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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1919, p. 7

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..-'*â-  / I WHAT SORT OF MIND HAS YOUR CHILD? By HELEN JOHNSON KEYES. The test of good teaching to-day is! facts in on their minds by muscular te interest the child. I love to think | exertion. They know how to spell a •a'B'e numeral, according to the grade how many children from generation | word only after tfiey have written it,' ^"^ ting up a brick house. He draws the framework and indicatca doors and windows. Then, along the base of the, house, let h'm draw small oblongs; for bripks. In each brick' he puts a| number, anything from two to a; to generation have been too bright, | and when they must spell it aloud too intelligent, too spirited to endure ' after a lapse of some hours their patiently the deadly dullness of les- ' muscles seem to write it out for them sons which had no relation to any-' invisibly; as they speak, their hands thing which had ever entered into ; and wrists move as if forming the their lives or ever would do so. How , letters. These children ought to be often, in the past, life made the boy ; given a great deal of written work, of whom the school master despaired and should have opportunity to make into a genius. Schools are becoming things which illustrate their studies, more like life. There are no dunces' like -maps, blobes, flags, and simple caps in them any more, and by and pictures. by we shall find that there are few , To these three classes ought to !j6 heads on which they would fit. ' added, perhaps, a fourth â€" ^which, in Then schools, like life, will develop \ reality, is the one to which most of geniuses and recognize them. j us belongâ€" where all these three There is always some way of in- types of memsry work together. How- terest-ng a normal child and of teach- ' ever, it will be found, even so, that ing him a number of valuable things, one type rules over the others, and In th3 elementary grades, it is true,* is the surest approach to our under- there esnnot be a v/ide choice of sub-! standing. INTERNATIONAL LESSON JUNE 22 Lesson XII. Love â€" f. Cor. 13. <!en Text. L Cor. 13: 13 1-3. Charity. I cusation, directtj against cl«^clr, or, I school, or college, or any ab4 ail of , t tho» who may hold different views ! about something. The large-hearted i wisdom, gentleness, and patient love, I of Christ is always best, and always ' ! strongest to aecomnlish a good work The Greek word is ^j,^ ^^ advance the cause of truth, the Lgj ^3 beware of unloving and un- GoU the jects to suit the individual child, for all youngsters must learn the three R's and a little geography and his- tory. But although there is ijot a Even in an ungraded school there is no reason why these three types IS ni. He and the children with whom ha is playing build upward by adding bricks in turn, one by one, putting a figure in each one as they lay it in. Th's figure must be one in which the number at the base of the entire row will go evenly. In laying the roof, the shingles or tiles may begin with rather a large better translated "love," as m number, and diminish regularly by Revised Version. Without love tne j^vely zeal, some given amount. For instance, o^^^r ^^^ts are vamâ€" speaking with {^^^^ the first shingle may be numbered tongues, prophesy, knowledge, faith, i three hundred and si.\-ty-cne and the self-sacrifice. Love gives reality and ne.\t one four less, making three hun-i Power to them all, makes them sig- dred and fifty-seven, and so on. ' n. ficant, great and beautiful. Teach- The clvmney we v.-ill make of frac-i >"?