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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1919, p. 6

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Seasonabio THE CAISEDF BACKACHE Only in Rare Cases Does Back- ache Mean Kidney Trouble. AX AB.AlilAN VICTORY BANQUET A corresoondent oi the London Times has written to that newspaper an interestiiiff account of the simati or banf[uet, that the Arabian King of Kvery muscle iu tho body needs I the Hejnz frnve at Jedda to celebrate constiiiiHy n, supply of rliti, rod blood I the wctorious conclusion of the war; in i)roportloii to the worlt it docH. The The ffiiests were invited to l>e pres- niuacles ot the back ure under a heavy ent at sunset. The mayor of Jedda strain and hiive but llttli! rest. When formally received them and led t*>â„¢\,^(^'' j^' the blood is tliiu they Isick nourish- , upstuirs to a large halcony beauti-' ment, uud the rosult Is a senKutiou ot , fully decorated with precious carpets, palu In those muscles. Souio people j Oriental awninprs, electric lights and richly upholstered furniture. Here were n.ssemlilcd all the notables of the town. The King came, nnd all the natives bov.ed and Balaamed, while CHOLERA INFANTUM think palu In the back means kidney trouble, but the best modlcal authori- ties agree that biickacho seldom or never has anything to do with the kid- noys. Organic kidney disease may , the officers pre.sent shook hands have progre.isod to a critical point , the KinR. without developing a pain In tho back. The Lanriuet hall was filled by an This being the case, pain In the back j enormous rectangular table covered should alway.T lead the sufferer to look i with dishes of every V.ind and color, to tho condition of his blood. It will i Each guest had an array of twelve be found in most cases that the use of kinds of food in front of him, and, a.5 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up ' the table sealed s.ixty-four, you can the blood will stop the sensation ot i imagine what seven hundred and Cholera Infantum Is one of the fatal ailments ot childhood. It is a trouble that comes on auddenly, especially dur- ing the summer months, and unless protnpt action Is taken little one may Boon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tab- lets are an Ideal medicine in warding is trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten tho stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolutely safe medicine, being guaranteed by a government analywt to contain no opiates or narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot ppssibly do harm â€" they always do good. DIT5 OF HUMOR mumimm -/ HTrsBziro. WAN (ha .TEnâ€" I'P.OBATtONEK3 FOR Land of the Midnight Sun. One-Eye Jakeâ€" Does the sun ever set In the east, Pete? Peteâ€" I don't know, Jake; I ain't been furfher east nor Montreal. Ths Forty Thfevei. Lady â€" "You're still charging scan- dalously high fcr milk. I thought The Tablets \ prices were coming down?" Milkman are nold by medicine dealers or by I mail at ^5 cents a box from The Dr. Two- years' course. Monthly salary ilur- I.1K period of training Apply Lady Hup»'rlnrendent. 1002 St. Oatherln* Stre«l West. .MontreHl ..^^__^_^_ 1 ^ roK aAi.B. NKWSI'APKR WEEKLY. IN MftUCH Count V Splendid onoortunlty Writ* I Hux T Wllirn rubllshln* Co.. Llmttad. It Art»Iald» at W. Tnrontiv WKl.L fQUlPFEL) NEWSl'4PEa and job prlntlns riant In Baatora Ontario. Insurance cnrrUd tl.500 Will »o fo.- II. son on diilck ««!• Box •! \lMlsnn PuMljihtrig Cn . Toronto. POUI.TBV WASTED Williams' Ont. Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Army Put Canada on French Map. That business meif.In France are â€" "U Isn't our fault, mum; it's the farmers. They're worse than the Forty Thieves you read about In the Bible! 