â- «â- ^mn mmmimms]mvmi}U-:-js,v m mm?. October 2 J919 THE FLESITEKTON ADVANC : 3 » .< f V RECONSTRUC- TION is the order of the day. If you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, rccotistruct your methods and begin today. We have a .Savings Department at every Branch. *» THE STANDARD DANK OP CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH ceo. MITCHELL. Manaock C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesbertoa Station as -oUows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. The mails are osed at Ftesherton ai follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. The annual convention of the Eist Gr»y Teachurs' Institute will be held Ihu Thiirsdiy uml Fri<i»j liofoiu Thanks- ^i\iiiS D.iy. Lmtâ€" On Sunday, Sept. 21, between Fltftthertor. Hud the Six Currtrs, un auto I r J chain. Finder will please leave at The Advance oflioo. Mr. ami Mis. Uubt. Wheelan and litlle SOI), IvHD, of Toriniti", loft for over- seas on Tuesday. They will epend Ihe winter in the British Isles. H'lbeit Down, lots 20 and 27, con. 3, Osprey, will hold an extensive credii nuctiun sale of farni stocic and iiiiple- ineiits on Wednesday, Oct. 1."), Sea l:8t in this Issue and Urge bills, D. McPhail, auctioneer. A couple of young gentlemen hired a livery car to ^o to a dance near Durham on TburadHV eveninR last. ReturniuK about 3 o'clock next morning they de- livered their precious load of young ladies at their reapec'ive homes, but the boys had become eo intoxicated with love that they failed to remember the way to tha garago and sttuck oif down I he Tor >nto gravel instead â- A mile and a half from town they got cS the road, ran the car through a fence and back again, then jumped onto a boulder be- aide the road, after which the long suffer- ing tin lizzie refused to do any more ffymnastica and the boys walked baak to town. Space forbids a minute description of all the damage dona to the car, which waa in the hospital for a few days. A runaway team of horses belontring' to Tliiiinas Knott cf Kuphrasia I'nn away un the streela cf Meaford, sinshhed a gaiioliiie tank and dHiiiagecl the uuggy. The occupants were unhurt. Damages to lank and bue^'y hie estimated at between $li)0 and f'.'Of). VICINITY CHIPS AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, etc. -ON- LOTS 122â€"123, T. S. 11 , Orsngo Valley -ON- Saturday, Oclober 4th, 1919 Farm For Sale A 50 tcre farm for sale on the EaS; Back Line, Aikemeaia, 3rd grange, north half of lot 132. On 'the premiaea there is a good frame barn 40 x 50 faet ; a small fiame hcure ; a good drillod weil hen house. For particulars apply on premises, J H HOLLEY, FUshcrton STOCKâ€" rieavy bay teani, heavy bay roare 5 years old. cow ."> yara old due in March, cow 5 years old, 2 cows 4 years old due in March, cow 3 years old due in April, 6 calvvs, young cuw with calf at fuo', 4 steera 2 yi ars old, yearling hdifer, 2 yearling steers, sow due Oct. 8, registered Uereford animal. I MPLE M ENTS, etc.â€" Deering binder, 6 ft. cut, nearly new, McCormick rake, Deermg mowar, 5 foot cut, land roller, Massey Harris cultivator, nearly new, Maaiey Harris diao, Frost & Wood drill, wagon and rack, truck wagon and box, pair bobsleighs, tuggy, cutter, plough and gang plough, surrey, road cart, scutfler, turnip pulper. set 12 bull iron harrows, Chatham fanning mill, quantity of grain bags, 2000 lb. scales, set light single harness, 2 sec double heavy bar- nest and collars, 325 lbs. spring coil wire for fencing, a quantity of good hay, a quantity of dry maple and spruce lumber, sugar kettle, atoneboar, wheelbarrow, 23 sap buakats and spoils, Melotte cream separator, 2 water barrels, a number of hena, churn, 2 guna, robe, forks, chains, shovels, hay knives and other small articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at one o'clock. TERMSâ€" All sums of f .5 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes ; 5 per cant, off for cash in lieu of notes, CHAS. MOORE. D. MoPHAIL, Proprietor. Auctioneer. BOAR for SERVICE Boar For Service Eugenia anniversary fervices will be held on October 12 and 13. Miss AUie Higginbotham of Winnipeg ia the guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs, (Dr.) Little and bibs of Ingeraol are visiting friends here. Mr. Frank Thurston is visiting friends in Mitchell and Toronto. James Badley of tha JoUingwood gravel has sold his farm to Chester Long â- of Maxwell and will move to Toronto. After this week our advertising col- umns will be soiuewhat relieved. Mr. G B. Wfcltou .spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. aud i.Ir.'!. Jeff Thistlethwaito and family of Toronto spent llio week ei.d with relatives hero. Mr. T. Blakely, of Toronto, is here at presmt preparing to move his family to theci'y. Mr. Harry LaUard, of Toronto, spmt a few days of the past week heie, retutn- iiig Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Jamieson and Mrs. Nott of Owen Sound fp.