• preaching, healing, giving to the: tions, and only when enough of these Poc. iriving life itselfâ€" all are of lit-- are put together to make a whole, ''e account and profit ourselves a.nd. as eight-eighths or sixteen-sixteenths others nothing without love. Harnack can the next brick be marked with a says that this pas.sage is "the grest-. whole number. Thus, if it is to be «t, strongest, deepest thing Paul built of eighths, eight bricks must e;^"^^ J^'i^ote." And let us „.,r.,Ko, tn-r. on I that he was tv I _ . â€" â-  â-  holy faith." Is not that warning still, '^^ IL-.ll I L-nrv»- iiecessary? From press, from pulpiCT" v pv 1 1 _ ^^ and from platform, too often from; 5^^ UOIlcirS the popular evangelist, we hear words ' of bitterness, hatred, and caliing ac-i it depealtad at 3% amounts to $897.75 But if lATe^tcd In oar 5;^% Debentures will amount to..$a6Q.2C The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. Wert and -ui^ovin;, unholy be laid before the number of children should not be taught each I pears above the number one. in ths manner wh-ch helns him to built of sxteenths. sixteen •wide variety of subjects to offer the j remember best. At first it may ap- pupil, there is a wide variety of ways; pear to eom.pHcate the work of the in whicS these subjects can be overtaxed teacher, but the results M ending Las:. .A quick and very easy way to mend bags, and one which the men can do as easily as the women, is as fol- lows: Turn the bag wrong side out. cut patches large enough to covei It takes less time to close a colony well the holes and weak spots. Make house door and lock in one hundred a medium thick paste of flour and chicks than to close e'ght or ten brood water, spread on patch, and presi coops. When the chicks are in' the with a hot ircn. The patches will relnember <^o-ony houses they are more protect- last as long as the bag and can be ed from storms and thieves of all , put on in less time than it takes t« kinds. On rainy days the colony sew them. house chicks have a warm place to ^ . stay and there is plenty of chance to' j^ .^;^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^^ woven-wirt teem, with clean rations. â€" both two an-' 'â- ""'- "= """ writing to the Cor'nthian If it is Christians who had split up into fac-' bricks t'ons, and were at strife and enmity mu3t lnterv'ene"'between "each whole ^'^^^"'^^ °^her. See chapters I and number l^- ^^-^y "«ded, and we need to-day, ?enre .u,ru^ wit« c«u:: rawons. uu.a ^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ -^ ^^ ^^^^^^ f^^ ^ ^^.y^ This '^ame will heln everv child's' '^*' fundamental lesson in Christian m hoppers and in the litter X^han ^1^,.^^^^^^ ^ogyard near the house ..*, . ...... .,„>. p„p,, .», ..,,;.„ „..,. .. .. .. ,„..». ... ^^^''v^^^i.z^^'^i^^j^t^ STnS S-'/s-rs i^^sts. r.s,rsi.i'...'r?Atrr;,'-' The teacher j be saved much going back over the; learn the relation of numbers to "nS; :nto old ways of party strife of inter- as the floors of the coons become "'-"-«" t-.ssi,.a.ed into tne air. the ability and opportunity to , same ground in the effort to brmg; another by the manner in which t^e^ ^^^^.j^j^^j ^^^ ra'-ial hatred' and of . '"ore or less muddy and there is no find out which v.-ay suits which pupil â-  slow minds up to grade. bricks and shingles increase and dim-^j^,^ d-vi=iion and iea'ou'v and S3lf- scratching place where the grain can is the real teacher. She it is who j After some experimenting she can, inish: the youngsters of sound-mem- ^.^^^j^^^ ^j^^ sacrifices and achieve- '"« scattered. , -will have in her cb.sses at the end of determine to which type each pupil| ory will hear the numbers humming ^gnt-^cf war" w'll for us at least i his interest with A far (rreattr trade in Canadiat ^, , ,, ,, ^ , , , , , , , 1 , 1. . , .â-  , ,. .,j u.<;.iva XI ..»! ".i». lui 1.0 ^^ .^.^wiw., Keep plenty of fresh water before the term the srr.albst number who belongs, and tne method of Prepar-, m singsong fashion as t.iey build up h^.-e been in vain. It is love that the growing stock at all times. Xota coula wear dunces caps. | ing lessons can be suggested to each i the house; the motor-minded wul,„^., „_:i„ ..i., .- Hew Their Itlinds few children learn readily ing lessons can oe suggesi^.i tu «a.n| tne ncuse; tne motor-minaeu "u.^^,, ^^.^^^ ^^^ warring races, recon- the thirst of a house full of broilers V.-ork. 1 individually. For instance. one, have tne satisfaction of drawing the. ^jj^ ^,^3^^^ ^^j^^j.