10-18 St r«al. Que. HAVE VOU FOR SALE IM rouUry. Kancy Hens. PI|r»on» Jeaa Baptist* Market. Mont- WHAT Live roultry. Kancy Hens. Pljri EKirs etc.? Write I. Welnrauch * Son, Wonderful. A member of the t)oard of trustees EOSCE BUIKOEBSI WKITE FOlt OL'l'. FREE BOOK U9 House Plans, and Information tell- Inc how to save from Two to Four Hun- dred Dollars on your new Home Aa- dress Hnlllday Company. 23 Jacksua \V Hamilton nnt ,mln in'the Ill-nourished .nuscles of the { si7ty-erght"piat"e"s 'i^ol^ed^liko, e^^l '"â„¢'"_e./''t"'_.^"?"^"^"„"'.5:^_''l'^.^._"? ! "^y'y %'utK°?rieVdsrsalJ°hi,'''^lef me MISCEI.I>AITi: OUS. 9030- low waistline; two-piece skirt m two jj^j^j^^ j^^j^ lengths). Price, 25 cents. Cut in 4 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the blood , .. , , than to give way to unreasonable -Misses' Sailor Dress (suitable ^^^^^ ^^^^^ y^^^ kidneys. If you sus- rforsmail women; two styles of sleeve; pg^j y^^^ kidneys, any doctor can in ten minutes that will „.,„,, set your fears at rest, or tell you the eizes. 14 to 20 years. Size 16, blouse, ^^^3^ y^^^ ,„ ^^^^y ^^^,,4 j^ ^^ ^^^_ 2 yds. 36 ins. wide; collar, V2 yd. 36, ,^^^,y Wealthy you must keep the blood ;.ins. wide; skirt, 1 yd. o4 ins. wide. ,„ g^od condition, and for this pur- Width, IVi yds. pggg „„ other medicine can equ^ Dr. WlUlaius' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer In medicine, or by mail, at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor 12.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- vllle, Ont. back. How much better it is to try piled with food. In tho centre of the|^ source ot supply more than before Thou Art the Queen of Flowers. There came at purple even An angel from the skies, To bear a gift of Heaven To gladden human eyes; So now I seo adorning My green and dewy lawn, This flower ot the morning. Born at the early dawn. Thou art the Queen of Flowers, Thou sweet, enchanting rose. The fairest In the bowers. Kissed by tho breeze that blows; So sway my heart forever And make it beauty's throne, That I, indeed, may never Dwell In this world alone. \ 9038 9038â€" Misses' Dress (suitable for ermall women; in two lengths; blouse closing on shoulder and at underarm;' with dainty odors blending two styles of sleeve and skirt attached j iieyond the lands of death; to underbody). Price, 25 cents. Cutj The holy incense offered in 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 3V4 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2V8 yda. 54 ins. wide. Width IM yds. These patterns may be olitained from your local MeCall dealer, or from tho McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. I'll pluck thee for the maiden Who pledged her love to me, Whoso heart Is richly laden With Its sincerity; She shall becohie the wearer Of tlioe, my rose divine; Violent Explosions of Hydrogen C)(^ For none indoed. Is fairer SOLAR FIREWORKS. on the Surface of the Sun. We do not think ot water as in any way having the nature of an explo- sive, yet one of its clemonts â€" hydro- gen â€" when hoatoil to a liiKh toinpora- ture is one of tho most cxplosivo sub- stances known. On tho surface of the Upon the air ascending. How fragrant Is thy breath. Lpon the golden shrine, Tho sweetest ever proffered Iiofore the throne divine. table were large dishes, en each of whi'ch was an entire sheep's carcass, stuffed with bnked rice and hard- boiled egg.H. Incense burned in braz- the war is- emphafllzed in the informa- tion reaching the Canadian Trade Com- mission. It appears that the participa- tion ot Canadian troops, many of them CANCEB. u.Ro L.,,.^a> jv^- V..., .. , internal . ,„ „, uific ui'^j^ jvu .