. \ man weighing about eleven stone w'ould produce, if his body were con- verted into hydrogen and other gases, about 35.000 cubic feet of gas. worth about lis. 2d. for illuminating pur- poses. He would also contain sufficient fat to make a fifteen-pound caudle, enou'feh carbon to make 9.000 pencils, enough phosphorus â€" about fifty ounces â€" to make SOO.OOO matches. His body con- tains sugar equivalent to sixty lumps and twenty spoonsful of salt. The contents of a thousand eggs would provide all the necessary iu- gredieuts for making his body anew. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass it along to othen. it works! A HE VwL" AiliiiTlOLd.' lb' YOU c'eslri* advancement in any iiltuAtlon 01 life, mental efficiency Is wliat will , brlns .vou ^iiccess. Ths Pelman System I of Mind and Memory Training develops I latent powers with wondertul results, yet It re<iulre9 but spare momeiitM of ' study and mental exercise. It mattera I not where you live for the course Is con* I ducted by mall â€" by conllJentlal corres- pondence. Your requeai ;or free book- i let. 'Mind and Mosnory." will brinit tbla ' and all particulars by return malL ^'r:te to-day Pelman Institute. TM TMmnle !3Mb T â€" onto. i KISCElUiAmOUB. NfR.SESâ€" THE HOSPIT.^L FOR IM- CUR.^BLE.S. In attiilatlon with i Bellevue and .Ulted Hospitals. New York. I offers a course of training to youns wo- ; men desiring to become nurses: this hoa- j pital has now adopted the eight hour system. For salary and other informa- ' tion apply to Superintendent. IJO Dunn -Avenue. "Toronto. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write ua before too la!"-. T'r Bellman Medical Co. Limited. Coll'-ngwoed. Ont W.^NTED â€" IN Er\-ERY TOV.N IN Canada â€" a bright, energetic youth to take orders for Reynolds' New War â- \tlas: no collections to make: you simp- I ly take the order: we slilp the volume and collect cai*h : commissions paid • promptly every Friday: Reynolds' New I ' war .Atlas is the greatest and easiest ! selling publication ever offered: contaln- l I Ing 2S1 maps, Including all new buund- i i arles of all countries and important ^ cities; also evcr.v Important event in tha i I great war drama from July. 1914. t« tha I signing of peace: 12". 000 words of text: ! 40 automobile maps, motor laws. 32 rait- , way maps. "Encyclopaedia of World In- ; formation": a complete geography of the 'world: price only J5.50 f o.b. "Toronto; j agents easily make 15". 00 per week. ] Mark inquiries Waj- .\tlas. Sales Limited, 66 Bond street. Toronto. Ontario. aiTtJATioars vACAaiT. \RE YuU LOOKING FOR .\N OPEN- I.Vi; to pro\e your ability? Or. are you just drifting along on the principle that "everything comes to him who , waits" â€" without much thought of your efficiency? If you are in the latter I class, be up and doing â€" train your mind and memory so as to be ready for Op- 1 portiinlty when It comes your way. In other words. Pelinanlsel If you know y<ju have ability, why not use the wait- I ing moments to lx^urove your efllciency ' and incidentally acqruire that Personality i which means so much in seeking Suc- cess? Small town or big city, or on ths township side line. It matters not â€" tha I Pelmaii .Sy.stem is conducted by mall. I "Mind and Memory " aells you all about ] It. It is a book that's free and lays no I obligation upon you to enroll, though you'll be surprised to And IVow moderate 1 is the fee required. Write for the book ' and particulars to-day to the Pelman â- Institute, ''ib Temple Building. Toronto. Canada. The touring car, which is the most I familiar type of car. takes ifS name : from the fact that it is .used by motoi^ I ists on lengthy tours. ' It is an open ! car also, with a tonneau and four I doors, "seating seven passengers. I Xlnard'a Iiioiaiant Ctizas Boms. ato. ! Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, â€" I can recommend Ml N.\UD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism ! and Sprains, as I have used it for both ' with excellent results. | Yours truly. 