,1" 'S3fe»-^^ A--*''' ,♦., i^i^'sV^ i /lesli^ttxrti Vol 39, No. S Fleslierton. Dnt., July J4, 1919 «* » Returned Soldiers Picnic At Eujienia The present is a very busy rtrae for farirerH, and this face militated aijain^t the success of tlie returned soUiers' picnic at £ugeQia on Tliurad»y list. Still, a good cruvd via present and the receipta ^ mouattd up tu over bve hundred dollar*, which is a matter for coiigratulatioQ. lu the afceruooii two basebill matches were played. One of the <:a>iieii â€" EiJi^enia and Power House â€" was a j ike. The i':ore went up above the clouds and i;ot lost, hut at last account the Power House score wits tjailing upward throui;h the ethereal blue about tire miles aheid of its oppaneut. Then came a game of ball, when Flesherton t-wsklad tbd Power House and the race was neck and neck, Out the latter oace more came out of the pipe line tirst with the acore 6 to 4 The game was a good one but Flesheitou hit bard luck . The ladies served an excellent supper to all bands â€" soldiers free. * AtthecuDcett in the evening Mrs. Dowu of b'leshercon and Mrs. Buchanan of Rivenna gave short addresses and Bob Wilson of Toronto amused the crowd at the pavilion, which was presided over by Rev. Conn of ftlarkdple. L tile Miss McKechnie of Markdale gave several fclighland dances. There were none of the professional politician's present, aUhouuh invitations had been sent '.hcui. Haw Bros, orchestra supplied the music for the occasion. Several little girls sold votes for a rabbit during the afternoon an J some fifty dollars were netted for bunny. Lulle Miss Ruth Stuart if Kiiuberley secured the rabbit. Her lathrr. J ip, is a mighty huuter. a good shot and knows ho# to bring do«u t^e game. He keeps on hand a good supply of aaimuniiiou, too. EUGENIA The bestaud most successful garden party ever held b*re took place on Thursday, July 17, when a returned i soldier's gtrden party was given under : t'le iiu-'pices of the W. I and cuizeus of Eu^enii. The objec was to raiae funds for a mecnoriil to the boys who have fallen in the world* 'itenz war. The event passed of succesbfully and the crowd enjoyed to the? full every moment of the afternoon and evening. The weather wa? ideal, the people hearty, the provisions plintiiul.au d withal tinau- cully successful. Tiie ball games tu the afteruooii were good, the winning ttams being closely mitched. Kxcisement ran hi^h. The buys being all good, clean sports, everything wei.t ot! splendidly. The Power bouse carried off the tirst prize and FleaherU.'n second. The grand coucer: at night was a tilting end to a grand and j 'yful diy Rev. J. Thc- burn Conn "â- â- cupled the chair and gave a splendid opening address, which was highly apprfci.ited. The tribute paid to our gallatit Canadian boys was alone well worth orauig lu les to hear. The pro- granwjiirou^hout waa of the most m- stru.-tive. eniertaioing and enjoyatile eharacter, and was voiced by one and all as thi oest over uiven here. Tho total proceeds tor ih e day was ft}.">C 32. Miss Milliceut McVluUeuis home from h-r school at Fort Willutm Mr. and Mrs. P.>iliameat and Miss Florence spent a few days the past week W'th friends at Paisley. Miss Ida Haney underwent a critical 0D,frat oa this Monday morning by Dis. Guy, Martin and Bell. Ida his been ill for ths pt~c three weeks with pleuro- pneumonii and it was found ueces ary t'> operate in o der to S!«ve hit life We are very gl.id to report her doing nicely at tim -• of M tin.'. Mis.«es D^Ealda and Fernie Stuart ol Kiinberley iue visiting at Mrs L ooiiid Latimer'^. Daylight Saving President Wilson, ia vetoing the American Agricultural Bill which was designed to end the practice (if daylight siviu;;, mentioned particularly the economic advantage of advancing the clock one hour in the summer mouths. Those opposed to the reform may ni t have realized that the saving i.i cocil and in electrical power IS sutil.cient in itself to overbalance any slight inconvenience which may be fek by one section of the population . The advantage to urban residents is undoubted. Since Can'adtau and American railways must operate on the »amo time schedules it is probable that daylight saving will cnulinue in Cauiid'i, as in the L'uitcd States, until l',>2o at ieiist. â€" Toronto Times. First Milking Machine Uoo. I. Stocks of Bet