\ gkBhttton ^it^mtc. Vol 39, No. 19 Flesherton. Ont., October O 1919 ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Rubc. Meldruiu of Toronto spent the pabt wcrk wuU Wni. Pedlar and family. Those who atlei>ded the Cutlini;wood races from here were : Kruie Russell, frank and Herb Betta, Ddvc Jitmietioii, Jas. DargATC'I and Sam and Ned Croft. Mrs. Tufiker of Tortnto is visiting at present with her danehter, Mrs. Levi cfetls. Mis. C. NkwjU reiutiied home after speeding a lortuiuht with relatives at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Saigeon of Onlliimwood visited leceutly with Wdi Uankins and faoiiiy. Mr. Wm Newell spt-nt a couple of days Ust wtek with fiitiids at (Jwen tsound. Bert Portei us bought a liue new rubber tire lju;^gy last week. Mr. and Sirs Ned Croft vi.>.itid ihe lattur's parents at B'evcrshiiui. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Field.s spent afew days recently with frieudo at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Johnsim <f Fleshcrton spent a dny the p;ist week with their sin, (ieo. Johnson and wife. Mr. und Mrs. John Wickins ainJ family of Kiiuberley spent ijunray wiih 'he lalter'a p;irent3. Mr, and Mri. NVm. Pedlar. Messrs. Wm. and Ch<i.s. Newell and Miasea .\nnie and Edith Bslts iojk in Durham fair lust week, Miss Satiih White is vi.^iti i;; at present at tho parental home. Mrs. F. Chard spent the pa.st v/jek with her daughter, .Mrs. G. Johnson. EAST MOUNTAIN Beautiful October ii here wi:h l.er gorgeous 'Jress of uiaay co.'ours Mr. James Harbottle, accompanied by his uuole, Thos., viei'ed fric-u.ls iu Derby tor a week. Mrs. Miinn Motw.o.l (.luc Sadie Smart) and babe of B. C, U visiiinj; her pariints hete. Miss Aluia lluii.lf'i'stone has rciur; ed home ttvm Nobel. Mr. D. Grtiue li is |.urcha.-ed a new driver. Faweett â€" McMuUenâ€" A happy autumn weddiiiij took place on 'I'uesdajr, Sept. .10, lit u 30 o'clock, just as the thades of iVCniDg Wire druwiua nigh, at the h(.uie of Mr, aud Mrs Kobt. ilcNJul'tu if E<bl Mountain, when their c'dest daughter, Jessie Mildred, a highly tt- I . teemed youni; liidy, became the Lr de of 1/ _ Mr. .Alexander Faweett, a popu'ar youn.; Kiniberley man. Tho c('rein'..uy was pciforiMfd by kav. .\. Ms Vicar, pastor of the bride, in tho presence of sbo«t GO of the immedi»t3 friends of iho c 'Ulrac- inij parties. The bride, who w.is un- Hitin.ded,.was !{iveu iu uiariiaj^e by htr f.ither. She took her pl.'ice undi r a beautiful curtain urch, arlisticiUy decor- a'ed, wliilu the wti^dU'J march was pUyed by M sj Muiiel Caruiihers, v;<i^i; of ll)jj,iar(ae. TL» bride loored ...''"' '*a> of white silk eolian *^l\c^r».oVi;.«'-^«.^^ ,^ \?>'.:! embroidereu ''veil aii^'i'^^^iJfti <^'f oiRU^je blos^onu and ictiiiitd* bouiiiiot. 'f w.ddeii hair fein land cai-^MtrouS.'' tier u ivellinj,' euii w la â- jof navy hint .--.itin de chenc wuh hit to [nmlch! While tho rigsler wis bcii 4 ffisi-ned Mis* Mae Ciinutlicis sawj swc- ly W' t>:i Pfiiin.so Me." 'the uroom's gif l" ^•(thi; orgjnisf was h sunburst of pe iris and X- fr'' 'h» bridn a sett of furs. After ti.e • ta''l«erenioTiy they were ushered to (he liiniii.: i" -ooni, which was decorated for lie J< iC.asiou, where all ei!J"}'ed a saiirjtui us t aeddine supper. The prescr.is were ' uinieroos. The h.ipuy ci'uple will V(s:de . â- m: the {^room's farm at Kiiuberloy Jr 't. â- *: C. W. Chad wick Dead Mr. C W. Chad wick, a!i old time iteaizen of .