/lesli^rtxrn Vol 39, No. 6 Fleslicrton, Ont., July LO, 1919 // CEYLON (Last Week's Items) Mr. Norman Feifruson and sou, Koy, of Erin, and Mr. T. Baxter of CaleUon, m'otortd up an J visited Mr. M. Ferguson and family over the wecic end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torrpy and little son of Lauriaton epent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. J. B.'Egin of Toronto wm a culler in town on Thursday. Master Gordon Dinnick left on Friday to visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dive Adams are visiting friends in Totteuharii xnd ButiUlo. Mr. and Mr. F. Ulrick of CleveUud- Mr. Chas. Mella and little son of Toror.to are visitor? at John Melia's. Mr. Ross Leslie of Walke.'ton is visit- ing at Mr. A. McMuUen's. Mr. Norman McLeod has returned from the city. Messrs. Frank and Hunter Harrow spent the past week in Toronto. Master Joe jDinnick of Toronto is holidaying with his mother here. Mr. T. Fletching of Military Hospital was a week end visitor al D. Wjdeman's. Miss Anna White spent Dominion Day with bhelburne friends. Misa Mary McMuUen and friend of Toronto spent the pist week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McMullen. Mis. Carruthers and children, who have teen visitinsj her sister, Mi.s. T. Gcuoe, returned Friday to their home in Sew Jersey. Miss Myrtle Hemphill of Toronto is visiting under the parental roof. Miss Syl>Ie ColHuson of Toronto .epeut ^the week end with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. W. McFadden and two children, Robt Cook and Miss Mill'e motored over to Durham and spent the 1st. Wedding Bells are ringing this Wed- nesday for one ot our fair maids. The following teachers are homn for the holiday : Agnes McPhail, New- market ; Lillian, from Alton : Lottie Muir, Berkeley ; A. Harrow, Holland Centre ; May Muir, Ked Wins. Myrtla Heuipliili returned to the city after a pleaaant holiday under the par- ental roof. Rev. Mr. Dinnick of Loudon, Eng , assisted Rev. Uphim on Sabbath at the afternoon service. This Week's Items Mrs. Cairns and three children of Aithur are visiting hor aunt, Mrs. John, and S. McFadden. Miss Muriel Spicer of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spicer of Kingston, are holidaying it H. Spicer s. John Isthman of Nerval visited his aunt, Mrs. G. Arrowsmith, hers last weik. Mr. John Love of Berkeley visitid her sister. Mis. H. Piper, here last week Mr. and Mrs. Abbot and daughter, Bcrth.1, of Elmwood, are vieitin^ their daughter, Mrs D. Widemau. Mrs. Parks and babe and ftliss South- gate of Toronto are spending a fortnight at Roy Piper's. Rev. Diunick t f Loudon, England, arrived ou Friday lo visit his daughter, Mrs. Dinnick, here. AUie Muir spent part of the p:tst week at Guelph. Miss Jane MuKenzie and niece, Miss Njra G udiner, of Eij{le River, near Keuora, are visiting MrG. McKeuzie. Thomas McArthur, Chas Chislett and Normau McLeod have gone to the Ni- agara district. Mrs Morwood of Markdale spent the week end with Mr and Mrs J Patterson. A nuiiibir from here went to Shel- burne on the Fiist. Thomas Martin, a former assistau: at this depot, .'.nd who has just returned from overseas, accompanied by Mr S. Kaud, Master Lb>yd and Miss Sclma, of llaiiover, motored over and called on ttoir many friends, who were delighted to see them. Miss Ruby Stone and Mrs Loat :»nd two children of Toronto are ht lidayiug with their parents, Mr and Mrs H Stone Mr and Mrs TiuJersley and babe of Toronto are holidaying with Mr and Mrs J- Cumin 1114. The Union Sabbath school held their EUGENIA There was a meeting held iu the pavillion las; Friday evening ccnsisting of the Womi-n's Institute and the citizens of Eugenia and surrounding country, when it was decided to have a moiiuocent erected in the park in mem'iry of our dear boys who have fallen, and now it is " work hard " in every way we can to make this as great an honor to our boys ;is it is possible for us to ijo Don t let us forget all they have given for us. The monster returned soldier'.s g-^rden party in the Hydro Park here on Thurs- day, July 17ih, is being looked forward to with great interest. There will be dinner and tea served on the grounds by the ladies of the community. There is a basel'all tournament being arranged for four teams tc pliy and the