he', instalKd a m >iiih a^o the tirst milking machine iti successful operation in this district and he is so pleased with the woik done a.id timj sived that the milking operations twioj a day is one of the pleasures of farm'life. The machine is run by a 4 h. p. gisoline engine, which doos the cream separating at the same time. A» 8)011 Hs *.he last cow is milked there is j 1st that iiiilkirg to put through the separator. . Mr* StocKs has eight cows milking at pro'cnt, but intends increasimj his number. Although he milks the cowssiug'y, taking from one to three niinutes fur each, his michiue has a capacity for milking ten cows at one operation. He hadn't had any trouble wi'h the michiuo or with the ciiws. In fact the cows appear to prefer the machiue to hand milking. The work is done cleaner and hotter by machine and the time and labor saved is ipiite a cousidera- tioD, particuUrly at night when everyone IS tiled. â€" Pundalk Herald. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.irk and fa'inly of Midland aie visiting at present with the former's partr.is here. Ml. Holly arrived last Thuisday from i^ask. to visit with his sister, Mrs. Sam Crif', after an ab-'^ence if about f lurteen years. Robt. Clark has purchased a tine new Brisco cir. Messrs. Will and Lewis Newell of Darhini motored over m the forniei's new Ford c<r, and visited over Siu d.vy with their brother Chas. Levi Betis liad a very successful liirn raising last Thursday. >lr and Mr^. .'im Cargo visited orir the week end wirh the latter's pircnt", Mr. and Mrs R. Fi>her. Mr. anit ^Irs Edgar Botts and Tom Brown if 0.<prey visited one day recently with T. Betts and family. Dorothy â- 4iid Kul P^iik of Mid!iind spent a iliy the past week wi h Mrs. C. â- Newjll. Mr. and .Mrs. John Robertson and family visited last week with Mr. ai d Mis. Levi Bitis. Mrs. Robt Phillips and son re'utued 10 their home i.. Toronto after spending afiitiiight with her pirents here. Mr. and Mrs Fred Field tnotired up from Brantfoid and are visiiinR relatives m this vicinity. The BoUcn Enterprise 8»ys : A fam ilycfjoung wcasles have their home under the platform at the C PR. station anJ then there's a little pig which keeps the staff gusssirg. Porkie escaped dur- ing trnnsh:pnipnt and thfies all ett'vts to hold him m captivity. He can back the ordiu.iry dog into a correr about as quickly as Deir.psey put it over that oiher big •lo'-', and is working up' a reputation ftir geneial all round disregard of the rules of life of the common variety of pig. Shot In Pig Sty A despa'ch fiom Colliiijiwood of July 16 i^ays : E.trly this morning Jick Mooney, a man about oO years of ago, was shot by a farnu-r named .\iiios Sher- tick, and died about hfeen miiuites later. The Irajjedy occuirif ..,u Sher- rick's farm, about two miles from tuwo. It appears that Sherrick found Moouey in bis pig tty and when the Utter at- i tempttd to escape ih j fniner tind a shot l' gun.the intents lo tgiug under Mooney s ' right shouldor. Moouey is a returned soldier atii Sherrick :s a respec:ed farm- ' er about .-ixty years of a.;e, who has [ live! in this viciuiiy for many years. Shot rick wasarrestid and locked up and i an iii<|ue»t was held. .As Sherrich was ! rising lo tesiify in bis own behalf he I collitiMicd and died of heart failure. CEYLON to Ross McMuUen left last week accept a position in Sireetsville. Mrs. Charles Chislett ot Toronto is ;i v.sitoratJ. O'Mel'i's. Dtftectites tir.'er auJ tjiib'oous of Toronto were in town lasc wejk. Mr. and Mrs. Johci Kennedy spent S iturday in Ti-ronto. Mias ,)ean Collinsuu and Mrs. Joe C liliusOD visited the past week in Toronto ani St. Catherines. MiasGiadys Cus'iue of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Millie Cook. Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Spicer and babe, who ha»e been visiting the former's parents, returned Friday to their home iu Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher of Toronto came up Saturday to ihe bedsidt- of h:s miiher, who passed away Monday morning at:er a year's illness patiently borne by the aged lady. Rev. Mr Dinnick came from Toronto on Thursday aud moved his family to their new home a: Epsom. Mrs. Din- nick will be niu:h missed ia theSabbith schoo', where shd was a great worker. Mrs. D. McKinuou of Hastings is visiting her sisterinlaw, Mrs. George Ariowjmilh. Miss Jane McKenzie aud niece. Miss S. Girdiuer, who have been visit )u<j their uncle, George McKec/.ie. have re^urued to their home at Kenora. Miss Mur.el Spici r haj relumed to the city after a pleasant fortnight's visit with then parents. Mrs. Bryant aud daughter Evelyn, ,and Master Bryan', Mr. L. >oble, Mr. and Mrs. Winihursr. and .