- y I ^^j pain by cur lioine ^treutment. TL'MOKd LLiU'3. nal and external, cured iers and long, cylindrical-shaped tubes ^^'^1^ ,\ knowledge of French, has stimulated interest, and has been, so trade quoted by the Commissioner General tor Canada in France, who in describ- ing the rcQBirements porting house says: â€" "I sincerely lleve that much sentiment exists here that looked like lighted cigars. In the centre of the table wore two men, who served £ny dishes t'nat were out of the guests' reach. ^ The guests helped themselves to dishes aa they pleased, and it was not uncommon to see persons commenc- ing with all sorts of sweet dishes and,, „ . .v, . » • r . . , . .,, . m » i.1. ' In P ranee from the many lntor\'iews I finishing with meat. Many of the , , j , ». . i. ..,. , , . J 1 ii. • u 1 1 1 have had and continue to have with local guests used only their hands, al- though a knife and fork were provided for each guest. Several King recommended special dishes to his immediate neighbors, and you found your plate filled with food of every description. After about three-quarters of an to speak, an advertising force for Do- â-  'hen get up before daylight to read minion trade. A typical instance is 1 them. ETC, wicb- , ».. ..«.,. », -». . . Write ot reading good books, but also of own- g, before too late Dr. Hellmiin Medlcai Ing them, so that you may have access , Co. Limited. Couingwood. Ont to them at all times. When I was a ; â-  youth I used frequently to work all , Factories For Freezing Fish. night to earn money to buy books and â-  Large factories have been erected In Norv.-ay for freezing fish â- without Countered. tho use of ice. As the Industry la practiced there, the catch of the fish- ing fleet Ij cleaned In the home har» men dt aVt sorts â€" business, commer- ^J"" clal and professional. I believe that times the; „ », » s ^ »i » 1. the sentiment exists that purchases ot a large Im- Tommy announced his Intentibn of hor, thence shipped to the factory. I sincerely be- going to the river for a bathe, and his \ where the fish are pressed into block, mother was rather scared. But she and frozen by artificially produced was wise, and decided to try a new low temperatures. It Is stated that PjgjjjQj ! the first shipmant of the blocks to "I was reading In the paper this ( Chrlstiania was sold with such ease morning." she said, "about a little boy would be much preferable from Cana- da than from the United States. There is a great deiU of love for Canada shown and Canada has become known , ^, ,.. iL . 1 .f from the many lines ot endeavor un- hour the King gave the signal- for^^^^^^^^ ^j^^ Canadian Army." retiring, and everyone stopped as if automatically and fileS out of the room. Coffee and cigarettes were served outside under the awning, where the King and the European guests sat in an inner circle, sur- rounded by the notables a little dis- tance off, w*ile the lesser lights were still farther off. TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW. who was drowned while he was bath- ing." Tommy smiled cynically. "Was he any relation, I wonder," said he, "of the little boy who was killed last w^eek on his way to school?" Simplified Beading. that the manufacturers are now eager to place their commodity on the ex- port market. Klnard's Ziinlmest Cores Dlatsmvar. little when suddenly she was brought I GIRLSl Careful preparation is the keynote to success in the live stock business, either in the fitting tor the show ring ' back to earth by hearing young Tlmo- or in the marketing ot butcher stock, thy declaim: Placing of awards or the topping ot ' "This is a warm doughnut. Step in 'the'meantime a second party of , "^« market depends largely on the con- j on It." ,.„^r.„, „„„=f. ^f !»=»„, ,i»Lo«dition ot the animal when shown or! Timothy. vAatever are >ou read- Six rigid airships of an improved type, representing successive stages of development, are under construc- The governess was listening to the | ^jon for the British navy. These sir- children's reading lesson, and her at- I sj^ips .,^(11 cost $11,000,000. tentlon was, perhaps, wandering a j - ^ WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICB offered for sale. Animals to be shown : Ins?" she e.