-nt Sunday with the former's mother heie. Wm. Paltibon, Ceylon, is agent for riobberlin made to aieasure clothing in this district. Sie advt. Meichaiits are now allowed to sell any tjuantily of sugarâ€" now that the preserv- ing season is about over. Soiu.- house- wives may be p'eased to know this. .\ bastUll team came up from Dundalk on Thursday alteinoon last and beat the high school team bete by the score of 6 to 5, Mr. Chis Moore's auciiou sale taVea iplace on Saturday of this week. See advertisement for list of articles in thi.s iisue. Mr. Bellerty recintly completed a valuable well for Mrs. Thompson V'i'scn, in which the waior rose hve feet above •the level of the ground. The depth of drill was Co feet. Mr. Harmon Ridley and diugheis. Misses Pearl and Ruby, aocoiupanied hy Miss BabeUmipbell and Mr. C. Sproule, •motored upfiom Toronto and spent a few .days at the Ridley farm. Pu8ima.sl'er Trimble has lecsivcd notice that tha R)ck Mills poatotiiue » 11 be closed on October 15. The rou e from here to Maxwell will be served ly the .1 Dial delivery from B'leshortoii. The Maxwell Methodist Ladies' Aid .are having an onteitaiument and tupper jn Tuesdiy, ().;lober 7th. A !»,ood pro- gram consisting of speeches, dialogues, solos mid leading-s will oe given. Sup| er served frrui 6 00 o'clock. Admission '.0 »Bd-2(>o. Mr. Armsliong ha-i the excavating done for nlie new postottice Luildinr, which will lie added :o the largo block iu wb:ch Mr. Hickliiig has his store. The building wi'l le of solid brick, one stoiey higU. Rev. Je«fe (J bson, of Toronto, repre- senticg the I'pper CHuada Br.le Society, addrcsced a large hUdienoe in the Ua|ilist chunh on Wednesday evdiingof la.st week. The rf'diet.s ym i.lustrated !y 'lau'ern tlides picturii'L' tl.e work of the Soo cty 111 Africa, and w.is lislcr.ed to with deep iiitiiobt Ti.e branch here is in a licaltby c 'udi'iou. Purebred Tamworth Boar for service , Kegiatered Chester White hog for OQ lot 167, S W T and S E., Artem«i.... "\"=''/' ^°='' *^'"''- -J''^ ^"'^4 "*>" firat at Chicago Fair. Terms f l.oO. dec 519 â€"L SMITH Prop. Termsâ€" 11.50 Fobl5 9 -T.J. S11KSON,Btoov. New Bakery For Flesherton Having pttrcbased the bake ."hop iu Fleshenou I Lave titled up tlie same aud am n\v pie- part'J to cater to the public iu tifst class Bread, Buns, liiecuits aud Pastry. My i^reatest effort will be to please the public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop Seasonable Buying Suggestions New Silks For Fall Yaid wide Tafletas, Paillettes. Ducbcfsc and Cliarmeuse ia» black, taupe, navy, French blue, myrtle, nigger, burgundy and grey. Habutaia iu white, rose, mais, apricot and sky for evening wear. Prices from jl.OO to . §3. 75. Georgette Crepes and Crepe de Cbene in all the popular shades. Some special values iu silvertone coatings in individual coat lengths. A special all wool serge iu a broadcloth finish, 51 inches wide in aix popular colors, Price J-t.75per yard. Ladies' stylish furs, atoles, scarfs and muff? in fox, wolf, coon, sable, Persian lamb and lynx. All reasonably priced. tilaniield's Unshrinkable Underwear for men and women. Full range of sizes aud qualities. Stylish Tweed Raincoats for young men. Prices from $10.00 to $25.00. Men's All Wool Coat Sweaters, plain and fancy weaves, dependable yarns and good colors, brown, navy, maraon, myrtle, grey and slate. New patterns m Congoleum Rugs and four yard wide Linoleums. All specially priced. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT in ohaago of Miss Grfter, a very capable and experienc- ed milliner. Satisfaction assured with every purchase. A. big selection on display and novelties arriving every few days. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO lii'iiiiiKns Carefully Corrected Each Wee Bntter 45 to 4.^ Eggs 52 ;o 52 Wheat 2 OU to 2 il Peas 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 90 to :)) Barley 78 to 80 ELLIOTT iTl I Spring Needs Everybody kuows Sherwiu Williams Paints and Varnishes â€" a finish for every purpose â€" iuside aud outside. Flooilac aud Marnot for doors, Paint your own car with S. W. P. auto enamel. A good assortment of Paint Brushes, Screen Doors, Hoes, Rakes and Shovels. New Perfection Long Chimnby Oil Stove. Red Star Washing .Machines, Daisy Cl»u>-us and all kinds of pails. ^rost Woven aud Coil Spriug Wire Fence. Also the new Sharpies Suction Feed Cream Separator. Any member of the family can turu aud skim clean at any speed. ^mMcjJ^^^^ Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Enjoys an excellent leputatiur, for hii,'li grade bu.sineis training and fur placing i^raduate"; in goud positions. ' Entet- any time. Write f.Tr our ! Ca'.aloguo. I W. .1. ELLIOTT, PiuNcip.