^Ir. McCalli'.m ail of To.onto, motored up and s;jent the wei.k end at X. Archibald's. Mr. i»i;d Mrs. James P.ittisoii, Wihie aud Gl.idjs, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy took a motor trip the tirst of the week.gj Rev. Mr. I'phamhas started a week night pr.iyer meeting, held on Thursd;<y nighl, this »eck at R. Cook's. VANDELEUR Haying is pretty well advanced an 1 the crop is an averagiicne. Mr. and Mrs. Oaorge Warling visited friends at Meaford leceutly. Mr. and -Mrs. Edward Peiitield aud 'wo children i»f Ca.edon E ist were visit- >rs at W, Hutchinson's one day recently Mr. and Mrs. George Fegau of To- ronto were visitors at George Wriebi's over the week end. Mr. Will Gilray of Toronto is holiJav. lug it Ihe h><me of his sister, Mts.Geoige Wright. Mr. anl 51 rs. U. Ready of St. Marys returned home last week after a two week's visit wilh Mrs J. M. Dtvis. Mrs. Will. Reid and son, B.llie. are visitors at G. Pi it chard's. Mrs S Whitiield and three ch Idren of Glei.C'-e visited her sister, Mrs. Will Uutcb uson, for a few days last week. Mrs, Niddy o' Duiidas is visiting b-r diughlor, Mrs. Wilfrid Cullis. Mr. and -Mis. F.-ank ft uson of Palis are visitors ai-Robeit Graham's and wilh other friends hereatiou's. Mr. J. Norly has been laid up for sonij t uie With a felon on his t'liivi. PRICEVILLE Mrs. W. Watbon had all ber sons and daughters home over the w^elr end â€" Henry and wife of Ottiwa, Edwiird aud family of Durham Mrs. Drimmie and husband of E.;r.mont, ;iiso Jlisses Mar- garet and Louiseâ€" which mace a happy gathering. Sir. and Mrs. f ilkingham of Durham spent the weeii end wnh the hitler's mother, Mrs. McLean Pre. Angus McLean of ih^; Mounted R'ties, Toronto, spent a f^w diys with mother and other friends. Saturday was observed as a holiday here, ti luses were decorated with tiiga but we hid no public celebration. Some of our citizens Went our to other towns. Poslmatler Conkey and P. F. UcAi tour motored _to Oweu Sound on Peace D ly . ilrs. D. McLeod of CaUary, formerly of the Presbyterian manse, Priceviile, is S[)eB3;ug a few weeks with uid friends here and in otaer pirts of O.itano. Good weather for hay harve3t.u.i last week. The Presbyteriau Church Garden Party on the iL'th iust. was a success. F. P. Keiley'a lawu and grounds was a tiiie i-liee for such a gatheiim.', but afler the games and supper it was found too chiliy io the open air so the peo^ile letired t.i the church, where a hue iirjgram was ciriied out. Kusted Bros, lost week ds'.fibuted 15 tons of furnace coal to iho public school, Presliy'.eaiaci church and some other places. Real Estate D.dlâ€" John McMeekin of the C. P. R. has bought the hou=e and lots, which ie has occupied for over a year, from Mrs J. McMillan Rev. McCarten is taking two weeks holiday, so there will be no servire iu the Methodist church until the I'ud Suud;iy in .iugnst. Mrs, J . Xichol, sr., and daughter, Eua, have rsiurned from Cincni.atti, Ohu', and will speud a tew months at the old huma west of the vill«ge. * Miss Greta Xichol. teacher a Fort Will'.am, is spending her h ilidiys • i*h hir molhc;- and other members c; tiic fimily. Reeve 2<ichol and John and David Xichol have farms in iha neighbor, hood. Master Edgar Flowers of Toron!'> i." spending bis holidays w.th Mr. and Mrs. David Xichol. FINE JEWELERYJBatesBurialCo. te^ j BL'SIXESS AS USUAL I Funeral Directors and Embaiiners 01 jeweirv, \vatciies, liochs, etc. T)1,^„^ tT'll ^ '^ /i o andwhenyoubaveseeatbemjou P^«"^ HlllcreSt 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Oct. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. will be snre to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A. full line of Diotographic supplies Inclading developing powders, printing frame?, dark lauterns, all sizes of ko lacks aud rilms. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT- Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write â€" t^EO. W. KOS^. O.