^ ^^^ shattered na- after they have been denied water f=r .-.dilv from ^,â„¢PP' ^^^.Z'^^^l-"^.'?:^!^'. '^^^L'^'ii!?! br.^eks and writing m thj:r numoers.' .:„^^_ ^„j ^^.^^^ .^ .^^ ^^;^^_ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ j^,,. ^^^j.,_ j^ p^^^^^ ^j^^^ ^.^^,^ ^,.3. tems needed water and their owner lost poultry money by feeding a thirsty flock. Clean water is tiie farm stuffs is djne in onr own citie? and towns thsn is dene abroad. Thii fact is mentioned by the Canad'az Trade Ccmmlsslon, not to minimizt exports but to sHott the unrecognizec imnortance of our heme markets. text-t»coivS. Incy can concentrate , , ,, ., 1 i- ' . ._ % • , . -., 1 1 ^na good wnll. n.^;, ^n-^r,*;^ ..„j - „ â„¢k _ .- book; another group, those makes the fewest m.stakes wiU add; . _ , , „ , , ... their attention r.nd remember accur- ' , , f .r _ .. ^, ... , , â-  ^ ^ 4-7 Love "suffi>rofh l-^m Love o).^i,- «.;n,„„f ..o...,,;..:,, ^^ 1,= ;r,^^, on sound-memcry, may be sent as far to the children's interest. . -uiier,.n ung. LK)\e ateh without requiring to be inter- , _^ „, „„„i,,v „, .i,..;Ki,^ ;r,t„ ,: , lis very patient and kind and gentle. ested by special metliods. Mere chil dren, however, need to have some- thing personal put into the'r lessons, something related to themselves and their homes, in order to fix their at- tention and memory. To do this is not the same thing as making their tasks easy: they may have to work exceedingly hard over them, but they are glad to do so because the problem seems real and useful, and to concern n<;t life in the mocn, but their own experiences. Contrary to general belief, children can work very hard, and for long stretches of time, if their inter9st has been excited. We have discovered that th3re are three different ways in which chil- dren remember things: Some remember by making pic- tures of things in their minds and re- calling these pictures. When they try to spell, they see the words; when they do arithmetic, the fixtures pile themselves into certain forms in front of their memories, sugg-jsting the answer by the relation of one number to another in this mental table. Likewise, geography and his- tory are recalled in the form of maps and pictures. These children should be shown things instead of merely told about them. The most perfect spellers and the great mathemati- cians seem to belong to this visual- minded class. Some remember by hearing in their minds the lesson which has been read to them or which they have learned in any other way. The sound of the word is their guide in spelling it; and in the case of English, with its irregular pronounciation, this is not as accurate as the sij;ht image. Arithmetic goes to a sort. of tune, in which "seven and five make twelve." "six times six are thirty-six." "eight from twelve leaves four," return like familiar airs. Much repetition aloud helps these ehildren. Others remember by driving the out of earshot as possibleâ€" into aj tj .5,^:11 ],„;_ ..„..,. little children who' V ' , , . . .second room ^f the school has oneâ€" ^ it wiu neip ve.j, uttie cni.aren Love does not envy those who have second room, :l tne scnooi nas one j-re having difficulty with sounds m i,„^+„ ^^ ,^„„^^ ;>*.. v,,*- _„;„;^o- ;,, ,. ^ " , ,.,.., ^. • I oetter or greater gifts, but rejoices in reading to try to think of all the 00- ..i.„:„ ;„,. t „,.„ ; „â-º .^u- ^„ „,>..! " â- ' tneir jov. Love is not sell-conceiteai and read their words aloud together in a low voice. cheapest ekm.ent in the poultry ra- tion and sheuld never be neglected. The motor-minded children â€" those â-  .j^jj-j^ ^ certain jects they can v.hich begin or end letter or a certain depending on muscular exertionâ€" can j combination of letters. Let one child copx their words on paper over and jjg -Jt" and ask the others in turn, over again. The same idea is applic-j Q^g f^j. fl^g words beginning with able to other lessons. In the case of | "th •> another for five ending in ing ! or boastful, but is courteous, mindful of the feelings and desires of othe"rs,l -\ ""S^ market for