May 15 1919 THE f L E S H E K T O N A D V A NC THE STAHDARD lANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCB - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- «*T D ta7 3 est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. Ti-iiins ollowa : Ooiii'^ South 7.53 ;». Ill, 4.27 p.m. The mails arc P. R. Time Table. h'nvu Flesherton Station as Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. oserl at Flesherton 'aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail Kouth at 3.40 o'olocK. For morning train south niail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale ut this othce. 5Ir. Geo. McTavish was iu Toronto over the week end. No cliopping done at Eugenisi until further no'.ice. â€" ^iraham Uros. Miss Irene Wilson, who is nursing at the Offen Sound hospital, is home for a fortnight's vacation. H. Do:\a & Son have been appointed Agents for the Walkertun Creamery. Sea Adv. on pafje 1. Sunday was Mother's l)ay, and as such was commemorated in the churches, the white flower being much in vogue. Mr. U.S. VThita his been laid off duty this wjek, eufferiug from an attack of pleurisy. H. Down & Son have a larsje stock of seed onions on hand. It will be worth your while to investigtte. Rev. Ashton of Buntiock will preach in the Baptist churches on Sunday next. May I8th. Services will commence on standard time. Mr. Pinder, the new baker, and family arrived hero on Friday last aud are now hLtini{ up the bakery. Mr. Pinder expects to start baking this week. There are some who still do not realize our new terms of subscription. If your subscription goes six months overdue it will be 81 00. By [ aying proaipily you ^ave fifty cents. Marriedâ€" At Iha Methodist Parsonuge, C'oUiiigwood, on Wednesday, May 7th, by Kev. E. J. Adams, Mr, VV . H. Bristow to Miss Delle 1. Smith, both of Rob Roy. At the annual meeting of Fltshetton W I. last week iho following oflicois were appointed : President, Mrs. R. Bist ; First Vue, Mrs. O. W. Phillips ; Second Vice, Mis. A. Stewart; Sec Tie:is., Airs. W. Houry. Mrs. Harvey GrifHii, who has been ill in O.angoville hospitil for weeks and underwent several operitiont-, wai brought to Flesherton last week aud was convalescing at. the home of her mother. Mis. W. Wileock, but returned to hi.r home at Alton Monday. Married â€" .\t the Methodist parsonage, Markdalt, by the Kuv. A. f. J^'taiilo)-, Miss lit-rtlia V\hito, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David White, Hock Mills, to Mr, Fred McMulleu, only sou of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McMu.len, east back lir.ei Artenidia. Mr. W. Boyd sold the bunch of young ' cattle which he has been wintering to the Wm. Davies Co. of Toronto. The tiim sent up two uieu to make the purcha:>a one day laat week. There wore 38 animals iu the bunch and they were woith nearly .six thousand dollars. Theie were two car loads. (ierrnaiiy got her doso 'ast week at Vcisailles, and she is now drying to digest it. Tho Beast thai walked the earth fv,r four long ye us is now iu leash. When the hotd with boars tu^ks is buried iobX feet below the sunshine, this old wi rid will onco mure be able to breath withiut the choking sensatiou experienced while he lives. Get the UoheuzoUern head aud we will all be satisfiad. The Fordon tractors purchased by the Hoad and Bridge Coinuiittee of the Couuly Council have proved iuadniuate to the duty they had to perfurm and are being returned to the uiauufactuiers. This was decided ou at a ineuiiiig of the cuiuuiittee last week in Owen Sound. These tractors are too ligkt fur tho work assigned them, although all right for the work for which they were built. Tho 'Committee have now purch'ised half the number of Sawyer-Mas^ey tractors and of double the weii>ht aud power. ar<= also coal oil burneis. As the Fordon tractors had been gUiirantedd to do (he work, and failed, there was no trouble atiuut returning thciii to tho makers. There will be four of tho heavier oraotori to do the work of eight of the discarded machines. Bornâ€" On Friday, May Oth, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Dobson, a souâ€" Willi mi James. I have turned ov^r tho farm to my son and will now be at the mill every K'orking day, holidays excepted, to attend to chopping and gri»ting. We will clean your seed grain at 5c. per bag. Your patronage solicited. P. Loucks, Fleehorton. Financial statement of Kimberley Sun- diy School ; Amount raised during the year, $11!) o7 ; amount raised by Home Depirtraent, $4.01 ; number of Home Department members, 19; numl)er of cradle roll meinber.<i, 22; total number of school meiiibera, 14'J ; average attend- ance, 51 ; number of papers and helps, 187. The Upper Canada Biole Depository, kej>t at The Advance ottico, has juht received a complete stock of Bibles, rnnging in price from 50c. to $5.25. .