/lesh^rtxrn Vol 40, No. 2 Flesticrton, Onr, June 12, 1919 FINE JEWELERY Gome in and see our fine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave seen them 3 on will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. | A full Hue of Photographic supplies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks aud films. ; ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG ! Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ONT. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, Oiprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. House of Quality FRESH GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Vetches, BuckAvheat, Siberian Millet and lots of Dwarf Essex Rape iSeed, a'so corn in variety, including Couiptons Early, Car Load Of Salt Coming, Sold By Barrel or Otherwise. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario Ladies of Flesherton and Vi cinity Don't be two years behind the times. The millinery seasou is right on now and Mrs. Wright, with ten Sfcasous' experience in the Millinery Business and spending a term each season in Toronto selecting an up-to-date stock, can show you what is up to-date and becoming, No old stock left over. Everything new and up-to-date. .Just give us a call and .se'e for yourselves. Prices right according to quality. Highest Prices Paid for Prod uce. W. L WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton NOTICE Farm For Sale A 50 Hcro farm for sale on the East Back Line, A)tom9i»ia, 3rd Jvange, north half of lot 132. On ^the preiniaes there is a Rood frame b*rn 40 .\ 60 feet ; a small fiHine houfo ; a good drilled well; hen house, ifot particulars apply on premises, SH HOLLEY, Fleshorton HtiFer Strayed About the last week in Anril, an all red heifer with a little white be- tween her front legs, and in calfâ€" 2 years old. Finder please notify â€" '.lilliland, Eugenia P. O, T Cusiom chopping Tuesdays, 1 hurs- dajs aud Saturdays only during the months of May. June and Julv. Saw ing of lumber and shinglos. planing done to order on other days. Oct your doonng and house furmshinos et â€" ^ 0, A. WATSON & SONS, Box 169, Pricovillo, Out. Apr21tli Bull For Service Thoroughbred Shorthorn Dull on lot o, con. 12, Osprey. Ternu 2. â€"DAVID ROBERTS KIMBERLEY Th« Annual meeting of ihu Kuphruuiit Sunday Sohoul Associalicin was liald in the Methodist Church mi Thursday last. There wore throo Koasiuiis. Miss Laiuo, a ilelogatu fioiii Tiiriiir.ii was piusfnl iiiiU ga»« « tine adUrtss on the advanoemtiit of the (junday schools etc. Mr. Ernt'st Gordon of Ejiping was oloclcd President and Mrs. Lewia Sewell of Kocklyn Sec Treas. Corporal Wm. Muliridj of I'ai^luy, a former principal of our public schnol nho recoiitiy letuiued fi-om ovi-isvas, is renewing old acciuaintances iu our burg at present Quite • number iittcndod the Orange garden party at He»tlicoto on Tuesday iifternoou last aud all ropoit a good tiiiiu. Our Hydro baseball team played n nine innings g.uiio with Thornl)ury .md took iheiu into camp to the tuue of to 1. Stanley Lawrence the Hydro pitolier had the game well iu hand at all stages We hear the teams are going to clash at a garden party here on .July 1st. Miss Viola Madill visited at the parental home in Duncan one day last week. Thos. Camack lost a valuable maro lust week. County road overseer Rennie Imd the grader working on tlie va'ley road north during the past week. Win, Walters is operating same, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber also David Weber, iiutored to Collingwoyd on Saturday last. The Woiuens' Institute held ,i meet- ing in the public ball (jii Wednesday afternoon last Mrs Cout s fioiii Kent countj' gave a vei7 iuterosling talk on different sulijects. VANDELEUR ; w Mr. and Mrs. McKenzio of Winnipeg are spending a week ai Ml. Geo. Pritcliards. Mr and Mrs. E. Baker are away to Port Hur ill for an extended visit. Mr. R. Mercer of Owen Sound visit- ed recently .it Mr. P. Beard's. Miss Kdna Love has loturneU tj Toronto after f pending the winter at Mr. J. H. Holley's. The O. W. I had their summer meet- ing on Tuesday, .luue 