\iteuiesi», p:is«sd awny at h .s Ivmip at lslliii!ton on -Wediicsday. Sept. ^'21. Uefurrius" to his dciilh th-j Mail -uipiro said : •' Another groniinent tiyute in the linaticial world h^is been remoAid by the death nf Mr. Charles W. Chadwick, : â- *% president and manas?-r of tho C'doniiil ii Realty ind Securities Cori oration. The S* deceasfd *ss horn in .\rtemesia toviii- 't ahip, Grey county, HO ycais bj;o In hs I iiiiy d*y« he «aii a school teacher and > iiiiiwar.Is an inspector Kolimpiishi: ;; : the educaliond profess't)" ^^ mtpr>il .' 11(1 'U a tinancial cireer on the start' of the ; iUonrinuin Life A.'surance Co., lesigniiit; f^'.ifiefroin to jniu the or^auizition <it â- i .which bt» was president at the time cf â- •,, I . death, lie was a member of Parkdiie ••VMe'luxl St chuich, of the MaS'inic order, *O.O.K. and A.O.F. Hit wife piedo ^a!ied him iu May last and his n 11, Jieht Ci'niinander AiiioH J. Chadwick, l.f.C, was drowned ilf the Be"j;ian â- iu Ju'y, 1917- Hia liaotdver, Mrs. . Kin«, Tslicgturi, i.>! ih« aole siir «ir." The funeral to ik place Friday Pj'oypect ceniptery. Doeensed wa.s a otb^ of Mrs. Bulkier, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE KIMBERLEY During the sevare e'ectric storm which pissed over here on Thursday morning Ust a large black cherry tree was struck within 30 fett of Saul Fawcett's barn. This sure was a close cili. Arnold Lawrence, who has been in the employ of his unc^e, Heniy Lawrence, of Trout Creek, for some live or six mouths, returned home on Tuesday last. \ monster jieeiiuir in the interests of I. B. Lucas » as held in the town hall on Tuesdiy even n^^ last. Thu Attorney General spoke for over an hour, .\iuoug those who spoke in favor of the candida- ture of Mr. Liicas were W. T. Ellis and i{. K. Faweett. The Italian Harpers furnished the musical part ' f the pro- gram. Mrs. A. E MyW(», Vice Pres. of the Libi-ral Cnnservative Association of Ceutrj Grey, presided. We are sorry to report Mr. Wellington Faweett laid up wiih 1 i-prained ankle. Dr. L. G. Campbell of Markdale made a business trip to ihis part on Friday la.-t. (Juiie a numter attei.dcd the Rocklyn Fair on Friday and ripoit the exhibits up to the usual high staiidard. Born â€" .'it Vandeleur, on Tuesday last, tc Mr. and Mis. David Giaham (nee Enna Buriitt) a daughter. .Andrew Fawceit, one of our most progressive younj agr culturalistF, his i .iiied the ranks if the benedicff, iho youps; lady teiut; Miss Mildred Mc- .MuUen, a veiy popular youu" lady cf the Eist Mountain Your- currespoiideut joins with their many friends in wishiue: them H long and iirosperous voyage tiirough life. The Women's Institute are holding a fowlsupuer and cmicert in the town hall on Friday evening. License Icspecti r Beckttl of Owen ii,uiid made an ilHciil liip to th.is part on Friday last. "^/"ictoria Corners Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Moore nnd family ;ind Mrs. Lockl.ar'. motored 10 S nivhiil e for a few days' visit with Mrs. iloorij's parents. Mil'ou Bannon la recovering nicely Iroin a very critic-il operitUn for appen d ciii Mrs. Newton Banuon is on the sick list. U.J. Robinson, just returned fioui oversets, ha< teen visiting hi-t sisti r, Mrs. Milton Biunun. George Best h is purchased a new Ford. CEYLON Mrs. Iving of Red Wii.'g visited h.