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Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1919, p. 5

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October 9 1919 un.wpup THE FLESHEKTON ADVANC * THRIFTStamps.â€" We strongly re-_ commend tlie purchase of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. In this way you not only are aiding your country's finances, but are forming the Savingshabit. The Stamps may be purchased at any branch of â€" ax THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH Geo. MITCHELL Manager C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave olloW'j : Going South T.nS a. in. 4.27 p.m. The ni.ii'.s are Flesherton StatioD as Going North 12.UI p.m. 9.18p. m. oseri at Flesherton 8;" foUows : For the north at 10 40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. F« morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS The fair pi iza lists still have to lay over frr another week. Mr. George Richirdson of Toronio •was a visitor in town last weeW. Mr. R!»y Belfry left Tuesday to lake a position in a drug .'tore at Ouelph. Mr. Ward Harriton is fpendins a week with friends at Irving, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. R. B>.s>. spent Sundiiy â- with their dauabter at Collingwood. Mr. Doc Fairey and bal e of Toroalo are visiting friends hero Miss Anuie Richardson of Toronto ia visiting friends here. Mr. David Dow has erected a neat frame letidtnce on his lot in ihd coith- east ward. Mr. Andrew Wall ice of Kmberley ha.s purchased Mr. ,1. T. Best's taim at the Junctiorj. Priceville will vote on the quost'oi of securimj elecrioity. The bylaw appears in this i.isue. Marriedâ€" At Tottenham, by Rev. J. Dudgeon, .\. E. Bellamy of Flesherton to Miss Myrtle A. .Andrew ot Honey- wood, oti Sept 30, 11)19. Wo tender congratulations to Mr. Thomas WatFon ot the Junction, who was married on Sept. '27 to Miss Emily Clark of Brampton. Master Victor Weenrow and Miss Daineen Syme of Toronto have returned home after spending a month with Mrs Radley. Th» high school baseball tea:n went to â- Dundalk last Wednesday afteiuooii aid trimmed the hi^h school team there by the score of H ti. M'S. W. .\. .\rmstr0n4 csvea puty on Tuesdny evening of 'a 4 wiek in honor of her niece, Mss Elizileth Nel- son, who was leaving f>r her homu in Ererel', Wash., the fol'owing day .\boul 40 were preset t and a very enjoy able evening was spent by all. A barn belonsing to U. McN'uliy, near ^winton Park, was struck ly 1 nhtnirg duiing a thunc'er stotm one night las' week and lot »lly consumed. The build- i ug was partly frame and partly log. Wm Wideman, lot 21, cn>. 8, U.^prey, I Fevershaiii, will hod au auction sale of farm siock and iuu'lem»nt?, on •Friday. Oct. 17. See large bills. Wm. KaltiBg, auctioneer. The Advance ma'i picked from the editorial garden one diy l».-*'i. week a sraen cucumber weighing 3i pourds and a partially ripe toma'o weighing two pounds three ounces. It ha.i been a wonderful year for this cUsa of garden fruit . A delegation of gentlemen from the southern 11 unicipa'ities, including Sec T. J. Hanigan of Giielph and Warden Boyd of Welbnglon.waited on Arlemesm Counol Saturday in Me iuttrest of the hydro flectric railw»y from Guelph t. Owen Sound, asking ihe ct operation of the Council in memorializing the Hydro Commiscion to proceed with llio wotk and to arrange for aking a vot* at the sam? time as the •> unicipal elections HL-.xt .Jiiiuary. Secretary H »uig»n g'ive au interesting talk and thoaghl the time was now o; pnrtune to go on -vilh the scheme. Reeve II. 'yd of Msrkdalo was also presi'ft'. Mr Clarence Fither left last week to take a position in Turonio Mri John Kun^tidler and daught-ir, Maiguerite, left la^t week for Toron:o, where they will spend tbs winter. Dr. R Henderson of Toronto and Mr. A. Rowe of Dundalk assisttd in the j Mothcdiat c';oir on Sundiy. CoDtiderable reading matter has been crowded out this week ovi'ig to the unusual amount of advertising. 