winning teams to play ctt' for the priza. There will also be a grand concert given in the pavillion in the evening. See bills for futther announcement. fne W. 1. will holJ a meeting st Mrs. Smith's this Wednesd »y to make final arrangeinent.i for the monster returned soldiers' aarden paity on the 17th July. All ladies of the community are renueat- ed to attend. The Orangemen marched in a oody to the MethoGi--,t church on Sunday evening and listened t) a well delivered address given by the pastor Rev. Eagle. Mr. Eagle also gave a wi-li rendered solo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pipher, and Mi. and Mrs. Lock Fingland of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mrs. Munshaw. Mr. Wm. Walker has gone to Colling- WJod hospital to undergo an oper»tiou on his throat which we trust wil' be successful. Miss Etta Latimer is visiting triends in Kmiberley this week. Mr. and Mis. Bert Griham of Toronto are visiting Iheir parents here for a few weeks. We are pleased to report Mrs. Plami soiuHwhai improved iu health. 51iss Dell Wilson is home from Nor- mal aud Miss Florence Parliament from her school at Brewster's Lake. Rev. and Mrs. Eagle have moved to Mount Zion this week as Mr Eigle feels it will be more central, We are sorry to lose them out we trust what will be our loss will be their gain. Misses Mae Pack acd Jessie Aimstroug of Toronto are visitiug at the toriuer's home here. Terribly Burned By Falling Wire A young man named W'alter George. 21 yeais of ag>", was electrocuted at Hanover on Saturday in a purely accidental manner, when an insulator on the high tension wire broke, allowinji the wire to cora^ in coutacc with an iron pipe which young George was working beside. The whole curient of 22,000 volts went through his body. Two men workini^ be."! le him were al.so knocked down but nut seriously injured. Mr. T. Berry, manager at the Po*er H.use, immsdialely supplied artitical respiration and in ten minutes had the injured man breathing again. The youu/ man was taken to his home and doctors summoned when it was found that his right shoulde'' was burned, alt^o there was a terrible burn on one lea and his feet were charred. The victim hid cnly returned from overseas about two months ago and was temporarily employed on hydro con- struction work. His parents live In Hanover. At last accounts George was still living but the outcome wag very dcub'ful. Mark dale Orange Celebration Arrangements are well iu hand by the Markdale celebration committee fi-r a successful 12th July demonstration. Public speaking is to take place in Kini! Edward Park after dinner, followed by a baseball game between the Hydro Power Hou^e aud Fleshcrtoo teams. Then a big parade of automobiles three times around the track, live prizes being oli'er- ed for the best decorated autos, live, four, three, two and one dollar, entrance fee to this 2ic. In.'itead of a "Tag Day" in behalf of the Orange Orphanage Home Fucd au entranco fee of 25.'. will be chargea to thp park Lodges in parade and children under H to be admitted free, the net proceeds lo go to the Orphanage Fund. Prizes are offered of annual picnic m Mr O-jnoe's bush, whea i 93 each for the lodge couing furthest, a very pleasant timo was spent. Lieut. Anstiu McMuUon ariived home on Monday evening and was greeted at tho depot by a large circle of friends. Austin enlisted iu the spring of 1915, go ng at once ovetsoas. It is five year* siuce ho was in Ceylon. Hi.-* many friends were glad to welcome him home, Mi9i Mable Thibadeau of Matkdale is visiting her cnisin, Mi^s Hazel McLeod. the lirnost lodge, t'lo lest dressed lodge, the best life and dftini imisic and the best milit.iry matching lodge. Music by ihe Dundaik band, also Hail Bros, aud Mc- Do.nald Pipers. Duuualk Dramatic Society furnishes the entertain mcut in the evening. For Service t>iie pure ored Shorthorn Bull onlot 36, W)n. 9, Arteme^a. Terms §1.50 four Dave .Vdaius and wife have returned ! s. grade Must be p^^jjirfiin !) month." from a two weeks' visit with friends ^t I '^*'® f''""" '^*^'''^i'-"i'- -"*" ToUenhira and Buffalo. f «:'l^' -R. O. tlMtNER. FEVERSHAM (Last Week's Items) Miss Jolley, our school teacher, has gone to her home near Meaford for the holidays. Mr. Frank Periao, a returned soldier of Detroit, i."