1 T. B. LAYERS, ] St. John. ! liiSj 2=2b =?l Build Up With Grape =Nuts Popular For hs delightful fldvor and because it furnishes certain food 'values neces- sary for building the best in body and brain Users kNow by test ^ There s a Reason EkB JE JK i^M Listening Under Water. The art of i;st-,Miins under water was brought to perfection dui"'ing the great submarine hunt of the last year or two, and it is interesting to know from Professor Bragg, recently lec- turing at the Royal Institution, that the llrst experiijaents in this direction were tegun less thaii a hundred years ago, says a London magazine. In 1S2G a bell w-as immersed and rung under water, and was heard across the Lake of Oeneva. Electric bell signals can now be detected seven miles away under water, aat! down in the hold of a ship men '-an hear the sound of a shovel dropped Inside another passing ship. For the use of the hlind a geograph- ic and industrial atlas of Great Britain has been' prepared, consisting of twenty maps in relief and 202 pages of ehibossed descriptive text. SUsoid'a &lalEient Saliavaa Nenralglx A Giant Sun. Canopus, the giant of the solar sy< tern, is, according to a recent calcul.i- tion. 4'J,00i) times as bright as the sun. Its diameter Is 134 times that of the 8^n; it is 18.000 ti:aes larger In sur- face? and 2,420,000 times larger in volume. The distance of it from us. according to this calculation, is 4S9 light years. "Suppose," sa\'^ another authorlt;-. "that instead of being at this enor- mous distance it were placed in the centre of the solar system, in lieu of the sun? It would then occupy .85 of the spacg lying within the orbit of Venus, and as seen from the earth would subtend an angle of about 70 degrees ot arc. Thus, when its lower limb was on our horizon, its upper would be within 20 degrees of the zenith. Needless to say. no life could e.xist ou (»irth with sui.h a neighbor. Ouch !?:?!! This kind of rough talk will be heard less here in to\vn if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops sorenesa at once, and soon the com dries up and lifts right out without pain. He says freezone is an ether com- pound which dries" immediately and never Inflames or even irritates the â- urrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but la aaSi- oient to remove every hard or soft com or callus from one's feet Millions ot .-Xmerican women will welcome this announcement since the Inauguration ot the high heels. ".A.11 seed-so'wing is a mysterioua thing, â- whether the seed fall into tha earth or into souls."â€" Amiel. Amaiica'a Plonoer Dog Samadiaa Boo^ on DOG DISEASES sad How to T»9d Mailed Free to any •â- ^1- u;e35 by tha .-Vuihor. K. Clav CHover Co., IBc. lis West 3l3t Streot N.^w York. V S.\ '30I^?ICOUGHS On Body and Face. Red and Itchy. Cried For Hours. Lasted aYear. *'A rash started all over my little girl's body , and she had some on her <>__^^ fcce. It started in a pimple •;tA-0^ "'*' ^"^^ ^"" °' water, and ,.-^-^^ it got red and itchy. She -' • * * ' cried for hours. This trouble ^i ;t- ^ lasted a year. ~~' â- 'Than I started with a free <^ sample of Cutioua Soap and Ointment. I bought more, and I used four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment which healed her." 1 Signed) Mrs. Dora Langiy, 1032 Gertrude St, Verdun, Que., August 11, 1918. The Cuticura Toilet Trio Consisting of Soap, Ointment and Talcum is an indispensable adjunct of the daily toilet in maintaining skin purity and skin health. For fre« vampie each of Cuticura 9oa?. Oint- nwnc and Talcum aOdrti«a poat-card: "CnUevra, Dapi. A. Boatoa. ?. B. A." Sold cvcryivht^re. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating eBfects of Sloan's Liniment Many preventive measures of con- trolling soil washing; such as crop rotation, de«p plowiiig maintaining j organic matter in theV>i's. *tc., have been advocated, but there is nothing that Equals terra-cing or "contour funning," as it i« sometimes called. So do those rlieuntatic twiiiye.-; and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve- InHainniation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strein, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness pf relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally lireierrcd. ^ade in Canada. 85o, 70c, II 40. Sloan^s JieH* iijjurjdy Not .-\spirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Col.U, Pain. Xeiiralgia, Tiwjth- j packaiOP which oontain)> i-omplpte dl- ccho. Hi'adache, Earache, and for Kheumatism, Uumbaxo. Sciatica, Neu- ritis, take .Aspirin marked with the name "BRy^r" or vou are not takin;; Aapii'i at all. Ac-'t't only »Baver Tablet" of Aspirin" in an uabrokeu "Bayer" reciions. Then you are (jetting real Aspirin â€" the i;enulne .\spirm pre- scribeil by physiciaiw for over nine- teen years. Now made in Canada. Handy tin bo.\e« containini; \i tab- let* coRt but a few oenta. Uru^istt also sell larger "Bayer' packages ISSUE No. 4J â€" '19. There la oaly o^ Atplrlnâ€" •••Bayer"â€" Tow aiiut tay "Bayer'' Aspirin la th- c-ri.le m.-^rk .r.-clsl- r.-,! 'n <~'nnft'5f>> of nav>r >t-in'ifactv:r-' *^f Mono- aQ«tlcacldM»cr uf Salicyllcaclil. WMlo t ir- <.-ll ;. i'...«in -hat .\spirin in<ai3i Bayat maniifnoture. to aiwfst th'> puhMc asralnyt fnmatlnn*. ihu Tnblaia -"f Bayer Ooir.pany win l>^^ aia-Toped wr.h th^ir g-juaral trade inarl., th» Bmytt Crou. ' N