Canadian farm ', 1 produce exists in Great Britain where no, geography, for instance, the m.otor-j qj, tj^n. minded children will need to fix their They must answer within a given time, sav while "It" counts j: places in their minds by drawing, jjxty. Those who" fail, after the game maps of them, whereas the visual- ^ jg oygj. ^ust perform any odd trick minded will see imag'nary maps inj ^},ic}, "if demands of them, such as their minds automatically as seen as hopping across the room with legs they read or hear about places, and^ will not need for the sake of memory! gaujt. •does not keep 'account' °"^ ^â„¢?".r^ ""l^ ^'-'"'^""t *<> 14 per so as to remember it '-â- Â«"^- "{ ^\^ ^Sgs consumed; 2^2 per cent, of the butter; and 2Vi of the beef. preserves an even temcer. and does. .. . _ , not bear grcdges. It""thinketh -" accoraing to the Trade Commission evil," that is ©f evil done, so and get even for it at some future Love is purely optimistic, bears the present indignity or injury, 1 is ready to believe the best and to hope for the best, and in spite of dis- couragement and disappointment w.ill tied together, or turning a somer-| ^^^p ^^ believing and hoping. And ., â-  . i,„„.;„ fi,„„ ,1 â-  „ , , , ' this is not the weakness but the great the exercise 01 drawing -ihem. al- xhe same game may be played as strength of love I though for manual skill neatness,! ^n exercise in grammar by designat-j ~ Bieyek Tires V ing the part of speech which shall; "Love, an everlasting crown receiv- eth. For she is Hope, and Fortitude, and Faith. " i Who all things hopeth, beareth, and ; believeth." â€" Ruskin. | 8-13. Love "never faileth." Other, .^ The po!atdl3iid's^ and accuracy the exercise remains: valuable to them also. | begin or end with the chosen sound. The child who remembers by sound; WH\T AM P will learn bv heart readily, but suchj ^ ^ ' tasks as map-drawing are important I -^ â- Geography Game for himâ€" not for the purpose, of pre-] Each child takes the part of some! paring him for a good recitation, but] feature of the country which he is I in order to preserve him from his! studying: It may be a river, a moun- gifts and v.Ttnes fail, but love iike great danger, a parrot-like repetition! tain, a m'ne, a forest, a desert, or| God is eternal. Other graces and of what he has not understood or: the cornfield next door. , attainments are parts of the perfect' thought about. These are the pupils! The River, without telling what he life, but love is the perfect life, itself' who make the most brilliant records; is. must describe his birth from j in the glory of full manhood. In' in schc3l. but often amount to no- 1 springs, his deepening, widening; other ways we see, but see dimly; thing in life. I waters, the changes in his shores and; love sees face to face with God and; The community is fortunate which! the crops which grow along them ;| truth. When we love we know God; has a teacher who is able to instruct' his falls which g=ve power to factor-, even as He knows us, and we become^ her pupils individually, according to' ies and cause the growth of a city. their dispositions. WTien. however.; The Mountain must describe the her burdens are too heavy for her to, varying vegetation upon its slopes. make this effort, a mother may help i the changes at the timber line and at her children in the work in "which j the snow line, the birds, the beasts. they are slow, by the use of games; The Mine, may describe the building suited to their types of mind and j of the shaft, the character of the ore related to their studies. After the' and its uses, the lives of the miners. g.imes are once learned they will not 1 The Cornfield may tell what clover need her assistance in playing them,' or alfalfa did for its fertility, andl although if she can spend ten min-;how the farmer tested the seed corn,| utes a day to he their comrade in this ; and what its yield was. ; occupation it is worth while to do so.j .A.fter each story is finished the! BUILDING .A. HOUSE children guess what the object is which has been described. The child ! 