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Flesherton Advance, 7 Aug 1919, p. 8

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August 7 1919 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE JlllUmilllMlllHIIItl' .lllltUlUIIIIUlllKMIHIIIIIIIIimimilMtltlMimilUllltlM iitiimiitiiiiiiiiimiLnt "Breezy mosk'* ' to Iielp yoiui keep cool "Keep your mind off the heat," say the doctors. "TTiat's tlie way to keep cool." With a Victrola on your porch and some happy- hearted, hglit-footcd music playing, it ia quite pos- sible to forget all about the heat. M: Victrola Easy Terms If you say the word, .we will send a Victrola to your house today on such easy terms that you will never miio the money. W. A. ARMSTRONG, DEALER FLESHERTON ONT Hiiiioeal Victory CelebratioEi TO BE OPENED BY H.R.n., 'illri PRINCE OF WAI.^'S EXHIBITION Ai:s. 23 TORONTO Sepi.O ' ; i'.i3:i Uronr.aiar tsiiaro" ban j ':- McHiSri?.! Paintings ... .:..-.:I.:n o; tiio ::": worl.!, i'cc3-:i\ini\ e%ory phr.s? v.f C ..- -'.'ian o-j^ralioas overc2:.3. Wlion It hecaiiie iltlJiiloly iiiown tliat n.K.ll tlie I'rliir.' of WaleK voii'd open tlio (,'uiiuiiiun Xalioiial Kxliihl- tion tlilH year llie luaiiaKoniiM't I'.t once Rot into touch with the olCciiil pliotOL'rapliorK in London and tujiusl- oil a prolilo pliotosiapli of him for re- p.-odutllon on Iho Victuiy Year Medal lo bo awardod to llio wiiinera in llio Afirioulliira' and olhur*Eections of tl;o Big Full'. Tim photo sliown ahnv<' w;;.'! received after coiisidcrahle d<.'l;'.., oi.d lmme<llati!!.v a cable rush- d liacU to tl;iB off tot: "A Milstako has been made. An official picture is deslrfid. Ona you sent rIiows the I'rinc: v.itl'.int liat or e.oat and witli Ithalt! shirt collar turned In. Cliarnilui; d''f- liabtllc, but hnrd'y digniPcd enougli." Then eanie t!io answer: "Sorry you dislike It. It's tlio Prince's favorite picture, taken with tiie Canadians In l-'rancu and . in every sense ofiicial." And tliat I.; the reabon wliy .ic I'ro- plo'8 Prince will appear on t!ij Cana- dian National r':xlilbltlon lOl'J ni'ilals, liatleas, coatU-K.s and in the rarelPHu attire of tho KiRlitinK jMan in I'r.'.nn'. lie will open the Bit Fair oa -Mond;'}-, August -SEth. 7/AR TROPHIES . n33c:ublarte of raon-ljr guas, acvoplanes r.n:i c.]\ tho Inslrunijnts of hcHisIi v,-.;;-ra:a rapCurcd'! y Oanadiiin C3-'Jie:o l;ori tiio Hun. C.n-dn'a Flying C:rc;j3 C->'.c. E^.â- .^s^r and BialiDo ur.d 3? ^vcrld f-;niou3 c: ;n p!a:T; WHIPPET TANK CAPTURE^ U BOAT Fc-siival Oi Trmmpla The Malt : tirfinj o. a). Cra-iJ 3p::U::o The Canadian I'ltcilic It iilway Conipiny lias Ohter>-d sii t a|{Hin(r llitj Culaiact Klectrtc Iil((lil A Powtr Con>»*ny, L'd., for an irju.iction reslritining defendikiilH fruni petniitiinK an electric current In be conducted ncro-su th-jO. I'. U.'s ri^lil of WHy at or about niilea^e 27.-, Oiriii'ji'- ville 8iil«iivi.sion. The Uikiiwny Coniimiiy necks to have tlie wire removed Hiid Ml' alio suing the defendants for d tir.Hi;e8 for trespass. Master hd I.u:i><. who lives with ^'r, L. A. M'tithew.-', ImJ his lietd badly cut last Thnredty afttriioon. The young lad Wd.i leadiiii! A CO* when the animal turned i|uicl(iy and threw liini fioin Ills fuel. His head «liiick a ittti le ami a litd gii"-!! wa'* ilie (eKult. Kort'inati'lv Mr. MattheWK wt;) ol >so at hand and ru!>lied the boy to Dr. McCullou^h's ofliise where the wound was dresHed. S.xtfen stitche* weri< le |uirud 'lo close the wound - Chaisirorih News. The »-.:rrentIe.' ot liie Cjrinsn FIc:: V5.-3-:'.!'ci C'.j'.'c â€" VicU)r7 A-c!i. A'onby's en!.-y in'.j Jcraus:;'cr.i. but what Su$ar ? ""M ^ANY women, when they think of Sugar, are inclincl to let their 1^1 interest dwell upon the matter of price rather than upon quality. But we who make Sugar, and the grocer who sells it, know there is something more important about Sugar than the price. We want you to learn about Sugar Quality. The best way to obtain a realization of how good a sugar can be, is to try a dollar's worth of ' BOMIMION CMYSTAL SUGAR Grocers will substantiate all we say about its quality â€" :they ^vill tell you it is a matter of pride with them to be able to offer a Sugar so good. Most grocers have it in the popular 20-pound bag, as well as in barrels. Specify "Dominion Crystal" next time you order Sugar.