3, aud very much enjoyed the lady speaker, Mrs. Ooults of Thamusvil.e. Uer subjoet baini; Medical school Inspection and citi^cen- ship. Mr?. Wm. Reid and lilllo son of Oxford, are visiting at Mr. Geo. Prilehard's. Mr. and Mrs .Malcolm McQiiaig of Thessaloii, iiie visitios at Mr. Geo. Wiirling's. Mr. aud .Mrs. Will .Summers jf Travorstoii visited our burg recently. Mrs. North aud daughter are \i8itiiig with the foriiiei'" father, Mr. W. b'uni- luers. We are pleased to report Miss .loan Wright, who recently undeiwent an operation in Toronto, improving as fast â- .M can be expected. Mrs. Geo. Wrijjht spent a fe;v days with friends'in Toronto last weok. Mr. John MeUeo of Kiiii'jer'.oy was a caller in our bur« recently. Straight Persecution Keeve McTavish was haled to Owen Sound on Friday laec to lui.swer to a charge of having luii bis auo in tbo county tow« at night witkout a tail bgh on his cii-. As a matter of fact neither Mr. McTaviah or his car had been in l/weii Sound fur two wto'.<"' previous to ihti day of his iillug.d niisdeineiiiior. The MsRistrate refused to aecipt an afiidavit from witnesses hero to prove an alibi and Mr. Mc'l'svish was obliged to lose a whole d.iy and take two wiineiscs aloiif, which means a serious nial:er fur a busy man like our reeve, Just why it was th.at the Magi.strato rofu-iid (o accept the allidavils, more especially from a man iu Hr. McTavish s postion, is hard to understand. It seems to he A sort of persecution and a rank imiiosiiiou wliich khould in future be m«do i«ipos»ilile. It is claimed that a new man on ilie polio j force made a niiatako ill the nunilur, and that ho U prone to such mistakes, havinsj lost four out of livo casts. 'J his greonhorn ought to be coached in reading Hnurci before being let loose on the public. PRICEVILLE Acijuiring truck farms iu Florida and hoeing pineapples while the ihurmometer registers UU degrees in the sbade, is at a discount now. Our neighbora ihiuk hit Oiitaiio tviiipetature iluriii^ the past Week was ipmB as high as th-y couid wish for. Planting potatoes aud discussing the ditTeroiit varieties, was rcry much in order during the last week. A few years ago .\ car was being loaded with potatoes and a i.uu.her of bystanders were look- ing on wliile .1 futmur was implying sonio sacks of very tine tubers. A green young liishuiaii whoso auiilin^ eyes weio centred un tne tine muiphya, at Ust iuijuitod, " Pliwat de yo call tliim foiiie white praties ye have, luisttier I " The fanner replied that seedsmen called ihera iho Aiueric.»n Wonder. John Hâ€" vibu was every inch an Irishma â€" was standing by, smoking, but euatcliLd the cob trom hi^ mouth, and, looking very liidiguaut, growled out : " Americau h â€" . .Shure don't ye know that all the L'ood praties cum fioni Oireluud tuist I " The people of Pftceville arrauued for a rece[)tiou on Friday erenini: of last week, to four returned soldiers. A laige gatheiiug was present, and after a por lion of the ereuing was spent in im- promptu addresses and musical numbers by prominent citizens, an address was read aud a purse of S25 was presented In Pie. Allan McLean, the latest retutued soldier. Tlie other three exsoldiors had previously eug»ge«l in positions m To- roulu aud otiier distant towns, which they found it irtiposeiblu to leave ui.til the suuiuier holidays, when we may expect to see them for a tew days lu our midst. Rev. Mr. &lcCarten will be uttondiug cunfeiouce this week iu Toronto, and desires his congregation to attend the Presbyterian church next Sabbath a.id look to Rev U. B. Jones for any minis- terial services aiey re(|uiru during hia absence. Diedâ€" Nail McDougall, formerly a I'ricevillo youug man, but for many years a respti.'ted and i tticieut bosiutal othciui in Duluth, Minn. The n niiui were brought here on Saturday ol last wetk, and after service in the Presl yier- lan church intovniuiit took place in the cemetery one mile west of the village. PROTON Held over from last week A couple of weeks ago we were com- plaiuiiu! about ilie rain- -now its (he heit. Oh; for ;ho happy medium. .Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Uecker visited witb a friend at Wingham who has just returned from ('vei6ea.>.. Miss Mnbel Wauchob is back after a fortnights' vi.Mt with cousins at Bolton. Next .Sunday evening the Guild will take ch'uve of the servica in the Presby. teria.i C'auich i:i the a'osoncu of .Mr. Me- Vicsr. Mr. aud Mis. U. t!. Achesou accjin panied by Mr. ind Mrs. 11. J. Cornett; visitea at the home of Mr. EJ, Williams at Holland CVntro whose son Morley arrivid last week after luaily four years of service overseas. Miss Cavell Sj cut tiie week end at her hoiue near Owen Sound. Miss Mildred Lyons is home for a holiday. Mr. Wm. Hazen was u|i o t a week end leave from the Hamilton ni Hilary hospit- al. He looks tine and is in the best of spirits. It sounds like summer to hear the brick yard whistle ag liii. Yes, a Chevrolet ctr is tine, tplendid. But iiiethinks it wou'd be just about as pleasant to ride for tive houis in a Ford as to wait for five hours on the roauside for a Chevrolet to fordo it. Now we wonder if any Moke friends agree « ilh us on this point. By all means remember ihat Thursd.iy evening, the nineteenth of .lone, is ilie night iif ihe concert in Proton. .V travelling lompany con-istiiig of tl e Monroe family and oilier musicians, ab-^o an elocutuuiist will provide the program. See the bills and adveriiscment iu tiiis paper elsewhere u and two the lust oi visitor FLESHERTON HORSE RACES Dominion Day, July 1 Uoid day of spoits, consisting of Horse races and Ball Gaines. Free^Fru .\11, (lurse 8150 2 30 trot or pace, purse SIOO. 2.00 trot 0! pace, puiso '.lU Good priz-.'s will be given for IJall gnn is A GRAND CONCERT will be t^iveu'ii the High School in tlie pveiiing, for which good talent hi .^ been secured L A FISMKU. W A UAWKEN, President Secretaiy Victoria Corners Mr and Mrs. Wrij^ht, Mr. BoLnd ol Vaudeleur and Mi. ami Mis. Yco- muiisof Idaho visited at J.Laidluw's. Mr. and Mrs. George Lockhart nf Meaford and Mrs. G.tmble of Sa.'^k, visited at Jaracf, Locliliart'a lasi Monday. All who attended the garden party at Mt. Zioii last Tuesday reported a splendid timo. Mr. .1. .1. Rohbins is to occupy the pulpit at Ini'<tiogo next Sunday as representing the Doni. Alliance. 150 English o.ik trees which wire ordered fr.>m England to bo planted t'u memory of fallen Woodstock soldiers overseas, have arrived. The tipe.s arw six feet in height and they are lioing plantcl tifty feet apart uucircling the park. PORTLAW Mr. .lames G. Little who died at Diind.alk last week was one of Artemesia's early settlers Coming to this Commun- ity from the Township of Scarboro wiih liis parents when a little boy, he eii (lured the Ubual eipeiiei.ce of pioneer life. He was a man of temiierate and industrious habits and enjoyed the re- spect of a wide circle of friends. A few years ago he retired f nun the farm on the Centre line and removed to Dun dalk, where after a lengthy illness of that painful malady cancer, lie passed away on the 3rd inst. Intenneiit took place oil Thursday last in Mount /Cioii eemoteiy, tho .serrice being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Kendall. Bes'dos bis wife he leaves to mourn a daughter, Mrs. (Rev) Gaudin, »nd two sons, John .1. and Wm. H. Little. The sons are residents of this community and mieli ivs|iected citizens. To the bereaved onus the kind sympathy of this eommiiii- ity is extended. Mr. aud Mrs. Eldward Hauey and .Mrs. J. L. Woods of Toronto motoi-td U}) Saturday for a week's \isit «i h relatives on the Centre Line. .Mount Zioii congregation decided reociilly to make a substantial incre.aso t ) their [iistor's salary. The opening of the new assembly lia'l was celebrated by the coiigi>gation on Tuesday evening of last week by a grand concert at which there was a good attondunce considering the weither con ditions. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Eiiule occupied the chair and introduced a good piogiaiu, consisiiiig of a iiuiiiber of selections by the Large family of Eiigonia and diiet.s by Kev. Eagle anil Mr. Large. Excelleiil music by the Rock Mills orcliostra, .solo by Miss Edna Atthesoa, readi.ig by Mrs. Eagle and K. DniKaii. and addresses by the SupeiiiileiuUiil of missions. Rev. Brown, and a liiiinorou.' dialogue. The pastor announced that tho proceeds of the autograph ipiilt .m far amonntrd to f310.