y June n 1019 THK FLESIIERrON ADVANCE r^ I Auto Supplies I I I I I I Make this'j^iirago liea(l(|'.iartur.s tui all your antoinoltilc supplios. Wo carry only trade niarkyd j,'(i()(ls of highest iiuality. E(|uip your motor with C'liainpion spark plufjjs to <^et best possible perforiuaiico. CliainjiioMs are the best money can buy. We keep on liauil a full line of (loodyear and Dominion Auto Tires and Tubes You make no mistake when selecting either of these celebrated tires, as they are s. cond to noia; on the market today % How Can I Save- With Profit? I McTAVISH'S GARAGE I FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I <k »»«"»««-j«-:-x-x««"»««-j«"»o«c In May \V-S.S. Cost $4M In June W'S.S. Cost $4M BIBLES! BIBLES ! • " •â- '*"• " •â- â- •"§â- '•â- •»">•.#"••-•"»» New stock of Biblea and Testatements just received. In this lot is sonietbiug very fine for gift books Tranging as Ligli aa §5.25. There are also|J^l"ainily Biblcs]in' large type for old people. Q^Couoe and Bce tlitm at llie ^Repotfitory for the Upper Canada Bible Society. «»•• •••••••-•t'** •! Many wage-eamtn we asking theni« selves this question. They do not want to put a quarter in the bank at a time, and before they know it, it is gone for trifles. The Government has provided a simple plan to enable you to save that cjuar- ter in such a way that it wi^ earn you more money, Twenty-five cents buys A Thrift Stamp. Sixteen Thrift Stamps become a War Savings Stamp, for which the Govern- ment will pay you $5.00 in 1924. If sfou lend the Government your sav- ings in thb way, you can make your money earn over 4y2% compound in- terest as often jts you save $4.00 odd. This !• net only etty and profitable b- ycstment, but patriotic investment, be- cause the G»vcmaaent needs money for the heavy inancing of the recon- •tructioB period. Make Year Sarnifs Serre You aod Seire Your Coiutry â€" Invest Tkem in yfu StTiifi SUjBfi. • • • • • ••••• •••• â- ••• •••• •••• • ••• •••t •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• *••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •â- •••• • •• â- ••• • ••• • ••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• • ••I [••«• •••« :::i •*•**•*••••••••••••••••••â- ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••«••••••• SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Just the kind for hard wear and solid comfort for .spi'ing and summer wear. TKY THEM. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a Suit Case oi' Trunk call and get want supplied. :::: a •••• •••• •••• Hr ••••• •••• •••• •••.^ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •••• â- ••. •••• •••• • • ••â- ••4*«a We do all sizes of Auction Sale Bills on the shortest notice. Prices right. " The Advance " | Flesherton ANADIAN A NEW TRAIN THE TR ANS-C AN ADA ALL sLKKl'INd (Ali-^ DAILY BETWEEN TORONTO AND VANCOUVER FIUST THIP sr>DAV, .RNE FlHbT Leave TORONTf > 7 U". p. m. Airivrt WINMPKO !l U.i p in. 2nc? liny Anivo CAT.(;A|{U 11 ;!0 [.. m. ;trd ,i;.y Airiv.i I5ANKK \-J 40 p. m. li.'i dn'y Arrive VANCOl'VEIt Kl.Oda.m. 4ili il .y niiST CIvASS SLEEPING CAR I'VSSENGERS ONLY. Full (iiiticiiLirs from any affcDt. W. 15. HOWAlil), District Passenufr Au'eiit, T>.-r.nto Fires In Glenelg Traverston Cor. StandsrJ The tire liend has agaiu been busy in our midst. Oii Saturday mornini; Mr. John .O'Neil'a barn and stiiblea were discovered completely enveloped in tiimos and no chance to save three valuable younj^ hoiaes, nor any of the machinery, Not an hour before being discuvered, scores went home from the big Dunbar presentation. It certainly I'joks liiie the work of an incendiary. Mr. O'Netl and his younu wife got a ! terrihlo shock and tlie neitibborhuod i.s I deeply stirred. He is one of our most I prognssive young firmers, is sfifted with ' mechanical skill and takes pride in his stock, buihlings and faiiii work. Just a I few hours before, lia uiide a remarkably eloiiuent speech at tt.e gathering, lie came homo about 2 o'clock and every- thiug was peaceful and nuiet. He has a fair insurance, but his'loss is heavy, the iiic mvenience a bad drawback, iha work of buili^iiig well uiiih impossible. The syinpjtby of the whole community goes out 10 the young couple. Four mysterious tires in our midst in a little over six months calls for i|uick action on the part of the authorities. There is an intense feeling; runnin"; through the homes of the surrouniing district. The Ford Mule Motor cars with cranks as well as Cianky mules, can kick, as many arms bear witness. On Saturday afternoon James Ellis, son of Mr. James C. Ellis, had his ami broken at the wrut by the oack lira of i car. On Sunday evening, just 24 hours later, Mr. John Arthurs, who lately bought and took possession of the Commercial hotel fram John Hes, being culled over to crank the same car, had his arm liroken at the same place. Both aiB ratLt-r bad breaks and painful. The car was formerly Manus McDonuel's and It IS remarked that he kept several thiniis that had a kick in them.â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. L'eut. W. H. Fentjn, of Arran, a returned otKcer of the llHth Battalion, was by a large majority, chosen as the U. F. O. candidate for the riding of North Bruce at the next provincial e'ection. Eleven men were nominated for the position, but only five allowed their names to go to the ballot, Xiieut. Feutoii was a form -T Conservative and should Dr. Foster, the candidate selected by the Conservatives, refuse to run, he will be in a straight tight against the present sitting member, Mr. McDonald, M. P. P., of Uhesley. Goderich is to have a hfteen millioa. dollar steel plant. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and player:pianos, PHONO- GR/»PHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high j,'iMd(" instruments ,4^m AT mm" Llawken'a Plioto Gallery and .Music Stove FLESHERTON Notice to Horse Breeders The Imported ClydesJiIo Stallion "III riz )n" will bo at the Park l[,.u. e every Moiubiy night iluring the season of r.H'l. Intending bri-eder< shouM s. e tl.is liorae as he has proven bimsi- f t,i,o of llie best stock hor.'es in thf ci uiitry. i W.M. FoaTKH, Proprietor i^- Manager. Of Interest to Horte Breeders The Imported Peicheron Siallion Niguot and an Imported Clydesdale^ Stallion will boat the Munshaw stables ere y Monday night during the season It will be to your tntcreHt to see them before breeding your marci. JAS. CROWSTON,l'ro|). TMkk't Crew Active. A tank crew's activity Is not ne- ceMarily icrminAted if their ship is put out of rommissioo, as was proved Beveral tiMW. On^ aergeant got onl of « dtsftbled tank, took .coniinand of an infantry platoon, and fought for two day*. The crew of a second of I6cotnotlon went out of rornnils- gton, detached their machine guns and ycBt forward as an Improvised machine gun squad. An another oc- casion an ofTccr. Keelng an American tank Htalled, askt'rt for two volun- teers to replace two gunners who had been wounded. Everybody volunteer- ed, but the officer would take only two. A dispute followed which was settled in a military manner. There were two Heutenanis in the lank. They Issued an order to ihenvsplves to go and then Instructed oil the en- listed men to stand by the lank. Fleshertion ^S^ Tonsorial , 'V- Parlors We Aim to Oivu Entire Satinfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Mond.xy night, delivery Friday eveiiij CLKANINU .nd DYEING- 'â- tgeots fur Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C^.ll'i chined and dyed, feathers re)uviii,tl T FISHER •PROPRIETOR Pof Service One pure orrd .Short horn Bull ou lo |;W, con. 9, Aitemesin. Tonn.s ♦l.fiO for 8. grade Must be paid within S) months data froniof service. '; an. PJ. -H. O. TURNER. BOAR for SERVICE Purtbnul Tamworib IJosr for service oil lot Ifi", fS \V T and S E , Arleme« »,. TeniiM II 00. FeMoit T.J. STINSON.Prop. I A Pathetic Case Me»furJ, May 20. â€" Working as in end matcher in the Seannn Kent faccjry in Ih s town is a y mng Serbian named C. : Protitisk, Hhn has a sad story to relate, iiitionn.c ion wi'li the war. At iho ago ' of l(i, hu siy.s, ho enlisted for service lu ; ilio Serbian army. While fightiuj ii lliu ; trenches 1 j miles from his home he had â- two la\,thcrs killed and , one brother . tikeii prisoner. Ho wnt woui.ded m thi- ' l.g and taken to the hospital at lielgrade, lliu capital of Siibia, where he lay for: t ice iiioiilhs 111 an almost helpless ; condition. After recovering he returnod ' 10 his homo lo find it all unasheU to) p'lC.s by the Hulgariai s, who, af er ompleting their work of desiruc io.i j lieaiilessly iii idn pmoners of his moiber, three sisteis and two liroih'jrc, and fmni that day to this the lad has not heaid [ tell of any of ilieiii. A kindhoaited lady I doctor from Toroiitti, who treated him while III the ho.spit»l, took piiy on lilni < and entreated liim to hocompaiiy her on | her return aip lo Canada, Tns the bi y ciinsdiited to do but in de'einiined was I he to avenge tl e fate if h'li two br. tht« that he tiilisteJ, for service wiih the ; Canadian forestry battalion, wriich was I oiganiz d in Toronto in February of 1!)10, going overseas with Jlhit unit j and coi.tiiuiitig on aotiva service uulil I the end i f ilie war. The boy thinks the bulgi.riaiia must hav.< made away with i hin lu'ither. three sinters and surviving ' broth. r.», as repealed oonnnunicaiioiis ' with Ilulgaritn military authorities have • failed to elicit any irnce of thein. BuyR NOW-and the'BEST Swiot clover, eajs Comeiv.itior, ia jiMl beginning to como into its o^n in! t'le farming business, ai.d the growing ' f it fur teed is evid.:rilly profitable. It ia reported in the pnss that a fa'mer at ^ K'ppoii l.arve.'ited I 4ti bushes of clean i sefd off IK acre'-, which h» sold at tlo » ' liusbel. Tiiat repri sen's a total of 92,100, or at (he rate of 9121 in »cro. | Many people have allowed their homes to run down in appearance and are still putting off repainting thinking that paint will come down in price. Even if paints were cheaper six or eight months hence, which is unlikely, because the supply of raw material has fixed the price far ahead and because thousands of house owners are exactly in your conditionâ€" bound to paint soon, remember that it is better to paint than jrepair. Your house can be painted more cheaply now than later. B-H •'English ** PAINT 70%Pure'Wh!telead (Brandram's Canuint B.B.) 3Q% Puremntaiic 100?^ Purt Psint And when you paint insist upon ordering the paint with a guarantee, B.-H. "English." The paint that covers more and lasts longer. 'Save the surface and you save all ^j^^^^^fe^ F. H. W. Hickling, Flesherton, Ont. 14â€"19 R RANPWAM -H ENPERSON HtOlCINt HAT CAiOARV KDMOMTOM VANCOW>flUI »J