-r brolbor, Mr. Richard Wuf^ei.s here last week. Mr. Patlisoii of Owen Sound visited hisciusin, Mr. Ja3. Pattison, list week Miss R ss of Uopevi le is visiting Mrs. G. Oolliiison and daughter. Mr. W. Jtuirof fort Williim recently purchased h s brother John's farm and has taken posses.'ioii. We extend a welcome to Mr. a-jd Mrs. Muir. Mr?. W'. G. Pickell, whs has been visiting Markdala friends, loturned on Moiiii.iy to C-.-yliiii, receivini? the s;ul nies.vi'.;e thtt her sun. Austin, had pa-'sed aw ly in hospital in New York. (Hi Moiday ivciiiiig -i large i.'atheting of friends as-.Miibled at tho h >me of Mr. and Mrs. N. CiiUi-run srid prese^led them with a hani-nnie diiiiiu room set and an address. A m>st enjoyable even- ing wan .»ptr.t. Til-' W. 1 are h lUiitig a so^-ial evening at liie hoiiw of Mr. Geo. Sua'l oa Fridaj eveii.rg, l>.;, 10, at which there wi I he a draw made for the ring Those hold- ing tickets are pailiculaily r. nuest-'d to be present. EUGENIA Too Late For Last Week Mr. and Mrs. A. H^y and dauuhrer Tisited for a few days with Dundalk I friends. • Card. Graham has initailed a gasoline tank, which will be a great convenienci to the tiavelling public. Mrs. R. Park has returned home after visiting her brother at Pr'.ceville. Mrs. Tuohy of Detroit is visiting at present with her sun. Annus. Rev. and Mrs. Eiglr, Mrs. L«rgc and sons, Jack and Frank, motored to Owfn Sound and sp' m. a fe» d«ys with friends duriuu I he patt week. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee, on Sept. 7, a daunh'er. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Magee, on Sept. 18. a daughter. Bom â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, en Sept. 15, a daughter. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ken- wick, on Sept 14, a dauahter. Miss tita Latiinsr has raiurned home after visiting friends in Tiverton aud Toronto. Mrs P. Munshaw has returned home after spending a month with friends ui the city. Miss Bell Howard h.as taken a position with liraham Brus. in the store. Mr. Will Gordon has nuved his family back to their firm here, after spendin* the summer iii Caledon. MiUie iljMuUeu is home from the city. In Memoriam In li V n,' iiieHinry of o'lr de»" mother, Mrs. Robert .Vkilt, who pissed awiy (.>ctot)er l", 1U18. All the pain nnd grief are over. Every rc^tIe.s.^ toss'iig p.issid, She is nnw a' pl'ice forever. Safely ho.i e i 1 Heaven at list. â€" Husband, daughter a'»d family. Meetii^s by Mr. Carmichael Ho'land Centre Oct. 7 I lirkshittg Oct 10. Moif.'rvl Oct. 11 Fnvgrshain Oct. II! Haveniyv <K-t. ItJ Rocklvp Oct. 17 ! Markdai* Oct.18 Siiighampton C^t. 10 Wareham Oct. 14 Mr. Carmiohacl will endeavor to attend these meetiiuts in person, otherwise local j or outside piirsi-ns will t>e employed. Meetings nt 7 30 p.m. 0:her locU meetiniss will also be held I throui;hout-the riding addressed by Mr. Canuichael" or local speakers. I ()pposit iin speakers sre rcspec'.fully , invited to attend the<< meetings. ':' .A loO acre fai^ for jale â€" Lot 21, con. '6, OKprev On fne prfiuises is a uood **^i5ne b.iVn 40 x 50^ a good (tame house, •% ,i>od drilled well. Kor particulars J»pp':y t . â€"DANNIE CAMERON, f^i^i) 11 1^' ^- *^'^- "•• ^iughamptun STRAYED Froiivtlie promises of tho undersigned, ' lot "20. -con. 1^, .^rtesnesia. tho la.st week in Septem^er, 3 calve*, two dark red heifer calves and oi.e roan male calf. lofotmatii'n will be thankfully received, i WALLACE GRAHAM, Eugenm. Police Village Of Priceville Bylaw No. Hi, 1910, of the Township of -Artemesia To take the vole of the Tatrpiyers of the p. l;ce Vi!la:;e i.f Pr:i'evillo eiifitied to vote on niiney bylans. on a ijuestii n to be sutm.tted wheihcr the .'