'giving the most complete and most' P" ( truthful account of the object which i he has imper3on.''.ted receives some toy. such as a top. which he keeps until he loses it to someone who beats him in a future contest. The child ; who keeps the trophy at three con- tests becomes its owner. r^B. farivieR INTEST YOUR MONEY In an |[i]p!6!ri3i]t SlieiJ Ask your LUMBER DE-\LER For Plans and Prices. An .Arithmetic Game One child is a builder and is [}^<s.c> Miinro's Pure Pans Green GET after Mr. Potato Bug early and often with It is the most ciTicient bug exterminator on the maiket. '-> Sprayed on thoroughly it rids your plants of the pest ai.d pcmiits the development of bigger and bettor potatoes. Munro's Pure Paris Green (.GOVEK.NMENT STANDARD) is a fine, flufTy powder that sprays out evenly, covers thorougWy and r.dh.'ros to the foli.ige without scorch- inn it- It has belter '•killing records"' than any other mLCCticide and is much the cheapest judged by results. At liardware, drug, grocery and general stores. Make sure you get tl\e genuine Mimro's Pure Paris Green manul'acitjrcd by MRTHUR.lRWIN.te IMtTED MONTREAL IKianuraciurers, Exporters and Importers, crown Diainond Paints, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs and Tanners Supplies. Mrs. Winnifred Sackville Stoner in her book, "Natural Education." has built up a whole system of education through games. She recommends ball -tossing between tv,-o people as an assistance in learning poetry by heart. One throws, saying, fcr in- 1 stance: "In days of yore, the hero Wolfe," and th-, other, returning th'.^ ball, continues, "Britain's gl-ory i' ' maintain." In this exercise, it is :- portant to keep the ball going stead- ily. If 't drops and is scrambled for.; the pause interferes with the mem-| ory lesson, which depend? on the un-! broken rh>thm of the throw and the; throw-back corresponding^ with ths| lines. For a motor-minded chi'.d this is particularly helpful. WILL SSfiVE YOU WELL •VERYTHING that you could ask for, in easy ridicg', extra mileage, staunch wear freedom from ordinary tire troubles. you will ftn.d in Dominioa Bicycle Tires. They are ''^Unquestionably The Best Tires" Ee sure to ask your dealer for DO.MJNION TIRES that have proved their high quality and durability under every road condition. Sold hv the Leading Dealers Paint, To Save Money Conserve the Moisture. .-X. good deal can be done to save | moisture in the way the land is [ handled. Fairly deep plowing opens; up the soil so rain can soak in more; readily. Plenty of vegetable matter helps hold moisturo. Plenty of avail- able plant food enables the plant to make more growth with a given amount of moisture. Th's fertility and vegetable matter are furnished in the best form of manure. Weeds use up a lot of moisture and the weeds grow all the time, they must be kept out. .A. good way to accomplish all this is to put one-third of the plowed area of the farm in corn, potatoes or summer fallow( must be kept clean and plowed in JuneK and the other two-thirds in grein. Com or pota- toes are preferable to the summer fallow; they give a crop and leave the soil in nearly as good a condition. 100^^ Pure" Paint The Paint fur wear jnil weather. Senour's Floor Pabt The old reliable â€" it we.-ir*. and wears, and wears. "Nen-Tone" The sanitarv washaljle Flat Oil Paint for Interior Decorations. '*Wood-Lac' ' Stales Improve the new â€" If new the old. 'Marble-ile" The one perfect floor tinish- v.'ill not mar or scratch white, under hurde»t wear. Every unpainted surface, inside and cut- side your home, is losing money for you. Wear and decay start at the surface. Paint protects the surface and prevents decay. Psunt preserves wood, metal, even brick and cement; not only the outside of the house, but also the walls, floors and furniture in it HARTIN-SENOU PAimS AND VARNISHES give you the paint and varnish best suited for every surface, to protetfl as well as beautify ; to save repairs; to add veJue to the whole property. Paint, to save money. \

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