1 The party who picked up » box of bitter between Fle^l erton and the Station had belter leave the same at ! t le station or return to the owners. Farm For Sale A 54) acre farm fur sale on the £as: Back Line, Aitenisaia, 3rd grange, north half of lot 132. Oil ^ihe premises there is a good frame barn 40 i 50 feet ; a ^mall frame houite : a good drilled weil hen house, tor particulars apply on premises, J H HOLLEY. Flesherton munm JaceiuUy Corrected E.>ch Wee Bnttar 43'to 45 Eiiga 02 to 32 i Wheat 2 00 to 2 11 ; Peas 1 40 to 1 JO jOats OtTto 90 Thanksgiving service.s in|the Methodist Bjriey 78 to 80 church on Sunday were conducted I y . ' ^ â€" ^ ELLIOTT v^ Rev, Andrews of Dundalk, who preached â-  â- ^'^^r^i^yyi^ 1 /^^V^^ y^^f mnnino and evening. '(^^IMO^Ml*^ l^ti^y.^ The annual convention of the E»8t jonge and Charles StreetH, Toronto Grey Teachers' Institute wilt be held , _, . ku Ti. J J r J u I TIL 1 Enjoys an excellent reputation for the Thursday and Friday before Thanks- ,,i^h grade business training and for giving Day, placing graduate; in good positions. The Ladies Aid of Maxwell Freaby- Enter any time. Write for our terian church will hold their annual fowl Catalogue. supper on Tuesday, Nov. 4. See bills j W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal for particulars. j - â€" â€" â€" O^pr.y tall fair was a record breaker | V-IMCKen Market this year. The gate receipt.^ were J307.55 1 and the concert «162, a total of $4t»,55, ! . ^"'^'^ '^ ^^"°'' ,=""« P»ying the follow- ;iog prices tbHi week : Mrs. Henry Down »nd Mrs. O. W. ' Phillips visited tha Wodehousa W I. one afternoon last week, where the former addressed tha Wodehousa ladies 00 the topic if thfl day. Temperance. R, E, Philiips, lot 2, con. 6, Osprey, will hold an auc'ion ,=altf u'. farm s'(-ck, implements nnd household furniture, on Tae;day. October 14. For see list in tnis issue and large bills. W Kiittipg, aactioncv'r. j'^epf-o I Our mailing list has been corrected up ' to Oct. 3. How about your label? Is it j our fault or your fault that it does not read paid up? If our fault let us know. Spring chickens 21t: Hens 20c RoosteM 15c Cattle Came x\stray Came to the prenrses of the under- s gned, lot 178 and 17'J, S W T S H, Artemesia, alout Sept. 13, eight yoiii.g cattle. The owner is rtijuested to prove particulars property, pay expenses and ruke the C. KINDLE. R R .'i. Proton jsame away. Came Astiay i Came to the iiremises of the uuder- signed on or about the liist of .June last, and if your own why we will be pleased one yearling he.fer. The owner is to receive the subsi-ription price. requesr^d to prove property, pay the expenses and take sime away â€" JAS. T. McKENZIE, Feversham. ; Lot 12, oon. 12, Osprey. auction sale of farm stock and imple- ' ineiits on Wednesdav, Oct. 15. See I'st li ibert Down, lots 20 and 27, con. 3, Seasonable' Buying Sugggstions New Silks For Fall Yaid wide Taffetas, Paillettes. Duchcsse and Charmease in black, taupe, navy, French blue, myrtle, nigger, barguudy and grey. Habuiais in white, rose, mais, apricot and sky for eveuiug wear. Prices from ll.OO to ^'A.lo. Georgette Crepes and Crepe de Chene in all the popular shades. Some special values in ailvertoue coalings in individual coat lengths. A special all wool serge in a broadcloth fiaiah, 54 inches wide in six popular colors, Price 34.75 per yard. Ladies' stylish furs, stoles, scarfs and mulTf in to::, wolf, coon, sable, Persian lamb and lynx. All reasonably priced. Stantield's L'ushriukable Underwear for men'andiwomen. Full range of sizes and 'lualities. Stylish Tweed Raincoats for young men. Prices from 810.00 to $25.00. Men's All Wool Coat Sweaters, plain and fancy weaves, dependable yarns and good colors, brown, navy, maraon, myrtle, grey and slate. . New patterns m Coagoleum Rugs and four yard wide Linoleums. All specially priced. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT in ebaage of Miss Greer, a very capable and experienc- ed milliner. Satisfaction assured with every purchase. A big selection on display and novelties arnvin«' everv tew davs. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO in this i.'sue and large bil's. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mr, Jceeph Watson of the Junction had a narrow es^cape fr in serious irjury at a threshing one nay last wed;. Ha was climbiig to the n i>w and took hold nf a brace which was loose and gave way, piecipitaiiiig hira to the feed table, and uncomfortably close to the cylinder opening The electric power was 1 tf for four hours on Monday, tut this is becoming ijuite commou now. A. farmer complains to The Advance that he Das brought prists to the mill here on three consecu- tive Mondays and way uiiabie tj get t' em homo with him leciu^a the power was oii'. Where does the blame lie J House and Lots or Sale A vo;y convooi house on stone wal L'luiy Located frame | I, -wi'h six rooms ; 'two lot.«. gi od water in woi>dshod, bati\ •drivlnii shod, currant bushes and some fruit trees. Lois 5 and 10, block D, ; Flesherton Apply to j HARMON RADLEY, Flesherton, ! or 92 Beverl'V ^t., T.>r';n;<. BOAR for SERVICE Pu-fl>red Taniwo>rrh lioir tor service on lot 11)7. S \V T and S E., Arteiuesia,. Terms â€" Jl.DO. Feblo!) â€" T.J. S-MS'SON-SH-op. Farm l.icitiop. Wanted con Ji- ion Farm Ft^r Sale Good farm, about half mile from the Village if Fleshertou. contaiiiieg tiO ac.e.s 40 acres cearcd and the balance hardwood bu-di. On the property is a good frame lio-n wi'h shed fceneilh. JOHN HEARD, Fleshea.n. Liive locitiop, acreage, conJrion ijf ' Pr»1i f ir«c»l IVfpKatintIc laud and outbuildings, mortgage if any, , .rOllllCdl iVieeilllgS) and cash pr ce. Send replies to The [ Jq Centre GrCV HON. 1. B. LUCAS and others will I addressjpuHlic meetinas as follows . Moudiy evening, Sep- Advanee, Flesherton. Spring Needs Everybody knows Bherwiu Williams Paints and Varnishes â€" a finish for every purpose â€" inside and out&ide. Floorlac and Marnot for floors, Paint your own car with S. \V. P. auto enamel. A good assortment of Paint Brushes, Screen Doors, Hoes, Rakes and Shovels. New Perfection Long Ciiimuey Oil Stove. Rei Star Washing Machines, Daisy Cl»u<-ns and all kinds of pails. Frost Woven and Coil Spring Wire Fence. Also the new Sharpies Suction Feed Cream Separator. Any member ot the family can turn and skim clean at any speed. ,w| aaaressipu'iiic 11 jl(! R.WENNA, [jij I tember 2^. rn] ; KIMBERLE'' M) Septer iSl BEI Tuesday evening, Weduesdiy eveniujr, F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24rll !esherton KIMBERLEY iber 30. BERKELEY, Oclolier 1. THORNBIRY CLAR K S B U R C, Wednesday evening, October 15th, I Clarksburg Armouiies. i MEAFORD, Saturday afternooc, October 4, a": four o'clock. 1 HEATHCOTE-, Saturday evening, October 4. MEAFORD, Thursday evening, Octo- ber 9th. FEVERSHA-M, Friday evening, Ociootr 10th. ROOKLY'N. Saturday evening, Octo- ber 11. HOLLAND CENTRE, Monday eve., Oc'ober 13. WALTERS FALLS, Tuesday eve, October 14. SINGHAMPTON, Friday evening, October 3rd. HON. 11. •). CODY, Minister of EJu'!ation, will also addresi the .Meafind mea:ingon ThiirsJny evening, tictober 9th. All eveuin .• tuee ings cp.>n at 7 30. ITALIAN HARPERS will play pro gram befoie each meeting. Everybody welcomeâ€" Ladies especially invited. IttvwiN Moiuiisis. PrjR. LilieralCorservative .V^sociation GOD SAVE THE KING 2.51?