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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1919, p. 8

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\ June 19 1919 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE - iSsH^BSf. Sa\^ (he Mong^ ITiMi Waste and Make it Earn You More Monev Ccst ffjOS ^^tft Sabinis 5f «m># fHip be bovght vh*^ How mach of your wit|;e» idq yoa fnttet Kway each week on trifles ? If you reckon it up yoa will probably fiadl that at leatt five per cent, ditappeart thai "like snow wreaths in thaw." If your weekly wage is $15.00 you spend easily 75 cents of that on "mere nothings" before you know it' But suppose you said to your employer: "Each week I want you to keep 75 cents out of my pay envelope and inrest it for me in War Savings Stamps. As you buy each War Savings Stamp put it in my pay envelope, and go on doing that for a year." You will never miss that 75 cents. But at the end of the year you will have over $36.00 invested in Savings Stamps. By then they will be worth considerably more than $36.00, and by 1924 they will be worth $45.00. War Savings Stamps are guaranteed by the Dominion Government. They have the whole resources of Canada as their security, the same as Victory Loans. And they bear an unusually high rate of interest. You can cash them at any time, however, ii[ yoa need to. Make Your Saving* Serve You and Serve Your Countiy â€" Inve$l Them iif War Savings Stamps, INflNIT VARIETY. Nature's variety fi.nds in the B-H "English" line an almost equal variety of colors for every possible situation. The range of ready mixed shades is very broad. In enduring quality, in permanence of color, in covering capacity B-H "English" Paint is preeminent. The coat is tough and elastic (thus contracting and expanding v/ith the wood under extremes of heat and cold); it will not chip, crack, nor scale off. Apply it according to the directions upon the can. It lasts for years and will keep your house looking young. **. Auto Supplies Make thi.s'gfiiiige lieadqM^ tuis tot all your automobile supplies. Wn carry only J ua<lc; iiiaikfil i^ood.s ol lii^^liest (|uality, Eijuip your motor witii ( 'liaiii|)ii)n spark [)lug.s to y;et best possil)le periurmaiice. Champions are the uioiicycaii Imy. Wo keep oil a full line of (Joodycar and Domiiiion .Xuto Tiie.sand Tubes You make no mistake when .selecting either of thepo celcbritcd tiics as they aiv^ s cond to iiou'j on tlio market today McTAViSH'S GARAGE *'Pw/<ti«u** 70%»ur*Wdt«lMa •vWUl.."aIl (Bttninmt Otnuiiw B.B.) "OA TUf* 30% ^irtWiiteZiK IjflLin 1 10S% Pure Paint Besides the B-H "English" line, we sell special paints for barns, roofs, interiors, farm tools and machinery, automobiles, â€" in short, a i.aint for every purpose, also the highest grade varnishes, enamels, stains and waxes for all uses. Save the surface and you save all ^^i^^j^^ F. H. W. Hickling,Flesherton, Ont R RANPRAM 'H EWDERSO N n«*MT«ajt^ MAur*»»C Bt.uOMt* towonto w;».ni»b« '(-â- â- OICiriE MAT CALOAAV komOKTON VAMCOUVtn "Nature*s variety with B-H quality" FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I x •«•••••••••••••••••••••••#• ••••••••tt**»*«*«» ••••••••••••••#««•••• •••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ r"V**!Jj •••â-  SOLID LEATHER I PLOUGH BOOTS I (fu-sL tlic kind •lor hard wi-araiid •::: ••*â-  s(d id coin fort for spring and sumiuer . •::: wear. TK\' 'I'lIK.M. !::! Suit Cases and Trunks ill ••• ••• If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call jji and get want .supplied. •••â-  â€" i •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ I'mmm •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- t* •••• "SI •••• • •• ii: THOS. CLAYTON ;j:[^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •••' I ::: .M. W. A. HAWKEN dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and hm- llie-:(! luich t;r,id.'