\claimed. "Let me see sixty-four guests of lesser degree! entered tho diwng hall and sat downi , , , . , - >,„v,i, to the table we had just left. When' <'^ ^^^ «""*«â- â-  «'>°^'« should be selected : >our book this group had finishe<i th.?ir d inner, """^ a»1 Preparations started so as to She looked vet a third group of guests of still h=vve them in the best possible condl- : found. This lesser degree were similarly enter- ; '""i ^^^ ^how time. The 'Toronto Fat 1 on U. tained; and finally the waiters, the Stock Show offers an excellent oppor- servants, the military band and the '""'t>' '"J f^ders who have taken the and this is a worm is what she Do not step Beyond Earthly Hope. Than this sweetheart of mine. Males' Large Majority. Tho excess of niulos over females In guard of honor were brought in and did full justice to the food, of which there was still much untouched. A pause in the proceedings occur- red when a very nervous-looking man, who proved to be one of the school- masters of tiedda, appearetl. He sal- uted the King and begged permission to speak. Make a bsauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sailowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug s-tore or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a fq(w cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put iu the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautlfler known. time to fully condition their stock to i With the light of a great hope in get the higlK'st market value, and In , her weary face, the lady settled herself ! jjasgage {his fragrant creamy lotion addition to compete for the many generous premiums that are offered. The Canny Scot. Sir Edward Carson, who recently celebrated his 65th birthday, Is a mine â- EVryonV7aVher"ed"clo3er>' IfK-'^l a"f ''"'e^- One that he is and listened intently to the speech,' !,°»'^. "' .'"f'f'f concerns a certain Sandy M Cute, known everywhere as 1 the proper times, am! in the way I down In the registry ottice and made dally Into the face. neck, arms and known her wants. hands and just see how freckles, tan, "What I need is a girl who will think sai;owness, redness and roughness for herself." she said firmly; "not one ' disappear and how smooth, sott and I have to watch all day, and correct j every other minute. I want one In ^ whom I can repose entire confidence. | sure that she will get the meals at i clear the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you. which was a vote of thanks to the , , . „ ,_.,„, King from the people of Jedda. He '"« <^^'"""est Scot north of the Tweed. spoke in loud, distinct and very class-! ""« ^''^:- «">'.^ ^ir Edward, Sandy as- icnl AraWc. The King sUt with cros- excess porcentago of 130 males per 1,000 females, tho mule iioijulation be- Bun there nro violent explosions of : '"K â- 'i.XS^'J'JG and the fumaie 3,384,048. highly heated hydrogen gas-so vio- : The number ot females per 1,000 males lent that thny may bo seen from tho ' 'a «86. "'e dellcloncy ot females as earth. At tinios, according to Dr. EI- compared with nuilos bolng greater In the Dominion is 437,347, which la an , ged legs on his chair and replied every tonished a solicitor by walking into his olllce and squandering slx-and- liko; one that can cook " "Pardon me. madam." said the pro- prietor ot the registry-ottlce coldly. "What you want Is not a servant, but lorman of tho Mount Wilao:i Solar Observatory, who discovered thi":ii> hydroKen bombs, as they are callurt, they follow one aiiothir like bails of a Ilonian candle at Intorvals of ton or twenty nilniitcs. Tlio duration of tho exploKJoii Is UKiKiUy about two or three mlnutfs. The bonihs gonorally appear on the odKO or at one Hi<lo ot sunspot groups that are in tho pro- cess of developing. Itopealed explo- sions occur almost exactly in tlio same place. The presence of tho bombs Is reveal- ed by the apiicaranco of two lnt>(nsoly brilliant, narrow bands of nearly uni- form width on either side of the dark absorption lino of hydrogon tliat Is j aHBoclati'd with tho hlghor Holar at- mosplioro. 