^ BEER-the Beer of the Ballotâ€" is not Intoxicating /\ determination as to whether or not a r^rticular beer is intoxieatinj* can be â- ^"^ reached only by a proper understandin.4 and analysis of the manner in which the aleohol in such beer affects the human organism. Beer containing 2.51 ~; alcohol by weisSht has been proven non-intoxicating by actual experiments, scientihc tests, thorough research. Fourteen specially qualilied experts, testifying before the United States Circuit Courts of -Appeals, were unanimous in agreeing that beer containing even as high as 2.75', alcohol by weight (or .24% stronger than the beer of the Referen- dum Ballot) was non-intoxicating. These experts were Professors of Chemistry, Toxicology, Therapeutics, Nerve Specialists, Physical Training Instructors, Medical Doctors and specialists in charge of city departments where alcoholics were cared for. Experiments were conducted upon twenty-four men chosen from various walks of life â€" medical students, laborers, mechanics, business e.^ecutires, clerks in banks and brokers' offices, artists, writori and professional mea. The experiments proved conclusively that beer of 2..~y„ alcoholic content *tren4th could not possibly be into.xicatin|i â€" not the slightest sij^ns of intoxication were shown by an;- of the subjects. In view of the sworn statements of these ex- perts, based upon the results of their experi- ments, that beer containing 3.75'^ aleohol by weijSht is non-intoxicating, it must follow that 2.5I"i beer, the Beer of the Ballot, is noo- intoxicating. It is the strong conviction of the Citizens' Lil)erty League that â€" as no harmful results can possibly come from drinking 2.51% beer â€" then there is no fair or just reason why the general sale of beer of this quality should not be permitted. L'nite with the Citizens' Liberty League in its earnest, sincere endeavor to obtain mod- erate Temperance Legislation. Vote "YES" to all Four Questions Mark your ballot willi an X. Any other marking will spoil it. Remember, also â€" every voter must vote on every question or his ballot will be spoiled CITIZENS' LIBERTY LE.\GUE ' ME.VBERSH/P FEE, ONE DOLLAR I Please enroll me as a member of the League, for which I enclose my subscription. I .\'a>n< Address | Occupation . To suable th« Lsagoe to carry on its eood work and achiavo I its proB*ot piirpo$tt, activ* members and fuada are reqairmi. Show youx true «pirit1 fill in the coupon aad become a member i of th* CituMU' Liberty Leafue at ones. I T. L. CARRUTH£RS, Secretary >a College St.. Toroato I Citizens' Liberty League PROVINCL4L HB.A.DQC.\RTBRS 22 College Street, T. L CARRUTHBRS, Secretary Hon. President: SIR EDMUND B. OSLER President; LL-Col. H.A.C. MACHIN. M.P.P. Vico- President: I. F. HBLLMUTH, K C. Hon. Treanror: F GORDON OSLBR ST '.i Use only three level tea« spoonfuls for five cups REDROSE XE A*is good tea Sold only in sealed packages mk 125 •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• • ••••••••••••»••••»•••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*** *•«•••••••••••••••#•*••••••••••«••«••••*••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••« i SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Just the kiml fni' hard â- wear and !::: aolid comfort for spring and summer ill: wear. TKY THEM. •••• •••• S: Suit Cases and Trunks ::: If in iveed of a Suit Case or Trunk call • ••• aiul got want sufpliotl. !::: \ • s • â- â€¢ â-  ••• â-  ••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••â-  •••• •••• •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON ij: FLESHERTON. ONTARIO • • act !••••• »•••••••••••••••• . ,'^^.7********* •••••••••••••••• • ••• »: • ••• ••- •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• 'i Ls. NEW MUSIC STORE I have opcuad up a Music Store in the Old -Vrmsiroug Blot^ where I will cari^ a complete stock of Columbia GrafoDoIaB aud Keeords, Imperial rafouolas. Gerrard Ileinlxaiau and New- combe Piauos, and bheet Music C-ili and let lu show yju out- sKick. We fcd sure you wa be pleased. J. H. HALES (Old .Ai'.\iSTR?.\G Bi.cok 1 Flesherton, - Ont. Boar tor Service % \ Tbc umlcrsigncd bas a tboruui2hcired YvTkshire Urar for service on lot 11, co a !*. Osprey. 'I'erins f l..'iO. FKED SPOFFARD. ^

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