. inslriuuciit,s .imm AT wm' Hawkon'fl Plioto Gallery nml Mnaic Store FLE5H ERTON^ il^i,*^' Victroli X. _ U bljavvd here M>rmezy mmiasiic to Ihi© "Keep your mind off the heat," say the doctors. "That's the way to keep cool." With a Victrola on your porch and some happy- hearted, light-footed music playing, it ia quite pos- sible to forget all ahout the heat. Victr©la Easy Terms If you say the Viord, we will send a Victrola to your house today on such easy terms that you will never miiu the money. W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT. \L ViiTiiimiiruWiMiMhuiimfiuiiht^ FARM FOR SALE Onl! mill! imd u imlf vni\ r f Maxwo'.l, c'oiitniniiii! 17o acrcN, nlioiit 75 clfwretl, g >nil Imil lings with ImnU haiii, well watoicd, two Bcrcs orcliurcl, luvil mini, (iiulier - incluiilii^' Oi-ilur nuvor culled. Hilo, liiu houstf nnJ p,n per. Kor ptrtictiUi'H apply on the premisci to â€" HERPKm cr,\I(K Julio SinghRinploii F'.O. As thi) biill in .St. I'lul's t'huicli towe Wits bciii(; luiu.' on Sund ly mmnin^ it 7 ;W the iron crofn biiron which it swung unippeil in two >ui<l the bell plusigol down I hi! steep siJe of I ho roof at the siilo back mill Imriril itself in ihj eAtih. if fiilloii out in front of lliu I'Wi v, C'^itNidcrnblo dKiUn^ niitiht hiVia been done to the porch nnii the boll Another Glenelg Fire On MimJiiy nioiiim? li»st lelweeu one ,uul two o'clock the largo biiik barn I bclcnein^ to Mr, John Btaton of Glen- ' elg WHS discovered on tire »ud lifyi'nd : liny piis.sililo chance of saving if. This , is tile lliiril ni- li.uith hro if suspicious ' origin in iibout as many weeks and now j no imo douV ta the losses to be of incen- j diary origin. To make tuie (.f delaying jnnalaini im 1 secuiiui; sssistance, tlie uiceniliavy, wlotver he wns, in.ile his way to tho top of his woodslied utid ' fintcned tlio wire bill pull arwuud tho I axle of the bull 80 that it couldn't be ; ruHit beforrt roIessinK ihe wire. It was a brijjhi niLjht and it seemji incitdihle to think iif any person with nti'\o enough ti, en^'as;o in s-uch a work aud expose himself to danger i.f being causht. Mr. Beaton's ham, one of thaffanest in the towr.ship wo are told, wks a lari;e strucUire -44 x t!0 feel, on stone basement wiih stable"! underneath with an estimat- ed vahio of f2.'itKt. The boj; pen, a i;ood buildini; on ttona fouuditiou, was abo burned, toKethor wiih ten pigs. In the I barn was (K)0 bushels of Kf'iu, and sev- eral farm iuip!enionl>>, three sets of hai- nes9, sliiiys, rulhr and oiher valuable ueceesaries. Tno insurance on tho barn was JIOOO and on tlio contents 8100(1, but there was not hipg on tho hoB pan, and Mr. Beaton's loss will still be very heavy. Why Mr. iSeaton should he sinj.;led BUl as a victim is haid 10 siiy. Ho is highly spoken of and soeiiis to have no euemieii. This would seem to lead to the belief that the firebug is aiuiply a pyroinaniac and without reason and porhfps wiihout spiteful feeliiiga perpe- trated his dastardly detd.s wherever the opportunity presents itself. Whatever uisy have ben the cause, the community has reason to feel anxious, ami are exercising vigilance that may result in tho cipture or tho culprits. (â- lenelg ha.s suffered much duriiiij the pist few months. Tho ti"iwn»hip hall WIS burned last aulumn, and during the past thiee or four weeks Iluuii Firth anS" John U'Neil both lost their luriis, toth lircs Uiidoubtedly ol inoeudiary orii»iD.â€" Durham Chrrtnicle. W. I. Convention,^ The annual dittric: ineeiinji of the CVntto Or«y NV"me»i's Insiilute mot in the town hill, Dundalk, 011 Thur.'day last and, neidUss to si»y, all dele^aii.s i.self, land u.^n delsgales whn came with a view but Ulhng, tho way it did, no lUmauelof receiving beneSt ».id 'JMliuclion were WIS done, ii'id no hvipe loo-i t^. hear it ' n"l disappointed. Thi>'CB^iig «->pe.ned ring ogaiu. â€" Mt. Foresr OonfiHlcratc. jat 1 :i<) witJi prayor, witfi>ict I'resi- dent Mr«. H. Down in the (bai'r. The Preiident spoke briefly, reviewing the year's work. Two new branches were orKsnizea duriuK tha year, making 24 branches in Centre Grey. The minutes of last meeting, read ty the Di!