\inong these ate sf.nie beautiful thing' for presentations. There are also Bibles for old people with large print, pocket testaments and i'salms. Come in and look at them. The Flesherton baseball club journeyed to Eugenia on Friday evening last to play a return game wifh the Power House. xVs in the gams here laat week, tho score was to* one sided to make tl e came interest ng to the spuctatois, Flesherton winning by a score of 19 to 5- Davis and Muir were the battery for Flesherton, wiiile Lawrence and Patter- son wer9 in the points for the Power House. Mr. Cameron of the Power House ac'ed as umpire. The Advance had a little squint at the new hydro park at Eugenia on Friday last, and came to the conclusion that when completed it will be a great attrac- tion for p'cnicksrs and pleasure parties. A handsome dancing pavilion is in couiso of coustruction and a gang of workmen, headed by a stalwart rsturnod soldier â€" Sandy Hoyâ€" is clearing up the under- brush and loose stones, apd trimmicg the trees to a symmetricil fmm and s-o that the limbs will not biush otf tie ladles' hats. Win Largo has the ctmlract for tho pavilion and is assisted by A. Carruthers. Electricity will bo the mode of illumination by night and if enough " bottles with redliot hairijing shut up iu 'em " arii placed through tha grovu it will be a little paradise for revelers. A substantial fence will enclose the park en three sides. Andrew Bentham Dies In Hospital .The i>ad nowi was received here on S'lnday that Mr. Andrew Bentham had pissed away Saturday night in the Western hospitnl, Toronto, following nn operation for apendicitis a week before. Mr. Beinham was a native of Flesherton hvviug been born here 07 years ago. Ho nurried Miss Margaret Quigg, who sur- vives him. (Jiio son and .)no daughter also survive â€" Will and (Kate) Mrs. Fred Slieppard â€" both of Toronto. His soli, Edward, died this past winter from pneumonia. Mr. Bentham lived here all his life until eleven or twelve year.s ago, when he moved to West Toronto and woikod at tho cirpentermg. The remains were interred at Toronto on Tuesday afternoon. His brothers, Rchnid and Thomas, and sister, Mr^. VVm. Wilcock, of Flesherton, at'onded the fum-ral. Tho .\dvance ex'cnds d' ey .sympathy to the sorrowing widow and f.iniily. Magr\ct Cream Separators Sijuare gears. â€" no fiction ; double supported bowl â€" cannot rock; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child can operate; opacity chanue â€" saves the buyer $.50.00 ; patent brakeâ€" "Magnet,' patent ; ktrong, rigid construction â€" mechani:al y correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy lo clean â€" a ciuld cKians it in a few minutes. G. B. Welton Fleshertoii, Ont. ^:- Blamed the Cigarettes A young fe'low only 17 years of age pleaded guilty in the police court on Saturday to forging and theft and was given a year in Burwash prison farm. Hia father was asked if he had anything to say and addressed the court, stating his belief that the boy had become stupid through smoking too many cigarettes and did not seem to real ze the gravity of tho 1 ffenso. The pirouts feel the matter very keenly and so does tho boy, and it is expected that he will have learned in tho year spent in Now (Jntariu that it not only pays to be honest, but that it i'' best to be honest. Evil companions and lato hours havo ruined many b>ys, so the migistrato said, and in passing sentence he stated his bi lief that the sentence would be good for the culprit as well as act as a deterrent to others. â€" Owen Sound Sun-Times. SPRING FOOTWEAR NOVELTIES JUST IN Ladies' llij^jh Cut Kid Shoes in patenr, dongola, muiiouany ami choculate leathers. Hij^h French het;l.s, military heels and sport heels. Ladies' Punip.s aiih Oxfords in kid, patent and chocolate leathers. Misses' ni<,di Cut Shoes in black and chocolate. Misses' and Children'.s Pumps, Mary Jane.s, Honian Sandals and Strap Slippers. Men's and Boys' Mahogan} Calf and Box Calf Shoes, new lasts, all sizes. Spring Specialties with Neolin Soles and Rul)ber Heels in black and chocolate. Ask to see our Men's Special Work Boots at Five Dollars Every pair solid leather throughout, .soft pliable perfect fitting custom lasts and perfectly Hnishcil i-tock, (lamp resisting, made on Correct weight for hard \vear. Spring Hosiery for men and women, in black, white, grey and brown, in silk, lisle and cotton. Pi-iees from 'Jac. to $!.")