1'lie fact tiiat nolthor tlie j dark linn itself nor any otlior of tho absorption linos that belong to tho various strata of the sun's atmoispluMo Is llitorfored with shows that tlie ox- ploslons occur at a consldcrablo (IIh- taiico b(dow tho rhromo.splicro tlio lowest, densost layer of the solar on- rclopoM, in which aro tlio m:iJorlty of all tho gaseous ideinonts that com- posn the attiiosplitTo of tho sun. than iiroliably In any other The disparity Is especially ! consolidate<I. Caiuuia country strongly marked in tho Western Pro- j on the spot viiK'.es. The last census showed that j Lome MacLeod (Edinburgh) llin number of fonialoa por 1,000 males for eacls provin<o waH : British Colum- l)la, !.G0; .Manitoba. 622; Alberta, 673; S;\Hkatcliewaii. OSS; Ontario, 942 lirunswick, il5G; .N'ova Scotia, now and then, while occasiomillv the eightpence recklessly simply In order , a fairy go dmother. '' ZS rman";ar"'"'"'^ ^" ^'^^ 1^ of'lalXr ^^i Sr^ S! j -inard'. .i^i^^^T^u,.. Cold.. =,. ^ there was a reason behind Sandy's | Canadian troops never lost a gain,'!"''^"""- "^o^^â-  that you've heard the I neve, failed to take an objective, and """-" ^^ asked presently, "ye thinks never were driven from giwind once!'' ^^"r"' llghtiu', do yo?" "Worth, " '"' "" " • the solicitor.! They conquered or died "Khting. man?" replied .-Lord Provost Sir j.i "Why. I'm almost prepar red to guarun- I tee a favorahlo verdict." Sandy nod- ded his head wisely. "Ah, weel," he A very curious net is made by the' remarked. "I'm much obiged tae ye, tailor bird of India, a tiny yellow, I'lit I dinna think I'll go tae law this Now i creature. To escape snakes and mon-i "n>e. 'ur yo see the case I've laid be- 961; keys this bird takes n dead leaf, flies j 'ore ye is my opponent's." Quel)oc, 980; and Prlnco Edward Is- 1 up into a tree, and with a fibre for &\ ,j,,jj^ j^ j^, certify that fourt.'on years land, -J91.--Canada Year Uook. | thread and its bill for a needle sews, ^^, , ^^f ^^^^ p,,^^,^ ^f ,„y ,^,(j â- ^.^^^^ -♦ I the leaf to a green one hanging from , „^,^,^,^. severed, and was for about nine The foreign-horn must not be the the tree. Ihe sides are up. an: „,,„jj,\, ^^^^^^ ^ ,,,,,, ,,„ ^^^ „( ,„y ^.^^^j foreign-thinking. j opening to the uest_^thus ormcd being, j^,,,, ^^^^,^^ ,,i,„.,. Liniments, also doc- Fnuks of a dclicato color always left at the top. The leaf, apparently j^^.^ .,,^5 ^^.^^ ^^^,^,1^1,,^, „j, j,^,,^,,-,^ py look better if wa.viieil in bran water,! hanging from a twig, would never bejj^ ppVsuaslon from a friend I got MIN'- no soap being uscil. taken for a nest. England's Latest Child Prodigy Mimical crillcs, Iu dospalr to explain | moves about hi It Innocent. Joyful, and scrciio aa a child, and, olaborato and hiKlily wrounlit as many of tho draw- lugs aro, there Is never a lino that sug- gests a task. "Danco of the Children on I'oaco Day" la a mnzo of llttlo llRures with lliiga and balloons, with grouiia of smaller liguroii behind, as Times Have Changed. "Times have changed and not for tho better I think." says Marse Henry Watterson. "In tho old days, family pride and Individual ambition ran hand In hand. The i^on wanted to emulate his father, and the father wanted to see tiie son make his way in the world 'on his own.' Ilut tho change In the times Is graphically Illustrated in a conversation I overheard recent- ly. 'My son,' said the retired mer- chant, 'whon I was your age, instead ot idling ai'id smoking cigarettes I was laboring twelve hours a day building rail lencos.' I'm proud of you, dad,' retorted the modern youth. "Had It not been for your pluck and persever- ance, 1 might be forced to do that same sort ot work to-day.' " GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS" TABLETS WITHOUT "BAYER CROSS" NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL. Get Genuine "Bayer Tablets of As.^ip.â€" in" in a "Bayer" Package. Plainly Marked With tho Safety "Bayer Cross." MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mall send tlio (lovoloi)oil teclinliiuo and depth ot j eiuotloiial oximrieiiCH of innsical pro- iligh's, soiiKitlnics fall back on tho lluMiry of reincarnation and lot It go at that. Art critics have a facer of tho Hiiine kind nt the exliibition at the Leicester AUIVS LINIMKNT and used one bottle ' which completely cured me, and have ; been using MINAKIVS Ll.MMENT In i my family ever since ami Had It the 1 same as wlun 1 first used it, and would | a Uomlnlou Express Money Ordor. never be without It. ISAAC E. MANN. Metapedia, P.Q Aug. aiat, 1908. Alpaca From Waste Wool, Mr. (later Sir Titus) Salt, who had becB for some yoai-a connected with tho woollen maiuifacturo, happened Clean Up. A wostrrn mother writes respecting the businesa seition of her town: "Hack of almost all ot our stores are found horrible conditions; piles ot There Is not a ponuy of German money invested iu "Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin," nor will a Ger^ian citizen prollt by its sale or ever be allowed to acquire intorest. Tlio original world-famous Aspirin marked with the "Payer Cross ' is i!ow made in Canada and can be had at your dinggisl's in bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets and larger "Uayer" pack- ages. OenuIno .\splrln has been proved safe by millions for Pain. Headache, Tooth.iclie. Earache, Rlieii mutism. Lumbago. Colds, Grippe. Neuritis. Aspirin is the trado nuuk, register, ed iu Canada, of Bayor Manufacture ot Ur. Kllerman (Irsl obs.'rvtid tho two | Galleries of tlio works of a remarkablol tliough tho dolls, too. had come out ot ! »»» '''^^ '" ^'^'^'^ *" ""*'''" "' Idvorpool brilliant band.s suddenly a|i|)ear, one tn each siilo ot the dark abuor|>tion line of liydrogon, wblio he was ob- lervlng tho dark lino of distortionH And reversals in connoctlim with an active sun-spot group. « Wa Call It Small Town Stuff. JapanoHo nowsiiapers divide thoir news Into two classes~"hard" and "soft" The fi)rmer, says Prof, K. I,. Martin, of tho University of Missouri, troats of serloun and Important events, the later treats of all Horta of "human- totereit" Incidents. The third pitfi* ot the soft-news department In devoted to trivial, gossipy stories, of M^Uch the following Is a sample: "Since Etsunska, s resident of Osa- liusa, has separated from her master, ft coal dealer, she has lost a (Ood op- ponent for her noted powers of quftr- r«Ilng. The neighbors are breathing ^r««ly again at the prospect that they Mad no longer hear embarrassing quarrels, wblob have made the neigh- borhood tamoni. The reaction has |>««n so great that Etsunaka has been townhearted. She says, 'I feel sick, BOW that I hare no one to nounel WUK " child, I'amola llianc... says tho Man- the nurseries b) danco. | """•"« ^hreo or four hundred sacks ot chnstor Guardian. Slio is twelve years | llapturo Is the quality that she ; «'l>i"''^ '»'"ol that had been Imported old, D'AnniiiizIo biia called her "this shares with the FloroutlnoB. It runs 'â- '»'" *'"*" *° "'"" ''""'" ^"""' Amorl- woiidorful child, whoao nauin Is like j through nil tho rt'awings, reaching Its ' ''"â-  *" ""^ '^"1'" "' ""'""K « i»anufac- trash coinpo.-iod ot papers, packing [ Monoacetlcacidester of Salicylicacid boxe.H, Bweoplnga nnd sometimes garb- age, are found. Those ovontually con- stitute a rat harbor, lly-prodiicing con- ditions and also a lire hazard." tho name of a llower," and Mr. Walter de la M>are has written «. poem in her praise. She was born In llarnos, her father being Italian and hor mother an Eng- lish lady who had Hoiito fame us a uovolist under hor maldnn namo ot WIlllaniB. Tho child lived for a little height in "Tho I'^alry Spring," with Us checker ot delicate, happy colors and gildings, Tlio direction of her mind Is Indicated In such works as "The Ma- donna brings a mandarin orange to un angel In prison," and "Tho baby ask- ing tho angel's torglveness," and "Ma- donna and Child with a flower In his in the Garden Suburb, but the family I niouth." Thero are no works hore of ' this artist's