>trict Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Uawken, after whxh a full report, was n\\-en of District and branches combined, having a balance on hand of $<,IU8 44 Each Branch gave a report of the year's work, showing an increase ni iLj work. The elt^ction of otiicers resulted ai follows : Prtsdent, Mrs. H. Down, Klisherton ; 1st Vice, Mrs. Buchanan, Kavi-nna ; i'lid Vice, Mrs. \V. KHiott, Markdale ; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. W. A. Hawk en, Flesherton : Auditors, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. 0. W." Phillips; Kepresent.'jtive ;.Spealcer fur Centre Grey, Mrs. \V. Buchanan, Ravenna ; Federation Council if Wojnen's Insti- tutes, Mr.s- A. E. Myles, Kimberley. The Mill Creek ladies gave an invita- tion for next annual convention to meet there, which was accepted. ^T he Du ndalk Bi-anch provided whole- some and attractive meals in the base- ment I f the town hall, which were appreciated to ilie full extent' by the visiting ladies. About 140 were prasent, few of the branches failing to send a delegate. At intervals durinii the after- noon Miss Dingwall gave piano solus. Mrs. Buchanan of Itavenua gave in addrees on " Reconstruction." Miss -Vruistiong contributed a solo and Mrs. iMcVicar gave an address on "The New Social Order .^' Miss Gardiner also gave a solo, aud Misses (Oliver- and i\U3fiel a piano duet At ihe close of ihe meeting a vote of thanks was passed to the Ducclalb Branch for the kindness and hospitality they had cstendtd in the l!)l'.) conven- tion. Lightning's Doings. Recent heavy thui:djrstormB did seri- ous damage south of here, and several fatalities occurred, according 10 the Oraugeviilo Sun. At" SVoodbridgo ouo boy was killed, another injurtd, and four men knooked unconscious when a tree under which tho ptrly hid takeu shelter durin.» the storm, was stcuok by litfhtnina. A barn lielohgia^ Ec Mr. Stoddart, near Shellurne, was struck and com-, pietoly destroyed by thj tire which followed. H K. Arthur's barn in Cale- don was also struck and a horse was killed. George Grozier of Mouj hsd a cow killed, and Wm. Rawn of Mono Mills lost !i fat steer. Tne shed of tho .Anglican church at Mono Mills was also struck and twisted from end to end. Many people in Oraugcville are be- moaning the loss of their gardens, 'which were coinplotely washed out by pe'ting rain and rushing water. Some ot those ^ who sustaiueil damage arc replanting their gardens, but others have become discouragtid and will not cry it again. A very sad tragedy occurred on the East West Luther townline, about five miles east of (irand Valley, when Mrs. .Albert Campbell was instantly killed by a bolt of lightning. Mrs. Jnnpbell and her f(;ur year old so:: were in the bed- room upstairs and she had partly dis- robes and was preparing to retire for the night. Mr. Jampbtll had gone over to a r.eighbors place to do his chores in his absence. While enged in this work the lil-hining was tlashing and thunder ruinblin«, and all at once Ihero was a terrilio crash and Mr. Campbell knew something had been sliuck. He hurried home and found that the lightning ' had struck his house. Uushin;{ upstans he was horrified to tind his wife lying dead on the Ho()r. She had evidently been standing at thn window watching for her husband's return when the bolt struak her and hurled her across tho room. The house was set un fire but It was e.\tia- guished before much damage was done. AUCTION SALE -OP- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The L'ndersigned has received m- structions to sell by public auction at the Richardson old home, FLESHERTON -ONâ€" SAT., JUNE ^8 The following Goods: â€" 1 noaj he«ter, 1 wood heater, 2 coal healer.^. Large sideboard, golden oak ; -i bedroom suitesi 4 Bpring.s, 4 mattressei, i bedsteads, 1 wardrobe, 2 lounges, 3 couches, ;? parlor rockers, 2 whatnots, 1 large desk, 1 .small desk", S centre tables, 3 kitchen tables. G kitchen chairs, (! dininx room chaiis, 1 washing machine, 1 refrigerator, 2 sewing machines, I carpet sweeper, I bufl'alo robe, I sot of single harness and nuin^'ons other articles. at one o'clock, new time. Terms cash. No resetve â€" everything mns' bo sold. B. H. WALDEN, Auetionoer. -'•-â- Â«ni|lll1»i i \i \ rf I 7

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