( 0. Do you hear thit. If Sir Thomas While Would adopt iliw p.ogre-ssive iMothods of the LsdiesAid with an autograph i(uilt scheme ho might liiol the providing for the national dtfbt an easily Eolve<l problem. Sir Willi tni Hearst and Hon. Dr. Cody will deliver addresses at tho mon- ster p en c at Hydro Park, IOu>;enia Fain, Tliui.nday, June 2(iili. Mr, E^-aii Wolsely of Dundalk is tho (jiiest of his ti isin, Miss Marguerite ' Kunstadtlcr. CEYLON Mr. Su-wart of Toronto visited at Mr, Jus. Turner's the past week. Mrs Wideman of Proton visited 1^ son here last week. > rs <i. Collinsoii and daughter Miss Jean who have been visiting the past u'outh with frieuds a Toronto. Dunda. and St. Catherines have returned. Mi.ss Clara (Jilelni.n has returned flora ^ four weeks' visit with friends ai Tor- onto, Hamilton aixl other points. Mr. .-uid Mis f,„rt„, children of Markdale sjieiit Ihe week at D. D. McLauchlin'.s. Mr. and Mrs, James Dyce and daughter Emma and Mrs. Murdock of Momt Forest were cal'ers ,d R. Cook's the tirst of the week. We are sorry to report that .Mrs D Whittaker ha<l the misfortune on Friday to fall, her injuries confining her to her fied. Wo hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. McKiniioii of Nerval is visiting »ith her daughter Mrs G Arrowsinith. Mr E Embury of Toroni,. is at R Cook's. Miss Edna McLeod has returiie.l a week's vi.sit with Chesley fi lends. Detectives Greer and Jordoii of out) were in town Tuesday last. Mr. Archie Stewart Ls laid up pleurisy. FEVERSHAM Fine growing weather and tho farnien are wearing a sinde the.se days. Ml- Ralf Johnson li.is letuined from overseas and is renewing oUl aei|iniiuan ces in this village. Will C(d(|uetto and wife of P,,ri Me- Nicoll visilod with t heir parents in this village for a couple of weeks roturning liome on .MoiuUy ..f last week. .Mrs Hyslop and two boys, al.so Misis Ca.ssie David.sou of Portsmouth, f .S, visited with their father, Mr Wm David- son for a e.mplo of weeks, retuiiiing to their home list week. Mrs if Whewell and son Norris vi.sited with the former's p,ireuts, Mr and Mrs S Browmidge ill this village for a few- days, returning home on Monday last. Mi.ss May Whiteo.ak of T.iroiilo who has spent a month with her p.irents hero roliuiieil to the city last week. Corp. and Mrs Fred Brackeiil.uiy and Mrs B Walker of Uwen Sound .spent a few days with friends in this burg last week. from Tor- with Mr and Mrs A Stewart of Flesherton sp.-nt a few days with frieuds here lari week. 1. M Pi r!yo motored over from Port McNicoll last week and Mr and Mrs Ira Peiigo returned home with them for a visit. with are and Miss Gladys lleadersou viMted friends in Owen Sound for a week. Mr and Mrs James A Davidson vi.siting with the founer's nijiher, other friends in Buffalo. Mrs Chris Tliompstn is visiting in Toronto at present. Mr and .Mrs Ed Croft of Rook Milis spent Sunday with the lattcr's parents here. Mr .1 Nel.soii niwtoivd over from Onen Sound and spent Sundny »t R H Hen- derson s. Miss Fiancie Alexander spent a few> days with .Mrs Wal.er Poole last wock. Wo are glad to report Messrs Fred Hale and Groijio Wright as recoverinjj from severe attacks of pneumonia. Becker's Reliable General Store, Proton Station vv^nt- Wool, Wool, wool eJ. Got our prices. Heat, heal, heat. Why sigh when we supply the famous Florence .'iuiomatiu Coal Oil stove, Oue, two. three, „r four burueis. Highest prices for pro- duce. A S(|uare de.»l always. Agents foi Uobberlin clothiui' lailoi-s to Canad- ian gentlemen. Tho coronuinify know Proiou markeis are always the betli. Have yon found it out.'' Phono 22 on •U. Call for prices etc. Don't forget the grand Scottish con- cert at Proton Station, Thursday. June pith. Hendersons' kilties and lassies will bo there, also Canada's Juvemlo Hariy Lauder, aud Miss Alice Dunl>«r, comedian.