\L Chicken Market Owler & KeUog are pay ni; the folluw- inu prices thi« week : Spriug chickens .21c Hens ..f 20 Roosters 13c For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull oulot ?.lj, con, 9, Artemesia. Terms 41.50 for 8. grade Must be paid within 9 mouths date fromof service. W.an. -K. O. TURNER. F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24rll lesherton J Came Astiay Came to the promises of the under- signed on or about the Brst of .lunc last, one yearling hoifer. The owner is renuested to prove property, pay tlie expenses and take aame away â€" JAS. T. McKIWJZIE, Feversham. Lot 12, con. 12, Osprey. House and Lots or Sale A very conveniently located frarne house on stone wall, wi h six rooms ; two lot?, good watwr in woodshed, barn. drlvina shed, cunaiit bushes and sr nio fruit trees. Lots 5 nnd 10, block D, Flesherton App'y to HARMON RADLKY, Flesherton, or 92 Beve.ley St., T»ron:o. "^. Fresh, rich, full-flavored tea â€" the same every time REDBOSE TEA"!* good tea Sold only in sealed packages Comradeship ADMIRAL Sir David Beatty, when Z\ speaking at Leicester a few days '*' ago, said: â€" ' ♦'We have been through four and a half years of a great struggle. We have all learned something â€" the true value of comradeship. Comradeship has enabled us to win the war." Realizing the significance and truth of this statement the Citizens' Liberty League ap- peals to the people of this Province to develop the spirit of comratJeship, mutual forbearance, toleration and sympathy. Let us be fair- Admiral Sir David Btaiiy minded, less rigid, more reasonable, and more willing to give and take. The workinijmeii of Ontario appeal for bet- ter beerâ€" non-intoxicating beer â€" hecr con- taining 2.51% alcohol by weiyht â€" THE BEER OF THE BALLOT. Samuel Gompers, the world's greatest labor leader, stated the workingmon's position clearly when he said : "The normal men, the men of Lalior who work ei^ht hours a day and no more, the workmen who earn decent pay, the work- men who have comparatively comfortable bnme.s, they do not want the artificiol spirit. The man of normal spirit finds comfort in pleasant surroundings ; he does not need, and, as a rule, does not partake of intoxicat- inf<'drinks;he shuns the eflfects of intoxicants. What we now ask is that the men of Labor, the masses of our people, shall have the op- portunity to drink a glass of beer of not more than 21^% by weight of alcohol iu that Samuel Gtmpin beer, and I am told you cannot drink enough of that character of beer to get drunk even if you tried." Scientific tests, practical experiments and thoroufjh research prove that heer of even greater strength than 2.51'^ of alcohol hy weight, is absolutely non-intoxicating. (The lesnlts of these tests have been tiled with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals). As no harmful results can possibly come from drinking beer of this quality â€" is there any fair or logical reason why the working men should not have the more palatable beer for which they are asking â€" THE BEER OF THE BALLOT? Support the working men and the Citizens' Liberty League in the endeavor to obtain a fair, just and reasonable compromise on the present too drastic prohibitory legible- tiun. Vote "YES" to all Four Questions Mark your ballot with an X. Any other markings will spoil it. Remember alio â€" every voter must vote on every question or his ballot will be spoiled. Citizens' Liberty League Hon. President: SIR liOMUND B. OSI.Ra Vice-I'rcsiiient: I. F. HKUr.MrTH, K.C. PROVINCIAL HEADQUARTERS 22 College Street, Toronto T. I„ CVRKUTHKRS, Secretary I'residcnt: I.t.Col. H. A. C. MACHIN. M.P.P. Hon. Tre«s«rer: V. CORDON O.SLHR 44 ***•••••#••â- •••••• ••••*â- sss •••• SOLID LEATHER ••••• ;:: •••• :r ••• • •• ••• PLOUGH BOOTS JiLst the kind for hart.! wear and solid comfort for spring and summer wear. TKY TIIEM. ••• • •• ••• «•• • •• •••• •••• Suit Cases and Trunks Ji •••• If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call ;:|; and got want supplied. ••;:' ::: THOS. CLAYTON FLESHRRTON, - ONTARIO •••• ••• t:: NEW MUSIC STORI 1 have opened up a â- ^Insic Store in the Old .Ai'inslrono; Blocli where I will cariy a coniplcie Block of Columbia Gralonol* aiul KccoiJs, Imperil* rafouolas, Gerrard Htnntznian and NevB- combo fiauos, eod blieet Miisia C\\\ and let iw sfao^ yjii our stock. Wb ftsol sure you \tHB be pleased. ^' • ••??*T7T??*t7t !??!''?** ??C??7?! !??***!?! mAm[A« !Tt!V?*?Ti*****' ?**'"***** •• *• t J. H. HALES 2 ('('i.ii ApMSTinMi Bi.oi'*) r Flesherton, - ^^^t. Boar tor Service Tho und,'i.^ii>nL'd has a thorouah.)rod Yorkshire B. arfor service on lot II, co n 8. Oi-prey. Terms 81. .00. FRED 5<P0FFARD. 4m