- We are sending samples of our sugar, together with a few Exceptional Recipes, to many of the homes in this vicinity. If you have failed to receive a sample, write our Chatham office, and one will be promptly sent to you. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED, CHATHAM ."ONTARIO REFINERIES AT WA LL .\C EBURG, CHATHAM AND KITCHENER ^ *'**''â- ** •â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••••••••••••••*••• â- â€¢â€¢ •••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••••••â- â€¢â€¢ ••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Just the kind for li.iril wear jmd solid coUifort for sprinL^aiid sunnner •••• •••• •«•â-  •••• ••• ••> •••• •••â-  weai'. Tiv^â-  Til KM. % Suit Cases and Trunks •••• •••• ••• m If in need of u Suit Case 'u- Trunk call and ^^c^t want snpplitMl. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •â- â€¢â€¢ •••• ••• •••• ::: THOS. CLAYTON ••• ••• I FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Hi IIS ••• Its ••• • ••••••••••••••••*•••••• •••••••• •••••••!• T,<C^> ••••••••••'•••tSSalKsSSSSaSil W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSiHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GR/4PHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. ("iiU uikI see these high grade instruments Hiiwken's Photo Gallery and Music Store FLESH ERTON Does Your Say 1920 ! Label An] a tcora al other eitrBordiiury lcatu.-.M T:ii GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL ]IM?.S Trimaiiug and StakiiiR Tomiit«M-.s. This metliod of liandlinK toniatot.s has come into very exlwisive use in the past lew years anions the com- mercial marked gaitleneni, owint,' lo the high price of land and liackyaid Kardons. 'i"he plants as a rule are .set two feet apart earli way and afUM planting are given one ciillivalion. Till! sticks arc then set; dii\i;,g them down abovit a looi into the ground and fioni live to (Ao and a half abftvo the ground. Tlnso sticks may l)e made fri-m mill edg- ings, saplings oi anything < lr,c of a similar nature about one i.nd a ball Inches square and slroni; enougii to hold llie lilants when t!ie frnil is fully grown. After drivi'.ji Ibe Blirks and tying the plant.'; lo them Iho ground .should b â-  covered from four to six inches tb.i'k with very strawy manure, as a mnli li. 'i'hia muicb will keep the mnjauirt- in Wn: Krounil anil, al the uanie time, remove any neeepsity for ciiltivation and ol^cr (llsturhnnco of the root;;. In growing loin.".t<)es on the single Blem, such as is used in ibis iiicli-.ttd. all side liranrhes which appf;r where le;if stems Join Ibe main slen. of the plant art> rimoved as; quickly I BH possilile. If they are ntlowed k I grow it .will lake away very valuable plant food from (he growing plant. The pliint .'â- hoiild be lied every eiglil or twelve inches to the stake and when they hav<' itached the top are cut (iff. â€" A. H. Macl.cnnan, Onlaiio Vegetable Specialibt. Auto Supplies I ]\Iiike tills giXiaj.'(' licailtjnaitcrs tor all yniii' >i antomoliilt; .sn|i|jlios. Wo carry only ?l^ : trade iiiii. wnS good.s of highest ((imlitv. "*r I'(|iiip yoiu' motor \\itli ('hampion spark i i plugs to get best pos.sible perroniiance. jf^ ' Chaninioiis are the best iiionev can i)nv. 4f i We keep on hand a full line ol (iooilyear 4? and iJoniinion Auto Tiresaiid Tubes Vou jl^ make no inistakt! wIumi selecting either of w.' ciilebi'ateil liies, as they are .s cond rf^ to noue on the inavkel today "i^ McTAVISH'S GARAGE | \ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I Everything in Good Printing Wc do all kinils (d bills for Garden I'arties. Call and get oui- prices. Wc have an extra hoc tiuality of Wedding Station 2ry on hand. Call in aiid sec for yourself. ••*•>.•..».â- â€¢..•..»..*<. ».^..«„t. .»H »• Let us |)!int that stationery for you. Large stock of Envelopes, liill llead.s Letter Heads, Statements, etCaâ€" in fact anything in the printing line. •••> ••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢'••'•• ••••••••• How about that adverti.sement ? If you have anything to buy, sell or give away tell the public through The Advance. s " The Advance " Flesherton

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