! visiting with his uncle, Mr. Ira Perigo, here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Little and so.:s. J. C. and Bunker, of Colling wood spent the week end with friends in this village. They motored over from the Lake town. Mrs. John Browuridge of Maxwell is visiting with Mr. S Brownridge here at present. Mr. aiid Mrs. .A. Stewart of Fleshertou visited with the latter's parents here recently. Miss Francie Alexander is visiting with her aun'', Mrs. A. Stewart, at Fleshertou . Miss May Whileo.ik has returufd to Toronto after a visit with her pare'it.'* here. Mr. and Mrs. J. .\. Keraahan are visiting friends in Toro.ito. The Bank of Toronto h -.s opened a branch in this village. (This Week's I-em') The weather has cooled off some after thj good rain on Siturday last. The Bank ot Toronto h.as opsned a branch iu thi.s village with R. Bellamy of Fleshertou as iuauaa;er. Rev. C. U. Forth of Maxwel. preached the aucual sermoa to the Uraugemeu of L ') L lOSJ ouSu-iday last. The annual picnic of the Provideuce Sunday School aud the public school on the 12th Hue, held iu the public school ou Friday last was a gieat success. Mits Spotl'oid of Toronto is vi>it iig with h.T unci', r'red Sp.d'ord, in the 8:h line. Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne and diughter and Mrs. Blasktyof Prestmi ,ire visiting the litter's nioiher, Mr;. NNiii. Motl.tt, on the 8lh line. Mr. aud Mrs. Smith and son of Erin are visiting with John tludsou and other friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Biistow of R. b Roy aud Mrs. Thos. Bristow of Toronto \ isiled with iheir sister, Mrs. Thcs. Julian, !a^t week. Fred King has returned from overseas and is visiting w ih Mr. aud Mr.«. Chris ThonieoH here. Fnd spent some tune in the front lines iu trance and is tdad to get home. We are all glad to see him come back lookini; halo and hearty. Mrs. (Hev ) Godfrey and two children of Brandon are visitin? with Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Mullitiand other friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Robert Pallister and cliilJren of Khedive, Sask., are visiting wiih Mi . and Mrs. O. Palhsier here. Charles and Ale.x Waters a Toronto are vi^itiug their uncle aud aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomson. The Missfs KirDy of Tiuoii:o ars visit- iug friends ou the t< h line. Mrs. John O Brien of Khedive, Sask is vtttRbd with her m tlier. Airs. .' i i<e3 Madiden. - PRICEVILLE Our citizens celebrated Domioioii Day in Durham, Fleshertcn and Shelburne. Stanley Fergu'oo, after returning from Siberia, was placed in charije of the libriiry of the Central High School of Commerce, Toronto, durinij the month of June. He was home for three days hat week and is now attending the summer school at t,>iieen's I'uiversiiy, Kingston. D. MoLvchlan has the timst field of spring wheat (hat wo have seen inside the village corporation for many years. Mr"!. T. J. Patton has l>een lying critically ill for over a week at the home of her si.ster.s, the Misses Wright. Over two inches of rain fell here d,..r- ing Saturday afternoon and night, which will be of immen.se benefit to all growing crops. Janus Reid had a nice monuirent of Vermont marble erected in hi< plot m the new public cemetery last Saturday. John Burnett has treated himself to a new Briao) car. Alex. White. O.B.H., has, we uuders'.and. also purcha.sed a new car. Died -At his residence, west of the village, on Monday evening, June 30, Mr Angus McKechnie, aned 56 years. He underwent an operation at Feraus hospital early last spring for some iu- ternai trouble, and after staying for some weeks in the hospital he was taken home but never seemed to regain health or strength. He arranged all his affairs with the expectation of leavi.ig this world in the near future. Deceased was a member of the Disciple ciiurch but in the absence of their own services the f imily generally attended the Methodist church. Two rjisters and a brother also passed away during the year. A sor- rowing wife and one sou remain at home. Rev. Mr. McCarteu preached a comfort- ing sermop at the residence on Wednes- day of last week. The Baptist young minister of Fleshertou .assisted at tho service aud read the burial service iu the c â- meterjr. FINE JEWELERY Come iu and see our fine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. and when you Lave seen tlic-m juu will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full lice Df FJiotographic snppliea Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and tiims. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. A R.M STRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Bates Burial Co. BI'SIXESS ;»S USUAL Funeral Directors and Enabalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Puonc or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, -•pv-ry Tel. systera Ma.^well P. o. KIMBERLEY The copious showers on Saturday night last did much to improve the looks of the crops in this Iccality. iVlis. John Alexander i)f Tliornbuiy Visited during the past week with he.- sister, Mrs. R StaBoid. Mrs. Geo, Hutchiu.-ou attended thj wedding ot her nephew, Ernest Aehesi'U of Dundaik, to Miss Isibelie McVliil^u. of Warehaiu, a week ago last Wedue?- day. Mrs. Will. Flood of" ThoruLury attend- ed the bedside of her sou, Wm , of our vilK£;e, during the past two iveek^ Mrs. Stephen Burritt aud sou Norman are taking a two weeks' holiday wi !i friends lu Toronto ai.d Niagara Falls. Eighteen pu^iils wpcte ou the entraace e.\auis. held iu our public school during the past week. Mr. Andrews of Claiks- burs; prisidid. Among the sch.ol teachers who ar; holijaying at their respective homes are the following : N^'llie Uiuritt of Cheest- viUe, Maude Flenes of VaiideUur, Dell cVbercrouibie of Wodehouse, K. Bisho;\ 15. A., of Toronto Uuivers.ty, \V, Ham- mond of St. Catharines aud J. K. Uammond, Coiuuiercial Specialist if Meaford High School. Mis. Frank Hutchinson aud httlo s. ii of Swift Current, Sask., are visiting wiili her luoiher, Mrs. M. U. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bradley of Duudalk visited at Geo. Hutchiusoii's (during _lhe past week . Robert Abercronibic visited friends in Markdale on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Olivei Irwin of Flesh- erioii moved into ihe Travellers' Homo last week and will be ready to cater to the wants of the iravt-lhng public iu a f .'W days. WoUiniton Fawcett visited with bis omsin, Mrs. Jol.iu Gibson, of Markdale, one day last week. Thvro -.vas no service iu the Methodist church on Sunday murniug last, the new praacher from Toronto failing to put iu an appearance. House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES,FLOUR AND FEED Vetches, Buckwheat. Siberian Millet antl lots of Dwarf Essex l.'.apo Seed, also corn in variety, including Comptons Early. Also Hungarian Gia.ss Seed and Pig Feed. Also a (juantity of Binder Twine which we are selling at a special price. Car Load Of Salt Coming, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario â- ^ â- ^ » - .» Ladies of Flesherton Vicinity and h Dou't bo two years 'btbiud the times. The milliuery season is right ou uow aud Mrs. Wright, with tea seasons' experieuco iu the Milliuery Business an3 spending a term each season m Toronto selecting an up-to-date stock, caa show you what is up ij-date and becoming. No old stock left over. Everything new and up-to-date. Just give us a call and see for yourselves. Prices right according to quality. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton 4 • 4- ' 1 f^ BOAR for SERVICE Piirebrfd Tainivorth lioar for service on lot U'lT. S SV T and S E , Arteiues.a,. IVtmi- -:J1.50. FebldO -T.J. STINSON.Prop. Farm For Sale , .\ oil acre farm for sale on the Eist ! Back Line, -Ai temaaia, 3rd Jiange, north! halt of lot 13"2. On *the premises there 1 is a Kood frame barn 40 .\ .50 feet ; a \ .small fiane houce ; a good diilled weil: • hon liou^e. for partieii!irs apply on j prem set", J H HOLLEY, Flojjlrcrlon ' NOTICE Cusiom ehoptiiug Tuesdays, Tbir - days and Saturdays only during i .â- months of May. June aud .liilv. b.. » ing of lumber aud shingles, plaiii done to order ou other days. ( your floormg and bouse furnisbii â- et â€" \ 0,.\. WA-TSON & SONS. Box Itji), Priceville. Ont.- Jpr'-' Heifer Strayed .\bout the last week .in Anril, au all red heifer with a little white -be- twetu hcv front legs, and iu calfâ€" 2 years oiJ. Fiuder- please notify â€" T. Uillilaud, Eugenia P. O, - Bull For. Service ThoroughbvcJ Shorthorn Pull l)t 5, con. 12. (.).<pny. Termi - _in\ID i;i>DEKTt.