fliet period, the earliest being a work at tho ago ot nine. What will this child bo llko when she Is twen^l^•7 Will the now world, with Its freer Ideas, not Inglat on her Isarnlng to draw and allow her to ma- ture her art on Us prosent narrow, .bftuutlful llnea, and are they strong enough to support the adult mind? Will her "vision splendid' h\\ her us tho years go oj? ^ylll her futuro bo uo more distinguished 'than that of so many tnusloal prodigies? Whatever Is botorn her, these works, with tholr Iniioeont, lovely »pli;! and nitoundlng comiannd of the Quest pic- torial language, will prubabl.,' fuitn unique In ntodnrii art. * soon went to America, afterward to Italy. She Is now at San Remo. She Is said to have had no art education, but that, I take It, only means «rt tui- tion. It Is clear that she has educated herself from pictures, parttouUrly truiQ Bottlnelll and the early Floren- tines, and also one would say, she has rscelved Impresitons from Chinese art. Otfher wondsr children have gilven us brilliant drawing and extraordinarily fresh observation In line. Pamela Dl- anco gives us something more of an essence ot art. Like Mlchaelman, she seems to know tho secrets of tho mas- ters as one of the family, and not by study or .If Hocond hand. nottlcelU Uii^ cre.;!tP(l Ut,, wholo world, but she tuier who mlRht buy thom for some purpose. Several mon had tried to work up this new material, but with- out success, Bo there It lay for years, uo one HoeniIng to want It, till Mr. Suit onino across It nnd, after a num- ber of trials, In which ho modified his wool machinery to suit It, adapting It afresh and overcoming many obstacles, i lie llnnlly solved the problem by adopt- ing cotton Wftrps. and soon after put ; un tlie market a new materlul, alpaca, , a soft, glossy, elegant fabric, which so took the fancy ot tho public that. In soma fifteen years, Mr. Salt nniasa- ed an enormous fortune, which thus enabled him to carry on the great phllnnthroplcal work which made him famous. Sure! High Heels Gau^e Corns But Who Cares Now \ Never wear, a Docauso style decrees that women crowd and bucklo up tholr tender toos In high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which meroly makes the corn grow hard. This suicldul habit may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop U. A few drops ot a drug called trees- one applied directly upon a sore corn ' gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out witho;it pain. Ask tho drug store man tor a quarter ot an ounce of freezone, which but Is sutncleut to ro- costs very liltl, blind bridle to keep move every hard or soft corn or callus yourself from BeeinR the value of ^our from one's feet neighbor'ii idcr.s and n\ethod.i Sime of the old folks talk a lot ftiitu'- thj g>,-;l c'.il day.-., lut most of t.;-,/*) l',"Vi' ;r. .!t::"l'in'; C'a'uiiel aijd This drug Is an ether compound and dries In a nvoment and slmpiy shrivels ui^ the corn without lnQ4mmg or ereq ' Irritating the surroaadiBg VlfUt or 1 skin. Clip this out ud 9U Mltwl wlte's dresswN ^::-'*'-^^-*-v,l BABYIFACE Could Not Sleep Eruption Itched and Burned So. "I noticed a littlis pimple on my baby's bee. I thought it was from the sun but It tept g«ting worse and the skin was red snd very hot. He could not sleep 01 rest the eruption itched and burned so, and It mused him to scratch. I was quite dis- couraged. "1 sasv an adverllseinent for Cutl- cura Soap and Ointment and aent for a free sample. I bought r.ioie and oftet using twccakesofCuti^ura Soap and two ar.d a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment he w«s healed." (Signrd) Mis. S. D. McOuiie, Cb:ksbuig. Dm.. Dec. 18, 191S. Use Cuticura Soap, O'.nmisnt an.l Talcum for ever>'-d*y toilet purposes. For fivo Munpl<t «aoh of Culieum ?OAn. Oii.t- MOfil and TvJ^-uai â- iMiâ€" povt-ottrU: ' OaiUiirft. S«^l, A, SMloa, 0. • A," Suld «v«l7w)-.«r«. ISSUE No. 31â€"13.

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