-prev Tel. sv.stem Maxwell P. i> PROTON House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES,FLOUR AND FEED Big sbipinenr ot Flour, Chop, Bran. .>»hort5. Pig Feed and Hen Vi^ed just arrived. AH kind: of Fre;:h Fniit reason. m Car Load Of Salt has arrived. Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Prints. Eggs and Pound FEVERSHAM A nice ttiiii cAuie ou Monday lust which W.1S much needed. Mrs. Godfrey Hiid two chiltiiea me visiting wilh ilie former's aunt, &lrs. W. DtMdson, sr. Mrs. John Johuso.i uiid c'aughier c>(, Duud.-ilk vi&i ed wilh ihe foi iuer'i< sis^ er, \lr$. John Paul, lust week Mr. Aud Mrs. Joseph Heiidnson â- t Rliixwell left iiv>t weik to visit iheir s-'US, J»MU's and KoLert, near Yelluw- Or»s8, s^.Hsk. - M.'iriicd â€" On Monday. July 14, Miss Inn Kooiue to Mr. Samuel Teldford o: Toronto. We extend congrHljliitiiic* to the happy young couple, Mi88 Clar* Binnie of T-u-outo is spen 1. ing her holidiiys »t l.er home hire. Vrs. CclgHu ;iud daughte-. Floret vc. of Uondalk, are vi^itm^ thj for.'iei'^ paieut*, Mr. «nd Mrs. Roouij. Mr. mill Mrs. Duncan Stokes, accoai (allied by Mr. iii d M:s Seeiur, ftVunt .\iber-, v:sited with thc'r c.usin, 3ii <. Ryleil Acbe.-^oii. Uuriu^ the electric stotm MoiiUy ufteiuoon Mr. Wjdeuirtn's barn w.is slack and buiucd tu ih: ground. Miss UtiDier, S.^u1t Ste Mirie. is i visitor m the home of Mr. Ludlow . We eXU'iid heanie.^t cougralulatioiis to Misses Mnriou Wright »nd Mi died Biiiuio, who were successful in their music exiiuiu.iclou. tioiii- (,)n Tue.'^day, July !.>, and Mrs BeitOuisl, » son. Mrs Neilsob bf Toroiit) liir son- ou the firm A nuii>bi'r fruin hert Iti'nded the eontiriniition i>ervice at Duiftulk Monc'ay evening. We w;re [iVn-^cd to a< tice the name of M«rj<i>ie ^ch. i»uu amon^i the li.-^t ot suecesjful Jfoimal s'udeiits. Balance of Proton held o»ei. â€" Kd We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario -.a â- ,«>.-.« pAcsinj; :.'. to .Mr. is vi'jitijii; Ladies of Flesherton \r • • • J icmity and Don't be two years btbiud tlie times. Tl>e milliuer.y season is right ou uow aud Mrs. Wrigbt, with tea stasous" experience iu the Slilliuery Busiuess aud spcudiug a term eacli season m Torouto selecling an up-to-date stock, cau show you what is up to-date acd becomiug. No old stock left over. Everythiug new and up-to-date. Just give us a call aud see for yomselvos. Prices ri<:bt according to quality. Highest Prices Paid for Prod uce. W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton Farni For Sale NOTICE It is reported ih^t Gerrie Bros , of Nichol, have sold th.^ir fiimous Shorthorn bull "Gaitiford MatchK-ss" to a Mr. tiebrain. of S.tcriiaiento for Iha tidy sum of$12,001>. There may not bc> the bi< purses coiiii; for live stock breeding that A 5t1 Hcro farm for sale on the Etst I Back Liu«?. .^i temoaia. ord Jrange, north half of kit 13i. On *ihe premises there is a Kood frame b,trn 40 .t .iO feet ; a Cusiom chopping Tuesdays. 'Ihnrs- days aud Saturdays oulv diuiug tl.o mouths of May. .iuueaud July.^S.iw iug of lumber aud shingles, plauicg done to order ou other da\-8. Get h^jiso furnish iugs sm«ll fnnia houfe ; a gooii drilled wei': ' your lloortuw and hen house. Kor p.uticu'ara applv on â- et â€" " pr.mse.s J H UOLLEY, Fleshcrtouj 0, A. WATSON >v SONS. [Box 169. Pricevillo. Ont. A"r2ltb I Nicholas Bensim, the eldest inmate of ^ the Walkerton house ot refu;?o died at tl e a 'e of i>S yoxrs. Master M.iiU Suwait of Ceylon is visiting Willi his uncie, R. Col(|ueile. Mr. Mid Mrs. I. H. Periito Nisited with their daughter, Mrs, A. Seward, at Kicsiierion ou Sunday. aro obtained iu the boxing rii'^», but this ' ; goeR the rini; a good second, and our local «lookiniii «ro certainly to I.e con* SialulateJ. We undersiaud that th.y Mrs. Wiu- Browu, sr., visited with previously turm'd down an almost eipally I Iween her ftOiU legs, and iu calf â€" 2* Thoroughbicd C>liortiioru Dull I her dauuh'er, Mr*. KrcJ H^wion, i.t jjo.id oftVi for ihis splendid pr ze winning ' years tKl. Fiuder please no'.ify â€" I '5 ij.cou. 12, Osprey. Ternas 2. I iitayiiorieeoutly. J aniim!.â€" tlora E\p:ess. T. '.iilli'.aud, Eugenia P. O, | â€"DAVID ROBERTS Mrs. Ki Cioit of Rock Mills ia vinttin^ at her (larentat home here mis week. Heifer Strayed About the last wctlw in .Vtuil, an: all red heifer with a little white be- j Bull For Service