^aid rale- pijers art' in favor of a supply if el-^ctric power 'roni the Hydro Elcc'nc Power Coimuissii n of Ontaiio. WHEREAS, the .Municipal Council of the Corporation of iho 'I'ownabip of .\i teiueiia deem It advisable to sutiimt 10 ihe ri'epajets I f th? said Po'ic; Vil'ai'j of I'rictviltf entitled to vote 0:1 money bylaws a i|uestion as ti> w hither the «aid ratcpajen are in favor of a s.ippiy of elect' :c p.j'.vitr from the Uyd-o E ectric Power Cominissi-iu of Ontario THEREFORE, tHe Coui.c 1 of the Corporation af the Township ot Arlc mesia enacts as fallows : 1â€" That the following ipiestions be submitted to the ratepayers of ihc Mujic'pal C rporation of tI.e Pol ce Vil a^o of Pricevill; entitled to Tcte on money bylaws : -\re yiu in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Eec'ric Po^er C <iLmi»sion of Oii'.uio a supply if eiectric power i 2â€" Thit ihj vote if the s.iidra'ep«yers shall b? takui on this question at the fo'.. owing times and places aud by the Deputy Retnruini; Olhcers aud Poll Clerks b.'eiiiaiter mentioned, that is to say, in b'ridav, tho Thirty- First Day of October, A.D. lyiS), at Watson's Hall in ti.e Polce Vilingj I f Piiceville, eom- meiicirj at the hi iir of nine o'clock in tho full noon and c-intinuiui; ur.til iive o'cl.'ck ill the af em 'on, by Peier F. .MoA.thur, Deputy Returning oflicer,;.nJ William G. Watson. Po'.l Cerk. 3â€" A true co; y of this BjUw sh»ll be publishe I in ihc following newsp.ipeis on the days horiiuafter nuts; io:ieii, llmt i.< to say : In Tho Fieshirton Aiivau;>', a newspaper jmbiishcd .it the Vina;:e of FIcsh-jfiju in the siid Township if Artemosia iu the issues of Ihe said iiewspa;er«f C»ctober uinott", si-ttic-uh and twct-ty third lespectively. .And a copy of 'his Bylaw shnll be posted at the Post <.>Hice, McVicar's IIote',lvirstedt s Score and .McLeans Store 4-0.1 the 24lh dny of October, A D. 1019, »i Watson's ball in the Village of Priceville at ten o'clock in the foreiroon, the Reave will in writing signed by him appoint two p-rsous to attentat the final sumuiinv up of the votes ly the Citrk if til s T.iwuship anr one peixui to aitentl each pilli.)^ place on bihalf of the per- sona iiiteres'ed in and desirnus of >he au<weriiig ff the raid ipiestioii in th.> atllrinative, and a Ike niiuiber oil b.-liii if the peisiins interested in and dosiioii'* of the .ins «• rim; of the .<::iid i|uest'.oii in tho u-'Kativrt. respectively. D-The 3l»r day if Oc'ober, A.D. lttH>, at the ••aid Wat^.m's Hall in the Village of PriccTille. at liie o'C'ck, is hereby ai'pointed for che .••umiiiini up by the Clerk of this -Township of ihe unmher of v<.i»s ijnen in the ithrmative and in tho n.i;.«tive re>p>eclively. I Made, passed and euactied this 4tb day i of October, A D 1919. I T. R. McKENZlE, Reeve W. J. BELLAMY, Cleri NOTICE T.^KE NOTICE the above is a true ', copy of a b)Uw passed by tho Municipal i Council of the Township of Ailemesia on ihe4th daj^-f Oc-.ber, A. D. 1010. AND H liTHER T.VKE NOTICE that at the h> ur, u.iy aud places tlicrtiu fixed for taking the vot^s of the electms the pol s will lie held. Firat pnlilication ihe nine'h day of Ooober, 1010. -W. I BELLAMY, Clerk Township Hall, ih'.i 4rh day of t>Jt9btr, 1010 Reply ,0 Mr. Luc. FINE J E W E L E R V g^Jgg g^^j^J Q^^ Mr. Editor, â€" The United farinem of Centre Grey wish to ri-ply to Hon. I. B Lucas' manifesto. In the ti'st p!ace; nearly the »hnle document is untrm^ tma misleadinu. B a account of ih- CF.1J. convention at Rocklyn h is scircc y a mird of truth in It. He says a lew, tu bi> exact niie, L . I' . O. officials met and deeided to bring out a candidate. Ttiis is.unt. ue, as the 11! St meetini! was called fur the purpose cf lindin^ out ihe wishes ,1 f the people, and there were ni'jie ili 111, nine ; and tne delegates represented the .whtdj riding. The writer represented a ^lub of more thin -4(jO meui!jers. Oih. r delegates represented a:ui')st the wh de ridinit, and on the strength of thrir representation Mr. Parkinson called the couveniioii to decide whether or not we wuuld nmni- nate a candidate. Al tI.e cec n 1 Ci>n- veiitinii, .Mr. Lucas says, that Mr. Donald Palmer of Sf Vini^ei.t moved that ihe L. K.O. place a aaudida'e in the ti«!d, wh oil is corrcot and ttfectually ct/U'ri- dlcls his tirst otatomen', as ;t woul'l ni.t. be necessary to decide ihat qu-sU'in,. twice. He says, I am lo'd that luor^ than 41J of the 07 deleyates werj sent b^ one ciub, which is corrrct excjpt' as tor the total of t'eleaate*, -'s iliere were_ more than 07, aud the c'ub in que.^tiou^. has over lUO members. He coiiipiaius. •hat nobody but a L'.fc'.O. man coull 1 e_ elected a candilato. ."iuiely lie knows i, ihat it w-i.s a L' F.O. convention aiid_, would not be expected Vj nominate any:, thing itlse. He says nobody else could speak or vote at the aieeliug, which is- not true, «s twij lad es spike ihere, ant there weie delegates who did not belon;/ to any club and were enlitlid to both speak ana vote. DelegHtis were chosen liy the clubs, atid any .'ocality not lepre- ieutcd by a club had tlie"opi»>rtunily of'' meeting and choosing delegates, and many ot them did so. He savs ilitj' niectinii was tot an open, representatiie iue?ting of the farmers of Centre (.livj>- which is not correct, as when D J. Palmei's motion was jjul it was an laieii^ moetim» aud everybody voted 1 pgardk"'« of credent als, and. there were only sis' dissentient Totes nnd iliey weio i.it v.li ilelegate.". Th-.re were seven n.in Loin-, iiiated at the conventi'.n, ai.-d the club with over foriy -ielegatea nooiiuaed .Mr- jeorge H. J obey, who ia the past has been a Conservative aiiJ all his family have bieii the »aiue. He withdrew m i!r. Ctimiehaers favor when lie leariKM/ he w,i.s a sildier and had fought lor h s country. The Liberal party had ahoo/- liitely nothing to do wiiti Mr. Carmich- ael's iioniina'ion. He was iiomiuated' by his n»Hihbors, S7j percent. • ' whom wese Coufcrrative. Hoping I . I this m.iy coirect any false ini^ressioiis c:oa;ed liy the niislcadinu stiUjiUirnts '.n the mauif-jsto i.f H. n. I. B. Ltica.", Yours truly, -D J.'I'ALMKR See. KariiK-rs' I'.nty. BrSlXE.S.S A^ I'SIAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see oar fine large stock Eoibauners of Jewelry, WatcLes, Clocks, etc. phont^ Hillrr^^ct 9 AS and when you have seen them joti ^"^nC HlllCfeSt Z b» .I'll^l!"'" ^°u''''' ^'^''^ "-, 124 Avenue Road, ' Toronto, Ont. pairing a specialty, A fitlT line af r.liotograpLic supplies lucitiding developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all i \i/ o^.^^ D iw jj 1 sizes of kodacks aud films. "'• ^' °*-^'' ^ Maddocks, President. Marager ISSUER OF MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tamworths W . A . A RMSTRON G ^""""^ ^*°'^ ^°' ^"'^ For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, Phone or write â€" GEO. \V. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT 0.p,-.y T..I. =y=tpr.i Maxwell P. O. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. Cass .(-Louie Caii;o, .^nnie Ti- ter, L^•^zel Wyvill.-, Wiila Martin, d'rel Pislier, Cecil Loiick«, Peter Dow, Luelia Blakely. Be-ssie istewavt. Sr ;5 â€" E'.izabcth Benh-.iii Jessii? r .1. aan, Will-.am Carringto'i. Evelyn K. irii, K.mmer.soii Thoins<:n. Winni* G 'I'd, Ella MoMuHen, Ted .McUiialJ, Th hni Wilson. Jr o -Viola ThisHieihwaite, I.inra i'oyd, Gladys Pinder, Mario Puion, ()rvi:le M«rti:i, Luell.i Lever, Eaiold Rchaidson, Gordon \VyviI:e. CK^jL'- Xlelvin Sbj. Ruth Thi lio- thwait", Miiton Teeter, Ailene Beccrolfc. (jr 1 â€" E.lna J'cCalUi'n, Jeanette 1' r- ao, Einest Fenwick, Eljie Mi^Kec. I.' y Carrii'^*on, Marion Stuart,JIean S uiU, Helen Welti. n. Sr Prâ€" tlelcn tleard, Leslie Ferris, Gordon Ttcter, Blanche Palton. Jr Pr-A;ice He.ird, Uib PhiPijs, Geolge Slid, \Vrliia.;ti'n Colg^n Ivul Fenwick. Billy Patton, Florence Wdiin .â- ^!^- House of Quality AH kintl? of Fresh Fiuit in oeason. Hoy.sehol.l, Fivel^.>$c.s. rinitv and EcliW Flour. Wc'lin-eaiiUHiuity of First Class Machine Oii. fi All kinds of Giaio Chop and Pi-j feed hand. on Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. W« are agents for the VValkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario ANRS! MAIL CONTRACT SK.M.l'.U I'KNliF.KS a<.lJrc»Ked to the r^lsrI.l..^...^e^ tii.iu'ritl will W rcceKel at OttiWA U'liil ii.'iin on t'ridny, the olst "f (let'ibf:-. I'.ll'.l, f"r the oiiviynnce of His Majesty's Mails, on a iiri'ixMcd Contract fur (our years, six liuics )>er week on the naite KIMI'.KKl.KV R. K. 1 ivli He,->thci.t.> fniii the Pii»:iiia.s;er lleneial .< jilcasiire lie.\t. Printed nulices coutaiuini; fmther informa- tiotias ti> ciHiditioiis nf iiniiKinod contract may Iv seen and Vilaiik forms ui Tender may lie I'otuliieil ai the I'osc Wflii"' "f KiniK-r'oy, Heathoiite, and at Ihe olfic« of the rout OtHce l!tK)i<:i.ttri, Tnnnitu. A. SITHKRL.VXD. I'list OHice InejHCl'ir Piwt Office Inspector's Office, TuivHiti., 5*eiit. lUlh, 1319. F.\RM FOR SALE L il 25, con 4, .Arteinesia, c^Mitii.iinit 86 acres, 70 acres cl-ated, balaoce hardwoi d bush. Good well at hou'<e u\A luunir.K eieek tho year round. Uoud ham, loi;*r,ou«,! and orchard. .About 2 mdesfroii Flesherton Apply tu HAURY PATTON,' K. U , FUslieit;,n. I tlcsire to express uiy very great gratituile tothe ladies and gentlemen who SQ nobly came to th- rescue of my premises from Hre on Sunday last. Their aid was finiely aud well applied. Yours very gratefully, W. L. WRIGHT. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale Possession thi.s fall, UK) acies, ou the Toronto Gravel, Kood county road, »oil H<)od clay loam, i* >.cre8 bush, 10 roomed brick veneered house, soft wa'er iu.oide, go ;d well, uover failina; -ipriDi?*, creek clo.<!e to out building and bouse, lar^e bank barn cO.xOo, CO ft. po»tf, well lighted, gooil stahlinif, drive house, piilifory, hen hiius<». i mile from S. S. So. 3 pu '.die School aud I| nii'.ea from Fleshe-ton. Apply to WES. BIIEES, Fleehetton. Boar For Service i Pure bf«d Uej^istewd Yiwkshire Fcin» for .•jerviee-Ma.xwell Jack (i2ill3 â€" oi> hit 107, S. W. T. A" S. U., Ar'euie«i«. Teriu.s 11.50. 10,4. 1'j T.J. s'Ul^•so^^ Came Astray Came to ihe |>r«iniije!< of ihc snder- sisned on or about September 10. one cow. The owner is rei|Uested to prov» property, pay expenses and t»k« lh« Mine away. FUKD PICKETT, i KuRenii P.O , Oo».