() pair. Men's and Women's Raincoats for Rainy Days. r^ 'fi "Watson's" Underwear, "Arrow" Collars, "Lang" Shirts, SnspeBilers, "Stay in Shape' Neckwear, "King" Coatless M R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO The G. T. U. station at Palgrave was recently destroyed by lire. Sparks from a passing locomotive is given as the cause. Mr.s. .4rcliie Uoluberg, wife of a Hamilton hoielmm, was foolish enough to sell a policeman iu plain clothes a botile of whistey for §5. Now she fs ?500 poorer. When she parted with the money she said she felt mure like an Ineber g than a Goldberg. The pupils of Georgetown Public School have purchased over ^00 worth of Thrift Stamps. r NEW % MUSIC STORE I have opeited up a Music Store in the Old Aiuistroug Block, $ . wlicio 1 will carry a F complete stock of f Columbia [Giafonolas 5 and ikcoi'tlsj Imperial * Orafouolas, Gorrard Heiutzmaii Fianos and biieet Music. Call and lot us show yju our stock. We feel sure you will be pleased. r J. H. HALES ('Oi.n A^.^^.sâ- rl;o.^â- |; Dlcl-k i Flesherton, - Ont. ssta Tr^ Full weight of tea in every package REDROSE TE A'is good tea! Sold only in sealed packages 121 Chard & Fisher Insurance Agents Flesherton, - Ont. Life, Fire, Automobile and Auimal lusurauce. . Â¥ Eeutrew JIachinery aud Mason Biscli Pianos For Sale. Office In RICHARDSON BLOCK (SifLLv's Old St.vku) 1, 4 =i=i=i^Z^2=JS2^2S nTSJP=Jr=3r=Jr=Jr=Jr^ FURNITURE HELP WANTED Be your own boss. Start a groceiy business of your own. All kinds oCfuniitui-e in our showrooms. Call and sec (jH our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A largo " range of prices to suit your pocket book. 3^ \ ue your own 1>0S8, Suut a cutrate Ijj groceiy business of your own. ?2y to ..I'l 851) invested should earn you 325 weekly. i ' â€" H. Y. .Martni, Win-I.sor, Ont. ...»..•..•..â- .â- •..•, UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi dav Phone 30 r li jdarefully Corrected Each Week j Butter 40to;0 42 j J^figs 43 to 43 j ^'lii-'at 2 00 to 2 11 jl^'-'^s 1 4t}tol 50 <^'»^'' 70 to 75 |B">''ey 78 10 80 I- W. H. BUNT Flesherton, V_ r=Jr=^r. ! Farmers Attention j -Make luoney in your spare time jduniig the coming Fall and Winter s^J^^gj! i "^°""'* "^^ ^'''"'"° '""'^y Cauadioo I uursery stock . Ont. New Bakery For Flesherton Having pnrcliased the bake shop in Flesherton I have fitted up the same and am now pre- pared to cater to the public in first class Bread, Bnns, Biscuits and Pastry. My Rveatest effort will be to please tho public, and yonr custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop. Notice to Creditors 111 the matter of the Estate of Robert Williams, bite of the Townshif) of .Aneinesiii, in the County of Grey, Kiirinor, decea.sed. Ivotico is heiubv uiven, pursurtnt to ••The Tiiistec Ail'' (R. S. O . 1914, Clwi). 12!) that :ill creditors and others ha"iiiii cliiius !<!;;iinst the estate of the said II ibert Willi mis, who died on or about the Fifteen! h d:iy of February A D. 191'.t, are rinuired on or before the Sixteenlh day of May A. D. 1!)1'.», to send by post prepaid or deliver to Wriyhfc Telford it Wnlter of the town of Owen Sound, in tho (!ounty of Grey, Solicitors for John E. Williams and UoberL riiintt, E.ieoutors ot the last Will and TcKtaiiicnt of the said Kobert Williaiii.i decoised, llieir Chrislian and Surnames, iiddresseH and descriptions, '.ho full particulars of their claims, the stiitemont of their accounts and (he nature of the securitien, if any, held by them. And lako notice that after such las mentioned date the said Extcutors will proceed lo diairibiUB tho assel? of Iho said deceased .iinong Iho parlies untitled thereto havinj; regaid only to the claims oF which llidy shall th>Mi have noiice. and tho said Exeeiitorit will not he liable for I he paid assets or any part thereof to any person or persoiiS of whose claim notice shall not have buou received by them at the time of such diclribution. Dated his loth day of April A. D. low. WKIGUT TELFORD * WALTER, 0«¥on Sound, Ootari SATIS I THAT Is what over IOC nseis say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 19 00 Gravitywashers and wrinj^ers tilectiic an< washers gasoline power ALSO for McCorinick Binders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Flow.s, Steel Stalls, Harn>ws. Gasoline Eiii^ineB, Uranlford double Koaiod and aulo oiled airinotor Wind MilU, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slinys, Manure Cairiers, Wiler Buwls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when htlcd wiih my patmt. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. I British and Europeaji markets will I bo open again fur Canadian Fniit and 'â- now is tlio time to order for spring ! planting. j Largest list of Fruit and j mental Stoolc, Seed Potatoes, j grown iu Cauada. Write for parWoulai'B. Orna obo. I Stonn & Wellington i The Fonthiil Nurseries. I M'lstHbli.shed 18:!7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Get The Best- ELLIOTT iTouge and Charles Streets, Toronto Isnoled tfiroiiKhout Canada for hiuh grade busincis educAtion. Great demand for our graduates Open all j e»r. Enter now. Writ* fur Catalogua. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal